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71.42% Transmigrated as a side character in DxD / Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

The reason Murayama seemed to have no personality in the last chapter was that I have no idea what her character should be like. And I still don't know how she should be like.

People are still wondering if Motohama is going to have a Sacred Gear he WON'T.

Sorry for the bad grammar and spelling beforehand.

Going to school was a pain in the ass. Walking in into the classroom was going to be a pain in the ass as well, if not bigger.

Now, standing in front of the classroom door, I took a deep breath and then opened the door walking into the classroom.

Stepping inside the classroom, I was immediately greeted with,

"Motohama-san, you're la- what the hell happened to you!?"

Why did he have to yell like this? Now I have the whole class's attention towards me.

The class sprang into a bunch of murmurs and whispers. Why would they do that you ask?

Well, it's because I'm covered in bruises and bandages.

Those bastards really did a number on me.

Kobayashi-sensei, noticing the murmurs and whisper, spoke out loudly but not screaming.

"Simmer down class, I am sure there's a reason Motohama-san is looking like this. Right, Motohama-san?"

Realizing that he was talking to me, I shook my head to get rid of my thoughts and came up with the best lie that I could come up with.

"I, uh... Fell down the stairs."

Kobayashi-sensei stared at me with a face that said, "I don't believe a word you're saying."

Deciding not to pursue the matter, Kobayashi-sensei let out a sigh and pointed to my seat.

"Please, sit down on your seat, Motohama-san."

Giving him a nod, I went to my seat and sat down, giving a groan while doing so.

I wish that I could've stayed home today, but mom didn't want me to miss school.

Standing in front of the front door to my home, I mentally prepared myself for an ass beating from my parents. But if I'm lucky, my parents are asleep.

When I looked through the windows, I didn't see any lights on, so hopefully, my parents are asleep.

Opening the door as quietly as possible, I snuck in and closed it behind me.

There wasn't a single noise. Breathing out a sigh of relief, I slowly made my ways to the stairs.

But as soon as I put one foot on the stairs, I heard a voice behind me.

"Where have you been, young man?! Do you know how worried your father and I were?"

It was my mom, her voice was cold as ice, each word sending a chill down my spine, making me visibly shudder.

Not getting an answer, my mom continued to guilt-trip me.

"Your father is currently outside looking for you."

There was a pregnant silence afterward, I wished that my dad would burst through the door right now, or anything to stop this silence.

"Well, what do you have to say for yourself?"

Swallowing down the saliva that was gathering in my mouth with a gulp, I tried to collect my thoughts to come up with a decent lie. It doesn't even have to be a good one. I'll take anything right now.


"I couldn't find Motohama anywhe- Motohama?"

It seems like dad was back home, his sudden presence swallowing up the silence that was here a few seconds ago.

With this, I couldn't help but sigh, it's not like I'll be able to hide it from them forever anyways.

Slowly turning my head around, I heard two gasps.

My mom was holding a hand over her mouth. Even though I couldn't see half of her face, I could see the worry in her eyes.

My dad was also worried over me but didn't cover his mouth with his hand like mom.

Not that their reactions weren't expected. My face looks like it's been through a grinder. My lips were swollen and bleeding. The same thing could be said about my nose. I had one black eye and some blood on my face. Also, my glasses had cracks in the lenses. Luckily, I have spare ones in my room.

The worst thing is probably the cuts that I had on my body. There were only a few cuts and were not deep enough to cause any real damage. It turns out that were three people with knives and not only one.

There was a moment of silence afterward, I was surprised that they didn't rush in front of me while screaming, "what happened to you?" and "are you okay?"

Deciding to break the silence, I spewed out the best lie that I could come up with.

"I was uh... I was mugged"


Pure silence.

"Welp... I'm beat, I'll be going to bed now, goodnight!"

Before I could even turn my head around, I heard my mom's voice again. But this time filled with worry instead of anger.

"Wait, Motohama, you can't go to bed with those injuries! You need to go to the hospital!"

I was about to say that I didn't need to go to a hospital, but my dad beat me to it.

"Now now, honey, I'm sure that Motohama doesn't need to go to the hospital. Why don't you take the first aid kit and patch him up a little?"

Without missing a beat, my mom screamed at my dad.

"WHAT?! Our son comes home all beaten up, with KNIFE WOUNDS, and you only want me to patch him up a little?!"

Before she could go off in a rant, I interrupted her.

"Mom!" This seemed to get her attention so, I continued, "I'm fine, you don't need to worry about me, I just need to be patched up a little."

Mom whipped her head around and stared at me in concern, before giving off a sigh, motioning to my dad to get the first aid kit.

It didn't take long before my dad was back with the first aid kit.

Going to the living room, I took a seat on the couch, and my mom did the same thing in front of me, while my dad only stood and watched.

As my mom was patching me up, I couldn't help but feel embarrassed at the silence.

My mom decided to break the silence.

"Motohama, next time you get mugged, please run away and don't fight."

"What? I didn't figh-."

I went silent when I saw my mom didn't look at my eyes when she spoke to me but looked at something else. My hands or more exactly, my knuckles.

They had blood on them and, a little bit of skin was ripped apart.

I could only stay silent at this.

"Well, I hope that you didn't have a lot of money on you when you got mugged."

"No, it's fine. I still have my wallet."

I took my wallet out of my pocket and showed it to my mom.

Realizing that I would have to explain myself I simply said,

"I won the fight."

I gave them a cheeky smile, usually one of those smiles a shonen protagonist would make after they got their faces beaten in but still won the fight.

Suddenly laughter emerged from my dad.

"Hahahaha, my son is finally becoming a real man!"

My mom glared at my dad which made him fall silent.

"I just didn't want to be a bother to you two by losing my wallet," I said to my parents.

"Oh, honey!"

With that line, my mom embraced me in a hug.

"Motohama, you are never going to be a bother for us, no amount of money in the world would be more valuable for us than you. We keep you around despite your perverted antics after all."

With those words, I didn't know what to do. Should I say something? should I hug her back? I don't know. I didn't have any friends in my past life, and while my parents may have died of natural causes, I was still very young at that time and was left in an orphanage.


I didn't say anything more and embraced my mom, and my dad patted me on the back.

'This, this is the reason I need to become strong. I have a family now, a friend even. I don't wanna lose them, I won't lose them.'

"So... Does this mean that I can skip school tomorrow?"

"Of course... Not."

My mom left the embrace and looked at me in the eye.

"Your school has reported that you have lowered your perverted antics and that you are taking school more seriously now. We wouldn't wanna ruin that good streak of yours now, would we?"

"W- what, but."

"You said that you were fine and only needed to be "patched" up, right?"

My mom interrupted me and emphasized on patched.

I was about to say something but stopped once I saw her and dad smile.

'You know, I'm almost glad that I got beat up so that I could talk with my parents like this.'

I gave her the biggest smile I've ever given in both of my lives.

Nothing of interest happened at school, the only change was that I caught Murayama staring at me during class a little.

I was currently doing the "10 KM RUN". I decided to do my training directly after school so that I wouldn't come home late and make my parents worry about me again.

I didn't pay attention to my surroundings since I was thinking about writing cough* plagiarize cough* an anime movie, I was thinking about "Your name" or "A silent voice." Not paying attention to my surroundings made me bump into someone, making them fall to the ground.

"Ah, sorry about that," I said while reaching out with my hand for the person I accidentally bumped into. Picking them up, I realized How light they were. Looking more closely, it was a girl with blond hair and wore a... Nun... outfit.

Asia Argento.

Ookamisama Ookamisama

That's it for chapter 5. Did you like it? Well, I didn't. Reading through this made me realize a lot of mistakes. Like Murayama, who didn't react at all at Mothama's injuries. Or the fact that he took down 5 thugs at the same time. Their conversation was also remarkably hard to understand.

Damn, that flashback sucked.

Also, what the fuck is Motohama's personality? He doesn't even have one.

Motohama will NOT become like Saitama from his training.

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