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100% The City of Zhuridge / Chapter 2: The Police of Zhuridge City

Chapter 2: The Police of Zhuridge City

The red and blue of the police lights illuminated the dark streets as Tyrone raced after the car in front of him. He gritted his teeth and bore into the gas. His police cruiser flew over the bumps in the road and he silently prayed that his suspension would survive the night.

"The suspect is headed westbound on route five, are there any officers in pursuit?" a voice crackled in through Tyrone's radio. He smacked at the transponder until he found the right button and radioed in.

"Officer Smith here. I am in pursuit of the suspect."

"Affirmative, Officer Smith. A squad is being sent to intercept."


Tyrone turned his full attention back to the road. The black sports car he was chasing was weaving in and out of the light traffic. With a growl, he glanced to the side, seeing on his car's GPS where the roadblock was likely going to be set up. Just a bit farther forward.

The sports car went screeching to a halt. Tyrone hit the brakes and swerved to avoid hitting it, coming to a stop directly behind it, blocking it in.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to talk to a lawyer before we ask you any questions. You have the right to a lawyer during questioning..."

The suspect was a white man of average build. Short brown hair, no tattoos, stubble dotting his jaw, he was the spitting image of a face in a crowd.

Tyrone sighed and dragged his hand down his face. Another day, another wannabe record breaker.

"Look, man." Tyrone rubbed his temples. "I know Johnson Chaos got famous when he was in town, but it's still illegal. If he hadn't died, he would have been heavily fined, maybe even jailed."

The suspect turned red and looked away.

"Yes, sir."

Johnson Chaos was a criminal and the leader of a gang of stuntman called the Chaos Warriors. They became famous when Johnson broke the record for the fastest street race in America three years back, dying just after winning. Ever since, the Zhuridge police have had their hands full keeping wannabe copy cats from wreaking havoc.

Tyrone escorted the man back to the station and sat down to write up his report.

"Breaking News!" The TV reported.

Tyrone groaned and let his head thump against the desk. It was too late for this.

"A giant mandrill has broken out of the Zhuridge Radiation Laboratory and is terrorizing downtown, eating hotdog stands and destroying balloon factories."

A few desks over Grover slid down in his chair like a schoolboy.

"Again?" he complained. "Every month it's something."

Tyrone snorted.

"Just like you to complain," he said, leaning back on his seat and smirking at the other.

"Shut up, man, I know you're thinking the same thing!"

Tyrone snorted, "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say."

He was, but he didn't need to admit that.

"Well you can go down there to help if you want, but I'm finishing up this report and going home."

Grover fell out of his chair with a hearty laugh.

"Aw, man, you think I'm stupid or something? No way in hell I'm going out there!"

Tyrone shook his head and went back to his report.

He finished with it just as the TV chimed that the hero Slider was on the scene.

"See, they didn't even need us." Grover gestured to the screen. "Ridiculous. That Slider chick is crazy powerful."

"Be nice. She's been in the hero business nearly longer than we've been alive."

"Yeah, and we still got plenty of problems every day, huh."

"Don't be stupid. It's not a superhero's job to deal with misdemeanors, that's why we even have cops nowadays."

Grover huffed, "I still think they could do a whole lot more."

Tyrone shook his head. There was no use arguing with him when he got like this.

The drive home was uneventful, though the vampires were out more than normal but that was probably due to the now dead giant monkey.

"TYRONE!" a shout tore through the still air and Tyrone jumped, instinctively pulling his gun. He recognized the speaker not a second later.



Mama Smith came bustling into view, a smile adorning her face.

"I thought I heard you come in! How is my boy?"

Tyrone felt a smile pull at his features and he scooped up his mama into a big hug.

"I'm good, Mama," he said. "Just got off duty. What are you doing here?"

"Is that any way to greet your mama?"

Tyrone made a show of sighing and rolling his eyes, hiding his smile behind a bored palm.

"How are you, Mama? I love you. It's been forever since I saw you. How's the old man?"

Mama Smith beamed and pecked Tyrone on the temple.

"Your father's sickness is back, but he's a real fighter, that man. I'm in town for the weekend to visit your Aunt Ruth."

Tyrone nodded, and listening while he moved, began removing his jacket and shoes.

"That reminds me," his mama started. He knew where this was going. "When are you gonna bring your mysterious girl around for dinner?"

"I told you, Mama, my partner wants to stay secret a little longer. I'm sure they'll want to meet soon."

Mama Smith huffed and settled down in the armchair in the living room. She was definitely pouting, but Tyrone decidedly payed her no mind.

"Is it Martha?" Mama Smith has taken to guessing.

Tyrone thought of how Martha was saved in his phone as "The Supreme Fartmaster" and chuckled.

"No, and it's not Michelle either, so don't bother asking."

Michelle was "Queen of Tooting," so that's really all the explanation needed.

Mama Smith was definitely pouting now.

Tyrone, to avoid further interrogation, clicked on the television. Some soap he knew his mama liked was on and she turned her attention off him.

An explosion echoed from across town.

"Was that a firecracker?" Mama Smith asked.

Tyrone shrugged.

"Didn't sound like it."

His phone was buzzing like crazy. He walked into the other room and answered Grover's call.

"Dude, are you seeing this?"

"Hello to you too, Grover. Seeing what?"

"Turn on the news."

"Whatever you say, man."

Tyrone stepped back into the living room.

"Mama, need to barrow the TV."

A non comical grunt from Mama Smith was enough for Tyrone to grab the remote and switch he channel.

"-plosion which crippled the city hospital grid. Slider is already on the scene, battling the villain over the city."

"Ty, I can hear your TV, you're seeing what I'm seeing, right?"

"We've got to go help," Tyrone said, springing into action.

"No kidding, man. I'm already headed over there."

"Mama," Tyrone set his phone down to look his mama in the eyes, "I gotta go. I'll be back later, aight?"

Mama Smith nodded, standing and dragging him into a tight hug.

"Stay safe, baby."

Tyrone pulled back after a moment.

"Don't worry, Mama, I will."

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