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40% Reborn As Gilderoy Lockhart / Chapter 5: VISIT TO ZOO

Chapter 5: VISIT TO ZOO

After yesterday's whole fiasco today was relatively calm day.We woke up quite early as we had to go to the zoo.We needed to go early because we had portkey to the zoo.We had to go the portkey station from where we needed to go to Ireland.After going to Ireland we would need to take the portkey to entrance of zoo.

'It must be pretty far away that we need to take multiple portkeys' I thought to myself.

At dinner table,

Me:"Good morning everyone."

everyone:"good morning gillie"

Me:"father where exactly is this zoo located?"

Father:"It is at north east of ireland.An island."

me:"You mean it is on north east of ireland on island?"

father:"The zoo itself is island.How do you think they manage to have so much space for keeping the creatures?."

Me:"how did newt scamander manage to obtain a island by himself?"

Father:"Well he was awarded with it due to his contribution in war against grindelwald.That was also how he got them pass laws of protection of magical creatures."

I thought to myself"Makes sense.Those in power would not have given up on such resources if newt would have not participated in war.Weak does not have right to speak for peace.Hmm....Its funny actually the war which happened was known as the Great War But everyone just calls it war against grindelwald. How much did that german bastard frighten them that they willing give up resources for newt helping them?'.I was smirking thinking what exactly grindelwald did that named him one of the nefarious dark lord of century.When I was awoken from my musings by mother who told me to finish my breakfast.

We went downstairs and went to ministries magical transportation and portkeyed to ireland.After which we went to portkey to "SANCTUARY".It is name which newt scamander gave to the ZOO .Here all species of magical creature which were on verge of extinction are protected.At least that is what it said on information board.I also was glancing through "FANTASTIC BEASTS AND WHERE TO FIND THEM"BY NEWT SCAMANDER.I found it intriguing.He had described almost everything about the creatures that not even an ancient magizoologist who researched for years could find about them.It was from there habits to there anatomy and misconceptions.It was quite wonderful read too.Also I came across interesting hypothesis newt suggested.According to him the density and quality of magic depends upon number of magical beings present in that area and also where constant the use of magic is done in that area magic is quite dense quality.This thesis did prove correct from his finding over years he was researching.This got me thinking where does even magic originate from ?Also what is our relationship with magic exactly?Are we parasites who just use magic and one day will it deplete?OR Are we symbiotic?.This is my first time thinking about this stuff.I need to research about this.

My father came back after retrieving passes.We went inside from gate guarding the entrance of island, suddenly I experienced change in magical density.It was so dense that it almost feel tangible.It was like magic power was tickling my skin.It was similar to how I felt magical currents in potion but this time I did not have to focus.It just came to me.Soon we started exploring the zoo.This was quite different from what was I expecting .The creatures were not kept in seperate spaces locked in four walls.Rather we had follow the path going to each habitat type watching each creature as pass by there homes.What is peculiar some creature even if saw us going by there home they did not attack or came near us.I asked one of the caretaker of animals that were present there about.

Caretaker:"That huh.We get that question a lot.You see kid,This path here which goes through is enchanted such a way that is similar to one way mirror.Where only we can see them but They can't see us."

Me:"But Don't any creature accidentally come closer to path then what?"

caretaker:"That is what we are here for!Don't you worry kid.Just enjoy the sanctuary."

After asnwering some more questions from us siblings we bid our goodbye to caretaker.We went from habitat from habitat seeing different creatures.From acromantula to billywig,blast ended skrewt which looked quite funny.[Blast ended skrewt was actually a cross between manticore and fire crab].Most of the creature I recognized from movie 'FANTASTIC BEAST AND WHERE TO FIND THEM'.There were some which I did not know like chimera,erumpent,etc which my personal magizoologist sister sylvie told me about them.[Chimera is creature that has head of lion,body of goat,and tail of dragon] quite bizarre creature actually.[Erumpent are creature like rhinoceros with roundish body.It is also in movie actually.]Also got very beautiful bird called Golden snidget.It was golden in colour and it was moved very fast that it looked it was just teleporting from One place to another.[Interesting fact about that golden snidget is that it was used in earlier version of quidditch as snitch.]We also saw home of bowtruckle.[Bowtruckle are insect eating, tree dwelling ,wooden creature that is hard to spot.Pickett was a bowtruckle shown in movie.They are also known as wandmakers friend as the wood which bowtruckle stay are said to worthy of there dwelling and is used in wand making.]

We also climbed the mountain from which Thunderbird were sited.It is quite fantastic creature with a gold sheen in its feather with lighting sizzling from its feathers end once in while.We also saw a herd of hippogriffs flying in skies.After having lunch we brought from home we went to exhibit which was actually underwater.There we saw a grindylow,graphor,Kappa.We also watched a care taker feed a kelpie.It was awesome.It also did some jumps from water.

All in all It was day well spent.We talked and laughed between ourselves. gabby at least started to answer honestly and conversed and laughed with us.As the sanctuary was going to close we went to our final destination a bicorn field.[Bicorn was cow like creature which has quite big horns.They shed their horns annually.It is also one of the ingredients in polyjuice potions.].According sister sylvie this is actually the time closer to there annual shedding.

Suddenly one of the bicorn starting going on rampage which led surrounding people into panic and which cause the effect of herds going crazy.And shit hit roof.There were shouts.People taking there kids and running.Caretaker shouting to calmly exit the door that they were calming down the herd.But I was in different kind of world .Somehow for whatever reason I was able to feel the the emotions of that bicorn.It was going through a lot of pain and agony that it went mad.It started thrashing around.But suddenly This feeling came to halt And that bicorn looked in a direction.

I turned my head to look what it was looking at And I found gabby out of the path holding her leg was bruised.She did not realise she was outside and bicorn was looking at her.I thought 'Not good'.I was going to shout at her come back on path but suddenly that bicorn dashed towards gabby and she finally noticed it and freeze up.I suddenly dash in front of her a part of me saying'You can't handle it.You are weak. Don't be hero.'But I still run in front of her and channel all magic I can with mix of emotion and desperation 'I don't want to die ' and willed it to stop the bicorn.A bean shot from my finger and hit bicorn and suddenly it stopped in its place as a statute.And that is the last I remember.....

Pov Gabby

This whole christmas vacation had been strange.First My younger brother who I had hated first came to get us on station.I thought 'Great First time I come from school.I had to see this brats face.'I thought he would want something from us so he came.But I was surprised when he said nothing arrogant rather he was polite.The biggest surprise came to me when that brat asked what we wanted for dinner.I could not believe was this the same arrogant prick from 7 months ago that I knew .Not only that he also volunteered to help us and started conversation with us.But when he suggested to go to zoo and it was instantly approved.I instantly knew that this how is it always going to be .No matter how much he changes he will always be that insufferable spoilt prick.

But again I was proven wrong the brat came to my room and asked if I hated him.I first thought maybe he is making of fun me so I honestly replied seeing what will he say.Come on what are you going to taunt me jeer at me?.But never in my life did I think that he will apologize and ask me to be his sister.I thought this was his ploy or some game he was playing.

But then he said I can punish him if he does something bad.And did not believe him but seeing sincere look in his eyes I agreed.But I was still going to be on guard if he does something.But in today's visit he was perfect younger brother and I really had fun today.Thought Maybe he really does want to be my younger brother and I would like that too.But then day took a turn for worst suddenly I heard shouts and people running around crowding.I also got kicked in my leg suddenly that I had to get out of the way and hold my leg to ease up the pain.

While doing I suddenly saw a bicorn coming at me and I couldn't move .I wanted to defend myself so searched for my wand when i remember we have give our wands at entrance as it was not allowed to carry them inside.I felt despair and fear'Was I going to die?'

Suddenly someone came in front of me and fired a spell and bicorn stopped.I felt intense joy and happiness.I wanted to give my thanks to my ...saviour but he suddenly he dropped down and looked at his face...It was my younger brother..gillie.That brat who I did not even talked properly was the one jumped in front of danger and saved me.He really wanted to be saw my sister sylvie in distance and cried for help to her.Hearing my voice she came to get me but suddenly stopped when she fainted gilles body she immediately shouted and called for help.Now here I am watching Him Unconscious and saying"Please come back to me brother"

Chaitanya_Kulkarni Chaitanya_Kulkarni

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