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60.6% Twins of the Sea / Chapter 20: Davy Back fight & Aokiji

Chapter 20: Davy Back fight & Aokiji

Zeus was on the Merry, practicing on how to change his gold staff's forms, he went from trident, to spear, to halberd, and back to staff, not only was it getting easier to change through the staff's forms it was giving him good practice for his lightning control, the details on each of the forms were getting more and more intricate. As Zeus practiced, Robin sat next to him reading a book with Chopper sleeping in her lap, while Zoro and Sanji were training in the method Zeus taught them, with no results. Nami was sunbathing and Ussop was tinkering with Nami's clima-tact adding in dials and Luffy was sitting on Merry's figurehead.

Luffy shouted "Hey look a ship!" Everybody stopped and looked over at the ship, Zeus said "They have no flag" everybody noticed the lack of a flag and dismissed it, they were getting closer to the next island. Zeus looked over at Robin and was secretly worried, he knew what was going to happen and he didn't want Robin to be upset. The Merry soon reached land and the ship dropped anchor.

Luffy ran around on the island and found a guy on the tallest stilts Zeus had ever seen, they were seriously massive, the man on top was a dot the size of a thumb in the sky. Luffy kicked the stilts and the man fell, landing right on top of Luffy and bounced off hitting the ground, the man got up and said "Thank you for bringing me down i've been stuck up there for weeks!" Zeus chuckled and Luffy said "Why didn't you just come down?" the man shook his head and said "I was so high up I got scared and had to eat apples from the trees to survive, my name is Tonjit." Luffy picked his nose and said "You're pretty stupid old man." Tonjit was about to retort but a gunshot was heard followed by the sound of metal hitting metal. The group turned around and saw Zeus blocked a gunshot from a guy with a split-haircut. Zeus looked at the guy and was instantly annoyed "Oi! You with the stupid haircut! Why you shooting animals around here?" The man with the stupid haircut slumped and cried but recovered quickly and said "I'm Foxy, of the Foxy pirates." Zeus waved his hand "Get to the point you stupid cat-guy!" Foxy said "ITS A FOX!" Foxy cleared his throat and said "You're the Strawhats aren't you? I challenge you to a Davy Back fight!" Zeus said "No." before Luffy could say anything, and knocked him unconscious. Luffy looked at Zeus and pouted, Zeus sighed and said "Really? He just wants to steal our crew and flag, the Foxy pirates are known for cheating, 99% of their crew is from Davy Back fights." Luffy nodded, Zeus sighed and kicked Foxy sending jolts on electricity into his body and said "Wake up you stupid filler trash, Idiot, Dumbass, Cheating son of a bi-" Foxy yelped and woke up "AH MOMMY I DON'T WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL!"

Zeus "..."

Luffy "..."

Everyone else "..."

Foxy wept and drew circles on the ground mumbling something about dreams being stupid. Zeus blinked and started laughing so hard he fell over holding on to his stomach. Foxy cried again before standing up and saying "Ahem* Like I said I challenge you to a Davy Back fight!" Zeus got up and lifted his staff, causing Foxy to flinch, and looked at Luffy. Luffy smiled and said "Sounds like fun!" Foxy visibly relaxed and sent Zeus a shit-eating grin, before eating the end of Zeus' staff, Zeus blinked and said "Ah oops, I actually hit him on reflex that time." Foxy's crew facepalmed, and Luffy laughed, as the rest of his crew facepalmed too.

The groups returned to their ships and told the rest of the crew what happened, Zoro said "And you didn't stop him?" Zeus held up his staff and said "I DID! I hit the cat-guy with my staff and kocked him out before Luffy could answer and Luffy made me wake him up!" Zoro sighed and patted Zeus' shoulder "Well you tried." Zeus was upset and said "Maybe I should've hit him harder, I could've given him brain damage and he would've forgot what he was here to do. Fuck i'm so stupid!" as Zeus was berating himself, Robin and Luffy laughed, while the rest of the crew slowly backed away from the maniac with a staff, Zeus whipped around and grabbed Chopper, Chopper screamed "DON'T GIVE ME BRAIN DAMAGE IM A DOCTOR!" Zeus blinked and started laughing "Shishishi Don't worry Chopper, I just want to know how hard you have to hit someone to give them brain damage." Chopper thought about it and said "Any force really if he didn't have a concussion at least, you didn't hit hard enough" Zeus put Chopper on top of his head and said "Yeah wanna go run some tests?" Chopper nodded excitedly and the rest of the crew ran away from the two maniacs.

A while later- First Game

Zeus and the rest of the crew were standing near a stage as one of the Foxy pirates were announcing the rules and games, Zeus mumbled "What use of the rules is you're just going to cheat anyway?" Robin said "Aw does someone not like games?" Zeus said "I do like games, I just don't like that cat-guy." Foxy called from the other side "IT'S A FOX!" Zeus ignored him and continued "Plus I can kill them all right now and we'll win." Everybody looked at him, Zeus blinked and said "What?" They just shook their heads and Zeus said "If they take Robin I'm gonna kill that split-haired cat bastard." Robin giggled and the announcer started the games. Zeus flashed on to the stage and grabbed the mic, cleared his throat and said "If we're going to do this we're gonna do it right." he pointed in the air and a thunder clap was heard the sky went dark and Zeus shot lighting into the air poking a hole in the cloud leaving only enough light for him and said "LADIES ANNND GENTLEMAN! Welcome to the looong awaited Davy Back fight between the Cat-dog pirates!" "IT'S FOXY PIRATES!" "and the fan favorite the Straaaawwwwww haaaaats! Our first event is the race when a team of three will race in their very own boats! So original! WOW! The rules are extremely simple! No weapons, and not performance enhancing drugs! We all remember the tragic boat race of 57'" everybody put their hands over their hearts and shook their heads, Zeus spoke up again "And ladies and gentle man introducing your EXTREMELY handsome MC/Announcer Me! Kurama! and My guest announcer!" Everybody looked confused "You never thought we would introduce him here! Coming from Marineford on a walk! Admiral 'lazy justice' Aokiji!" Zeus poked another hole into the cloud, another spotlight shining on Aokiji, who was now standing next to Zeus. Aokiji waved his hand and said "Hey everyone at home, happy to be here!" Zeus cleared the skies and said "Welcome Aokiji! Now introducing our three man teams! In boat number 1, on the Foxy pirates side, it's Pointy nose woman, Pointy nose Fish guy, and a literal shark! What a team folks give em a hand!" everybody clapped and the three bowed, Zeus continued "Now on two the Strawhat team in boat 2! We have Nami, Ussop, and the absolutely most beautiful woman in the world Robin!! Wow! Amazing! My heart literally stopped beating! Let's give them a hand as well!" everybody clapped and Nami bowed, Robin gave a small wave, and Ussop was waving his hands and conducting a wave to produce in the crowd. Zeus turned to Aokiji and said "Aokiji before we start the race is there anything to want to add about the teams?" Aokiji scratched his head and said "Well, I just wanna say that I wanna see a clean race and I gotta say these teams look rarin to go" Zeus nodded and said "That they are Aokiji and without further ado LET'S START THE RACE!" Zeus caused a lighting bolt to smashed down in between the two teams. Both teams started putting together their boats, Ussop finished the boat in record time and set sail, Zeus remarked "I think that's a record time! Anything to add Aokiji?" Aokiji, who had already made an ice chair, said "Yeah, Kurama I think so too! And the way the boat was built has got to be the perfect shape, which is something incredible for just 3 barrels!" Zeus nodded and said "What do you think the teams have to focus on in this particular game." Aokiji thought for a moment and said "Well, i'd have to say the obstacles are the most important part, mainly the mist near the end of the race, a lot of teams fail to navigate through the mist and end up losing their boats" Zeus nodded sagely and said "I see, let's not forget the whirlpools as well, those have taken down a fair number of teams." Aokiji nodded and said "That's correct, a real shame what happened in the tragic boat race of 57'." Everybody put their hands over their hearts and sighed, Zeus said "It looks like the Strawhat team has a sizable lead on the Cat-snake team!" "IT'S FOXY!" "The Strawhats pulled through the whirlpools! Amazing navigation by the Strawhat team! The guinea pig-rat team" "FOXY!!!" "is still lagging far behind while the Strawhats are going through the mist, they have to be careful here or they could potentially lose their lead and give the tarantula-orca team" "IT'S sigh* never mind" "The chance to catch up!" Aokiji nodded and said "Yea like I said a lot of teams have big troubles through the mist portion of the race, it's not an easy one to navigate." Zeus turned and said "That's a good point, do you have any experience?" Aokiji laughed and said "Of course! Our team was known as the boat race maestros! Never lost a single match!" Zeus exclaimed "WOW! That's a pretty sizable title there Aokiji!" Aokiji just chuckled and Zeus turned back to the race. "The Strawhats have made it out of the mist and are flying towards the finish line! But the armadillo-porcupine team is hot on their trail! The Strawhats are about to cross the finish line! HUH? What's this? Folks the Strawhats have stopped and are continuing at was seems like a snails pace! I have to say that goes against all laws of physics and as well as the biggest upset I've seen in all my years of announcing, as the dragon-mouse team passes the Strawhats and crosses the finish line, winning the match." Zeus sighed and said "Aokiji any thoughts on how the race ended?" Aokiji cleared his throat and said "Well, I suspect foul play is a foot here Kurama, to be honest with you I've never seen a boat completely stop on a dime like that, unless I freeze it." Zeus nodded and said "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing! Let's go down to the teams and hear their thoughts." Zeus flashed and Aokiji melted and reappeared near Foxy's team as Zeus held out the mic and said "Anything to say about the race?" The pointy nosed woman, named Porsche said "Well you know we really thought they had us for a minute there but I guess lady luck was really on our side after all." Zeus nodded and said "Thanks for your time, if you pick Robin i'll kill you." and flashed away to the Strawhat team with Aokiji, leaving Porsche shaking in fear. Zeus appeared with Aokiji in front of Robin, Nami, and Ussop and said "What are your thought on the race?" Nami said "Well we were about to win and the boat slowed down, I think the Foxy pirates cheated." Zeus raised a brow and said "That's a pretty serious accusation. Well look into it" Zeus turned to Robin and said "Anything to add beautiful?" Robin shook her head and Aokiji was staring at her, Zeus turned to Aokiji and said "If you keep staring at her like that i'll dig you eyes out. ANYWAY let's go any see what's up with these gorilla-panther pirates." Zeus grabbed Aokiji and flashed away, reappearing in front of Foxy. Zeus had lightning crackling around him phasing from blue to white to red and back to blue as he said "Hello cat-guy, we're here to investigate a formal complaint. You've been suspected of cheating, is there anything you'd like to say for yourself?" Foxy said "W-Well I would never do that!" Zeus looked at Aokiji and said "This guy looks suspicious." Aokiji nodded and Zeus continued "We'll keep an eye on you, this is your only warning." Zeus and Aokiji disappeared and reappeared on top of the stage.

Second Game

Zeus and Aokiji were on stage and Zeus spoke "Well the first round goes to the frog-crab pirates, they'll now be choosing a crew member from the opposing pirates, remember folks if you are chosen you have to be loyal to that pirate flag!" Zeus turned to Foxy and said "Your choose cat-guy!" Foxy gulped and said "The reindeer!" Zeus said "AND IN A SURPRISING TURN OF EVENTS! THE OCTOPUS-LION PIRATES CHOOSE CHOPPER! What do you think about his choice Aokiji?" Aokiji shook his head and said "From a strategical stand point, it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever but I have to admit he is cute." Zeus nodded and said "I have to agree Chopper is the second cutest on the Strawhats by far! And now that Chopper has been taken hostag- I mean transferred, the Second Game will begin! Aokiji i'll actually be participating in this one so you're gonna have to take over thanks!" Zeus hopped off the stage and went over to Luffy's crew, they all gave him a look, Zeus said "What?" they shook their heads, Zeus mumbled "Jeez you guys are weird.." Nami snapped "We're weird?! What were you doing!" Zeus was shocked and said "MC obviously. Are you stupid?" Nami facepalmed and sighed, Zeus looked over at Robin and shuffled over and said "What's her deal?" Robin smiled and said "She's just upset that we lost, and I think because you said Chopper was the second cutest on our crew." Zeus mumbled "She isn't third either.." Nami snapped again "I'M NOT THIRD EITHER?! I'LL KILL YOU BASTARD!" Zeus chuckled and hid behind Robin who giggled, Zeus got serious and whispered in Robin's ear "I saw Aokiji earlier I don't want you to be scared, I will always protect you, no matter who it is." Zeus squeezed her shoulders lightly and hugged her, before joining Zoro and Sanji and walking towards the ring.

Aokiji explained the rules "In this game, the teams of three from each pirate crew choose one of their members to be the 'Ball', and the other team has to try and knock the opposing team's ball into the goal. As usual no weapons or cheating. Begin!"

Zeus sighed and said "That guy is so boring" Zoro and Sanji gave him a look and said "No I think that's just you." Zeus sighed and grabbed the ball putting it on his head and saying "You guys are just jealous because I'm more handsome than you, It's okay I get it." Sanji flared up and Zoro said "Why are you the ball?" Zeus slapped his head and said "I'm lightning remember?" Zoro and Sanji smirked and chuckled evilly, Zeus gave his own grim chuckled and cracked his knuckles and said "Let's get this over with quickly." Zoro and Sanji jumped and each attacked an opponent, and Zeus just walked towards the guy who had the ball on his head punched him in the face, knocking him unconscious, and dragged him towards the goal, Zoro and Sanji were sitting on their own opponents and saying "Oi, mask freak hurry up, I need to get back to Nami-swan" Zoro yawned and fell asleep. Zeus dragged the guy and threw him into the goal and dusted his hands off, and walked away with Zoro and Sanji. The crowd had their eyes and mouths wide open and the whole place was completely silent. Aokiji yawned and said "Oi, Kurama get back up here I don't like being MC." Zeus chuckled, took the ball off his head and flashed back to the stage, he grabbed the mic and said "Hello folks, well that was an eventful game! Your EXTREMELY handsome host is baaaack! The Strawhat team crushed the ant-bear pirates! Their most handsome player scored the winning goal! Aokiji off to interview the MVP!" Zeus flashed to Lufy and his crew before giving the mic to Aokiji, who said "How do you feel about that match" Zeus sighed and said "Well you know, easy pickings I guess wasn't really a challenge, what do you guys think?" he turned to Zoro and Sanji, Zoro grunted and Sanji said "Well I am always at the top of my game when there are ladies around, and especially when Nami-swan is watching." Zeus shook his head and said "So as you can see, not really too tough for us." Zeus grabbed the mic and said "Excellent interview, and did you see how handsome that guy was?" Everybody rolled their eyes, Zeus walked up to Robin and said "Hello miss, what did you think of the man being interviewed?" Robin said "Well he IS quite handsome." Zeus grinned and said "Heard that folks! Heheh I'M- Ahem* I mean that interviewee was extremely handsome maybe even as handsome as me, vote in the polls near the hot-dog stand." Zeus coughed and said "Anyway moving on Captain Strawhat, who will you choose from the opposing Pirate crew?" Luffy thought and said "Come back Chopper!" Chopper cried and ran back, Zeus wiped a fake tear and said with a fake sob "It's enough to make a grown man cry!" He flashed back to the stage dragging Aokiji with him, and said "It's Time for the MAAAIIIN EVENT!!! CAPTAIIINNNNS BATTTLEEEE!!!" The crowd cheered and everyone moved to Foxy's ship.

Third Game

Zeus and Aokiji appeared in a makeshift boxing ring, Zeus nodded at Aokiji and Aokiji disappeared. Zeus snapped his fingers and the sky turned dark, he made a spotlight for himself and revealed he was wearing a full tuxedo. Zeus cleared his throat and said "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! WELCOME TO THE DAVY BACK FIGHT! WE ARE HERE IN OUR FINAL GAME!" Zeus shot his fist into the air clearing the sky and the crowd burst into cheers. Zeus said "IN THE BLACK CORNER, weighing in at 173lbs, standing at 5'11, we have FOXYYYY THE SILVER FOOOOOXX!" the crowd cheered and Zeus continued "AND IN THE RED CORNER, weighing in at 154lbs, standing at 5'7, STRAAAAAAAAAW HAT LUUUFFFFFFYYYYYYYYYY!!!" the crowd cheered again and Zeus finally said "LLLLET'S GET READY TO RUUUMBLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Zeus hopped off the stage and was already out of his tuxedo, as he landed next to Robin. Robin looked at him and said "Where did you get that outfit by the way?" Zeus said "I rented it, why?" Robin winked and said "You looked pretty good in it" Zeus' heart almost stopped as he cursed "Damn it Robin, any sexier than that and I would've died!" Robin giggled and smiled, Zeus grabbed a napkin and shoved it under his mask into his nose and huffed, as he crossed his arms, causing Robin to laugh.

Luffy fought Foxy and had a hard time because of Foxy's devil fruit powers and Foxy's traps and tricks, but in the end grabbed a mirror and bounced Foxy's slow-slow beam back at him and won the fight. Zeus winked at Robin and jumped back on stage. He grabbed Luffy's arm and raised it in the air and said "THE WINNER STRAAAAAAAAAW HAT LUUUUUUUFFYYYYYY!!!" the crowd went wild. Zeus rubbed his hands and said "Luffy what's your choice? Are you taking someone from their crew and splitting apart their precious bonds? Or just taking their flag and drawing your own on it?" Luffy chose to take their flag and draw his own, it was horrendous. Zeus said "And that's that ladies and gentlemen, our games twisted and turned, with huge upsets and shocking battles, see you next time! Anything to add Aokiji?" Aokiji shook his head and said "That about sums it up." Zeus nodded and said "Then goodnight!" Zeus made and electrical explosion and grabbed all the Strawhats and flashed away from Aokiji.

Zeus and the rest landed on the beach near the Merry, Zeus looked around and said "Ah lost him." Zeus heard a voice "Yea we sure did." Zeus chuckled and said "I was pretty co-" Zeus slowly turned around and stared at Aokiji and chuckled nervously "Hey man, what's up? We're off air, you can go home now." Aokiji chuckled and said "I was coming here to check if Nico Robin was here because a certain someone, never reported to HQ." Zeus crossed his arms and said "Now hold on a minute, I never got a call from HQ!" Aokiji took out a Den Den Mushi and said "Hey Sen." Sengoku said "What, Aokiji." Aokiji said "I'm standing in front of Kurama right now." Sengoku was silent before he exploded "YOU BASTARD I CALLED YOU 12 TIMES WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!" Zeus gave Aokiji a glare and said "Yo." Sengoku blinked, and Aokiji facepalmed, Sengoku said "Yo? YO!? WHAT DO YOU MEAN YO, YOU BASTARD!" Zeus chuckled and said "Oi Gramps this is definitely not good for your blood pressure." Aokiji actually laughed and Sengoku heard him "Hey, Aokiji did you just laugh at that brats joke?" Aokiji said "NONONO I would never Sir." Sengoku said "Come back to HQ, NOW." Aokiji shivered and gave Zeus a glare, Zeus held up a 'V' sign and stuck out his tongue and said "Bye-bye! Shishishishi" Sengoku said "and you. Where are the Strawhats?" Zeus blinked and turned around and waved at them before turning back said saying seriously "I have absolutely no idea, I am lost at sea and me and Admiral Aokiji and heading to G-8 send someone to come get me." and Zeus hung up the Den Den Mushi. Aokiji just stared at Zeus with his mouth wide open, as did the rest of the Strawhats, Luffy just started laughing, Zeus stared into Aokiji's eyes and said "You gonna do it Kuzan? You gonna be the one to make me snap?" Aokiji stared into Zeus' eyes and Zeus said "Because I'm extremely close to snapping, so what's it gonna be Kuzan?" Zeus took a step forward and looking up at Aokiji as the blue lightning crackling around him turned white, along with his eyes, Zeus' voice changed into a more deep and vibrating one "What are you gonna do Kuzan." the lightning got more violent with every step. Aokiji finally sighed and said "You already know don't you?" Zeus sneered "Another bullshit report, and let me tell you something else, I will protect her AT. ANY. COST." Aokiji took a step back and said "I hope you know what you're doing." and walked away, the lightning around Zeus disappeared and he chuckled and said "Of course I do Aokiji! But the question is are you?" Aokiji stopped but didn't turn around, Zeus turned around and started walking towards Luffy and his crew and said "Is it still the justice you believed in?" Aokiji froze, while Zeus walked away with the crew and returned to the Merry. Aokiji sighed and said "I don't know anymore."

The crew set sail and Zeus was standing on the deck with everybody else, they were all looking at him, he touched his face and said "What? Did I become more handsome? I'm even attracting guys now? UGH, Sorry, I only like women, It's not my fault I'm so handsome, blame my mother." Nami was seething, while Robin looked amused and Luffy just started laughing, the rest were looking at Zeus and looked annoyed, Zeus sighed and said "What did I do?" Nami said "First of all, who was that?" Zeus looked at Robin and said "Admiral Aokiji." Nami asked "Who was on the snail?" Zeus said "Fleet Admiral Sengoku." Nami said "And how strong is Aokiji?" Zeus thought for a moment and said "Really strong." Nami took a deep breath and said "Compared to you?" Everybody stopped and looked at Zeus, he sighed and said "If I fight against Aokiji seriously and let you guys escape, I can hold him off for about, i don't know, 6-7 hours? I 100% die in the end tho, I might get a lucky shot and take a couple limbs with me though. I can't beat him but I can cause some serious damage, you can say it's not in his best interest to fight me. If you want a number out of 100, i'd say i'm at a 83 and Aokiji is at a 95 but because of my fruit's high temperature I can fight him somewhat evenly, same with Akainu." Nami and the rest gasped even Luffy was silent, Zeus continued "You guys would've died in seconds if he was serious." Zeus turned to Luffy and said "Luffy, I don't fight because you need the fights, but you have to start taking the enemies more seriously, all of you need to get stronger if i had to give you all numbers i'd say Luffy is at a 68 as a base if he uses a temporary power boost depending on what it is the numbers may vary from mid to high 70s, Zoro is at 65, Sanji 61, Chopper depending on your points id say from 51-55 if you use the monster you shoot up to 60, Robin 54, Nami depending on proper preparations with your clima-tact from 46-50 and Ussop 49. And for you Ussop it's extremely hard to judge because if you were a careful planner and laid traps while fighting and didn't run away you would be at i'd say 57. But don't worry you'll get there." Zeus finished and Luffy asked "So what happened in Skypeia?" Zeus dimmed and said "I only showed a portion of my power and Enel wasn't aware of the rest, he can't make me do something he thinks I can't do my numbers there were 70? 72? Keep in mind that if you go to the new world all these numbers are useless. They break the scale. Akainu is 100 and I'm not including Sengoku, this is Admirals down." Luffy nodded and was silent, Nami spoke up "And you were prepared to die so we could escape from Aokiji?" Zeus chuckled and said without hesitation "Of course. You're nakama. Seriously, I thought you were the third smartest." he shook his head and went into the galley to get a drink. Everybody on the deck smiled and looked at each other before nodding and went to train, Zeus came out and everybody was gone, he blinked and shook his head, as he sat down and drank by himself, waiting to reach the next island.

Monkey_Godking Monkey_Godking

Hey guys! A long-ish chapter, honestly I don't even know the norm anymore it varies nowadays. Anyways I wrote the Davy back fight (even though I hate it) to kinda break away from the last chapter. Again sorry about it but I stand by it. ALSO those are true numbers based on what I think they are so yeah pretty much. Let me know what you think.

Next Time! Water 7 and all its glory! I don't know if i'll make it to Enies Lobby, depends when I wake up and if I can squeeze in two chaps tomorrow i will.

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