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Red Eyes and Mouse

The next morning came as the sun was rising

Natsu who was in his demonic form was sleeping in the Kenjutsu Clubroom as Happy was on his chest, curled up into a ball

Happy woke up as the feline yawned before stretching its body and licks its paw then to its head

The clubroom door opened as Ikaruga comes in wearing a kimono that slightly revealed her assets

"ara" Ikaruga smiled as she walks towards Natsu who was still asleep and gently carries up Happy into her arms

She scratches Happy's fur as the feline purred and leans against her scratches

Natsu grunted in his sleep as he sat up and yawned for a good 5 seconds

"good morning" Ikaruga greeted him while petting Happy's head

"yeah" Natsu replied yawning again and scratched his back before rolling his neck around, making cracking sounds

"were you asleep here for the night?" Ikaruga asked as she scratches Happy's chin and got a delighted meow in return

"yeah, the only place where it wasn't crowded too much" Natsu said as his body reverted to human form "and not too noisy as well"

"I see" Ikaruga said as she lets Happy walk out of the club room "then, let us begin"

"begin? What?" Natsu asked as Ikaruga closed the door shut and soon stripped her kimono slowly

"what else?" Ikaruga asked looking seductive to Natsu as she walks towards him and place her hands on his shoulders before leaning towards his ear "I heard of Éclair that in your prime form, you are truly a beast of the night…but in this case, the morning"

"am I going to have to do this with them every single day?" Natsu thought as he sighs before waving his finger like a circle, creating a magic circle on the door

Ikaruga soon takes Natsu's lips before the two laid down together

Meanwhile, Happy was licking its paw outside the room and rubs its head with it before walking off to do who knows what

2 hours later, after finishing their little morning sex. Natsu sat up as his body reverts to a human while Ikaruga laid beside him, naked and exhausted

"Éclair…..did not jest" Ikaruga said nearly out of breath but with a satisfied smile

"you girls are getting too addicted to this" Natsu said sighing as he grabs Ikaruga's kimono and drapes it over her body before he went and grab his clothes

As Natsu wears his clothes back on, Ikaruga sat up while covering herself up with her kimono

"Natsu-han" Ikaruga called out to Natsu who was in the middle of putting on his pants

"what?" Natsu asked as he buckled his belt on his pants

"did Happy bite you?" Ikaruga asked him

"what?" Natsu replied as he looks around his hands for any bite mark

"here" Ikaruga said as she points to her neck

Natsu put a hand to his neck as he felt two little holes on the skin

"what the?" Natsu caressed his neck as the two holes were small before they disappeared

Leaving the Kenjutsu Clubroom, Natsu went off the hallway while caressing his neck

"now where did you go, Happy?" Natsu said as he was trying to find his pet cat

As he walks around, he passes by the Library where the Literature Club was at and things inside was a whole mess

Checking and see the big mess, Natsu went in

"what happened here?" Natsu asked to Levy who is a member of the Literature club and was in the middle of picking up some books

"oh, Natsu" Levy looks to him while carrying some books with her "just look at this, some person went in and messes up with the entire bookshelves"

Natsu looks around as he sees Books on the floor everywhere and some of them had pages ripped out of them

"how many books are in this condition?" Natsu asked holding a book that had some pages ripped out of it

"just a few of the Human body, and Illusion Magic" Levy said while carrying a pile of books

"Human Body? Illusion Magic?" Natsu said as he reads the book and it is the same book of Illusion Magic that Éclair had once read "why only these?"

Heading to the school pool, Natsu went to the showers there to freshen up and later continued finding Happy

The cold water hits his face as Natsu lets the water flows down his body

He sighs before washing his hair with the water and rubs his face

Demonic Natsu soon appeared as the spirit had a hostile look on her

"what?" Natsu said while taking a shower

"something…..something demonic is in this school" he told Natsu while having a glare on "and it's giving off an uneasy presence"

Natsu took a glance to the demonic spirit as he thought of his words

"can you sense where it is coming from?" Natsu said as his Demonic-self shrugs his shoulders in response

"it's like it's there and the second gone, it's presence is somehow demonic but not at the same time" he told Natsu before disappearing

Natsu looks behind him before he touched his neck and caressed it

"that time…." Natsu thought as he remembered the vampire incident and the black hair woman

His thinking soon stopped when he heard footsteps coming

"who is there?" Natsu spoke out

"ah! Sorry!" it was some random female student who stopped by the front door before going away

Natsu looks to where the front door is as he takes a hard glance before looking away and continued showering

As Natsu showered, a shadowy figure looms around the dark corners of the shower room. red glowing eyes stared at Natsu before it disappeared into nowhere

Éclair was in the Dance Club room as she was brushing her hair

She hummed before she heard a meow in the room

"a cat?" she said as she stopped brushing her hair before looking to the side and sees a little paw scratching around the slightly closed door

Placing away her comb, Éclair went to the door and opened it. Behind was Happy who meowed to her

"Happy?" Éclair said in a bit of surprise as she kneeled down and carried up Happy "what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at Natsu's apartment?"

Happy meowed to Éclair with a smile as the feline nuzzles its head to her cheeks

"hey, that tickles" Éclair smiled as she scratches Happy's chin before going back inside to the clubroom

Closing the door, Éclair sets Happy down and lets the feline roam around the room while she went back to brushing her hair

Happy walks around the room before the feline started hissing at a dark shadowy corner

"what's wrong, Happy?" Éclair said while brushing her hair as she looks to happy and the dark shadowy corner, when Éclair saw the shadowed corner; a bead of sweat slides down her cheeks as she saw glowing red eyes with black dot pupils starting at her very soul

An ominous presence clouded the room as Éclair could not move

"w-what is this?! This presence is like with Natsu…but this one..this one is pure evil!" Éclair looks at the glowing eyes as they pierced through her own soul

Happy hissed as the red eyes looks at Éclair before to the little feline

Having some sort of staring contest, the red eyes glowed for a moment before disappearing into the shadows

When the glowing red eyes disappeared, Éclair took a deep breath and exhaled before repeating as the tensed moment made her whole body froze

"w-what…what was that?" Éclair muttered out as her body had chills running up her spine

Shivering for a moment, Éclair took deep breathes to calm herself down

A few seconds later, the clubroom door opened and Natsu came in

"hey, Éclair" he greeted her as he closed the door and sees Happy by the corner "there you are"

Happy looks to Natsu and meowed

"you little rascal" Natsu said with a smile as he petted the feline's head before he looks to Eclair and sees her behavior "what's wrong?"

"just now.." Éclair said as she points to the corner near him "….two glowing red eyes….in the dark corner"

Natsu turns to where the dark corner is as his eyes keened a bit

He made sure to check but there was nothing at all other than some trash

"there's nothing here" Natsu said as he went to look at Éclair and sees how she was shivering in fear

"there was something there….and it frighten me to my soul" Éclair said shivering a bit before Natsu went to her and pulls her into a hug

"it's alright, I'm here" Natsu told her as Éclair leans her head against his chest while the man holds her gently, his hands caressing her back to calm her down

Éclair sighs in relief a bit before her hands reached to Natsu's back and hugs him

"hold me….tighter" she asked as it sounded like a plea to Natsu

Natsu obliged as he pulled her closer while caressing her back

The day soon started as everyone worked hard in the preparation of the Cultural Festival as it was tomorrow

Natsu and the others were at the Kenjutsu Club as they were having lunch

"glowing red eyes?" Mira said while eating her lunch "in a dark corner? Sounds like you were half asleep, Éclair"

"but I saw it, it was glowing and it frighten me" Éclair said before her body shivers when she remembered the glowing red eyes "it felt like it was staring right into my soul"

"it sounds like it really gave you a fright" Kagura said seeing how there was fear in Éclair's eyes

Éclair nodded as she holds her left arm with her right hand while rubbing it a bit before getting pulled into a half hug by Natsu

"it's like what the recent rumors that has been going on" Lucy said as she was holding a cup of tea

"what rumors?" Erza asked while taking a bite of her lunch

"there's been some students who said that when the sun was setting, in any dark corners, they saw glowing red eyes that seriously stared into their soul" Lucy said "and it's been going on for the past few weeks"

"how come we never heard of it?" Mira asked raising an eyebrow

"nearly everyone who saw the red eyes, never wanted to speak about it" Lucy explained "I know because I asked Cana who saw it but was drunk"

"ah, her, huh?" Mira said as she sweatdropped when remembering how much Cana loves drinking, even in school

"she said that she saw it stare at her but as it stared at her, it just went and disappeared" Lucy added in

"only during the evening?" Ultear asked

"mostly during the eve, but there are some students who saw them in dark and shadowed places" Lucy replied "they were really shook up that they nearly didn't go to school"

"that explains some irregular absence rate" Ultear said cupping her chin "but this is merely a rumor, right? Maybe they were hallucinating or something"

"a mere hallucination doesn't traumatized people" Ikaruga said sipping her tea "we might have, how I might say, something unnatural in our school"

"whatever it is, we should just be careful" Erza said "the festival is coming and we have to focus on preparing it"

"but what if it comes again?" Éclair asked a bit frightened when remembering the glowing red eyes

"just stop with the scary talk, what's past is past" Natsu said caressing Éclair's shoulder "don't talk about it anymore if you are scared"

"y-yeah" Éclair said while a bit frightened

"don't worry, I'll make sure that you protect you" Natsu said pecking her head as he pulled Éclair into a half hug with her head on his shoulder "for sure"

"thanks" Éclair said smiling a bit

"so nice" everyone else thought as the girls were a bit jealous on Éclair

Heading out to prepare for the festival, Natsu went around as he walks in the hallway, eying all the dark corners and shadowed areas

As he was walking around, he finds Minerva at a dark corner looking around

"where are you?" Minerva muttered out while looking at the crevices

"what are you doing?" Natsu said walking towards her

Minerva looks to him before looking away "none of your business"

Natsu's eyes squinted a bit as Minerva looks to be trying to find something

"lost something?" Natsu asked again while crossing his arms

"it's none of your business" Minerva said sternly as Natsu looks at her before sighing and shrugs his shoulders

He then turned and walked away as Minerva looks at him before going back to looking around in the dark corner

"come on out" she called out in a low voice as she did some squeaking call with her voice

Natsu went around the school hall as he passes by students who are preparing for the Cultural Festival

As he walks around, he pass by the Judo Room where he heard a loud racket and a few screams

"it was there!" "where?!" "it's so creepy!" "the red eyes!"

Going to the door, he opens it and sees that inside was a big mess

"what happened?" Natsu spoke out as he walks inside and sees that everyone was in a terrified and spooked situation. He looks further ahead and sees Mira with terror in her eyes "hey"

Mira snapped her head towards Natsu and she let out a sigh of relief

"it's just you" Mira said holding a hand to her chest

"what happened here?" Natsu asked again as he helps Mira up

"we saw the red eyes, just like Éclair said during lunch" Mira said while describing it "a few of my members were training regularly with me, we then hear a little racket in the storage room where we keep some of the training tools. I went to check and the red eyes were there"

"here?" Natsu said going to the storage room as he sees inside, wooden statue for training and boxes everywhere

Natsu looks further in before he looks down and spotted a small strand of white fur

"is it still there?" Mira asked a bit spooked after what had happened

"no, it's not" Natsu said crouching down and picked the white fur and looks at it "but i think I know what was in it"

At the Dance Club room, Éclair was in the middle of changing into her dance outfirt as she was going to have a practice routine with the club members

As she was wearing it on, she heard a racket in the nearby lockers

Curious to know, Eclair went to check, thinking that it was Happy

"Happy?" Éclair called out as she turns to the corner where it was a bit shadowed, and she soon sees the red eyes

"Kyaaaaaa!" Eclair let out a scream as the red eyes stared at her before disappearing

Eclair ran out before she bumps against Natsu who was walking by

"what's wrong?" Natsu asked holding Eclair's shoulder gently

"the eyes! The red eyes!" Éclair exclaimed as she points to the room "it was staring at me! it stared at me with the most vicious looking eyes!"

"I knew it" Natsu said as he went to the clubroom and searched around

After a few seconds rummaging around the locker room, Natsu came out with something in his hand

"found the culprit" Natsu said as Eclair backed away in a bit of fear

Natus opened his hand and on his palm was a white mouse like creature

"a Mouse?" Éclair said as the mouse scratches it head

"a Licom Mouse" Natsu said petting the little rodent's head "and a young one too"

"but aren't Licom Mouse?" Eclair said looking at the mouse

"only found up north? Yeah." Natsu replied as the Licom Mouse climbs up to his shoulder "this one must be someone's pet"

Gathering around in the Kenjutsu Club room, Lucy and the others look at the Licom Mouse

"so cute~!" Lucy squealed as the Licom Mouse scratches its head and rubs its face with its paws while sitting on Natsu's hand

"it's so rare seeing a Licom Mouse, especially here" Erza said looking at the mouse as it scratches its ear with its back leg

"why is it called a Licom Mouse?" Mira asked as she poked the little mouse's back

The Mouse hissed at her before curling into a ball and its tail sprung up and let out a reddish glow at her

"waaah!" Mira let out a shriek of fright as she fell on to her butt

"that's why" Kagura said as the little mouse uncurled itself and hissed at Mira before Natsu gave it a small cracker that it instantly grabbed and started munching on

"Licom comes from the word 'Light comes' hence Licom." Natsu said "The Licom Mouse are only found up north in the snow region, they are tame but can be aggressive when provoked just like what it did when Mira poked it without permission"

"then is this little rodent the one who has been causing the spread of the rumor?" Kagura asked as the Licom Mouse had fallen asleep after finished munching on the cracker and curled up into a ball

"the red eyes that everyone been seeing are coming from the Licom mouse's tail" Natsu said gently picking the tail and everyone sees that at the edge of the tail, it had two little red orbs sticking on it "Licom Mouse curls into a ball and sticks out their tail, and the little orbs glowed bright, scaring predators. But when it is in a shadowed corner, it makes it look like red eyes"

"why is this one at the Locker room?" Eclair asked

"who knows?" Natsu said while shrugging his shoulders "all I know that this one belongs to someone"

"who?" Erza asked as the clubroom door opens and Ikaruga came in

"I brought her" Ikaruga said as behind her was Minerva who had a rather annoyed look

"and she's the one" Natsu said as he tapped the little mouse's head and wakes it up

The little mouse rubs its head before looking to Minerva and squeaked

It jumped off Natsu's hand and scrambles towards Minerva who picked the little mouse up

"that mouse is your pet, Minerva?" Erza said with a surprised face as the little Mouse jumps up to Minerva's shoulder and rubs its head against her cheeks

"have a problem with it?" Minerva said sternly as the little mouse jumps into her shirt, and pops it head out

"who would've thought that a cat liked to have a pet mouse?" Mira said with an amused face

"not a word to anyone, am I clear?" Minerva said glaring at everyone before she went out and leaves

"your welcome" Natsu said as loud enough for her to hear

"is it against her pride to just say thank you?" Éclair asked as Erza and the other shrugs their shoulders in response

"that's how Minerva is" Mira said "she's too prideful of herself"

"hey, where's Ultear-san?" Lucy asked as the Time Witch wasn't with them

"probably at the pool, some members are going to do some practice there" Natsu said as he stand up before he realized something and looks around "and Happy's gone again"

"you shouldn't bring a pet to school, you know" Mira said "this was bound to happen after all"

"tell that to Minerva" Kagura stated in

at the swimming pool, Ultear was floating in the water before she dives down and surfaces up

she rinses the water off her hair before she looks to the side and sees Happy in her bag, rummaging around

Ultear got out of the pool and went to Happy

"hey, it's not a place for you to be playing," Utear said as she picked up Happy from inside her bag and looks at him "did you run out of your home?

Happy meowed before hissing as something dark was behind Ultear

"what's wrong?" Ultear asked looking confused before she turns around and sees glowing red eyes staring right at her "Kyaaaaaaaa!"

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