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25% Necromancy 101(To be updated in the future) / Chapter 1: Magic is real
Necromancy 101(To be updated in the future) Necromancy 101(To be updated in the future) original

Necromancy 101(To be updated in the future)

Author: Adui

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: Magic is real

Magic is real.

Monsters are real.

The world was wide and heavily populated, and only a small percentage of elites that pulled the strings knew about this huge secret.

A young man stood in front of the entrance to a grand university that had people of all shapes and sizes going in and out. It was the scene of a common bustling college that you would find in many cities all over the United States, with this one having a slight difference.

Many of the students walking across the long and clear paths on the campus all wore luxurious uniforms that screamed out privilege and wealth.

These were the students of one of the top Ivy League Schools of the country, these were the students attending the Imperial Institute of Technology.

The young man looked at these passing students that held an air of pride and arrogance with every step they took as a clever smile appeared on his face.

In his hands, he was holding a blue card that listed a name, an ID number, and a slightly different name of the University that he would be attending starting today. The blue card occasionally had a shining light that was barely perceptible to the eyes.

The Imperial Institute of Technology and Magic

Ian Ambrose :: 752306

Freshman Magician

The blue card listed a few more words that very few people in the world were aware of. The prestigious university that was known by the masses as the one that cultivated the leaders of the world actually held an even more prestigious identity.

It was one of the leading schools in the World that taught talented Warlocks and Witches and cultivated them to become leaders across all fields.

Graduates of this school were always the titans of industries. In known history, two presidents of the United States had graduated from this very same school.

The most successful stockbrokers, doctors, engineers, politicians, and the richest people around the world were trained in schools like these. Their one common trait was that they were all either Warlocks or Witches.

Magic was real, and those that wielded magic used it to keep the world in order, and keep the masses in the dark about it for thousands of years.

Through magic, there was order. Through order, there was strength.

The Institute of Technology and Magic was one of the academies that trained the next generation of world leaders and innovators. Even for normal humans, getting into this school was insanely hard. The difficulty was further increased for fledgling magicians.

Ian Ambrose came from a long line of powerful magicians that established the House of Ambrose for centuries. This powerful house helped fund the creation of the Imperial Institute of Technology and Magic in its beginnings, giving their descendants guaranteed admission for as long as they lived.

Many years had passed for the House of Ambrose, and they weren't the same powerful family that held sway over entire cities anymore. Through many reasons and scandals, their position that was unshaken at the top had been brought down over the years, until they reached their lowest point this year where only a single descendant had the talent for magic and could attend university.

Ian was a legacy student that would be attending this University starting today. His smile became brighter as he thought of his special position and moved past the throngs of students, following a line of blinking lights that were only visible to those holding an identity card like the one he had.

He was an only son, with a normal human that was exceptional in the field of medicine being his father, and his mother being a powerful Witch that has been running what was left of the House of Ambrose. Powerful families rose and fell, and this one was at its lowest point.

For Ian though, this was only a momentary thing to him. He had a tremendous amount of confidence in himself, and even more so on the bloodline his mother had passed down. Even though the House of Ambrose was now weak, its history and secrets were nothing to scoff at. He believed in himself to excel in this school and become a powerful Warlock who could carry the burden of his entire house.

He was excited to start learning in this school, as magic was only allowed to be taught in certified universities. He had read many of the old books in his family home and learned a great deal of things that would put Senior Warlocks or Witches to shame, but he had never put it to practice.

He wanted to learn more about the world of magic, the spells he had only read about, as well as the many fantastical things that 99% of the world was still unaware of.

He followed the blinking lights as he got further and further away from the busy lines of students and came across an area on the campus surrounded by large trees.

The trees looked to be covered by fog and had very little visibility as a few normal humans passed around the grove as if there was nothing there. Ian thought of the powerful masking spells he had read about that could hide things in plain sight, making people never come across something they weren't allowed to.

He went closer to the trees as he neared a large one at the center. The tree looked very old, but there was the outline of a door right in the middle of it. Ian neared this door as he brought his blue card close, and a light shined out as the door attached to the tree...opened.

His eyes were curiously shining with light as he entered the path which was showing a completely mystical world through it.

It closed behind him as he found himself faced with an entirely new campus. This was the real face of the Ivy League School, The actual Imperial Institute of Technology and Magic.

Adui Adui

This is a story I never had a chance to put to words and found some time this weekend while finishing up the chapters for Infinite Mana. It's more of a story for me to unwind and write something different for a change and won't be updating with crazy fast releases like my main novel. I'll post some more as more time opens up in my schedule and I find my pacing with my school's program. Hope you guys enjoy ^.^

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