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Chapter 1.1: The first person, Lucifer Nightwalker

Finally, Central Imperial Island-- Imperial Knights Academy.

Ever since 3am, it's been a total of five hours ever since I travel across the ocean, on the X-586 helicopter.

I'm quite fed-up.

Ignoring the warnings from the pilot while I unbuckled my seat-belt, I jumped off from the helicopter without a parachute, where it's 8000 feet high in the sky.

After diving across the sky to search for an appropriate spot to land, with my sense of equilibrium, I flip my body and land with my feet...

...while creating a hole on the pathway with my shoes half-sunken into the ground.

Damn, the tiles are more fragile than I thought.

The spot I land is the main path towards the main gates of Imperial Knights Academy, where the back of it is the path to the city.

Like a forest, the sides of the path is covered by thick trees.

No one would catch me in an act of vandalism on destroying the pathway.



After a light jog, I stop by the gates and stretch my back and shoulders.

Man, my back hurts. Who knew a helicopter is so uncomfortable to sit on? The storm on the Bermuda Triangle sure is terrifying, all those shaking and rolling nearly killed me. It's a good thing it only lasted for three hour inside that region, and fortunately, I didn't puke either. Anymore of that 5-hour marathon ride I would've died. Since I can't cast any teleportation magic nor being cast on, the Imperial Knights Academy had to send a helicopter to fetch me all the way there and back to all the way here.

Well, barely.

The helicopter's barrier almost broke down. Then again, I think their funds are more than enough to cover the maintenance and repairing fees.

Alright then...

I'm not sure in which direction my home is, so I simply faced backwards, and stared at the sky with a sentimental expression on my face.

Sorry, Restia, Ruby. It might be selfish of me to be leaving without saying goodbye, but seriously, I think I did the right thing after all.

Do you have any idea how long you have forced me to postpone my enrollment? It's six months, six months...!

Today is the very first day of June, Summer.

Needless to say, it's been six months since the enrollment day, so I'm the only one here alone, standing on the main path, staring to the inside like an idiot from the outside of the main school gates.

If there's someone else watching what I am doing, I would've died from embarrassment. They would probably think that I'm a weirdo from staring into the air with a sentimental look. On top of that, I stare twice, it would be enough to kill me twice.

"Phew..." I deliberately sighed.

...So this is it, Imperial Knights Academy.

Compared to the pictures he sent me, this looks way larger than I expected.

How long has it been since the last time I went to school...? It's been ages, is it six years already...?

The moment I step in; this will be the very place I will be attending— and it will be my first time living all alone completely, without my family, Restia and Ruby.

6 months. I just need to endure 6 months.

To overcome my nervousness, anxiousness and uneasiness, I took a deep breath. Ignoring the salty smell coming from the sea and the nature's aroma coming from the forest, I breathed out and felt refreshed.

If I'm going to wish for one thing, then I'm going to wish for a magnificent school life...!

Alright, let's go!


Okay, now. This is pretty sarcastic.

Somehow, I've been walking for quite a while.

Right, I was informed no one will be guiding me, but I was greeted by the sea breeze, hot summer wind, rustling sounds of the trees, chirping birds... aside from the sound of my own footsteps, not a single thing that sounds human.

The school gates are so freakishly empty that it feels creepy, like an abandoned school.

The main path starting from the school gates leads to the great hall of the academy, where the entrance ceremony is held. I'm six months late, so I'm not going to the main hall. There are several smaller paths on the left and right that lead to different facilities.

Let's open his email again...

'The moment you reach the main gate, take the smallest path on the right. This will lead you to the Student Council President's Building.'

Okay, this is what the damn old fart principal sent to me, nothing special.

Although I'm a special student, no matter how I look at it, I don't have any special treatments— talk about being fair and square, you damn old fart.

As usual, I hate him.

But even if I complained, that old fart wouldn't listen, and it would've just wasted my time.

...better continue walking.

My path was surrounded by thick trees, it provides shades under the hot summer sun, the chill feeling feels nice.

"Time." I murmured.

A small screen appeared in front of me, with the current time based on my current location.

Huh... 8.03am. It's still a little early till the appointed time. Judging from my pace, at this rate, I still have more than enough time even if I loitered around.

I think a little walk wouldn't hurt a bit...

I tend to explore the forest and dungeons around my home, so out of habit I decided to walk between the trees and bushes. Thus, ignoring the small path that leads to the Student Council President's Building, I dived in between the thick forest.

I soon realized that I'd gotten lost and can no longer find my way.

And here I stood, blaming myself for being stupid.


After settling down, I realized something important.

Aside from the sound of breath, there's not a single note of sound. This very spot I'm currently standing, is quiet— so overwhelmingly quiet that it hurts my ears.

The sunlight too is completely shielded by the trees.

No, not the trees. It is entirely something else, like... a barrier...?

I better get out of here.

Activating my screen, I search for the school map.


There's no signal.

I can't use the map, nor I'm able to make a call to the principal for directions.

Dang, I should've download the offline version.

While sighing as I minimize the screen, I look around, searching for the slightest opening for me to jump...

But apparently, there are none.

Nothing but trees, bushes and grass here...

Should I really rely on my instincts...?

I already got lost once. Better stop repeating the same old mistake.

Just seconds before I decided to walk blindly by following my intuition— a strong wind suddenly blows across my body.

Hmm...? There's wind...?

And so, I walk towards the direction where the wind is coming from, and... out of the thick forest in an instant.


"Eh? Where am I...?" I inadvertently mumbled.

...that doesn't mean I've already found my way to the building, I'm still at loss as to where I am.

There's a building right in front of me, but it's not the Student Council President's Building.

I know because the principal sent me the picture just in case I got lost.

This building is like a mansion, a white mansion five-storey high, but yet extremely large in its base area.

The strange thing about this building— it was surrounded by a large force field with transparent-green in colour and hexagonal patterns.

What is this mysterious looking mansion? That guy never sends any pictures about this one. Is it a facility? It's far away from anything— I can't even see a building here since it's a downslope, blocked by a hill, so it doesn't seem like it.

Approaching the force field, I give a gentle knock on it with my knuckle.


It rebounds back to me.

Looking closely, I realized it is made with both technology and magic. Unlike my house's barrier which consists of multiple layers of barriers, this is placed together in one. The outer hexagonal panels were able to absorb quite an amount of physical attack and rebound it back, while the inner layer is a magical barrier blocking magical attacks. If I want to break this barrier... it might take a toll on my arm.

But I'd better not, there's no reason to do so and even if I did, that bastard principal would surely bombard me with tons of questions afterwards.

I thought the school map would've work if I'm out from the trees, but it remains the same, there's still no signal.

Might be because of this, huh? Is there some sort of jamming device?

I don't want to go back in there, it gives me the chills. I even shout, but there's no response.

"Tch... this is troublesome."

As I got myself a headache and rub my temple with my finger, a small, pink, ball of light gliding across the wind, floated all its way across my line of vision, catching my attention. Reflexively, I caught it with my bare hand, and looked closely at it, until it disappeared after staying on my palm for three seconds or so.

It's not a petal, but light...?

I looked up toward the direction of the pink tree. Compared to the trees I came across just now, it's size and height is overwhelming. I didn't notice because it looks normal to me, since the trees back on my island are as large as that.

Come to think of it, is this the... 'Pink Drop'? That rare tree that brings luck whenever you are unlucky...?

Because of the only pink light that managed to get all the way here, I had a feeling that the tree is actually leading me to something. Maybe it's possible for me to climb it and search for the Student Council President's building. With that height, I'm sure it's high enough to look around the most of the academy.

With that in mind, I sprint all the way towards the 'Pink Drop', running across the hill with a sharp and lively rhythm as each step I strike on the grass. As I run, I'd look around, searching for anyone or any building. But all I saw was the 'Pink Drop' tree, which completely blocked my view on my front with its large trunk. For the rest, there's nothing else but lots of smaller trees.

The blue sky is nearly getting covered by the flowers, it's decorated with pink lights. The more I'm closer to the trunk, the more it's covered.

Oh, and there... I reached the base of the 'Pink Drop'.

Although I jumped down from a helicopter, walking for a long distance, and even ran around a hundred meters, my breathing's unperturbed. Thank goodness. Right now, I'm still quite confident in my stamina, but if it's sooner... things will be different.

I looked up.

The lights dropping down landed on my hair and blazer, and on my face. That's not important, I merely find it a little annoying when some falls to my eye. It feels like I'm staring at a tree made by cotton candy, or rather, it looks like I'm starting at a tree that grows cotton candy. Although I'm not the type of elegant, classy sort of person to stop and appreciate the beautiful sight, it was just so beautiful that I couldn't help myself to be mesmerized.

Wait a second... I forgot something I should do.

With its height around 13000 feet high, I wondered if I'm able to withstand the altitude sickness and cold...?

Oh well, I will know when I'm up there.

I went to the shortest and closest branch, which is nearly 5 times my 176cm height. I did a few test jumps, adjusting my power on my legs before actually knowing how high I should jump.

Alright then...

I contracted my muscles on my legs as I bent on my knees, launching myself like a catapult upwards with my legs acting as a spring. That said, the ground crumbled slightly and absorbed some of the force, but I guess it's alright.


This gentle sound was made when I grazed across the flowers.


A perfect trajectory, I didn't miss my shot. The height is just enough for me to land on this large, thick, branch. Actually, the branch is so large and thick, I think it's able to hold around 50 more men without any problems.

Wow, as expected— it's like diving into a cotton candy fantasy land. There's pink, pink, pink, and pink all over, but it feels comfortable and relaxing. It's rather warm too. There's more than enough space to spare here... I think it will be nice to have lunch here.

Time to look around— or not. Aside from the pink flowers, branches and trunk, I can't see anything else outside nor below, well there is only the area where I just jumped. For the rest, it's completely covered by the pink flowers.

I looked and climbed around, searching for an opening. Searching higher and higher, branch after branch as I leaped.

Eventually, I reached the top. Not exactly the top, though, if I climb any higher the new branch might not be able to withstand my weight. Falling from this height... I guess it's okay.

I'm quite surprised about the flawlessness of this tree. I'm sure it was fed with enough water and nutrients. There's not a single tiny hole to let me look from the inside.

Geez, what should I do now...?


A familiar sound came across both of my ears.

This sound...? Could it be someone dived in just like I did...?

Did I mishear it? No, it couldn't be. I'm quite certain someone's here and finally, there's a person. I've already walked and searched for quite some time and yet I'm still unable to find a single soul alive. I'm not letting this chance go. Regardless who he is, a student or a teacher, surely he's more familiar with this academy than me.

But where could he be...? I felt like hearing it from both the left and right direction below.

I simply picked one, and quickly jumped downwards to the left, where I just climbed from, branch by branch— looking for the source. Because there's light from the tree, I saw a very transparent shadow just below several branches away. It's a guy, right? I'm quite certain it is.

Stepping across the last branch as I leap to where the shadow is, I landed behind the blurry figure that I managed to catch a glance, with my knees squatting. It is a cool entrance, but my steps were pretty much soundless, so I don't think he'd notice me at all. Even if he'd notice, I think I would die of embarrassment. Yeah, I'm pretty much so nervous I can't even raise my head to look at him in the face.

What will he even think about a strange guy like me...?

My heart is beating really fast.

I'm sweating and my body is trembling.

Although it's pretty much a very quiet sound, I heard the sound of shoes clacking two times. He turned back and faced me, how unexpectedly sharp. I better speak by now or else he will think that I'm a weirdo...

"Ah, um.... I'm kind of lost so—"

As I stood up and asked, my hand unconsciously reached to the back of my head, awkwardly scratching it. And perhaps it's because of my nervousness, I avoided any sign of eye contact with him at all.


The voice I heard was so abrupt and unexpectedly, out of shock, no, it was more like getting spell-bounded, my mind froze. It was so beautiful... that it felt like it was spoken from the heavens.

What's more... it's a girl...!?

Actually, I felt much more relieved if it's a girl. I'm used to talking with girls and only girls, so to some certain guys, they might feel jealous. For example, that damn old fart principal.

Come to think of it, her reaction— Did I surprise her...?

Putting that aside, I always think it's not polite to not look at someone when I am talking, especially towards girls. Once again, I should look at her in the eyes and ask for directions.

After I talk to her, she will be the fourth girl I have ever come across. If possible, I hope we would become friends... Though Restia and Ruby would probably get made at me if I do so. I don't really care about their opinions sometimes, but if her face looks average, they might allow it. Besides, my little sis and magical pet are plenty cute already, the chances for her to be cuter than them is nearly impossible, it's probably even less than 0.00000001%.

Enough worrying, let's just raise my head and look at her with a smile.


The moment I fixed my eyes at the girl standing in front of me, both my mind and body froze.

Even if the world had ended, she would still most certainly be standing there, even if there was no footing to stand on.

That was the illusion she gave, so much that it was like a scene from a painting.

The presence and beauty of her was just so overwhelming that it suppressed that of any other object.

Her long, black, flowing ebony hair, like a plume of smoke, weaved around her shoulder and waist.

Her eyes were of a strange, hard to describe bluish colour.

Her elegant figure, which would make even a goddess feel envious, was warped by weariness as she stood silently with pursed lips.

She's A gentle-looking girl who had a beautiful face and dignified aura that made her look like she's finally free from secular affairs.

...I was inadvertently fascinated by it.

My vision;

My attention;

Even my heart;

—at that moment, they were stolen away.

That girl was so...



So intensely;


LuciferVermillion LuciferVermillion

Illustration of Kuroyuki Shiroha.


In this Chapter, it's not just about tree, bush, grass, getting lost and then meeting a girl like an anime. 


Story flow may seem natural, but there are tons of hints inside this chapter.

If you like my work and want to continue, here's a suggestion: Except Chapter 3, read every chapter carefully till Volume 2-- Chapter 5. If you don't understand where do you need to look out, comment below.

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