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Reveal and Vengeance

The next two days soon passed as everyone was going to school

Everyone was chattering around as they were talking about the recent incident of Natsu going on a rampage

The man in question was walking to school as he was with Éclair

Hearing the chatters, Natsu clenched his fists as he never wanted anyone to know his true form

"it's alright" Éclair whispered to him as she holds his hand and leans her head against his shoulder "even if the whole school is against you, I and our friends are always with you"

Natsu looks to her and smiled with a nod as he pecks her head before they look forward and sees Erza with the others waiting on them

Natsu smiled seeing them as the two went and greet them a good morning

Class begun as the teacher lets everyone do a self-study because they all will be very busy for the coming Cultural Festival

Natsu was reading his book as he was in his own world before he looks to the side and sees his Demonic personality floating around

"you have the guts to show yourself after what you did, huh?" Natsu said as his demonic self looks at him before scoffing and looks away "what is that golden ring? Your doing?"

"more like your doing" Demonic Natsu said floating around "the moment you had sex with those three girls, the three metal slots placed themselves in. and increased the seal on me"

"ho? Increasing the power of the seal, you say?" Natsu replied looking amused "interesting"

"what now? Fuck those other girls? See if the metal slots get increased, sealing me even more?" Demonic Natsu said as he looks annoyed "that bastard of a brother and your old man planned this from the beginning, they fucking knew that something like this might happen and put that golden ring in you!"

"Is that so?" Natsu said as he was now interested in knowing the purpose of the golden ring was to seal his demonic self "I might do that"

"bastard" Demonic Natsu said before disappearing

"the more mates I have, the more of the seal's power will increased, huh?" Natsu thought before he had a sinister grin on and black marking spreads around his neck "how delicious"

Natsu soon heard his name being called out by Lucy who was in the middle of a conversation with Cana and Levy. Snapping him out of his dark thoughts

In the Kenjutsu Club, everyone gathered there for lunch break while having a bit of a surprised moment

Natsu showed them his true form as his demonic wings spreads a bit

"this is me" Natsu spoke out as he holds up his demonic claws "the real me"

"Take-over M-Magic?" Mira asked as Natsu shook his head in response

"t-this is…..surprising" Erza said a bit taken back when they all saw him transforming into his demonic form

"yes" Kagura nodded in agreement

"I get it if you guys are afraid of me and seeing me like this frightens you all" Natsu said as he drops his claws to the side before frowning a bit "I never wanted to keep my true form a secret, but if any of you sees me in this form, I can tell that you all might stay away from me"

Clenching his claws into a fist before feeling Éclair's hand holding them

Natsu looks at Éclair as she smiled to him, making him smile to her as well before he looks to the others

"if you all despise seeing me like this, I understand. I won't be near any of you anymore but please, don't tell anyone of what I truly am" Natsu said as he did a small bow "please"

Everyone looks to Natsu before to each other and smiled

Natsu keeps on his bow before he looks up and sees everyone having a smile to him

"may you be a demon or a monster, you are Natsu" Erza said

"our friend" Kagura added in

"just because you're some sort of demon, doesn't change a thing about who you are" Mira said before grinning

"you're Natsu, and just Natsu" Lucy stated with a smile

Natsu looks to them before getting a hug from Éclair, Ultear, and Ikaruga, the three holds him in their big embrace

A single tear slides down Natsu's eyes as he was glad to have such kind friends

"thank you…" he muttered out with a small smile

Kyria was walking around the hallway of the school as she had a rather bored look

"-yawn- nothing good been going on today" Kyria said as she folds her arms behind her head and sighs "so boring being in school"

She walks around before spotting a few girls in front of her

"they look delicious" Kyria thought as she licks her lips before smirking "it's been a while, huh?"

Kyria made her way towards the girls before she snapped her head to the side and sees a torrent of flames coming at her in a corridor

"an attack?!" Kyria exclaimed as she jumped and dodged the flaming attack

The flames destroyed the wall near Kyria as it was melted into liquid

"what was that?!" "a fight?!" "let's get out of here!" the girls in front chattered before they ran away

"ah! Hey! Wait!" Kyria exclaimed reaching a hand out to the girls but they were soon gone

"tch!" Kyria clicked her tongue before she glared at the corridor "you got some nerve attacking me out of nowhere!"

From the shadows of the corridor, footsteps were heard before Natsu appeared with a taunting smirk on his face

"Salamander! You just made my dessert run away!" Kyria exclaimed clenching her hands into fist

"that's funny, coming from the one who likes to attack out of nowhere in the first place" Natsu replied with his smirk not leaving his face

"you looking for a fight, dickface!?" Kyria exclaimed as her magic flared up "I'll cut you up to pieces!"

"a fight? No no, I'm not looking for a fight" Natsu said before black markings spreads around his neck to the right side of his face and eye "I'm looking for a Magic Duel with you"

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