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100% Motivation. / Chapter 1: New Here
Motivation. Motivation. original


Author: Broken_Anime

© WebNovel

Chapter 1: New Here

Arnold woke up, took a quick shower and walked into the kitchen. His mom was still sleeping, and his dad was at work, meaning he had to make breakfast this morning.

'Okay.... lets start with the eggs' Arnold started to cook, and after around twenty or so minutes, the smell of freshly cooked food now filled the kitchen, and the bacon was almost done. Arnold flipped the last piece of bacon onto the plate and grabbed a fork for himself and ate his breakfast, before packing up the rest, and grabbing the lunch he made yesterday. he then walked out the door and into the direction of school.

Arnold arrived at school, just as others began to show up. Arnold heard the sound of a bike bell, then a skid, followed by the sound of footsteps as a friend came up behind him.

"Hey Arnold!" the boy who Arnold knew was named Harold came from behind him,

"Morning Harold." Arnold kept walking the brisk wind going into his jacket, giving him goosebumps.

"So, anything good happen for you this weekend?" Harold caught up and walked next to him,

"Not really, how about you?" Arnold reached for the door, and pulled it open,

"Aah, I went on a date with Lauren this weekend, it was nice.... I pity you Arnold." Harold smiled slyly as he followed Arnold inside,

"Why's that?" Arnold felt like he should smack Harold,

"You don't have a girlfriend!" Harold began, "I just can't understand why you don't want one!" Harold began to rant and closed his eyes for a bit to make himself seem more serious. In the time it took for him to open them again, Arnold walked off towards his class.

Arnold walked into class, and then found his seat. He was in his second year of highschool, and was only a sophomore, but he was already adapted to the building, as well as the general rules. Gerald Fizt Private school consisted of several buildings on a large property, these were the three main buildings of Elementary, Middle, and Highschool, as well as various buildings for extracurricular activities and electives, art, p.e. etc.

Anyways, back to the main bit.

Arnold walked into class, and found his seat. He put his bag on the ground and pulled out a notebook. opening his notebook, various notes were revealed, not math notes or science, but music notes. Arnold was part of the music club, and took a variety of music classes, including but not limited to, Quire, Orchestra, Guide to Rock, Classical Winds, and Advanced Music Theory. He was, in all views, a music nerd.

As Arnold made minor changes here and there in his song, more and more students walked in, until finally the bell rang, and the homeroom teacher walked in, and Arnold closed his notebook. The older man, around 50 or so arrived at the podium, and then turned to address the class,

"Good morning class, we have a new student here today. Please welcome Travis, he is interested in classical arts, but specifically literature. Treat him kindly." the teacher finished and a young boy, with a tender face and cute look walked in and then turned to introduce himself,

"H-hi, I'm T-Trav-vis, please treat me well!" Travis stuttered through his introduction. A couple girls giggled at his cute embarrassment, and Travis was sat down next to Arnold. Travis introduced himself to Arnold,

"N-nice to m-meet you..." Travis pretty much muttered, and yet Arnold managed to hear him,

"Nice to meet you as well. My names Arnold." He turned to face Travis and held out his hand, "If you need help, or somebody is bullying you, just come find me."

Travis shook Arnold's hand and gave a small smile, happy that he wasn't made fun of,

"Th-thank you, I-I get made fun of a l-lot because I t-tend to st-stu-stutter when I get sh-shy, s-so it's hard to ma-make friends..." Travis looked down in a reminiscent manner

"Don't worry about it, we all have our differences, anyways we need to stop talking and focus on class, we've been talking for like five minutes." Arnold gave a wide grin, before returning to his notetaking.

Arnold spent his first couple of classes with Travis, and introduced a couple if his friends who also liked classical things, be it art, literature, music, etc., and helped them get to know each other a bit before when the fourth class came around they separated from each other, only reuniting in their seventh class and last class of the day before clubs.

After classes ended, Arnold helped Travis yo find the literature club, and then introduced him to the club leader before ditching him. Arnold arrived in the music club and sat down with a stand in the empty room. Arnold was the president of the music club, which was pretty much non-existent. Arnold sat there and continued working off of what he did that morning. After writing a few stanzas, Arnold went over to the storage closet, and pulled a guitar out, and proceeded to tune it, as well as strum a couple cords. Finally ten minutes later, he started playing his piece, humming along with it. the beginning played well, and smoothly, and over time got a little gritier until it ended. the song was very strong emotion wise, and brought to mind a flower getting stepped on as travelers walk by, and ending on a rather sour note. Arnold was happy with the piece, and stored the guitar, as well as the music into the storage closet. Arnold then got ready to go home. Finally a full hour after school let out Arnold left.

Arnold arrived home to the scent of good food, and walked straight to the kitchen without taking off his shoes,

"Hey mom!" Arnold hugged his mother who hugged him, and then told him to go take off his shoes before he got dirt everywhere.

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