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Flames of the King

A few days soon passed

In the auditorium hall, the magic arena appeared as the students crowded the stand seats

"in a few more moments, the Magic Duel between S Rank Seven Empress member; Dragon's Blade, Kyria Espada! VS D Rank Dragon Emperor; Salamander Natsu Dragneel! Is about to begin!" The MC announced out loud as the crowd were in a big chattering mode

On the arena field, Natsu and Kyria walks in as the two gazed at each other with a serious and tensed glare

Kyria cracks her neck around before smirking at Natsu

She wore an outfit that just consists of a bikini with some armors on her hands as this was her battle outfit

Natsu takes off his glasses as he closed his eyes for a second before opening them, his eyes turned reptilian as they glowed red

Meanwhile at the crowd seat, Lucy and the others sat by and watched them

"will he really be able to win? His opponent is an S Rank and an Empress" Lucy said worried that Natsu might get defeated by Kyria

"he might win, but I'm worried that Kyria might do something unlike of her" Mira said her shoulders tensed

"he has power, and speed, but Kyria is known for her brutality in battle" Kagura said "it took me, Erza, Mira, and Ikaruga to subdue her one time when she went and battled her opponent to the point of near death"

"and we were barely able to stop her that time" Erza said, her eyes keening at Kyria

"I'm starting to get worried" Ultear said with a frown

"the Dragon's Blade? The Salamander's flames? We shall find out and see who reign supreme over the other" Ikaruga spoke out in a poem like voice

Éclair stayed silent as she watched Natsu whose fists ignited in flames

"Natsu.." she called out to him in her mind before they all heard the timer countdown

"this is going to be an easy win for me" Kyria said smirking


Natsu faces off against Kyria in the school's hallway as they glared at each other

"a magic duel? Interesting" Kyria said smirking to Natsu "what're the conditions?"

"my win gives me the right to take away your title as an Empress, and give it to someone more befitting of it" Natsu said as Kyria hummed in amusement

"and if I win?" Kyria said before licking her lips "but I don't think you need to think just to know it"

"are the conditions acceptable?" Natsu asked not having a care of what the losing condition is

"fine" Kyria said before she licks her lips and sticks out her tongue like some sort of hungry animal "two days from now, at the auditorium hall's Magic Arena. And I'm going to make sure that everyone is going to watch you lose and become my personal servant for life"


"I'm going to enjoy having you for dessert" Kyria said as she licks her lips in delight

Natsu looks at her as red scales crawls up his neck

The timer soon hits zero before the gong rang, signaling the start of the match

Kyria grins crazily before she leans her hands back and dashed towards Natsu

Natsu did a battle stance as he lifts his right fist up and blocked a hand swing by Kyria before he lifts his left arm up and blocked a leg swing from her

"nice reflex!" Kyria said with a smirk before she grabs Natsu's arm and encircles her legs around his neck, then flings him to the ground "but too slow!"

Natsu gritted his teeth as he did a body spin and kicks Kyria on the face

Kyria grunted a bit before she grins and swings her hands at Natsu's face but the man dodged in time

The wall behind him soon had a giant gash mark appeared on it as the crowds were stunned

"I'll cut you down to pieces!" Kyria exclaimed as her magic formed magic blades around her arms

Everyone watched the battle as Kyria was unleashing a relentless attack at Natsu

"what speed!" Kagura exclaimed seeing how fast Kyria's attack was "was she always this fast!?"

"and her power! It's 2 no 3 times more than the last time any of us had ever fought her before!" Mira exclaimed after seeing Kyria unleashed a large magic slash at Natsu who dodged but the attack nearly destroyed the arena's wall

"don't tell me….Mother's Enchantment magic?!" Erza gritted her teeth as she knew that her mother had a hand in the duel

"Kyria was already strong in her prime but this power of hers goes beyond!" Ultear said before gasping as Natsu was hit with a magic slash that shredded his clothes

"he can't fight back like this!" Lucy exclaimed

Ikaruga and Éclair stayed silent as they watched Natsu battled Kyria even though, he could only jump and dodge the whole time

"Haaa!" Kyria grins as she swings her legs and fires multiple magic slashes at Natsu

Natsu ignites his fists in flames before slamming them to the ground, creating a wall of fire that burns away Kyria's attack

As the wall of flames disperse, Kyria pass through it

Kyria smirks as Natsu's eyes widen before the blonde woman swings her right hand at his face


Blood soon drips to the ground as Natsu staggered back before holding his bloodied right eye

The crowds soon gasped in shock as they could not believe what they had seen

Kyria lifts up her hand as Natsu's blood drips from it

She sticks out her tongue and licks his blood before smirking

"the taste is one thing but the magic coming from it is something else," Kyria said with an amused face

Natsu gritted his teeth as his right eye was dripping in his own blood

"No!" Lucy place her hands over her mouth to stop her horrified gasp when she saw blood

"that Kyria! She's taking this too far!" Mira exclaimed standing up and nearly went off but Erza stopped her

"stop!" Erza exclaimed as she holds Mira's arm to prevent her from leaving

"you saw what she just did! This isn't a magic duel anymore!" Mira exclaimed at Erza "we have to stop her!"

"we can't interfere! If we do, we might put everyone else in danger!" Erza told her as all Seven Empress knows how violent and destructive Kyria can be

"but!" Mira exclaimed before the arena shook and rumbled

They look to the arena as they see Kyria holding Natsu's neck and lifts him up

"Natsu!" Lucy exclaimed as Natsu was soon punched to the gut before getting knee at the chest and was then thrown away

"was Kyria this powerful!?" Ultear exclaimed as everyone couldn't believe that Natsu was easily being cornered

"I can't take it anymore!" Kagura exclaimed standing up and holds her sheathed sword "we have to stop her! She might go and kill Natsu!"

"we can't!" Erza exclaimed as she gritted her teeth and clenched her fists tight "we can't risk everyone's safety"

"Erza! Don't you care what might happen with Natsu!?" Mira exclaimed "she's literally going to kill him!"

Erza gritted her teeth as she is prioritizing the safety of all students with the prize of her best friend on the line "I know! But.."

Natsu was sent flying as he drops to the ground from a magic slash that came from Kyria

"heh! Looks like your winning streak is coming to a dead end" Kyria said walking towards Natsu while smirking in amusement

Natsu grunted as he tried sitting up but Kyria slammed her foot on his chest and pushed him back down

"it's over" Kyria said as she lifts her hand up and it was covered in a magic blade aura that flared

She pointed the blade at Natsu's neck as the man was now pinned to the ground, unable to escape

"if you beg and call me Kyria-sama, I'll let you off with just a small scar on your neck" Kyria said smirking and gloated her victory "that is if you don't lose your head"

"t-t-t-this is it! The battle is over! Kyria-senpai has pinned down Natsu Dragneel and immobilize him!" the MC shouted out as everyone watched just how powerful Kyria is "will Natsu Dragneel surrender?!"

Kyria's magic blade shined as it was close to cutting Natsu's neck

"so? what will it be?" Kyria asked looking at Natsu

Natsu stayed in his position before his lips soon turned into a sinister grin

"what are you grinning about?" Kyria said before she snapped her head to the side and sees a flaming punch coming at her face

"Gaahh!" Kyria was sent crashing to the field as she soon crashed to the wall, causing it to crack and breaks off some rubble

Getting up from the attack, Kyria rubs her jaw as the punch nearly dislocated her lower jaw

"bastard!" Kyria exclaimed as she sees another Natsu appearing on the field beside the injured one

"good work" Natsu said as the other Natsu disappeared before he turns to look at Kyria who glared at him "you did pretty well to nearly defeating one of my copies"

"a clone?!" Kyria shouted as the crowds were bewildered

"it's just like when he fought against Ikaruga" Kagura said as Natsu had done the same trick to Ikaruga

"then…he was just testing her?" Lucy said "checking her movement and attacks?"

"geez, this guy! Making people worried!" Mira said grinning

"now the time for a counter-attack is upon him" Ikaruga said smiling

"go, Natsu" Éclair said as Natsu rolled his shoulders around before cracking his neck

Natsu cracks his knuckles before he punched the ground as it cracks and shatters

Lava soon pooled out of the cracks as the ground shakes and rumbles before Enryuo Yoroi emerges out of the ground

Kyria gritted her teeth as the armor attached itself upon Natsu before the wings spread out

"now…" Natsu said as the body armor purged but leaves the wings attached on his back. The wings soon shined as they transformed into metallic slugger blades that flies around before Natsu grabs them and swings them around, taking a battle stance with them "..let's continue with Round 2, shall we?"

Kyria looks at him before smirking as she wipes off some dirt on her face and got back up

"I'll make sure that I cut that smug face of yours and hang it up my wall!" Kyria exclaimed as her hands were covered in magic aura blades before she dashed towards Natsu

Natsu smirked as Kyria closes in and slashed her blades at him


Natsu deflected her attack with his Slugger Blades as he soon deflected her other hand before both did a close quarter combats with their attacks

Irene watched from her office in a Crystal ball as she sees Natsu and Kyria battling in the Magic Duel

She leans her cheeks against her hand as she watched the battle

"3 seals" Irene muttered out with an uninterested look on her face

Her eyes soon keen as she caught sight of Éclair, Ultear, and Ikaruga in the crowd seat

She gritted her teeth before the lacrima orb cracks and then shatters

"Guuuh!" Kyria grunted as she skidded back from defending against a blade swing from Natsu

"so heavy!" Kyria started jumping away as Natsu chased after her while swinging his sluggers at her

Natsu swings his right slugger at Kyria as she dodged but some strands of her hair were cut off

Kyria jumps away as Natsu slams his left slugger down, making a crack spreading hole to where she was

"what a monstrous power!" Kyria exclaimed as she landed a few feet away from Natsu who was clouded in the dust smoke but red eyes glowed in the smoke "this is his true power!?"

"what's wrong?" Natsu spoke out as the smoke cleared and revealed him spinning his sluggers around "where did all of those boasting go to?"

Kyria looks at him before she smirked and white scales started to climb up her hands to her shoulders

"it's been a long time since I've used this trick" Kyria said as her hands turns into sharp reptilian claws

"ho?" Natsu said in amusement as Kyria's cheeks were covered in white scales that made her ears turned sharp and pointy "Dragon Force, huh?"

"what is that!?" Mira exclaimed seeing Kyria's Dragon Force "since when she had something like that?!"

"a hidden last resort trump card" Erza said as her eyes squinted "she had such thing hidden!"

"it's just like" Éclair muttered out as she remembered Natsu having the same type of transformation once

"don't tell me that Kyria never went serious at all" Kagura said as she gritted her teeth

"be prepared!" Kyria exclaimed as her eyes went reptilian and glowed yellow "when I use this, I can't control my blood lust!"

"child's play" Natsu said as he tilt his head to the side and dodge a slash attack from Kyria who appeared in front of him.

Natsu soon grips his sluggers tight before sending a punch straight at Kyria's gut

"gah!" Kyria grunted a bit before she smirks and swings her legs at Natsu who defended but the force of her kick, sends him skidding to the side

"come on! Come on!" Kyria shouted as she dashed towards Natsu and started swinging her arms around like a whirlwind of furies "try and fight back!"

Natsu dodge all her attacks before he got a bloody cut on his cheeks

Kyria grins as she swings her hands up before swinging them down simultaneously

Natsu lifts both his sluggers in an X form, blocking her attack but was brought to one knee as the attack was heavy

The ground bellow Natsu cracks as it spreads from the powerful attack

Kyria laughs as she pushed down more force against Natsu

"what's wrong?! No flames today!?" Kyria exclaimed as she had a crazed grin on her face

Natsu merely scoffed as he kicks her away from him

"looks like I have to go all out today" Natsu said as he threw away his sluggers that disappeared into sparkles

Red scales soon climb up his neck to his face and his hands turned into flaming claws

"so you can use it too, huh?" Kyria said with a smirk before lifting up her hand blades "come! I'll show you who is the superior dragon!"

Natsu looks at her before he suddenly disappears and then appeared in front of her

"what?!" Kyria exclaimed before she gasped in pain from a flaming punch to the gut "how?!"

Natsu soon grabs her face before slamming her to the ground hard

"burn" Natsu spoke out as his hand exploded in flames, causing Kyria to scream out in pain before she kicks Natsu and back flipped away

Holding a hand to her slightly burned face, Kyria glares at Natsu

"you bastard!" Kyria exclaimed before her magic flared then she dashed towards Natsu

Natsu cracks his claws before he dashed towards Kyria in return

"Fast!" Lucy exclaimed as Natsu and Kyria were exchanging blows at an incredible speed

"they're gaining in an equal ground?!" Kagura said

"no! Natsu is getting faster!" Erza said as Kyria got a powerful flaming punch to the face by Natsu before a knee attack to the gut

"and more stronger!" Mira exclaimed

"go! Natsu!" Éclair exclaimed as parts of the crowds were cheering for Natsu

"Gah!" Kyria grunted in pain as her chin was bruised hard by Natsu's uppercut

Natsu soon grabs her hands before pulling her for a knee attack to the gut

Kyria coughs out saliva before Natsu headbutts her forehead hard

Staggering back, Kyria holds her bruised forehead before looking at Natsu who turns to his side and swings a powerful kick at her side

"Gah!" Kyria soon crashed to the wall before she did a side roll to dodge a flaming punch by Natsu

"what's going on!?" Kyria exclaimed in her mind as she was trying her best to dodge Natsu's attack, each one more stronger than the last "why am I running away?! This isn't supposed to happen!"

Kyria swings her hand at Natsu as a Magic Slash came flying at him

Natsu deflected the attack easily as he dashed towards Kyria and ignites his claws in flames

"Guren" Natsu spoke out as the flames on his claw's rages wildly

"shit!" Kyria put her guard up as Natsu pulled back his right claw as the flames burns bright

"Karyu Ken!" Natsu soon unleashed a furry of blazing punches at Kyria as the attack was relentless

Kyria grunted as she tried her best to defend but the power of Natsu's punches was so strong that it broke her defense

"impossible!" Kyria exclaimed as Natsu pulled back his right fist and it was ignited in crimson red flames

"Enryuo no!" Natsu shouted as the flames rages and burns brightly

"BASTARD!" Kyria exclaimed as Natsu sends the attack at her

"Hokken!" Natsu sends the flaming punch as he fires a torrent of flames at Kyria

"Gaaaaahhhh!" Kyria screamed in pain as she was sent flying in the air

Kyria soon crashed to the wall as the arena rumbled and shakes

The wall breaks and the rubbles fell off everywhere

Kyria was in the pile of rubble as her skin and clothes were burned from Natsu's attack

Natsu stood up straight as the red scales on his body disappeared

"know your place, hatchling" Natsu said as he puts on his glasses before walking away

"Winner! D Rank, Dragon Emperor, Salamander Natsu Dragneel!" the MC exclaimed as the crowds cheered for the man's victory

"alright!" Mira exclaimed with a pumped up fist

"he won!" Lucy exclaimed as everyone cheered for Natsu's win

"as expected, huh?" Erza said as Kagura nodded

"he had us worried for nothing" Ultear said with a sigh

"a jester" Ikaruga said while giggling with a smile

Éclair smiled as she looks at Natsu who walked back to the exit before waving a hand to them

Irene sat in her office as she could hear the cheering screams for Natsu's win

"in the end, the pawn was useless" Irene said as she turns around in her chair and faced the window

Crossing her legs and leans her cheek against her hand, the Scarlet haired woman looks at the scenery outside

"if you want to have something done, you have to do it yourself, huh?" Irene said as on her table were the form information of Éclair, Ultear, and Ikaruga

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