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36.36% The Tale of a Playful Jester / Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Hunter Academy

Chapter 4: Chapter 3: Hunter Academy

Although, humanity had migrated to the sky, they weren't safe yet as there were also monsters that could fly, however, those weren't the only threat as portals also appeared on the floating islands from time to time.

In the case that monsters and portals appeared Hunters are dispatched in order to deal with the threat.

The pilots that controls the gears are referred to as "Hunters", however, before they are called so, they have to go through training in using the gears, and for this purpose, each of the 7 countries have set up their own academies, these academies came to be called as "Hunter Academy".


[We're arriving at the hunter academy island {Jupiter} please prepare as the ship is about to land]

In a flying vehicle used as transportation from one island to another, an announcement resounded to let the passengers prepare as they dock to the island's hangar.

A few moments later, the ship landed and opened its hatch as the passengers, all of them were wearing the same clothes that seemed like a school uniform, for the men, they wore gray pants and gray blazers with a black color on the end of each sleeves, on the other hand, the women wore the same blazers but were wearing gray skirts with a tinge of black on the end.

As all the passengers got out, a boy and a girl that looked like twins could be seen, it was Akio and Ayane.

16 years had passed since they reincarnated, and the twins had grown up properly, Akio had a tall stature with black hair and blue eyes, however, he had an unkempt hair that covered his eyes, while Ayane was only slightly shorter than Akio and has the same black hair and blue eyes, her hair was long and looked smooth and has a perfect figure, both of them inherited the good looks of their parents.

Ayane looked around with delight before looking at her brother and speaking.

"Brother, look, this academy island is huge!" Ayane exclaimed excitedly.

"Calm down, Ayane, we still have to go and register" Akio said.

"Jeez! can't we leisure for a bit?" Ayane complained while pouting.

Not paying attention to his sister's complaint, Akio started walking towards a certain direction.

"W-Wait up!" Ayane said, flustered.

After walking for a few minutes, Akio and Ayane arrived to a place where the new students had gathered.

It was the registration building where students that had just arrived go to register, it's also where they could get assigned to a room.

In total, there were 5 booths that handles the registrations, so there were a total of 5 lines, Akio and Ayane picked a line and went to it, waiting for some time until it was their turn.

Ayane was the first to arrive in front of the line, Ayane faced the person handling the registration, it was a woman that looked to be in her mid-20s with long blond hair and a face that looks like a foreigner.

"Welcome, please state your name" Said the lady with a gentle smile.

"Asahiro Ayane" Ayane replied.

She then quickly input the name upon hearing it from Ayane.

Looking at the transparent screen display, Ayane could see her information.

"E-Eh!?" The lady gasped as she saw her information.

"Anything wrong?" Ayane said as she saw the lady gasp.

"N-Nothing, Asahiro Ayane right? class 1-A, go to dorm no.4 and show this to the dorm staff" The lady said as she quickly tried to recover from her shock.

The lady handed a card to Ayane and she received it, she then proceeded to get out of the registration building, however, she didn't immediately head to the dorm building but waited for her brother.

Following after Ayane, it was Akio's turn.

"Name please" The lady said shortly, still recovering from the earlier shock.

"Asahiro Akio" Akio said indifferently and not minding the lady's attitude.

The lady flinched as she heard Akio's family name, remembering the girl earlier, she then searched for his name.

"Sigh*, Asahiro Akio, class 1-C, dorm no.5" The lady said while heaving a sigh of relief and handed a card to Akio, to which, Akio accepted and went out of the building.

Regarding the difference in the lady's attitude towards the 2, it was understandable.

Before coming to the academy island, one has to take the tests on the examination center on their own country island before they can be students.

During each tests, Ayane had shown her abilities, on the compatibility test, she didn't control her mana showing that she was 100% compatible with the gear she also showed extreme expertise in controlling the gear, of course, training for 6 years with the gear, being skilled with a gear isn't surprising.

Akio on the other hand, restrained his abilities, thinking that he didn't want too much attention, at the compatibility test, he made sure that it only showed that he was only 30% compatible with the gear which was the minimum limit to pass, not only that, he showed average skills in using a gear, allowing him to be seen as an average student.

Going back to the current time.

"Brother, what's your class and dorm number?" Ayane asked, curious if they would be together.

"1-C, I'm at dorm no.5" Akio replied.

"EHHHH!!?? Why didn't they put us together!?" Ayane complained, furiously as she tried to head inside the building and complain to the lady.

"Ayane, don't make a ruckus" Akio said as he pulled his sister by the arm, trying to stop her from going back in.

"But...."Ayane was about to say something but stopped as she noticed the students looking at them.

"Besides, not like we won't be able to see each other" Akio said as he patted his sister's head.

"Fine...."Ayane resigned.

The twins head out to escape from the attention of the students and proceeded to go to their respective dorms.

After walking for some time, Akio had arrived at dorm no.5, as he entered the dorm, he looked around and saw an area that looks like where he is suppose to find the staff, but when he took a look, there was no one there.

"Oi kid! you a new student?" A voice of a woman called out to Akio.

Akio looked around, looking for the owner of the voice when he found that it was the person lying on the nearby sofa that seemed like she was sleeping while a lewd magazine was covering her face, it seems that she had drunk seeing that there were multiple cans littered on the table in front of the sofa, and she also reeked of alcohol.

"I'm the dorm mother, give me your card" The dorm mother said, to which, Akio walked closer and handed her the card that was given to him by the lady back in the registration office.

The dorm mother snatched the card from Akio's hand and removed the magazine on her face, finally revealing what she looked like.

The dorm mother was in her mid-20s, she had a long black hair tied to a pony tail, she was wearing a black sleeveless shirt and a short pants.

She looked at the card and assigned Akio to his room.

"Asahiro Akio, room 203, it's on the 2nd floor, don't go up to the 3rd and 4th floor or you're dead" The dorm mother warned and gave the card back to him.

"Understood, Thank you" Akio replied as he received the card.

When the dorm mother looked at the card, Akio could see her eyes flicker and figured that she was wearing something used to analyze data, thus, he didn't question her as to how he knew his name, the card was also their i.d.

Akio then walked towards the 2nd floor, as he reached the floor, he quickly found the room.

Beside the door, he found a scanner and figured that he needed to use the card, he quickly took out his card and brought it towards the scanner, the scanner scanned the card and unlocked the door with a beeping sound.

Akio proceeded to open the door and enter.

The room was a spacious room, it had its own bathroom, a fridge, a bed, a table, 2 chairs, and a monitor, one wall of the room was made of glass, thus, allowing him to see the outside, there were also curtains used to cover the glass.

Akio looked around and checked if there were hidden cameras but found nothing, on the other hand, he found a remote on the table.

He tapped a button on the remote and suddenly, the wall near the bed opened, it seems that this was where he could put his clothes, he tapped another button and this time, the floor opened and revealed a set of gym equipments, another button controlled the curtains, and the last button showed another bed.

Checking the time, it was almost 6:00 pm, Akio unpacked his belongings and went out to go to the cafeteria.

The cafeteria was also a separate building, it was huge as there are only 3 cafeterias which is suppose to accomodate all the students of each year on meal times.

Upon Akio's arrival at the cafeteria, he looked around trying to find his sister but didn't find her, he then headed to the line to get a meal.

After waiting for some time on the line, Akio successfully got his meal and found an empty table, he pulled the chair to take a seat and started eating quietly.

A few seconds later, a student with spiky brown hair got to Akio's table.

"Hey, mind if I sit here? all the other tables were full" The student asked.

"Go ahead" Akio replied as he continued eating.

"Thanks! you're a life saver! I'm Jin, Ogami Jin, nice to meet'cha" Jin replied with a smile as he pulled the seat opposite to Akio and sat as he put his meal on the table.

"Asahiro Akio" Akio lightly introduced.

A moment later, something garnered the attention of the surrounding students.

'Woah, she's pretty' such thoughts surfaced on the students minds, mostly boys.

"Hey, that girl looks cute, wonder what class she's in" Jin said as he looked towards the door.

Noticing that there was a commotion going on, Akio looked at the center of all the attention and found Ayane who was looking around.

Akio waved his hand to Ayane which surprised Jin.

"Oi man, what are you doing!?" Jin exclaimed but was dumbfounded the next second.

Ayane, noticing her brother waved back and look behind her, there was a girl with pink hair behind her, Ayane pulled her by the hand and headed towards Akio's direction.

Jin saw that the girl was heading towards their direction and looked at Akio.

"Wait! you know her!?" Jin blurted in surprise.

"Well, she is my sister" Akio casually said, leaving Jin to be dumbfounded.

The surrounding students, seeing that a boy got the beauty's attention got jealous and glared at Akio, on the other hand, Akio didn't pay any attention to it.

Ayane along with the pink-haired girl finally arrived at Akio's table and greeted.

"Brother! this is my new roommate, Mizuhara Shiela" Ayane cheerfully said.

"N-Nice to meet you, A-Asahiro-san" Shiela meekly introduced.

"Asahiro Akio, Ayane's twin brother" Akio replied.

"Ogami Jin, Akio's friend, wait you're twins!?" Jin interjected.

"When did you become my friend?" Akio said.

"Just now!" Jin replied.

After the introductions, Ayane and Shiela went to get their meals, the boys on the line allowed the 2 to cut in line, which angered the girls, meanwhile, Ayane and Shiela didn't mind it and just accepted.

Getting their meals, Ayane and Shiela headed back to Akio and sat, Ayane directly sat beside Akio while Shiela sat beside Jin.

After meal, the 4 of them remained seated and lightly chatted.

"So, Ayane-chan and Akio, I just noticed, but....are you from that Asahiro household?" Jin prodded.

"Eh! You mean, that famous Asahiro household!?" Shiela exclaimed.

The twins nodded as to confirm it.

"But you shouldn't be so surprised considering you're a Mizuhara" Akio casually mentioned.

" found out, huh..." Shiela shyly said while scratching her cheek.

The Asahiro household was a famous household that excelled in military arts since before the calamity, they're fame skyrocketed once the calamity happened and gears were created as they were extremely skilled in using the gears.

The Mizuhara household on the other hand is a household that developes gears, they had also developed 6th generation gears.

After chatting for a bit, the 4 bid farewell.

"See you brother!" Ayane said.

"It was nice meeting you Akio-san" Shiela said with a light smile.

"Same here, please take care of my sister, although, she can be a bit troublesome" Akio said.

"Ehhh! brother!" Ayane retorted.

"Ufufu....sure!" Shiela confirmed.

"This.....I'm being ignored!?" Jin complained.

After saying goodbye, the 4 headed to their dorms, it seems Jin is also in dorm 5 so he and Akio went back together.


Back in the dormitory, Akio had arrived in his room but was greeted by a difficult situation.

A few seconds ago, Akio went straight to his room when he arrived.

As he entered, he found a person changing clothes in his room, but the problem was, it wasn't just any person, Akio stood there staring at the person changing.

The person was staring back at Akio, this person was in the middle of changing and was wearing a longsleeved white shirt that looked like it was meant for a man, however, the problem was that the person changing was also wearing an undergarment that was meant for women.

The person changing was a girl, but the reason Akio kept staring was different, it was because of the system notification that had appeared.

"Kyaa!" The girl shouted then grabbed a book beside her and threw it to Akio.

Akio quickly reacted and dodged the book, he then dashed towards the girl and covered her mouth as she saw her about to shout.

"Perv-! mmph-!" The girl was about to shout but was stopped by Akio.

"Calm down!" Akio hurriedly said.

However, she started struggling even more, not wanting to cause any ruckus, Akio hit her back and put her to sleep.

Zhiell Zhiell

I should prolly add harem tag, right? tomorrow is another update! a mysterious girl pops out and class is about to start, also, this is not a solo leveling rip off! got it!?

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