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Natsu was at school as he was in the library doing some reading in his book

Beside him was Éclair who was reading a book of Illusion Magic

"will I really be able to use this Illusion Magic?" Éclair whispered quietly while in the library

"with the proper training, yes" Natsu replied as he flipped a page of his book

"I see" Éclair replied as she reads the book of its teaching

The two continues on reading in the library before Lucy, Mira, Kagura, and Erza pops out behind a book shelves

"see, there they are" Lucy whispered

"you said that they've been together for the past few days?" Erza asked

"sounds far stretched" Kagura said before they see Natsu teaching Éclair who nodded before taking notes

"that girl is awfully close. You said that she's a C Rank, red head?" Mira said

"that's what her record says" Erza replied

As the four converses, Natsu hears them as they were being loud

Natsu sighs as he reads his book and just ignores them

The school bell rang as it was sign for the end of school

"hey, Natsu" Lucy called out but Natsu just grabs his belonging and instantly heads out

"where is he going?" Cana asked carrying her bag

"I don't know" Lucy replied

Éclair was walking out of her classroom before finding Natsu walking towards her

She smiled and nodded before the two heads out

Meanwhile, Lucy and the others watched them heads out of the hallway as they look to each other and followed

Natsu and Éclair walks out of school as they were being stealthy followed by Lucy and the others

"wait here" Natsu said as Éclair looks to him throwing a fireball at a corner and she soon heard screams of surprise

Soon, Lucy and the others jumps out as they were surprised from the sudden fireball attack

"do you really think I wouldn't notice?" Natsu said clapping his hands

"hehehehe" Lucy awkwardly laughs

Soon everyone followed them as they went to the cemetery

Éclair cleans her father's gravestone while Natsu explains the situation to the others

"she was under her own illusion spell?!" Lucy said in surprise "and she thought that her passed way father was still alive!?"

"if you get it, don't shout it" Natsu said as he turns to look at Éclair who brought a new bouquet of flower for her father "she's been through this harsh road for 2 years. She needs time to heal"

"an Illusion mage who got hit with her own illusion, that's pretty deep if you ask me" Mira said crossing her arms and looks to Éclair

"I'm going to be accompanying her for the time being; in the meantime, train on your own" Natsu said as he walked towards Éclair

"guess it's individual training for us, huh?" Mira said as she, Kagura, and Erza started walking away

Lucy looks to Natsu and Éclair as Éclair prayed in front of her gather's tombstone

"Lucy, you coming?" Erza called out

"oh, yeah" Lucy replied taking a look to Natsu and Éclair before leaving "I'm coming"

The next few days soon passed as Natsu was walking around the school before he finds a crowd forming around a billboard

He walks to see and sees that it was club applicant pamphlets

"clubs, huh?" Natsu thought as he sees every single one

"ClUBS?" Demonic Natsu appeared "AnY cLUbs tHAT inVOLves GirLS ChaNGIng cLOThes?"

"shut up and just disappear," Natsu said in his mind as Demonic Natsu disappeared

Natsu looks around before Lucy and Mira came in

"hey, Natsu" Lucy called out as Natsu turns to look at them "what brings you here?"

"as you can see" Natsu said pointing at the billboard where the girls started going away with Pamphlets in their hands

"oh right, the club picking" Mira said looking to the billboard "every freshman has to have a club of choice for the requirements of the Middle Semester's Exam"

"is that so?" Natsu asked as he looks at the choices of clubs there is

"yeah, if you don't pick a club, you have to attend summer school" Mira explained "you haven't chosen yours?"

"just knew" Natsu replied while scanning around before looking to her "have you?"

"Judo Club" Mira said grinning while pumping her fist "and I'm the captain"

"why is that not surprising?" Lucy asked sweatdropping "I'm in the Literature Club"

"hmmm" Natsu hummed as he looks to the list and he sees that some clubs have the Seven Empress as their captain "lots of Seven Empresses are club captains, huh?"

"it's like a tradition actually" Mira explained "each club member who is a Seven Empress, is instantly chosen as the club captain. It would look weird if a Seven Empress isn't a club captain"

"I see" Natsu said before looking to one club that only had one member in it "Kenjutsu? and it only has one member"

"ah, that's Ikaruga's Club. You might want to stay away from her" Mira said crossing her arms

"why's that?" Lucy asked her

"well the Kenjutsu club used to be famous for teaching students whose magic is like with a weapon of some sort, but when Ikaruga join; things went downhill real quick" Mira explained "Ikaruga may look all sweet and always smiling but under that smile of her is a crazy and psychotic woman. she took the title of the previous Seven Empress who was the club captain of the Kenjutsu Club, and it was like a bloodbath"

Lucy soon imagined Ikaruga having blood all over her while smiling so wickedly that made her shiver in fear

"after she became the club captain, she literally terrified all the other members. Forcing them into a duel where if they lose, they have to leave the club in pure humiliation. And because of that not one student dares to enter the Kenjutsu club as long as she is around"

"is she that dangerous?" Natsu asked while looking at the billboard

"if you find a crazy psychotic swordswoman whose swordsmanship surpasses that of Redhead and Kagura not dangerous, then yes, she is dangerous" Mira said "Ikaruga once challenged all the other club because she wants a challenge. When she couldn't; she nearly destroyed the whole school!"

"just one person!?" Lucy said in surprise

"it took me, Redhead, Kagura, and Minerva to stop her from destroying the school" Mira said before she showed them a scar on her back neck "this is what I got from the last time I tried to fight her alone"

"yikes" Lucy said as the scar was pretty deep and it was on her neck too

"ho?" Natsu said sounding amused as he took a few pamphlets with him

"don't get too close to her, she is a fricking psycho woman who shows no remorse in a battle" Mira said before she sensed something behind her as she dodged to the side and a wind slash came flying past her and towards Natsu who deflected it with a flick of his hand

"my my, very keen reflex" a feminine voice spoke as everyone looks to the side and sees Ikaruga Ryu walking "good afternoon"

"Ikaruga!?" Mira exclaimed "you crazy bitch! What was that for!?"

"what was what?" Ikaruga asked innocently while tilting her head in confusion "I have no clue to what you are speaking of"

"why you!" Mira exclaimed before Natsu put a hand to her shoulder and stepped forward

"what do you want here?" Natsu asked as Ikaruga smiles in response

"a challenge, if you may" Ikaruga said revealing a hidden sword

"where did that sword?" Lucy said before Natsu tilt his head to the side when a windslash came flying past his neck

"what!?" Mira exclaimed seeing the slash mark on the ceiling before looking to Ikaruga who was smiling amused "her drawing speed…just increased!?"

"your speed and comprehension of actions do not jest, Salamander" Ikaruga said walking towards Natsu "you have a blade, no? the blade that you've used to defeat Erza-han with?"

"get back" Natsu said as Lucy and Mira took a few steps back from them

Ikaruga and Natsu got into each other's face as Ikaruga just smiles to him

Natsu looks at her before his hands whipped up and caught a blade in between the fingers

"I knew it!" Mira exclaimed as the blade belongs to Ikaruga who was holding it with a smirk "you were the one who tried to cut my head off a few minutes ago!"

"fast but your body shows where you're going to strike" Natsu said holding the blade as it shines

"indulge me" Ikaruga replied asking for the explanation

"right swing, your eyes tend to move to the left. Left swing, your left leg moves forward just an inch. Upper and down swing, your right shoulder moves back an inch and your left shoulder moves in front an inch" Natsu said before he let go of the blade

Ikaruga hummed in amusement as she sheathed the blade

"admirable agility, admirable keenness, and a very handsome face" Ikaruga said caressing Natsu's cheek "you might make a good member to my Kenjutsu Club"

"hey! Get your hands off of him!" Mira exclaimed her right arm transforming into part of her Satan Soul

"how about it, Salamander? Would you join my club?" Ikaruga said as Natsu grabs her hand and pulled it down

"make me" Natsu replied as he turns around and started walking away

Ikaruga smiles before she grabs a hold of the hilt of her blade and slashed it at Natsu

"Natsu! Behind you!" Lucy shouted as a flaming slash came flying at Natsu

Natsu did a spin kick as the flaming slash disappeared but soon, Ikaruga closes in on Natsu with her blade drawn at him

"Mugetsu Ryu" Ikaruga chanted as her blade shined pink and dozens of slash marks appeared all over the hall and she stood behind Natsu "Hyaka Sakura"

"what did she just.." Lucy said before her clothes were turned to shred "NOOO!"

"she slashed her sword 100 times" Mira said as she had turned into her Satan Soul and had a few injuries on her hands "not only her speed but her power too?! What kind of training has she been doing after Middle school!?"

Ikaruga stood up before her blade suddenly shatters

"this is.." Ikaruga sees the blade broken before looking to Natsu who turns to her with his right hand turned Dragonic

"a Dragon's scale isn't easily broken by a little knife like yours" Natsu said as his right eye was reptilian

"I see" Ikaruga said sheating the broken blade "then how shall you fare against my true blade?"

"is that a challenge?" Natsu said as his right arm reverts back to normal

"yes, a Magic Duel" Ikaruga said smiling "if I win, you are to join the Kenjutsu Club and be my servant"

"and If I win?" Natsu asked

"whatever you desire of me" Ikaruga said as she crossed her arms under her chest "and I mean whatever that you desire"

"Crazy bitch!" Mira exclaimed

"what if I don't want to do the magic duel?" Natsu asked "pretty boring conditions you've set up"

"oh? Is that so?" Ikaruga said as she walks towards him with a smirk "if you are to deny my challenge…."

Ikaruga soon pulled out another hidden blade from her waist as she drew the blade and aimed for Lucy

"Wha!" Lucy closed her eyes before she heard metal shards falling down the floor

She opened her eyes and sees Natsu holding the blade that is shattering into pieces

"I might accidentally kill your friends" Ikaruga said smirking

"Ikaruga! You!" Mira exclaimed getting ready to pummel her but Natsu stops her with a hand raised

"fine then, I'll accept your challenge" Natsu said looking amused "but the condition of my win is to be changed"

Ikaruga raised an eyebrow as Natsu smirks to her

"if I am to win…" Natsu said before leaning his mouth near her ear and started whispering

"my my, a very daring condition if I must say" Ikaruga said before the two backed away from each other "very well, those conditions are acceptable"

"what did he say?" Mira said as she couldn't hear him

"I don't know, but I heard tea or something" Lucy said while covering herself

"tea? You sure you didn't mishear?" Mira said not buying what Lucy was telling

"I don't know! I couldn't hear them clearly" Lucy said "and I'm not wearing anything, you know!"

"the Magic Duel will be scheduled tomorrow, have a good day" Ikaruga said as she leaves

Natsu looks at her before he started walking the other direction

Mira and Lucy look to the two before to each other as a question mark appeared above their heads

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