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CMC Day 4

In the middle of the night at the park

Natsu stood face to face against Jilemma, while Minerva looks at him

"why are you here, Salamander?" Jilemma spoke out to the young man

"I could say the same to you" Natsu said in response "this is the capital city and it's nighttime, any types of fights can get one to prison…any kind"

"hmph! You…are you trying to protect that failure?" Jilemma said while pointing a finger at Minerva "that failure is a nuisance that must be erased"

Minerva looks down as she gritted her teeth while her tears were still dripping down to the ground

"a nuisance, huh?" Natsu said looking at Minerva before to Jilemma "so in your eyes, your own daughter is a nuisance"

"hmph! I have no failure as a daughter!" Jilemma said as Natsu and him got into a stand off, both of their magic was flaring up and rising, causing the surface of the ground to crack

Red scales and black markings spreads around Natsu's neck up to his face as the man had a demonic glare at Jilemma

"what magic power! Is this his full potential!?" Minerva thought as she looks at the rising magic power between the two

Both Natsu and Jilemma's auras rages against each other as small rubble started to fly up

Their magic battled against each other before everything stopped

The small rubble all falls down as everything went calm

Soon, City Capital Soldiers came patrolling around as they walk by

"we'll leave this matter aside for now" Jilemma said as he straightens his tie "but this score will be settled in the near future"

Natsu glared at Jilemma as the huge man turns and started walking away

When the man was gone and out of sight, the black markings and red scales started to disappear

Natsu sighs before he took a glance at Minerva who looks at him with bewildered eyes

"if you regain your strength to stand up straight again, I suggest that you go back to the inn to rest" Natsu said as he turns and walks away

Minerva looks at him as she was completely dumbfounded to what she had just witnessed

The fourth day of the CMC had come as it was a Labyrinth game

"welcome back to the CMC day 4!" Lola exclaimed "I'm Lola Chapati, your host and with here is Mr Yajima, our commenter!"

"as always, it's nice to be here" Yajima said

"the first to the third day of the CMC is outstanding! We have never had any great events like before!" Lola commented "and we have Mr. Jason of the Weekly Sorcerer as today's Guest Commentor, how do you do, Jason?"

"it's so Coool to be here, Lola!" Jason exclaimed in an energetic smile "everyone is so cool! So super cooool!"

"there you have it, folks! Jason is super pumped of the CMC and so are we!" Lola exclaimed "let's turn our attention to Mato and the Labyrinth Puzzle Game!"

"here we are nearby the Devil's Labyrinth-kabo!" Mato exclaimed as behind him was a large rock wall "each participant is passing through the Labyrinth filled with many trap doors, magic keys, anything that relates to a magical treasure hunt!"

"the rules are that each participant must get to the finish line at the end of the labyrinth with the hidden treasures in it! This event requires intelligence and luck! Two major key items in a treasure hunt game-kabo!"

An alarm rang as Mato looks to the labyrinth

"sounds like a participant managed to get the hidden treasure-kabo! Let's see who it is-kabo!" Mato exclaimed

Inside the labyrinth, it was filled with traps, doors, and magic sentries that roams around

Lucy who is Belserion High's representative was running in the labyrinth as she holds a golden egg

"this is easy!" Lucy said with a grin as there were riddles all around the labyrinth and she passed through them with ease "it's a good thing that this event requires brainpower!"

"go, Lu-chan!" Levy cheered as everyone did too

"it's amazing that she passed through that labyrinth with ease and without getting lost" Ultear said impressed with Lucy's capability and intelligence

"she doesn't play treasure hunting video games for nothing" Cana said while looking drunk

"I believe she deserves the title 'Brain Strategist', no?" Ikaruga said while petting Happy who was on her lap

"agreed" Éclair said with a smile

Lucy runs through a door as it had a riddle for her

"'I am an Element, I am what everyone desire, and what everyone despise. Once you see me, you will never see again. I am untouchable, but I can only be seen, what element am i?' an element that can't be touched but can be seen?" Lucy said while reading out the riddle before she snapped her fingers and grins "Darkness!"

She shouted out the answer as a bell sound rang and the door opened

"alright!" Lucy exclaimed as she started running again and was getting near to the finish line

"what an amazing intelligence, Lucy Heartfillia has! She's blazing through the labyrinth with such ease!" Lola exclaimed

"alright!" Mira exclaimed while pumping her fist "she's nearing the finish!"

"this event truly fits her" Kagura said smiling

"yeah" Erza stated while nodding in agreement

Natsu and Minerva was silent as the two didn't spoke a word

Minerva looks at the event before to Natsu who stared at the screen that showed Lucy

"why….why did you ever came to save me?" Minerva thought to herself

Lucy got into a crossroad where there are three paths for her to choose

She debates on which one to go through but soon sees a riddle on the ground

"'I am right, I am left, I am center, I am all direction of what you see in front, but i am not a direction that cannot be seen in front, what am i?'..a direction that cannot be seen in front?" Lucy said before she got attacked from behind by strands and strands of red hair "what is this!?"

Lucy soon fell down, tangled in the red hair

"fufufufufufu, blondie~" a creepy voice spoke out as from the shadows came out Flare Corona who is Raven High's representative "I got you now~"

"you!" Lucy exclaimed before Flare takes the egg from her "stop! Give it back!"

"there's no rules that I can't take other participants' treasure, remember?" Flare said with a creepy smile

"oh no! in midst of solving a riddle, Lucy got attacked by Flare Corona! And had the treasure taken from her! Is this the end of the road for her!" Lola exclaimed

"those cheating ravens!" Mira exclaimed while clenching her fists tight "they were waiting in the shadows all along!"

"Lucy might be in trouble" Kagura said watching the screen

"don't worry, Lucy isn't just a fighter, she's a thinker" Erza said

Flare looks at the riddle as it confused her on which direction leads her to the finish line

"hey, answer this riddle" Flare demanded from Lucy

"do it yourself!" Lucy exclaimed before the red hair tightens around her

"that wasn't a request, Blondie" Flare said with a serious glare

"gah!" Lucy grunted a bit as the red hair keeps on tightening around her "a-alright! I'll tell!"

"good" Flare said as her red hair loosens around Lucy's body, letting her speak

"it's center!" Lucy said as Flare smirks and started going to the direction without noticing Lucy's grin

As Flare went through the center road, chains sprang around the walls, and caught her

"what!?" Flare exclaimed as she dropped the egg and it rolled to Lucy who got freed from her hair "Blondie!"

"hehehe, a direction that cannot be seen in front isn't center!" Lucy said grinning while holding the egg before pointing down on the ground "it's under!"

She soon jumped on the floor as it turned into a trap door and a slide was in

"yaahhooo!" Lucy exclaimed as she slides down the slide before exiting outside the labyrinth

"we have our first-place winner!" Mato exclaimed as Confetti rains down above Lucy

The crowds instantly cheered for her as Lucy waved her hand around for them while holding the egg

"amazing comeback from Lucy! She dominated the labyrinth! 10 points were added yet again for Belserion High!" Lola exclaimed as Belserion High's score got increased again "looks like we might have a new champion this year, folks!"

"truly magnificent" Yajima said while clapping his hands

"Coool! Lucy is Coool!" Jason exclaimed while spinning around

"thank you!" Lucy exclaimed, waving her hand around

"and with the winning of the 10 points for her team, Lucy Heartifillia gets to keep the precious Hinotori egg-kabo!" Mato said while clapping his hands "Congratulations-kabo!"

"Hinotori?!" Lucy said in surprise as it was the name of a very amazing creature that can only be found at another continent out of Ishgar "amazing!"

The second place winner is Sabertooth, followed by Cerberus, Lamia, Raven, Pegasus, Mermaid, and Fairy Tail. Now ending the Labyrinth event

Going back to her team, Lucy had a big grin while holding her prized egg

"congrats on winning, Lucy" Erza said "you did great"

"thanks!" Lucy said

"I'm amazed that they would give such an amazing prize for you" Kagura said looking at the egg

"you think we can make a big omelet out of it?" Mira asked, drooling a bit in imagining a giant omelet

"no!" Lucy exclaimed hugging her egg "I'm not letting anyone eat my egg!"

"just kidding, just kidding" Mira said with a grin before she looks at Natsu who was being silent the whole time "hey, Natsu. What's wrong?"

"hmm?" Natsu hummed looking at Mira before away "nothing"

"if it's nothing, then why are you being so silent? Lucy just won, you know" Kagura said motioning to the egg, Lucy had

"oh yeah, congrats" Natsu said before yawning a bit "try and hatch it with care"

"oh I will" Lucy said caressing her egg before realizing something "I forgot that my landlady doesn't allow pets"

"that's a bummer" Mira said as Lucy sighs in disappointment before getting an idea

"I know!" Lucy said before passing the egg to Natsu "you can raise it in my stead!"

"why me?" Natsu said holding the egg

"well, your landlady allows pets and all" Lucy said "and since I don't know how to take care of an egg……"

"why you" Natsu said sighing while placing the egg on his lap

"please! I promise to buy some meat buns for you!" Lucy said while placing her hands together and begs to Natsu

Natsu looks at her before away and sighs

"I want 20 and I want the ones from the upper street store that is near Éclair's home. Those ones are the best ones in town" Natsu said as Lucy nodded

"you got it!" Lucy said with a grin before hearing a buzzer

Everyone turns to look as Mato appeared on screen

"now everyone! It's time for the Battle Theme event-kabo!" Mato exclaimed as the Roulette appeared "it's! Roulette time!"

The Roulette started to spin as it spins around faster before stopping to reveal the fighters for the round

It was Natsu against Raven High

"finally, huh?" Natsu said as he passes the egg to Mira before cracking his knuckles "get ready to see some fried ravens"

Flare was in her team's tunnel as she looks frustrated over her humiliation by Lucy

"what a disgrace humiliation you've made, Flare" Alexei, the leader of the Raven High's group said as he and the Raven High team walks towards her "you'd better do well when we battle Salamander"

"yes, Principal" Flare said with a nod

"the time has come for us to kill this reptile," Alexei said as the team exited their tunnel and headed to the arena where Natsu was waiting on them

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