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100% ❄Frostpool❄ / Chapter 6: Batman Arrives

Chapter 6: Batman Arrives


And small explosion hits wades side as the explosive that batgirl put here goes off, destroying his ice amour and Injuring him. "impressive" wade grunts while holding his side, spreading the ice over his body again to protect it, "but I won't go down that easy" wade laughed before advancing on batgirl again. As he ran batarang flew at him so, wade knocked them away with his blade causing a few to blow up, "more explosives" he grumbled.

During wades run at her, batgirl had set up a few explosives in his path while she threw batarang at him. 'come on dick wake up' she thought while watching wade cut through the explosive batarang she threw, "surrender now criminal before you get really hurt" she shouted trying to keep wades focus on her. "Hahaha, I know you set traps for me but bring it on" wade chuckled then he ran towards the explosive trap batgirl set up.

Wades foot suddenly hit something causing him to look down, he saw the trap she had set for him which was setup to injurer him greatly but not kill him. This made wade laugh before he froze it all completely before he continued on to fight more, he was enjoying himself too much for this to end.

When wade ran through the trap batgirl closed her eyes and looked away since she didn't want to be blinded but before she could look back a fist hit her in the gut, as so fell to her knees in pain she was trying to figure out why the trap failed.

 "that was a nice trap but too bad for you I have a few tricks" wade laughed while he waited for batgirl to get up to fight again. He paced around her keeping his body warm, during the pacing he had also put his other sword away since he didn't want to kill batgirl. 'killing her will brand me as a bad girl forever, also when she is older, she is rather hot if I remember the comics correctly' he thought while watching batgirl start to get up.

While the fight was going on robin had contacted batman and was laying down next to wall with a concussion, batman had told him to only intervene if batgirls life was in danger.

"his skills a rather impressive" a sudden gruff voice declared from besides him, robin turned to see batman standing next to him. "are you going to help her?" robin asked in a daze, he couldn't really focus on anything well and he was starting to get a massive head ache. "No, he isn't trying to kill her and this experience could help her" batman explained while he watched the fight go on.

Wade had kept pushing out what he calls the frost aura as he fought so he noticed someone new arrive, 'probably batman I could fight him next' he concludes as he wrapped his fist in ice. "frost punch" wade shouted as the punch hit batgirl causing her body to cool down and ice to surround her turning her into an ice statue, 'why did I shout that, so embarrassing' wades face was beet red.

"what did you do to batgirl" batman calm, guff voice asked as he walked up to wade. "she is trapped in that ice, if you don't get her out, she might get frost bite or hypothermia "wade explained while drawing his blade again. "and you want me to fight you or you won't allow me to get her free" batman stated calmly while watching wade closely trying to get as much information as he can. "yes exactly" wade replied with a smile under his mask.

" I wont fight you" batman declared before continuing " I searched the man you knocked out, seems like he was a drug dealer, so seems like you were trying clean up the streets, also during this fight you haven't tried to kill batgirl' he explained while staring at wade. 'shit this fight won't happen I should probably run before he tries to make me a sidekick' wade thought, suddenly the ice around batgirl vanished and a smoke bomb went off covering everything in smoke allowing wade to run away.

A few kilometres away from the alley wade stopped running as he sat down "I should head home soon but maybe I will do a sweep of small-time thugs" he thought aloud. And that's what wade did for the next hour, going from street to street knocking people out and he locked them all in an ice jail that he moved around with him.

During his sweep of thugs, he filmed their illegal dealings on the first drug dealers' phone and he also got their confessions on the camera. Wade left the cage in front of the police station and gave to phone to a random police man.

"who are you" the police man asked as wade walked off, "you can call me frostpool" wade laughed then ran for it. For the next hour he walked home, he stored his clothing and mask into the ring just in case batman managed to put a tracking device on it and encased himself in ice.

Wade got home and managed to sneak up to his room with no one noticing he but he opened his room to find his mother staring at him in disapproval.

"what where you doing" Mary asked with a look that told him he was walking on ice (pun intended). "I was out fighting crime" he confessed realizing he had to tell the truth, "why would you do that" she questioned with a calm ton that would scare even batman. "because I wanted experience" wade explained while he started fearing for his life. The next five minutes where spent with both of them staring at each other waiting for the other to break.

"if I said you are banned from doing this you would still go out" she sighed suddenly surprising wade, "probably" he confessed hoping she was going to let him go out".

"I shall make a deal with you then" she decaled, " you can only go out one night a week and you shall call me after every hour or I will send a search party to find out what happened , also you must not attack the big-time bad guys " she concluded, then waited for wades agreement then stormed out. 'that was weird' he thought before jumping into bed and going to sleep.

In the batcave 🦇

"so, he goes by frostpool, he caught 23 criminals and also filmed their illegal activities last night before handing them in this morning" batman explained to his two sidekicks, "now what where your thoughts on his skills" batman asked

"he is skilled in marital arts and had an ability that allows for the creation and control of ice" batgirl described, "he also has amazing physical strength as his kick sent me flying" robin added. "yes, I agree on your thoughts he also seems to have a great grasp on what's happing around him "batman agreed as he wrote a description on frostpool and his abilities on his bat computer.

"we should keep an eye on him for the next few months to get as much information as we can on him before engaging contact with him again" batman concluded as he then sent the information to a few members of the league to see if anyone else had any information on this kid.

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