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The crowd was in their usual frenzy as Day 3 of the CMC went underway.

"Welcome ladies and gentleman to day 3 of the Crocus Magic Competition!" Lola announced. "As always to my left is my broadcast colleague, Mr. Yajima!"

"As always it's a pleasure to be here." Yajima said.

"And our special guest commentator for today is the Thunder Dragon of Fairy High, give it up for Laxus Dreyar!" Lola introduced.

"don't know why I'm here but at least I get a good view" Laxus said while crossing his arms

"with such an amazing streak for two days straight, Fairy High are getting high recognition by the fans, even if they are second place!" Lola exclaimed "now! Let's go to the Event! Ball Run!"

Everyone watched the screen as there was a long Race Track in the middle of the street of the city

"this is Mato, and we are live at the Ball Run competition-kabo!" Mato exclaimed reporting from the site "we are having a thrilling event just for today-kabo!"

"rules are simple! Each participant will be at the start line which is over there" Mato said pointing at the far east side "they will have a ball with them and for whichever participant gets their ball back to the arena in the Domus Flau, wins 10 points! And the rest will be determined by whoever got next to the first place winner and so on-kabo"

"use of Magic is allowed but interference with other runners, aren't! kabo!

At the start line which is at the far side of the city, all the representatives took their places

Every school's representative did some warm ups while Minerva who is Belserion High's representative, merely stood at her position while having a smirk

"is everyone ready!?" Mato exclaimed as all participants got ready except for Minerva who just holds her ball by the waist "alright! Set!"

Mato soon pulled out a magic gun as he pulled the trigger and a big bang exploded "GO!"

Everyone soon started running but Minerva merely walked

"and they are off!" Lola exclaimed as everyone watched the screen to see the participants running as fast as they can to the finish line "on the lead is Sabertooth's Double Fingers and Mermaid High' Milliana! followed by Fairy Tail High's Gajeel Red Fox, Lamia High's Yuka, Raven High's Kurohebi, Cerberus High's Warcry, and Pegasus High's Ichiya!"

"but it seems that Belserion High's Minerva is merely walking" Yajima commented as Minerva just walks and didn't run

"that woman doesn't know when to be serious" Laxus commented

"Meen! Meeen! Meen!" Ichiya shouted out as he was huffing fast while trying to run "this is! Men! Power! Men!"

"stop with your shouting! It's annoying!" Gajeel shouted while running past the short man

"Wave Booster!" Yuka exclaimed as he was repelled with the power of his magic, increasing his speed

"ooooorrrhh! The more tears I shed! The more strength I get!" Warcry shouted while actually crying as he runs

Kurohebi merely chuckles as the man turned to sand and swoops through in its form

At the front line, Milliana and Double Fingers were running as faster

"Nyaaa! CAT Power!" Milliana exclaimed running on all four like a real cat while her tail holds her ball

"foolish" Double Finger said as he stomps his legs down before a blast of blue flames ignites from bellow, increasing his speed

"ooh! Double Fingers and Milliana are reaching near the finish line! Who will be the first place winner!?" Lola exclaimed as Minerva smirks

"it's about time" Minerva said chuckling

Milliana and Double Fingers ran faster as they were reaching to the Domus Flau where there is a Finish Line waiting for them

"Neko Neko Power!" Milliana exclaimed, running faster

"Raaah!" Double Finger roared out as he runs harder

They were nearing the Finish Line but Minerva appeared in front of them

"good work, but I shall be taking first place, weaklings" Minerva said looking at them while smirking

"Nyaaa! You!" Milliana exclaimed before she suddenly disappeared

"Minerva!?" Double Finger exclaimed as he disappeared as well

Minerva chuckled as she laughs while walking to the finish line, making her the winner

At the middle of the race line, both Milliana and Double Fingers appeared as they were teleported

"Nyaaaa!?" Milliana exclaimed in shock

"that wretched girl" Double Finger said while clenching his fists tight

"see?" Laxus said leaning his cheek against his fist "this event was already over when she entered"

"unbelievable! The winner is Minerva of Belserion High! What a turn of events!" Lola exclaimed as the crowds went wild for Minerva who entered the arena and bask herself in their cheers "who would've had thought that she would win this event so easily!"

"what an amazing way to win, I must say" Yajima commented with a nod

"an Empress must perform spectacularly," Minerva said with a chuckle "in any sort of battle"

"with her victory in hand, Minerva Orland receives 10 points for her team!" Lola exclaimed as Belserion High's score got increased by 10 as they now had 30 points and were still in the lead

Soon came the rest of the participants as they received their points as well according to their rank

"what an unbelievable day for us all, right? Who would've known that Belserion would swoop in for their victory after yesterday's battle?" Lola commented

"out with the old and in with the new, I'd say" Yajima commented

"in the end, my team got 3rd place, huh?" Laxus said sounding bored

"what did you say, spark brain!?" Gajeel shouted, knowing that Laxus was talking about him

Minerva looks proud to her victory before looking to the side as Double Finger walks towards her

"my, if it's not my old classmate, Double Fingers" Minerva said with a smirk "do you enjoy 8th place?"

"Minerva, you wretched girl" Double Finger said with his fists clenched tight "you waited for us to come near the finish line, didn't you?!"

"of course, you should know how my magic, Territory works. Don't you?" Minerva asked tauntingly

"spoiled brat!" Double Finger shouted as he raised a fist and it was coated in his magic power

Double Finger went on the attack but stopped when a wall of fire burns the path in between

"t-this is!" Double Finger looks in surprise before looking to the side as Natsu came into view

"ara ara, interfering, I see" Minerva said looking at Natsu "our deal was that I can do whatever I want"

Natsu took a glance to her before sighing and then looks at Double Finger

"I don't give a care that you two were once schoolmates or anything, but listen here" Natsu said walking in the path of flames "she's a part of my school's team, and if you want to get here, you have to go through me"

"bastard!" Double Finger glared angrily at Natsu who taunted him

"what do we have here!? Looks like we have a bit of flaming rivalry between Belserion High and Saber High!" Lola exclaimed

"this could go really bad" Yajima commented

Natsu looks at Double Finger who glared at him, the two got into a stand off before Mato came to break them up

"it's in the rules that any conflict against two teams outside of the games is not allowed-kabo!" Mato exclaimed "if you desire to duke it out, I suggest in the battle event-kabo!"

"fine" Double Finger said turning around to walk away "I'll make sure to pummel you to the ground"

"ho?" Natsu looks amused before he chuckled and laughed

"what's so funny?" Double Finger said looking at Natsu

"what's so funny? What's so funny?" Natsu asked laughing with a chuckle "it's that you try to threaten me? Pummel me to the ground? How utterly child's play"

"you're looking for a fight!?" Double Finger exclaimed

"yes, with every single School!" Natsu shouted out as he looks to the other team members "this Competition is not worth the challenge! All of you are weaklings!"

"what did you say, pink headed bastard!? I'll knock you out to the next mountain!" Gajeel shouted in anger as the other team members got riled up

"you don't say?" Natsu said smirking before looking to where a magic camera recorder was at "listen to these words of mine!"

Éclair and the others watched the tv of the CMC as they see Natsu

"this competition bores me! Bring forth a bigger challenge for me!" Natsu shouted before pointing a finger at the camera "I, Natsu Dragneel! Declare that any challenges! May it be inhuman or human, will take on anything!"

"is he seriously going to pick a fight with every school?!" Levy said in surprise

"aren't you just worried about your boyfriend?" Cana asked while drinking a bottle of beer

"something isn't right here" Éclair said looking at Natsu who was now taunting the rest of the team members of the other schools "he sounds like he doesn't mean it"

"yes," Ikaruga said in agreement "he is merely staging an act of some sort"

"but what for?" Ultear asked confused

"to the King of Fiore!" Natsu shouted out "I know that you are watching and I know that you want a show that can't ever be forgotten!"

The crowds soon looks to Natsu as he made a declaration

"I will give you and everyone in this Domus Flau, a show that no one has ever seen!" Natsu shouted out "no matter how much! No matter how many! I will take them all down! Do you hear me!? Toma. E. Fiore!?"

Everything went silent just as Natsu spoke out the King's name so rudely

A minute of silence soon filled the Domus Flau as no sound was heard

Another minutes soon passed before they heard chuckling and then laughter

"hahahahaha, interesting! Interesting!" a voice spoke as everyone can tell that it was the King's voice "very well! I accept your declaration, Natsu Dragneel! Give it to me! The greatest show!"

Natsu grins as the crowds went wild

"u-u-u-unbelievable!" Lola exclaimed as his eyes popped out of their socket "what a declaration from Natsu Dragneel! He literally challenged the King himself!"

"this will be interesting" Yajima said with a smile

"what is your comment on this, Laxus-kun!?" Lola exclaimed looking to Laxus who was gone from his seat

"to any school that wishes to challenge me!" Natsu shouted while holding his hands out "I dare you to send your greatest and strongest member! I dare you to fight against me! I don't care if it's one on one or two on one! Come at me!"

The crowds went wild as they started cheering out Natsu's name

As Natsu was getting cheered, the man looks to the side and sees Laxus

"bold declaration, you just made there" Laxus said before grinning "challenging every school in the CMC? Challenging the King himself? You must be out of your mind"

"a Show can't start without the Clincher, can it?" Natsu asked before smirking

"heh, you are a crazy man" Laxus said as he crosses his arms "I can respect that"

"what a crowd! What a man! This is Belserion High's Salamander Natsu Dragneel!" Lola shouted

The event soon ended as Natsu and Minerva went back to their podium

"how did it go?" Natsu asked as Mira pointed to the crazy screaming crowd who were shouting out Natsu and Belserion High over and over "good"

"mind reminding me on why we are literally making enemies to every single school?" Lucy asked as every team of each school, either glared or stare at them

"one simple reason" Natsu replied as he raise up a finger "to Bait them"


Natsu and the others were at their inn as they were in the middle of a discussion

"provoking every single school's own team? That's just crazy!" Lucy exclaimed to Natsu who had planned it

"wait, that might work!" Mira said "we only get to choose who has to fight in the event theme, but in the battle theme; they decide who gets to fight with that roulette. Provoking everyone will get the crowds riled up for a big fight and that means that the committee have to give what the crowd what they want"

"then… how are we going to provoke them? In the battle event?" Kagura asked but Natsu shook his head

"we'll begin the provoke in tomorrow's event battle" Natsu said holding a letter which contains the information of tomorrow's event which was the Ball Run event "provocation in the start of the day, is always the effective way"

"well then, who is going to be the team's representative?" Kagura asked as Natsu pointed a finger to Minerva

"and why do you think I will help?" Minerva asked while crossing her arms

"I know you will, because Saber High's member will be the one that you provoke first" Natsu said as Minerva smirks in response

Flashback ends

"worked like a charm, but still.." Mira said sighing a bit and looks at Natsu "did you really had to go and call out the King's name like that? You could receive a death sentence, you know?"

"but I didn't" Natsu said while crossing his arms "did i?"

"what now?" Kagura asked "we provoked them all and the king, what's next?"

"next is that" Natsu said as the Battle Theme has started, and the Roulette was spinning

The first part stopped as it showed Natsu and the next part stopped revealing 5 members of Pegasus High

"looks like we're getting the first part of the show, Folks! It's Natsu Dragneel vs the entire Pegasus High Team!" Lola exclaimed as the crowds went wild in cheers

"that was quick" Mira said as the provoking got them into a fight very early

"well then" Natsu said as he cracks his knuckles before jumping down to the arena "let's give them a show"

Arcadios watched the screen as he sees Natsu battling against the entire Pegasus' high team

"this boy is certainly unique and very interesting" Arcadios said as Natsu engaged in battle against them "Natsu Dragneel….he must be that man's son"

"unbelievable! In just a second, Natsu Dragneel have defeated Hibiki, Eve, and Ren!" Lola exclaimed as Pegasus' High lost three members in battle now leaving two left

Arcadios chuckled as Natsu defeated the three with one arm folded behind his back

"I must say, he differs from his father" Arcadios said before looking to the side "what do you think of him, Princess?"

Hisui looks at the screen as Natsu stood in flames while in a battle against Ichiya, who was the last standing member of his team while the other member got defeated easily by Natsu yet again

"he's amazing….and…" Hisui muttered out before holding her chest as her heart was beating fast "…so majestic.."

"Max! Power Men!" Ichiya shouted as he turns into a hulking muscle giant due to his magic perfume

"there it is! The Max Power Ichiya! With the power of his magic perfume, his psychic power increased!" Lola exclaimed

"take this! My beautiful and Ultra power!" Ichiya shouted as he runs towards Natsu with a fist pulled back "Beautiful Dreamers' Punch!"

Ichiya swings his fist at Natsu as the power of his swing blow a huge gust away

His fist flied at Natsu who caught it with a single finger

"i-impossible! Men!" Ichiya exclaimed as his jaw had dropped with the crowds

"you stink of perfume" Natsu said pinching his nose a bit "you're making my nose hurt, so beat it"

Natsu grabs Ichiya's fist as he throws the hulk man up

"Meeeen!" Ichiya shouted as he flies up before falling down

"as a gift for fighting me first, I'll send you off with a bang" Natsu said as he got into a stance with his right fist pulled back and ignited in flames

"Karyu no!" Natsu shouted out as the flames on his fist rage wildly

"Meeeeenn!" Ichiya shouted as he was falling towards Natsu who had his fist readied

Natsu grins as Ichiya got closer and closer before the man swings his flaming fist at front

"Tekken!" Natsu slams his flaming fist, directly at Ichiya's face as his flames burns the man's face

"HooootTTT!" Ichiya screamed out before he was sent flying to the wall in a big crash

Natsu swings his right fist to the side, making the flames disappear

"Meeeeen" Ichiya groaned out in pain as he shrinks back to his small size while knocked out

"Winner! Natsu Dragneel of Belserion High!" Mato exclaimed as the crowds cheered wildly

"looks like I overdid it" Natsu said smirking a bit before he turns and walks away

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