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35.71% Human Or Demon? / Chapter 50: Blood and Brothers

Chapter 50: Blood and Brothers

Belserion High' Cultural Festival had begun as the school was crowded with guest students and families from outside coming in and flooding the school

Natsu was at a reception table where there were two students handing pamphlets to guests who wants to know the school and even enlist themselves or their children to the school in the coming next year

The man was keeping an eye out for any guests who tries to do anything skeptic while in the school

"yo" someone called out to Natsu as he looks to the side and sees Mira "time to change shift"

"is that so?" Natsu said looking at his watch and sees that it was time to change shift when it reached 9 o clock "I'll leave it to you then"

"since you have some free time, why not go to my class? We're having a free meal set there" Mira said with a grin "the food there is to die for after all"

"I might come and try" Natsu said as he walks away while Mira waves him off

Natsu walks around the crowd as he walks pass many people and food stalls that students had prepared together

The man yawns a bit before he went inside the school where there are people coming in and out of clubs as to check and see the free practice demonstration, they had in store for them

Natsu walks by the Swimming pool where there were some people watching Ultear and some swimming club members with his copy, doing a performance swim together

The crowds clapped their hands as they wanted encore

As Natsu looks at Ultear, his mind goes back to yesterday's incident


In the infirmary, Ultear was resting on the bed with the blanket pulled over her body

"what do you mean there is another Ultear-san?" Lucy asked confused as Natsu had just told everyone that he had brought in Ultear before the other one

"what I'm saying that there might be an intruder in the school" Natsu said as he place a warm folded towel on Ultear's forehead "one that can transform and even trick me"

"so, are you saying that there is some sort of Disguised intruder?" Kagura said

"probably" Natsu said as he looks at the bite marks on Ultear's neck that was slowly disappearing "whoever it is, they're using the Blood Change Spell"

"Blood Change?" Mira asked

"it's a type of Transformation Spell that allows the mage to become whoever blood was digested" Éclair explained

"what kind of magic is that!? It's like they become a vampire!" Lucy said before gasping "could it be?!"

"don't jump to conclusion yet" Natsu said as he caressed Ultear's neck and sees a bit of red glow coming off her back "we don't know if It's the vampire from the past incident or some mage who can use the Blood Change Spell"

"should we be on alert, Erza?" Kagura asked Erza who nodded while cupping her chin

"it'd be better if we make a tight security perimeter during the festival" Erza said "if this intruder can do such an attack upon a mage, especially an Empress like Ultear. We have to be extra careful"

Everyone heard a low grunting noise as they look to Ultear who was waking up

Her eyes fluttered open as she looks at the ceiling above before to Natsu who was beside her

"Natsu?...where am i?" she asked in a weak voice

"the infirmary, you were attacked" Natsu told her as Ultear looks confused before her eyes widen when she remembered what attacked her "red eyes!"

"the red eyes? Does she mean Minerva's pet mouse?" Mira said looking to the others

"it couldn't be, she was attacked after we found Minerva's mouse." Lucy said "unless there are two?"

"do you really think that a mouse like a Licom Mouse can make a bite mark like two holes?" Ikaruga said as a Licom Mouse has only one buck tooth in it and it is in a very small size "which reminds me of the bite marks on you this morning, Natsu-han"

"you got bitten too?" Éclair asked looking a bit worried

"when I was asleep, I don't know what made the bite" Natsu told them

"so the intruder took a bite of Natsu and Ultear…but why?" Erza said rubbing her chin

"in any case, we have to be attentive tomorrow." Natsu said "if this intruder changes form to either Ultear or me, you all have to be careful"

"is there anyway to find out who is the real one and the fake one?" Mira asked

"the voice and the memories" Lucy said "the Blood Change spell only allows psychical and form transformation; it doesn't allow the caster to mimic the voice and the memories of the blood's originator"

"the voice and memories, this might be hard if this intruder can actually mimic voice" Kagura said

"then just ask a question that only I and Ultear know" Natsu said

"but what?" Lucy asked

"that's up to you guys, I can't think of a question like that" Natsu said shrugging his shoulders


Natsu looks at Ultear as she went out of the pool with his copy and the club members

He looks at them for a moment before he went off to who knows where

"please come!" Lucy exclaimed while wearing a maid uniform while holding up a sign that had "Maid Café" written on it. "Class special Maid Café opened for today only!"

People were passing by as they were looking around the classes school event

Students in outfits were calling out to guests as they were inviting them into their class

"welcome!" Levy, Cana, and Juvia greeted incoming guests as they wore maid outfits like Lucy

"please come in!" Lucy called out before she looks ahead and spotted Wendy with her mother "Wendy-chan!"

Lucy greeted Wendy who wore an adorable white dress while hugging her white dragon doll

"it has been a while" Grandeeney greeted Lucy while holding Wendy's hand

"nice to meet you again" Lucy said bowing to Grandeeney before kneeling down to Wendy's height "long time no see, Wendy-chan!"

Wendy nodded with a smile as Lucy caressed her head before standing up

"I still can't thank you and your friend enough for saving Wendy and the kidnapped children" Grandeeney said as Lucy shakes her head

"it's fine, Grandeeney-san. We were glad enough that we saved Wendy-chan and the other kids in time" Lucy said with a smile before she looks to Wendy who tugged her skirt

"where's Natsu-niichan?" Wendy asked not seeing the salmon haired man

"ah, Natsu is busy so he won't be here for a moment" Lucy said as Wendy frowned and looks down

"Wendy wanted to meet him again. when I told her of the festival that this school was holding, she was really excited for it" Grandeeney said patting Wendy's head

"oh, I see" Lucy said before kneeling down in front of Wendy "Natsu may not be here but I promise that he'll come here"

"really?" Wendy said pouting a bit

"really" Lucy said before seeing Wendy poking out her pinkie finger

"promise?" Wendy said as Lucy smiled and connects her pinkie finger with Wendy's

"promise" Lucy said smiling as Wendy smiled too

"now come on" Lucy stands up and holds Wendy's hand "let's go into my class café and I'll call Natsu to come"

Wendy nodded before she holds her mother's hand and they went into the class café together

Natsu was in the student council room as he was in the middle of doing some paperwork with a copy of him

"haaaaa… can't believe that I have to do this much paperwork" Natsu said taking off his glasses before rubbing the bridge of his nose

His copy vanished as Natsu was now alone in the student council room

Natsu sighs before he hears his Lacrima Phone ringing

He takes it out of his pocket before answering the call as it was from Lucy

"yeah?...uh huh…Wendy? And her mother? the class café, huh?...yeah, I'll be there in….10-15 minutes…alright" Natsu said on the phone before hanging up and pockets it

Natsu stands up as he went to the door before heading out

After Natsu was gone, a shadow appeared around the room before disappearing

In the Dance Clubroom, Éclair and the rest of the members were prepping up in their dance outfit

Éclair was getting some make up on her as she puts on some lipsticks

"do I really have to wear make up?" a Copy of Natsu asked as a member was placing some make up on his face

"it's tradition to wear make up when dancing, Natsu" Eclair said giggling as Natsu had black paint marks on his face "you do look handsome like that"

"thanks" Natsu said sarcastically as lipstick was placed on his lips before the make up was done "I'm starting to ask myself why I am still in this club"

"well…it's because we can be together here?" Éclair asked placing a kiss on his lips before smiling

"I buy that" Natsu said before they all head out to the stage in the track field

As they were about to head out, Natsu stopped for a moment as he felt like someone was watching him

"Natsu?" Éclair called out to him as Natsu looks to her and the club members before to the room

"yeah, I'm coming" he said before leaving, without realizing that two glowing red eyes were looking at him before disappearing

Mira was doing some patrol security checking of the festival as she walks around

"I thought patrolling would give me some actions or something" Mira said bored while eating a lollipop in her mouth "but it's nothing but just watching around"

Mira walks around the festival before she passes by Sayla who walks pass her

Mira's eyes widen as she snapped to the direction behind her

"that time…vampire!?" Mira looks around as she couldn't spot Sayla anymore, it was as if she had turned into thin air

"I got to get the others" Mira soon started running as she was going to find anyone and tell them of Sayla being in the school

Natsu was in his class, as he went and greeted Wendy and her mother

The man was sitting at a seat where Wendy sat beside him and her mother

"and I learned wind magic from Mama!" Wendy said smiling while hugging her dragon doll

"is that so?" Natsu said with a smile before patting Wendy's head

"she has a great potential to become an amazing Healer Mage" Grandeeney said pinching Wendy's cheek lightly, getting Wendy to giggle "and I couldn't even be more proud than ever"

Natsu smiled before he heard a ring on his lacrima phone

"sorry" Natsu said excusing himself out to take the call

Taking out his phone, Natsu sees that the caller is Mira

"what is it?" Natsu said on the phone as he hears Mira chattering and the sound of her running "what?...are you sure?"

Natsu's eyes squinted as Mira told him of Sayla's appearance and that she was looking around for a black haired woman with red eyes

"where?...get the others….alright" Natsu soon hanged up the call as he closed his eyes and made a copy of himself beside him

The copy went into the class while the original walked away

Demonic Natsu soon appeared as he floats around

"you're nearing your limit of copies" he told Natsu as the man had copied himself 17 times already

"just shut up" Natsu said while sweating a bit

Mira was running around the school hall as she was trying to find Sayla

"Mira!" Erza and Kagura came running in as both were wearing cosplay

"why are you two wearing cosplay?" Mira said pointing at them

"ei! We can worry about that later! Right now, did you have any lead on the intruder?" Erza said

"nothing, it's like she vanished into thin air!" Mira said as there were too many people and it was so easy to mistake one for Sayla

"this is a big problem, there are too many people here and that vampire can blend in perfectly" Kagura said as people were passing by them

"hey" Natsu called out as he walks towards them but Erza and the others got tensed at him

"do you need to be reminded of the metal spike ball?" Natsu asked while holding a metal spike ball from out of nowhere

"it's him" Mira said, shaking a bit when she saw the metal spike ball

"Mira had filled you in?" Erza asked as Natsu nodded

"I'll try to find the vampire, you guys stay at where your class are at" Natsu told them "we don't know the vampire's objective here, for all we know, the entire school is in danger"

Erza and the others nodded before everyone dispersed

Natsu walks away as he passes by people before his form changed into Sayla

"Natsu-sama…" she muttered out with a smile

Natsu was walking around as he was looking for Mira and the others

"where are they?" he said as he was told to meet up in the intercross section on the first floor

He looks around and only sees guests passing by

"Natsu?" a voice called out as he turns and sees Lucy with Ikaruga "what are you doing here?"

"what do you mean? Mira called us all in to meet here to discuss the vampire, right?" Natsu said

"but you told us to stay at our class, did you not?" Ikaruga said as Natsu looks at her confused

"what do you mean by that? I didn't say that" Natsu said "I just got here"

"but Mira-san and the others told me that you already met up with them" Lucy said as Natsu looks more confused

he closed his eyes and connect his sight with his copies, every single one of them are within the school vicinity but nowhere near Erza and the others

"don't tell me" Natsu said as his eyes glowed red and all his copies' eyes did the same

Natsu sees the entire school layout before he spotted Sayla by the library

"got her" Natsu said before looking to the two "call Mira and the others, and get to the library"

"eh? Why?" Lucy asked but Natsu just started running

"just tell them to come there!" Natsu exclaimed as he started running towards the direction of where Library is

Sayla was in the library as she was standing near a bookshelf

"hey cutie" someone called out as Sayla turns to see a couple of teenage boys trying to hit on her

Sayla's eyes glowed a dim red color as she sees the blood in the teenage boys' body

She licks her lips as she had a small smirk

"wanna go out and have some fun?" the boys asked trying to go out with Sayla, not knowing what she truly is

"very well" Sayla said as her fang slightly shined in her parted lips

The boys grinned perverted as they were happy to get a beautiful girl, but that went down the drain as Natsu came in

"very sorry, guests" Natsu said holding a hand out to the boys "but we don't allow asking girls out during the festival"

"w-who are you!?" "you wanna fight!?" the boys exclaimed as Natsu just took off his glasses before looking at the with his eyes turning reptilian

"" Natsu said as the boys pissed themselves before running away

"WE'RE SORRY!" they screamed while crying like wimps

Natsu's eyes went back normal as he puts on his glasses before taking a glance to Sayla who disappeared

"she ran away, huh?" Natsu said before looking to the side and sees Mira and the others coming in

"is the vampire here?!" Mira exclaimed as Natsu shook his head in response

"that vampire nearly took the blood of some wimps but I stopped her" Natsu said before sighing "then she escaped"

"You met her?" Lucy asked

"yeah, she looks like some normal girl but I saw that she had fangs like some bat" Natsu said as he crossed his arms

"we should hold the festival to a close, the guests are in danger here" Mira said

"if we could, we could've done it from the start. But it's too late" Erza said "everyone in town knows of the vampire incident, if we do something like shutting the festival down because of the vampire, the school might be in for a big panic"

"is there any way to find her? With your copies perhaps?" Ikaruga asked as Natsu shook her head

"she ingested my blood and Ultear's, she can turn into me or her and I'm already at my limit with how many copies I can make in one day" Natsu said while rubbing the bridge of his nose "With the addition of my copies around, it's hard to tell who is who now"

"can't you just call back your copies or something?" Lucy asked as Natsu closed his eyes and sees that his copies were doing something with Éclair and the others in their clubs

"can't, they are all doing the event for the Cultural Festival. Making them disappear is going to make things more worse" Natsu said

"then what should we do?" Erza asked as Natsu rubs his chin before snapping his fingers

"Trick" Natsu said as everyone looks at him with a question mark appearing above their heads

"Trick?" they said, repeating his words

By the pool, the club members were heading into the showers while a copy of Natsu stayed behind and dried himself off with his magic

"we'll head to the shower first" Ultear said as she and the club members entered first

"alright" the copy said nodding before sitting by the bench

As the girls went in, Natsu was alone as there aren't any crowds left by the pool

Sayla was hiding in the shadows as she watched the copy of Natsu sitting alone

"Natsu-sama…" she muttered out before her form changed into that of Ultear's

Natsu yawns while sitting on the bench as the only thing he hears is the sound of the shower going on in the shower room behind him

He sighs bored before hearing footsteps behind him

Natsu turns to look and sees Ultear coming out of the shower

"what's wrong?" Natsu asked as Ultear sat beside him "hey, you're still wet, you know?"

Ultear just leans her head against Natsu's shoulder as Natsu looks at her before sighing

Her eyes glowed red as Ultear's lips parted and her fangs were shown

"what is your objective here?" Natsu spoke out as Ultear's eyes widen a bit

Natsu took a glance to her as his eyes were black and his pupils turned reptilian "Well?"

Ultear backed away from Natsu as her form changed back into Sayla

Natsu looks at her as his eyes keened at her form

"just like…." Natsu thought as a transparent figure appeared beside Sayla before disappearing

Sayla took a few steps back before Mira and the others came in out of nowhere

"can't believe it worked!" Mira said grinning

"yeah, I had thought that his plan would fail" Erza said as Natsu had used an Illusion Magic to disguise them as nearby surroundings

"but it worked out very well" Kagura said holding her sheathed sword

"what shall we do with her?" Ikaruga asked already drawing her sword

Sayla looks at them as her eyes keened on Mira

"looks like you still remember me, I'm flattered" Mira said as she transformed into her Satan Soul and cracked her knuckles "I'll give you ten-fold the payback for what you did to my siblings"

Sayla gritted her teeth before she turns and jumps away

"after her!" Erza exclaimed as they chased after Sayla

Natsu was about to go after but stopped when he sensed someone behind him

"my my, I knew that I should've told her to stay but she went and got into trouble in the school" a voice spoke as red scales and black markings climbed up Natsu's neck and face. His hands transformed into flaming black reptilian claws

Natsu slowly turned his head as he sees Zeref Dragneel standing behind him with a smile on his face

"Zeref!" Natsu growled out as his fangs sharpen

"it's been a while, Natsu" Zeref said with a smile

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