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33.33% Reborn As Gilderoy Lockhart / Chapter 4: DAY WITH FAMILY


I was looking at the surrounding king cross station like looking at treasure.It was really exciting to see one of the legendary feature of harry potter world and ones where wizards journey truly starts.Still looking around to see where would that magical locomotive would come from ,I hear my mother say"Honey looks like someone really missed his sister?"and in response my father smiled gently towards me.Well I wanted to say I was excited to see the place and vehicle rather than my sisters.But I have pretend Because I would need their support for longer and if making them happy by playing the 'good family kid'is going to achieve that then so be it.While having my inner monologue,I turn towards them And give them bright simle and say"Yeah I really miss sylive and gabby".My mother ruffled my hair and wanted to say something suddenly we hear a whistle so loud that for a moment I was startled but regained my calm once again.After practising meditation and magic spell it has really become easy to control your emotions.I look around for source of goddamn noise when a I see locomotive in red colour approaching us.Soon it passed By us & stopped at some distance.Gotta give praise to whoever made it , he was great enchanter and had very royal taste. The amount of decoration and designs carved into carriage made it look quite abode for royals.Some carriages were made more beautiful and exquisite that a fashion noob like me could say that was awesome. I tried to peek inside from doors from where hordes children and teenagers of all sizes and shapes were coming out.While looking around my mother grabbed my shoulder and pointed at a direction and said"there they are sweety.lets go".She pulled in that direction and I came to face to face with 2 girls.One was with brown hair which reached to her waist freely falling down,her skin was white & supple,wearing a yellow and black colour robes signifying she was from hufflepuff. And standing next to her was blond haired girl who had jolly expression on her face, with red and gold robes hm..that means she is gryffindor.But suddenly she looked at me and her face froze for second, turning into frown.huh what is her deal? anger?no there is nothing in my memories that would warrant that.Lets see how situation unfolds first.we went near them and my mother and father hugged them.Noticing me black haired girl suddenly got excited she came near me.I thought she was coming for me to hug so I was going to spread my arms but suddenly she pulled my cheeks and screeched and said"aw gillie did you miss your sisters so came to get us?how cute give a hug to your sister"Before I could say anything she pulled me in hug.Seeing this scene my mother said"he was so excited to meet you guys that he kept looking around in direction of train"hearing this black haired girl suddenly tightened her grip around me that I started suffocating but I managed to get glimpse of blond haired girls stunned face.Thank whichever deity there is that give my father wisdom that he said"let go of him slyvie. kids we need get home before it gets too crowded . We would have go in batches we would be late."I asked "why in batches?"Father reply"ah it's your first time at station right ?I forgot.Well you see gillie the entrance of station which is passage from muggle world to here is enchanted and warded to make sure no muggle know about it.Also it makes sure that it muggle do not notice people suddenly disappearing.But it has only a specific range of effect and certain number of people capacity after it would start lose its potency.Now suddenly of thin air many people start to appear then those muggle will notice something is wrong and start snooping around.So to avoid this after certain number people gather at surrounding the gateman will start sorting them into batches to move out."After hearing this I was in mess.This is one of the things that is different than canon, rather not specified in it.but I had one question that I wanted to ask from hundreds I was having"Do those pureblood follow this rule?" hearing my question blond aired girl gabby or gabriel snorted "they are too arrogant for that.those pricks"My father giving her reprimanding glare answered me"No they don't.They use the floo located at other point on station to get in and out.Though they protested at first about this system is saying 'we do not need to compromise to hide from inferior muggles.'but after a curious muggle took notice of people appearing out of nowhere it become quite troublesome as it was going to be printed in there newspaper .Fortunately ministry acquired this news and oblivated the person in question.So from there on they had to do this method and everyone had to follow.The protesting purebloods were shut uped by opposition saying if they wont do this that would lead breaking of statue of secrecy and even those with power in ministry would be afraid to break statute as it is handled by ICW court.And no matter how much powerful purebloods are, they would not have any influence on ICW trials .Son always remember do not do the crimes that break the statue of secrecy .ALWAYS".

While our conversation was coming to an end we had reached entrance and got out of the station.while I was processing information I just received my mother suddenly asked "gille what do you want for today's dinner?we will make something special for today"Suddenly I noticed gabby face contorting in anger as if someone asked for her kidneys.Then it clicked me that she was not angry rather she was jealous of me and that jealousy was slowing turning in hate.Well gilderoy lockhart was spoilt so he should have shown signs of arrogance at young age plus he was youngest so older sibling could not say anything to him.Hmm...this will turn troublesome.I need to be explamary sibling and son so I could have this family support at least till I can stand on my feet.And having a hating sibling is not good.Look at aberforth,brother of dumbledore who was not exactly fond of him and was later used as weakness by rita skeeter to attack dumbledore.I need to do some damage control.I look at my sisters who walking besides us and said"Since big sister gaby and big sister sylvie are finally home why don't you make their favorite dishes mother?".Hearing everyone in my family had different reaction.mostly shock turning into happiness and disbelief.Disbelief from my two big sisters and happiness from my parents.'How big d**k was lockhart was that a simple kind gesture was also not expected of him 'I sighed .

After that we went home by magical bus which was a surreal experience.Getting in our home my two sisters went to there room to unpack while mother went to prepare dinner.And yes I said 'room' as in singular.While I had my own room.I kind of understand the feeling of jealousy gabby was experiencing.I mean gilderoy was pretty too much spoilt.Well it is only good news for me.I also volunteered to help them unpack which was met by a snort of derision by gabby and hug by sylvie.I also started conversation about hogwarts and their studies.well it was only me and sylvie talking as gabby was just giving short answers .well after they unpacked we went to dining table for dinner.

During there came topic to what do in christmas holiday.Where I pitched in and said"Can we go to zoo please?".This idea was instantly approved by my parents.After hearing my suggestion,Big sister sylvie looked at me and smiled lovingly.Good this idea worked.One of the reasons to my sudden suggestion of visiting a zoo was to get in good book of big sister sylvie.You see from the conversation I had with big sister sylvie I got to know that big sister likes magical creature and is quite knowledgeable about them.She also had asked to visit the zoo in past to us but was immediately shot down as it is quite expensive and my parents made excuses to not go.But for me is different as I am youngest and dotted by my parents and a young genius my words have certain effect of persuasion to them.

Also I was quite excited and interested in seeing the fabled magical creature.And I also wanted to take a break from my magical studies . So the plan was made to go tomorrow.I also asked to sylvie"Big sister sylvie can you teach me about magical creatures when we visit the zoo tomorrow?".She instantly replied"ofcourse I will gillie".

After finishing our dinner I helped my mother collect the dishes which she washed using household charms.BIg sister sylvie went to take bath after dinner and my parents to sleep.Gaby was alone in her room.Seeing the opportunity to talk to her alone, I went to her room.Seeing me getting her room she was quite surprised and asked"what do you want?"I asked"Big sister gaby do you umm.hate me?".Hearing me say this she was shocked but then she said"Yes I do hate you".Now I got caught off guard when she just admitted it.But regaining my composure I said"why do hate me?Did do something wrong?Then please I am sorry for it.Please forgive me sister and love me as your brother.Because I love you as You are my big sister!".She replied"why do we have to do always what you want?.why do we have to listen to you only?.why should I care about you?when on that time you asked me to call you as sir.Weren't you gloating that day?why are you the only one in top of their hearts.Nobody listens to me.No matter what I do. "Midway through her vent she started sobbing.Wow I got a little bit overwhelmed there.She must have suppressed it in heart for quite sometime.Damn it I kind understand what she is going through.I also don't have any experience with siblings as I was a lone child in my past life.Much less one of 12 year old.But I have salvage this situation and mend the relationship.Thinking this I go ahead and hug gabby and say"I am sorry.That I tried to undermine you.I had awakened my magic and I was arrogant at that time.I will never again to try and neglect you so please be my big sister again.I will never let you feel alone again.I cant promise to be the best brother in world but I will be your best brother that I promise".I say chokingly.She looks at me and says"why would I do that?You want me to be your sister as you want how do I know you won't go back to be arrogant again?"I immediately say"punish a big sister should when her brother does a bad thing as breaking his promise."She seeing in my eyes and a (fake) sincere look she hugs me back and says"I will hold you to that".I smile seeing at least I managed to draw a bridge and now all I have do is cross step by step and we will have quite tight bond.While I was thinking suddenly we both were held in tight embrace.I looked at who it was and found a crying sylvie.She whispered audible only to us'"I love you too".She also apologized to gabby for never listening to her.We stood there in each of our embrace.I also rubbed my eye which had become moist during this charade.I said goodnight and gave them a goodnight kiss on cheek and went into my room.I went into my bed and thinking how troublesome things today got.But it is good now have at least some support from both my sister.And I am also excited for tomorrow's visit.And I slowly drift into my dreamland.

Chaitanya_Kulkarni Chaitanya_Kulkarni

HEY guys sorry for long chapter but it would not have been good if it was broken in parts so please bear with it.And enjoy the chapter and thanks for your feedback!!!

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