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Chapter 1 : Death and Wishes

Strongest Mage in Fairy Tail

Chapter 1: Death and Wishes

As the morning came, and the sun light pierce through the window of a 2 story house. A young man was woken up from his peaceful sleep.

"Danm sun! Always waking me from my peaceful sleep!" Said the young man loudly.

"What time is it now?" As he look at the clock hang at the wall besides the door, he immediately became wide-eye and alert. " Damn it! It's already 6:44 am. The bus to school is gonna leave at 7:00 so I need to hurry up."

As the young man got up, he hastily went to the closet to take his uniform and wear it as fast as he can. After the young man wear his uniform, he immediately run from his room which is in second floor to the first floor to take his shoes lying at the corner of the door.

"I'm going now!" shout the young man while receiving no reply.


I'm Arios Aeon, 17 years old. I'm an orphan. My parents die due to a car accident. A drunk driver driving a motorcycle almost collide with their car, so they avoided it, but they collided with another car that is driving fast making them lost their life immediately after the collision. The driver of the car that collided with my parents car survive, but he is in coma till right now. The motorcycle driver took responsibility for what happened, so he compensated me and the one who collided with my parents a $2,000,000. It turns out that he is a 2nd generation rich tycoon. After he compensated us, he immediately turn himself to the police and got a prison sentence of 5 years. After the incident, my relatives who I myself don't know try to adopt me after they heard of my parents accident and compensation, but I decline them. I don't know why but I just got this weird feeling that they are up to no good. I was 13 years old when all of that happened.


A young man with a blonde hair, sea green eyes, tall nose, red lips and pretty tall for his age is walking on the corner of the street. Yup. This is Arios who just came out from the school and decided to just take a walk before going home. As Arios walk in the corner, he noticed a beautiful young woman walking, looking everywhere not paying attention to where she is going. Just as he was about to ignore the young woman, he notice that she walk near the road where the cars are running fast. As the young woman continue to walk without paying attention to where she is going, she unknowingly ended up in a lane where a truck is running fast. As Arios notice the young woman and where she ended up, he also notice that a truck is coming on her way, so he shouted at her and say "Hey, watch out!". When the young woman heard Arios warning, she became dumbfounded and look at him. Looking at the action of the young woman who just stare at him instead of moving out the way. Arios also see the truck getting nearer and nearer by each seconds towards the young woman's way. He just curse his fate and run towards the young woman and push her out of the way, replacing her place instead making him the one to collide with the speeding truck and quickly making him lose consciousness due to the impact.


After regaining consciousness, Arios questioned himself and ask "Where am I?" as he questioned himself he scanned his surrounding and notice that everywhere he look is white.

"You are in a place where the soul is judge before reincarnating them." Hearing the voice Arios quickly scanned his surrounding and found a golden particles condensing in a form of a beautiful young woman. She has a waivy blonde hair, a golden eyes that can see through a person's soul, a tall nose, moist and pink lips, and a big boobs, thin hips and perky butt.

"Who are you! And what do you mean that I'm in a place where the soul is judge?" as Arios questioned the young woman. She answer and said " I am the Goddess who presided over reincarnation, Selestine is my name. As I mentioned earlier, you are in the place where the soul is judge before reincarnating them. As you are already dead due to colliding with a truck and trying to save me, I decided to reincarnate you personally to the world that you want and I will also grant you 2 wishes."

"What do you mean I'm dead? I remembered walking on the street when I just saw..... You're that young woman that I saved!" said Arios while pointing at Selestine.

"Yes. Even though I don't need you to save me from that truck that already murdered a lot of people and sending them to another world. I will take responsibility for your death and as I mentioned earlier I will reincarnate you personally and also grant you 2 wishes." Selestine said while getting angry to the truck because it always make its work tiring and also felt sorry due to her someone died.

"Well, it's okay. I already died. Besides, you said you will be granting me wishes and reincarnate me to a world that I choose. So you already paid me." Arios said while also getting excited because he can be reincarnated in the world that he choose.

"Can I ask you a question?" Arios said to Goddess Selestine. "Yes. What is it?" answer Selestine.

"My parents are they in good condition?" Arios ask Selestine with a hopeful face. Looking at the face which is looking at her, Selestine answered and said "Yes. They already reincarnated but they don't have their previous life's memory. But don't worry they are happy. They already have their new family." Hearing Selestine's answer Arios feels happy and complicated at the same time. Happy because his parents are living happily. Complicated because they found new family, though he feels more happy for them.

"So what is your wishes?" Selestine said to Arios. "Wait let me think for a bit." Arios said while thinking hard for what he should wish for.

After thinking for a while Arios finally decided on what to wish.

"For my first wish, I wish for arc of embodiment. That magic is awesome you can do so much with it. And for my second wish is eternal arms mastery cause I want to master anything I learn easily."

"Ok, done." Selestine said while pointing at Arios. After pointing at him a golden light cover him for 3 seconds before vanishing.

"So what world do you want to reincarnate?" Selestine ask with much more passion this time. After all it is her job to reincarnate deceased soul.

"I want to reincarnate in Fairy Tail world. After all other world are too dangerous. Besides I can go to other world where ever I want after I got stronger." Said Arios while explaining his reason for reincarnating in Fairy Tail world.

"Well, then goodbye hope you live an enjoyable life." With a wave of Selestine's hand Arios got covered in white light and then vanished on the spot.

Looking at the spot where Arios stands before Selestine just sigh because she just received notification that she needed to reincarnate someone again. Looking at the image of the person dies she just sigh again and said " Seriously this truck needed to learn to break. Always sending someone to reincarnate."

[AN: I decided to remake it cause I have nothing to do. Also update will be slow because I'm reading a lot of fanfic and novel also reading manga and watching anime.]

AriosAeonVonBelser AriosAeonVonBelser

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