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50% Necromancy 101(To be updated in the future) / Chapter 2: Orientation

Chapter 2: Orientation

The new area past the fog was completely different from the grand buildings that normal humans attended, and he was faced with archaic structures as if he went back to medieval times. A grandiose castle stood at a distance as even more luxurious students appeared in his sight.

These ones were a bit different than the ones he just came across though. Some were leaning against a tree as a pen floated in front of them, taking down the words they were saying.

Others were holding mock battles where arcs of flames and electricity flew back and forth.

He could even see a bearded figure flying in the skies with wings of light spreading from his back.

This was the hidden world of magic that very few would have access to in their entire lives. A world where unless you had specific items allowing you to enter, you would forever remain clueless about.

This was the real Ivy Lague school that young Warlocks and Witches of all races and lineages wished to join. This, was the Imperial Institute of Technology and Magic.

Ian was at a slight loss as he looked at the magical scenes around him, a piercing voice waking him out of his stupor.

"I'm gonna ask one last time, are you Ian Ambrose?"

Ian turned his face and observed where the voice was coming from, his gaze landing on a fiery red-haired girl dressed in a business suit. Her red hair couldn't seem to remain still, and actually looked to be dancing on her shoulders.

"Yes, I'm Ian Ambrose."

The girl's nose scrunched as she looked him up and down and nodded.

"You should reply quicker and be on alert next time. Your orientation is about to begin, come with me."

Ian nodded as he followed behind the girl while continuing to observe the fantastical sights around him. He had learned of this hidden world from his mother way back in his childhood, learning about this secret at a very early age. He had only ever heard and read about it though, watching his mother perform magic the few times when she wasn't busily running around.

He followed behind the girl towards an area where many young magicians who should be here for their first day were gathered. The fiery girl went towards the front of the group as a small notebook floated in front of her.

She looked over the book as she nodded and spoke.

"Alright, everyone is here. We'll now get started with the tour of the actual Imperial Institute of Technology and Magic. You can call me the Fiery Witch or Witch Mary, whichever rolls down your tongue better, but never call me Mary."

She looked at the freshmen's bewildered faces as she pointed to the archaic building behind her and continued,

"This is the main building where you will find most of your classes. The north quadrant will be elemental classes, the southern quadrant will be your alchemy and botany classes, the west is where you will find the life science and technology classes, and the east is the professor's lounge which you should just stay out of unless you want to be turned into a test subject."

The fiery girl was deadly serious as her words rang out, moving forward as she beckoned everyone to follow with her fingers.

They walked for quite a bit as the environment of the school was introduced to them, spending over half an hour as they were shown the Library, Restaurants, and many more places around the campus. For many of the freshmen, they were seeing these magical sights for the first time. Ian was among them as he tried to maintain his cool-headedness and maintain a calm expression on his face while absorbing everything around him.

"Here will be the freshman dorms where you all will spend most of your time practicing spells and playing with yourselves. A bit of advice that I can give you for both activities, make sure your doors are closed and nobody else is around, or things could get messy."

There was a bright smile of the Fiery Witch's face as she joked, and it was quickly wiped away when she received broken laughs.

"Hmph, that concludes the tour for now. Most things are in one location so it shouldn't be too hard for you to find your classes. For now, use your ID cards to locate your rooms and settle in before you go exploring."

The freshmen moved about in excitement as the Orientation finished, wanting to check out the dorms they would be staying in quickly. Before they left, the Fiery Witch said one last thing.

"Oh, and a small warning that I have to give to every incoming freshman- Do not try to explore the Dark Forest behind the main campus after 10 PM. There isn't any mystery to it, you might just simply lose your life."

The excitement was dampened as the freshmen heard talk of death as the last thing, before the Fiery Witch smiled brightly and finished.

"Welcome to the Imperial Institute of Technology and Magic young magicians. You are in for a world of wonder and adventure!"


Ian entered the freshman dorm with the blue card he held in his hands as he followed a blinking blue arrow showing him where to go. He went through the building that had an air of archaicness while also seeing T.Vs and equipment that didn't match the ancient feel.

He climbed a set of stairs and arrived on the second floor where he found a room titled B21. The glowing keycard in his hand let out blue light as it neared, and the door automatically opened to the room he would be staying in for the next year.

The school was Ivy League for a reason, as he found himself in an expansive room that seemed more like an apartment. There was a simple styled kitchen and a living room, as well as a bedroom and bathroom that would normally be found in luxury hotels.

Off to the side was another room that was enclosed by a metal door, which had a table and chair inside as it was empty of anything else. This should be the area where the students can practice their spells.

Ian looked at all of this and felt a slight calm amongst the excitement as he would finally be able to practice the many things he couldn't before.

He had arrived at the Ivy League School that trained the best magicians in the United States.

He was considered a legacy student in this school because of his name, the House of Ambrose being one of the founding members of the Imperial Institute of Technology and Magic. His entire tuition and board for all the years of study were paid for, all he had to do was to put in the effort.

He would put in as much effort as was required to rise through the ranks and let people know the grandeur of the House of Ambrose once more.

His gaze hardened as he pulled out a thick black book from his backpack and laid it down on the table. This was one of the inheritances that the House of Ambrose left behind with all of its years of history.

Besides the bloodline coursing through him, this was the other thing he had to his name. It was one of the reasons for the downfall of the House of Ambrose, the scandal that pushed them out of influential circles and put them in the position they were in today. The thick black book read- Necromancy 101

Adui Adui

Hi everyone ^.^

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