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Strongest Mage in Fairy Tail

Chapter 7: Arriving at Delpon Town

As Arios and Erza left the guild, they attract a lot of attention on the way.

Child:Mama, mama. What's that?

Said a child pointing at Erza and Arios Lamborghini with a star on his eyes.

The mother of the child ponder for a while before shooking her head and answer.

Mother: I don't know. Let's go home now. I still have to cook for lunch.

Said the mother while dragging the kid.

°==°==°Arios and Erza°==°==°

As Arios drive the lamborghini, he noticed that Erza is looking at him.

Arios: What is it Erza?

Arios asked to Erza who is still looking at his face.

Erza: Can we go to where I live first?

Said Erza with resolute expression, clearly saying she won't be taking no for an answer.

Arios: Where do you live by the way?

Asked Arios with confusion.

Erza: I live in Fairy hills a dormitory for the Fairy Tail guild's female member.

Answer Erza to Arios question.

°==°==°Fairy Hills°==°==°

[A/N: just search fairy hills dormitory. I'm bad at describing things.]

After arriving at fairy hills Erza got down on the car and asked.

Erza: Please wait for a while.

Arios: ok, I'll just wait here.

Said Arios while materializing a psp using his magic.

Erza is clearly curious on what he make but still decided to pack her luggage first.

°==°==°timeskip 1 hour°==°==°

After waiting for 1 hour Arios got bored playing with the psp that he make.

Arios: Erza sure is slow.

As Arios was about to go and fetch Erza. He notice her walking towards him with a mountain of luggage that she is dragging behind her back.

Arios:* I've seen this in anime, but she sure do has to many luggage*

Arios thought to himself.

Erza: Sorry for the wait.

Said Erza while dragging her luggage.

Arios: It's ok. But that won't fit in the car. Why don't I carry your luggage using my magic?

Arios suggest to Erza.

Erza: ok then.

°==°==°on the road°==°==°

Arios: Hey, Erza. Do you know what kind of place is Delpon Town?

Arios ask to Erza who is looking impressed by the comfort ride.

Erza: yes. Although it is called a town it is more appropriate to call it a village instead. Because it only has 200 family that live there. That place is also near a forest, so they rely on hunting and farming so that they can eat.

Erza answer towards Arios question.

°==°==°timeskip 3 days°==°==°

After 3 days of traveling and resting the duo finally arrived at their destination.

Arios: Finally were here.

Erza: yes.

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