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Chapter 63: Domination and Father

Natsu and the team were back at their inn as the result of the battle gave their team another 10 points, making them in the first rank place

"three days are down and gone, only 2 more days left" Mira said while eating an apple "it's hard to believe that so much time had passed"

"agreed" Kagura said holding a can of an energy drink "I'm starting to think that we can easily win the competition"

"I wouldn't say that too early" Natsu said as he was watching a replay of today's battle event

On the screen was a replay of Mermaid High vs Raven High, Milliana vs a masked man named Alexei

Natsu watched as Milliana was overpowered in the magic attack from Alexei, she couldn't even fight back at all

Rewinding the video again, Natsu watched the screen before hitting the pause button

"what do you see?" Lucy asked as Natsu points at Milliana's right arm, there was a paper talisman placed upon her

"is that some sort of talisman?" Kagura said looking at the screen

Natsu hits the play button before hitting the slow play as the reply played again but at a very slow timeframe

Everyone watched as the Talisman attached to Milliana's right arm before disappearing upon contact

"no way! It disappeared!?" Lucy exclaimed before Natsu paused the screen

"this is why she couldn't even fight back, that Talisman must've done something to her magic" Natsu said rubbing his chin before rewinding the video and paused at where Alexei is seen "this Alexei guy…..i feel like I've meet him before"

"you do?" Mira asked as Natsu nodded

"I feel like I've encountered this guy before but I can't remember where" Natsu said rubbing his head a bit to try to remember but came with nothing before he sighs "oh well"

Natsu stands up as he stretched his arms a bit

"might as well go and take a rest" Natsu said rubbing his neck a bit and then cracks it around "all of you should too"

"got it" Lucy said before realizing something "wait a minute, where's Erza-san and Minerva?"

"Erza is visiting Milliana" Kagura answered her "even if we're enemies in the competition, Milliana and Mermaid High are good friends with us"

"then Minerva?" Mira said as Natsu facepalms

"stay here" Natsu said while grabbing his vest before going out

At a park nearby, Minerva looks upon the pond as she looks at her own reflection

"with this…I will receive his respect" Minerva said combing her hair behind her ear

Soon enough, she heard footsteps behind as she turns to see a muscular sized man wearing a suit but the man had a gruff kinda looking face

"it has been long, Father" Minerva said as the man in front of her is Jilemma, Minerva's Biological Father

"what do you want? Calling me out at this time of the night" Jilemma spoke out while crossing his arms

"do I need to speak of it?" Minerva asked raising an eyebrow "did you not see the result of today's event in the CMC? How I dominated Double Fingers in the race?"

"your point is?" Jilemma said as Minerva looks at him a bit confused

"my point? Do you not see that I have become more powerful? I dominated that event and disgrace your students of your school!" Minerva said

"my students? I do not have failures as students of my school" Jilemma said "when the CMC is finished, I shall be expelling those failures from my school and erase any trace of their records"

"you!? Even those who won their matches!?" Minerva exclaimed

"a single failure in a team, means a total failure as a team" Jilemma said "I will rid my school of failures, just like how I got rid of a pathetic and failure child like you"

"you haven't change, did you!? Even after all these years!" Minerva exclaimed "this is why Mother!"

"Mother? You mean that pathetic woman who tried to protect a failure like you in the past?" Jilemma said "yes, she left me just to protect you, and for that she paid the price"

"you…you didn't!" Minerva exclaimed as a single tear slides down her cheeks

"if you want to visit her, I suggest going to the Magnolia Hospital and hold a funeral for her" Jilemma said "she might not have much time to live after all"

"you monster!" Minerva exclaimed as she swings her hands to the side, both encased in swirls of energy before a blast of magic fired at Jilemma

Jilemma saw the attack as he deflects it with a flick of his hand

"are you challenging me, foolish girl?" Jilemma asked as Minerva screams out in rage

"Yagart! Raqart!" Minerva shouted out in some foreign magic language as multiple energy spheres appeared all around Jilemma "Waretar!"

Magic beams soon fired out of the energy spheres and at Jilemma who was cornered in

"child's play!" Jilemma roared out as a burst of magic blew out, causing the magic beams to get erased and blow out a shockwave at Minerva

"Gah!" Minerva crashed down to the ground as she rolled around before reaching to a stop

Minerva got back up as she glared at Jilemma

"so much boasting yet you are still pathetic and weak" Jilemma said with a scoff "I was right in getting rid a failure like you and that mother of yours. What a disgrace"

Minerva clenched her fists tight as she slammed them to the ground

"Yagdo! Rigora!" Minerva shouted as the ground exploded and came out a statue of a quad armed spirit giant

"weak" Jilemma said as the spirit giant strikes its fist at Jilemma "TOO WEAK!"

A burst of magic exploded yet again from Jilemma as the spirit giant turns to dust from the explosion of magic

"i-impossible…..this power….it's not possible!" Minerva looks in shock as her spirit giant was erased from existence so easily

"Territory is such a great magic" Jilemma said as he dusts off some dirt from his shirt "too bad that the mage who wields that magic is such a disgrace"

"why!?...why!?...i worked so hard!...just for him! Just to get his respect!" tears soon started to drip down from Minerva's eyes as she has started crying "yet why!? Why is this monster my own father!?"

"crying, so pathetic" Jilemma said as he raises a hand up at Minerva and a magic energy ball started to form "let me put you out of your own misery"

"damnit! Damnit! Damnit!" Minerva screamed out in her mind while in tears as she tried to get up but her body wasn't listening at all. Her body was shaking, it was in fear of Jilemma "I don't want to die! I don't want to die! Mother! Anyone! Please! Help!"

"die" Jilemma said as he fired the energy sphere at Minerva

"he…lp" Minerva muttered out lowly

Before her coming death, a red blur dashed in and appeared in front of her as it kicks the energy sphere to the sky, causing it to explode like fireworks

"you are!" Jilemma said in surprise to see who had come and interfere

Minerva's eyes were wide as tears were still sliding down her eyes

"why?…..why?…why did you come?..." Minerva muttered out as the one who had come to save her was Natsu himself "…Salamander…"

Natsu stood in front of Minerva as the man had a menacing stare at Jilemma

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