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Chapter 47: Festival and Vampire?

Natsu was at the Kenjutsu Club Room as he had a bandage on his cheek from his duel against Kyria a few days back

The man cracks his neck around as he rubs his neck before going back to his reading

"geez, I still can't believe that you were holding back the whole time" Mira said eating her lunch as the result of Natsu's battle against Kyria ended in his victory and Kyria losing her title as an Empress "do you ever go full out?"

"if I did, the school and everyone in it would be melted and burned to the ground" Natsu said as he reads his book before closing it and sigh "and besides, who would go out on a mere hatchling?"

"I see your point there" Erza said holding a cup of tea

"but that battle style of yours. Do you have a specific battle style?" Kagura asked

"I don't" Natsu replied as he drinks his cup of tea before being poured more by Ikaruga "I go with the flow; swords, firearms, magic, anything that can be use as a weapon I can use"

"a force to be reckon" Éclair said smiling

"seems so" Ikaruga added in

"now that Kyria lost her title as an Empress, things at school been peaceful for some reason" Ultear said with a smile "I guess Kyria's defeat inflicted a positive impact"

"um" Lucy voiced out as she had been quiet in the conversation until now "it's good and all that you won against Kyria-senpai, but…."

Lucy looks quite frantic as she wore some sort of highly ranked military uniform on "why did you pick me as the new Empress?!"

"there were no one else" Natsu said closing his left eye "Éclair is not one fit for battle if she got challenged as an Empress, and I don't know anyone else who should become an Empress"

"so are you saying that I'm the last choice?" Lucy said as Natsu nodded

"something like that" Natsu replied as Lucy cried in tears

"why did I even ask?" Lucy whined

"just deal with it, being an Empress isn't hard at all" Mira said taking a sip of her tea "all you have to do is just be the leader of your club and that's all"

"that is just your thinking" Kagura stated "being an Empress and a leader of a club is no easy task"

"that's how I do it every single day" Mira said taking a bite of her rice

"and that's why only a few Empress always goes to the meeting" Erza said sighing

"what meeting?" Natsu asked curious

"well, if there are any School Events, or anything related to the school, the Seven Empress will always hold a meeting for it" Ultear explained to him "in this case, for the coming Cultural Festival"

"the only members that comes to the meeting are me, Kagura, Minerva, Ikaruga, and Ultear. Mira and Kyria always never comes" Erza said sighing before rubbing her forehead "this is why there is so much paperwork because of them"

"we expect you to come, Lucy. You're a new Empress so you have to take full responsibility of your new title" Kagura said as she had a serious stare "or you'll regret ever becoming one"

"y-Yes!" Lucy exclaimed with a salute while inside she was crying "but I never wanted to become one!"

"speaking of festival, what's this about Class Projects? I heard something of Maid, Game or something" Natsu asked as he sips his tea before sighing "some sort of tradition"

"nearly the same" Mira said "each time there is a Cultural Festival, each class have to held up any type of event they want, this also helps you gain a rank up in the Final Advancement Exam"

"hmmm" Natsu hummed in amusement as he sips his tea

"didn't we already told you the last time?" Lucy asked

Natsu hummed as he rubs his chin trying to remember but the only thing that he remembered was reading his book

"guess I forgot" Natsu said as Lucy sighs

"in note to your forgetfulness, everyone in class had already decided the theme event" Lucy said as Natsu looks to her and raised an eyebrow "it's going to be a Maid Café"

"why does it sound like there is more to it?" Ultear asked as Lucy nodded

"it was set for the Maid Café, but since I got picked as the head of the preparation and I'm now a Empress, it's going to be a hard task for me to do both" Lucy said crossing her hands and sigh "it's already hard being the head of the class preparation but there's still going to be the meeting of the Empresses"

"then how about leave it to me?" Natsu said as everyone looks to him "I'll take care of the Empress Meeting. you just take care of the Class Cultural Preparation"

"I don't think you can do that, it's called an 'Empress' Meeting, that means it's only members of the Seven Empress" Mira said

"forgot who I am?" Natsu asked with a small smirk

"Dragon Emperor, Salamander" Ultear said smiling

"correct" Natsu said "I don't give a damn of the rules, rules are meant to be broken in the first place"

"right about that" Mira said with a grin

School was soon over as some students went home while some stayed behind to prepare for the coming Cultural Festival

Natsu's copies were helping the class and the clubs while the original was in a meeting with the Empress

In a grand room where there are seven seats around as all current members of the Empress took their seat with the exceptions of one that is Natsu

"what is the meaning of this?" Minerva said sitting on her seat and had her arms and legs crossed in a superior like stance "why is this man here?"

"I have a name" Natsu said, sitting in his seat while reading his book with a cup of tea on a table beside him "and that is the Dragon Emperor, Salamander"

"you, you dare to show yourselves here?" Minerva asked as her eyes keen at Natsu

"I could ask the same to you" Natsu said closing his book with his eyes closed before opening "miss. Cooking Club Leader"

"you! Why do you!?" Minerva exclaimed while her cheeks were a bit red

"how do I know? It's simply because I'm also a member of your club, Minerva Orland" Natsu said "being absent of your own club can cause some mistrust with your members, you know?"

Minerva gritted her teeth as she glared at Natsu

"enough" Erza said as she sat in her seat "we are here to discuss the coming Cultural Festival, not bicker against one another"

"you took his side, Scarlet? I guess a weak dog sticks to their master" Minerva said smirking

"say what you want" Erza said closing her eyes "I stick with those who truly cherish friendship, unlike you"

"ho?" Minerva said in amusement

"ahem! now that we are all acquainted with each other, let's begin the meeting" Kagura said as she wore some glasses on

"don't those look nice on you?" Natsu complimented her with a smile

"r-really?" Kagura said blushing a bit to the compliment

"yes, it brings more charm to you" Natsu said smiling a bit

"i-I see!" Kagura said as Erza and Mira's eyebrows twitched a bit

Papers floated around as a few pages floated in front of them all

"just like the last meeting; security division, and field Maintenance division are still empty slots" Erza said wearing some glasses on

"what are the divisions that are already taken?" Natsu asked as he looks at the pages

"budgeting, accounting, and Hospitality" Mira answered while wearing some glasses

"since when you were glasses?" Erza said seeing Mira with glasses

"my eyesight is getting bad these days" Mira answered as Erza squinted her eyes

"I'm guessing that Erza took the Budgeting, Kagura on the accounting, the Hospitality?" Natsu said before looking to either Minerva, Ikaruga, Ultear, and Mira "who?"

"me" Ikaruga said with a hand raise

"why am I not surprised?" Natsu said with a chuckle as he looks at the pages and his eyes scanned the content "I'll take them all"

"excuse me?" Minerva said "you? Take all the leftover divisions? How gloating"

"you'll be surprised on how he divides himself during the festival, Minerva" Ultear said with a smile as Minerva squinted her eyes at Ultear

"appreciate on the self-Volunteering, but are you sure you can handle this much?" Kagura asked "even for you, this might be a stressful job"

"I'll help on the Security Division" Mira said "having more hands is better"

"thanks" Natsu said while looking at the pages

"then I'll help on the Maintenance Division" Ultear said volunteering to help Natsu

"ok, but just for a few hours at the most. We have a scheduled performance for the swimming club after all" Natsu said as he took off his glasses and cleans them a bit

"I'm amazed that you remembered the entire schedule," Ikaruga said as Natsu drinks his cup of tea which was brewed by her

"goes to show that he's an Emperor after all" Mira said grinning

Night soon came as the school was still filled with some students who are staying behind to prepare for the coming festival

Natsu was at the school track field as he watched some clubs preparing for a play or something on the built stage

"a play, huh?" Natsu said as he crossed his arms while watching some students doing a rehearsal act on the stage

Demonic Natsu soon appeared as he floats around in the air

"bored?" Natsu said sensing his other self's appearance

"in a way" Demonic Natsu said floating around, minding his own business

"you've been rather dormant ever since I defeated Kyria a few days back, why?" Natsu asked as he took a glance at his Demonic Self who floats around before disappearing

"not talkative like usual, huh?" Natsu thought before he started walking away

Natsu walks around in the school as he yawned form the fact that it was night and some students were going to sleep in for the night

Tomorrow is Saturday, so there is no school. A perfect opportunity to practice hard for the coming Cultural Festival

"Happy should be asleep by now" Natsu said thinking of what his pet cat might be doing at the time

As Natsu walks around, he bumps into Minerva as he was about to run the corner

"you, huh?" Natsu said as Minerva's eyes keened on him "staying tonight, Tigress?"

"why do you want to know?" Minerva retorted in a harsh tone before turning to leave

As Minerva walks away, Natsu noticed that she had a pink towel wrapped up with strings in her hand

"nice apron, just went out of the Cooking club?" Natsu said as Minerva stops in her tracks, and Natsu could tell that she had an embarrassed blush on her face "making a late-night snack? Or simply something else?"

"s-silence!" Minerva exclaimed as she walked off away

Natsu chuckled as he looks amused by her reaction

"I'm starting to act like him" Natsu said as he walks to the corner hallway

Natsu went to the library as it was quiet and no one other than him was in there

He leans against his chair as he holds up his book above him while he reads

"peace and quiet" Natsu muttered out as he reads his book while flipping a page

An hour in the library, Natsu closed his book as he had finished reading it to the whole pages

"I need to get a new book after the festival" Natsu said rubbing the bridge of his nose before yawning

Natsu closed his eyes as he looks to what his copies were doing, and sure enough, everyone with them had went home or sleep in the school

"the Dance Club will have some people, better go to the Kenjutsu Club where there's only Ikaruga there" Natsu said as he stood up from his seat and stretched his hands up before to the side

He walked out of his seat as he was going to head to the Kenjutsu Club room

As Natsu was about to reach the door, he sensed a presence

He took a glance behind as he saw a shadow in the corner of his eyes

"who is here?" Natsu spoke out turning towards the shadow as it runs to the corner

Natsu looks at where the shadow was as he went to investigate

Going to the corner of the library, Natsu stealthily went to check

He quickly turns as he finds Happy scratching the wooden shelves

"you" Natsu said sighing as he grabs Happy and carries him up before scratching its head "you got out again, huh?"

Happy meowed as the feline purred to Natsu's scratches

"it's already night and by the time we get back home, it's going to be morning" Natsu said as Happy climbed up to his shoulder "let's go and get some sleep, alright?"

Happy meowed in response as Natsu went out of the library without knowing that he was being watched in the shadow

Two glowing red eyes appeared in the shadows before it disappeared


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