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100% Transmigrated as a side character in DxD / Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

I might actually scrap the idea of a harem. This story's focus is not romance, and I have even stopped reading some fanfictions because they focused too much on it. I might keep the harem anyway but, I'm not sure. The harem depends on you guys.

By having a harem, I would need to change the point of view multiple times. I would need to write the characters' different thoughts, morals, etc. I'm not experienced enough to write that without ruining the story.

Anyways please leave a review in my story or multiple ones. Since the comments are 70% of the reason, I'm coming back to this story to write more. The rest is the DMs'.

I'm trying to change my writing style, here are some flawns that the story and I have.

Always explain way too much than it should (making my story boring or seem like I'm trying to drag it out.)

Sometimes have a habit of rushing or dragging a story.

Repeating habit.

No actual plans for my story and writing what comes to my mind.

Characters are dull and have no personality, or is a cliche with only one personality like a tsundere.

Young and inexperienced (My first time writing a story.)

Bad English (dyslexic and English is not my main language)

Lazy and don't read through the chapter before posting, ending in a lot of grammatical errors.

Changing from American to Brittian English, sometimes Canadian. (I learn British English in school, but most of my readers are from America, so I don't wanna lose them. Canadian English is because of YouTube.)

Extremely small vocabulary.

Dialogues are hard to understand.


ramdom9997: "Question: Will Motohama have hardcore sex with little Asia?"

Answer: "lol"

Sorry for the bad grammar and spelling beforehand, and some characters may act a bit OOC.

I was kinda disappointed.

Have you ever read novels or fanfictions? Where the character starts to rant about how their magic, chakra, or something. How their power feels inside and outside of their bodies? You always get long descriptions of how they felt.

Well, this world's magic feels kinda anti-climatic.

It just feels a bit warm and tingly and that's it. It's like dipping your hand in warm water.

But, I couldn't help but stare at my hand. This was truly amazing, after all.

Imagine if someone from this world suddenly appeared in my world, or if a scientist or technician appeared in my world. Wouldn't they fall over from shock, from the difference in technology and science in only 12 years?

Wouldn't they be amazed at how we have VR? How flat plasma TV's were something a lot of people have? And this is only a 12-year difference in technology. They have already seen TV and technology, so they might be less shocked and ecstatic than I am right now.

I am using magic. REAL magic. In my world, magic wasn't a thing. It doesn't even exist. It's like showing electricity to someone from medieval times.

I was always a logical person. I didn't believe in magic when I was young. I always saw stuff from a logical perspective. But now? When I'm able to suddenly use magic? All of that logical stuff flew out the window.

I didn't really think about it when Asia used Twilight healing on me, but now that I am using magic? It was amazing.

How did magic work? Does the body create it naturally? Does the food I eat convert to magic? If the body were to create magic without anything, that would go against the laws of physics.

I took three deep breaths to calm myself down.

Calm down, Mike. You got Isekai'd to an ecchi anime world filled with the supernatural, gravity-defying tits and clothes that somehow stick to the female body like a tight BDSM suit. There is nothing "logical" here.

There was something that caught my attention. Namely the fact that I couldn't control how much magic I wanted to let out at the palm of my hand.

I tried to think of a way to control it, but nothing worked. Just because magic was like programming, didn't mean that it was it. Or maybe I'm using the wrong programming language.

Does magic have its own programming language? Thought for later, I guess.

I might as well go to my room now since nothing dangerous happened.

I tried to stop the magic flow to my hand, and luckily it worked. I walked out of the garage and started to make my way into my room.

But right before I could open the door to my room, I heard a voice behind me.

"Motohama?" A familiar voice asked behind me. "Why are you not at school?"

Whipping my head around, I saw my mom holding some laundry.

"W-what do you mean?" I asked. "I just got home from school a few hours ago?" That came out more like a question than an answer.

"Don't lie to me, young man." My mom said, anger clear on her face. "I thought that you went to school early since you didn't come down for breakfast, and I didn't see you in your room."

What? Wait, how long was I meditating? How didn't I realize anything?

My mother, not getting any response, got annoyed.

"Well? Why are you not at school?"

Not having a good response, I lied through my teeth.

"I forgot my bag."

My mom gave off a sigh. "Well? What are you waiting for?"

"Nothing," I said and ran into my room, put everything I needed in my bag before running out.

I arrived at school much earlier than I expected. I sprinted the whole way here and barely felt tired at all.

I guess all of that training paid off.

When I came to school, I thought that my clothes and I would reek of old sweat since I didn't change clothes since yesterday, when I was training. But it turns out that Motohama is one of those Asians whose body sweat doesn't smell.

I needed to change my bandages as well. While I might not need them anymore, I still have to wear them to not raise any suspicion by being healed after only one day.

But that didn't help the feeling of sweat, making my uniform stick to my skin. It felt kinda disgusting, but luckily I had gym as my first class, so I could take a shower there.

Walking towards class, I saw Matsuda and called out to him.

"Hey, Matsuda!"

He didn't react, so I thought that he didn't hear me. But I doubted that, looking at his big ears.

"Hey, Matsuda," I jogged towards him. "Are you ignoring me?"

My instincts suddenly kicked in, and I dodged a punch aimed at my face. Reacting automatically, I took hold of the outstretched arm and pulled down while twisting my body, performing a simple but effective judo throw at my attacker. This made some students look over and started whispering among themselves.

Taking a better look at my attacker, who lost all of the air in their lungs, I saw that it was Matsuda.

Hasn't this happened before?

I was about to help him up, but he recovered quickly and jumped up and pointed his finger at me.

"Oi, what was that for?" He screamed.

"What was that for?" I asked. "I was defending myself. You tried to punch me out of nowhere."

"Yeah, well, you deserve it!" He screamed at my face, causing a scene. "You said that you wouldn't leave me behind like Issei, but you have been ignoring me for the past week!"

I was about to open my mouth to say something but closed it. He's right. I've been so busy with training and other stuff. That I have been ignoring Matsuda for a while now.

I had a very tight schedule, after all. I would spend most if not all of my free time training, doing homework, or write famous novels from my old world. Now that I have unlocked my magic, that would take even more of my free time.

"Alright, fine," I told him. "We can head to the arcades after school, how about it?"

Matsuda narrowed his eyes towards me but then gave off a sigh.

"Fine, but only if you pay and treat me to WcDonalds afterward."


"We should probably head to class now." He said and started to walk away.

"Are you really gonna have gym class despite your injuries?" Matsuda asked me while he was taking off his shirt.

"Of course I am, it's not like I'm in pain."

I honestly just want to compare how good I am compared to other students after all the training.

"But you hate gym class."

"Yeah, well, I changed my mind," I responded while taking off my shirt. Luckily I still had my bandages on, so Motohama couldn't see that I wasn't injured under them.

"Woah, dude! You have abs!?" Matsuda yelled at me.

"Hmm?" I looked at my stomach, and it was nothing impressive. You could see the outline of some abs, but they weren't rock hard or anything. I didn't really pay attention to them that much since I had abs in my old life and got used to seeing some on me.

But now that I think about it, didn't I get abs a little too fast? I mean it's cool and all but, this isn't something that you would get after only one week of training, almost two and some healthy food. I got a bit suspicious.

I'll look into this later.

"Did you get taller as well?" He walked close to me to compare our heights.

In the Perverted Trio, Matsuda was the tallest one in our group, standing at 173 centimeters, then came Issei at 170 centimeters, and lastly me at 167 centimeters.

Right now, I was at Issei's height and, I might get even taller in the future.

Hmm, this is weird.

"Traitor!" Matsuda raged and launched his fist towards me. Getting annoyed by his antics, I caught his arm and jumped into an armbar.

"Aargh!" He yelled and dropped to the floor with me. This caused other students to stare at us. I sent them a glare with the meaning "mind your own business." This made them go outside.

"Matsuda, I swear to God if you try to punch me one more time, I will shove my feet so far up your ass, you're going to taste the dog shit I stepped on a week ago."

"See!? This is what I mean. You didn't know how to fight. You were a short and unathletic pervert. And now you're talking about changing, starting to get muscles, and getting taller.

Is that really how you view me? How nice.

"You- you are starting to become an Ikemen, the Perverted Trios' natural enemy! How!? Is this some kind of late puberty!? Why didn't it happen to me inste- OWW OWW!"

"Will you calm down already?" I said while tightening my hold. "Look, I've been training a lot lately."

"Why have you been training? And that still doesn't explain how you got taller." "Or so vulgar, you usually never swear."

"Well, things fucking change, and I told you I was trying to change myself for the better," I said a bit annoyed. "Also, you should start training as well. You broke several records before you became a member of the Perverted Trio, and you probably would've gotten girls if you didn't change for the worse."

"Ok, ok, I get it! Can you let go of my arm now?" He cried in pain.

I let go of his arm and stood up. "Stop being such a pussy. I barely even touched you."

"What!? Y-" "Shut up," I interrupted him. "We should go now, or we will be late.

After changing into our gym clothes, Matsuda and I walked toward the other students.

"Oi, You're late, brats!" Our gym teacher called out to us. I didn't know his name, and from Motohama's memories, he only liked to be called sensei.

I saw that the other students have already started to stretch after a warmup.

"Sorry, sensei."

"Don't be sorry, just don't be late next time!" He yelled. "I want fifty right now!"

Being used to things like this from my past in the Marines. I dropped down without hesitation and started doing push-ups. Or at least that's what I thought he meant.

"Well, at least you know your place." He looked towards Matsuda, "Well? What are you waiting for!?"

Matsuda dropped down beside me and started to do push-ups as well. He managed to do about five before I stood back up.

"Done, sensei."

He whipped his head around. "What? I only looked away for a second. Don't lie to me, Motohama."

"But, I'm not lying, sensei," I told him.

"Do it again then," he told me. "And this time I will watch."

Not really bothered by the fact that I had to do it all over again since my training was double the amount.

Dropping down to the ground, I began doing push-ups while my teacher was watching me. I finished before Matsuda could finish his sets.

Standing back up, I saw sensei with an impressed look on his face.

"I'm surprised at this Motohama. How come you have not shown me your capabilities before?" "Can you continue doing push-ups?"

Raising an eyebrow at him, I made no comment. This was training, and I needed to change my training regime. The OPM training regime was good, but it was starting to get too easy for me. Also, you need to mix up your training since training the exact same way would only build the muscles you train, ending in an imbalanced body, which is really bad for martial arts.

Dropping down to the ground, I started doing as many push-ups as I could until Matsuda finished his. Not that he was slow, he was a former athlete, after all.

"Umm, how many push-ups should I do, sensei?" I asked him.

"Do as many as you can before you get tired." He told me. "Start counting now. I need to tell the students what type of activity we have today."

"Damn, Motohama, how are you so good?" Matsuda asked. "You're already more athletic than I was before I let my body rot."

Not bothering to respond to him, I continued to focus on my push-ups.

I continued doing push-ups until sensei came back.

"You're still going? I'm impressed, you don't even need to tell me how many push-ups you did." "Go join the others, but make sure to warm up first. We're playing football today."

Football wasn't the best sport to compare my physical power to other students', but it seems like I'm much faster than the average student, and my stamina was nothing to gloss over. Actually, it seems like I had the best stamina in class. Well, I doubt any other student can run ten kilometers without stopping.

My skills were surprisingly above average, I was always average when it came to football in my past life. But it seems like I was doing better than most students, except for the ones who were interested in football.

I became suspicious of all the changes happening to me, but before I got to come to a conclusion, Matsuda called out to me.

"Oi, Motohama! Did you train with Issei behind my back?"

"No, why?"

"Well, because he was doing much better than what he used to."

Probably because of his superior physique from being a devil.

"Don't overthink it, Matsuda," I told him. "Let's go to the arcade already."

School had just ended, it was the same as usual. Classes, work on homework at the library, hang out with Matsuda.

Walking to the arcade, I stumbled upon a familiar girl.

Our eyes met each other, and she called out. "Oh, Motohama-Kun?"

"Oh, Hello Asia."

Before I could say anything else, a pair of hands took hold of my shirt.

"Dude, what the hell!? KUN!? Who is this girl!? Your girlfriend!?" Matsuda shook me around.

I slapped his hands away from me. "She doesn't know Japanese, pretty sure she says that to everyone. Also, she's an acquaintance of mine."

"Wait, if she doesn't know Japanese, then how are you communicating with her?"

"Spanish and body language," I told him casually, as I turned my head back to Asia.

I could hear a 'you can speak Spanish?' in the background, but I ignored it.

"I'm heading to the... Game house with my friend here, wanna come with us?" I didn't know how to say arcade in Spanish, and by befriending her, she is more likely to help me in the future. I also need to fish some information about her and Issei. Since their meeting was different from canon, their relationship might be as well. "you don't have to if you don't want to."

"Oh, ehm... I've never been to one of those before."

"Well, there's a first for everything."

After Asia accepted my request to hang out, I introduced Matsuda and Asia to each other. He called him with a 'San' making Matsuda react very comedically. While amused at their antics, it was kind of annoying having to translate for the two. I already had a hard time speaking with Asia. Having to translate between the two made things awkward.

It was also a pretty bad idea to introduce Asia to Matsuda. Now he knows that she can't speak Japanese, and will get suspicious of her when she becomes a devil and can speak Japanese flawlessly. Since she will join Kuho Academy, it was pretty much impossible for me to prevent them from meeting up again, if I didn't want to change canon.

Bad move as it was, I had a very good time with both of them. Asia turned out to be a prodigy in video games and beat Matsuda after a few tries. Being more used to games from 2020 rather than arcades, I was completely demolished by Asia, which hurt my gamer feelings.

We played for multiple hours and ate at WcDonalds. It was starting to get late, so I offered to walk Asia home so that I could ask her about Issei. While Matsuda might not understand, I didn't want to risk him hearing me saying Issei. Matsuda got annoyed about me walking a girl home and called me an 'Ikemen wannabe.'

"So Asia, did anything happen between you and Issei?"

"Hmm? He was very kind to me, he showed me the way to the ####." I'm going to guess that she said church there.

"So, do you li-"

"My, my. What do we have here?"

I whipped my head around and saw a woman with little to no clothing.

I have a really bad feeling about this.

"Two little humans, just for me?" She said in a sexual tone that I didn't like.

That's not Raynare

"Oh, I'm going to have so much fun with the two of you." The woman started to approach us.

"Actually, you look pretty cute girly. Maybe I can make you my little toy."

I put my hand over Asia and started to back away.

"Who...What are you?" I narrowed my eyes on her.

"Oh, me?" Wings started to sprout out of her back and she grinned evilly.

"I'm just a little devil."

Ookamisama Ookamisama

Words without authors note: 3,260 words

And that's it. What did you guys think about my new way of writing? What do you think of this chapter compared to the other ones? I'm thinking of writing more action.

Please, do not hesitate to criticize me and don't hold back on it.

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