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57.14% Transmigrated as a side character in DxD / Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Sorry for the bad grammar and spelling beforehand.

You know, maybe doing the "One punch man" training directly instead of taking it slowly, is a bad idea.

Now that I'm thinking about it, this training is going to be pure hell, isn't it?

Fuck, why am I thinking about this? I'm already starting to regret it!

Whatever, here goes another one!


Using my arms to let my body slowly lower down, I pushed myself back up again, ready for another push-up.



You know, I'm surprised that I can still run at this pace, even after the training I did.

I was in the last section of my training right now, which is, the dreadful "10 KM RUN".

Oh, don't get me wrong, I want to die, my body feels like it's been through a grinder and I can feel every muscle of my body burn in agony. My brain was begging me to stop, but I still pushed through.

But, here's the surprising part.

My body is still going despite the protests.

Even with my whole body screaming at me to stop, it wouldn't take a rest, it kept going.

But how?

When I started to do the "One punch man training" I did it as a joke, and I would stop after, doing 20 sets of each training of each, but while I was doing push-ups, I realized that I wasn't as tired as I thought I would be so, I kept doing push-ups.

I remember when I was an untrained teenager as well, I would never make it this far, yet this body has done much better than possible.

When I was an untrained teenager, I could barely do 20 push-ups but, this body did 100 and did sit-ups and squats next without a break.

And the most surprising thing?

I have done this training regime for a week now.

If this was the "real" world, my body would be dead from the strain of the training. Training this hard without proper training beforehand is bound to cause a negative effect on this body.

Ugh, all of this thinking is giving me a headache. Where am I anyway? I don't even know how far I've run, I just pointed at a direction and decided to run that way. It sucks that this world doesn't have smartphones yet, I don't know how far I've run or where I'm at. I should probably set a destination for me to run to. Two days ago, I somehow ended up lost in the forest.

Taking a look around without stopping, I saw that the sun was starting to go down and, I was at some really sketchy place.

I should probably head back now, this place looks sketchy as fuck, I don't wanna get mugged here, not that I have much money on me in the first place.

Doing a U-turn, I prepared myself to run back the same way I came from but suddenly heard some voices.

"Hey, girl, why don't you keep us company for the night?"

"Yeah, keep us some company, will ya? Don't worry, we won't bite. We're only here for a good time."

Isn't this kind of cliche?

Deciding to investigate the noise, I walked in between two buildings and saw a group of five men cornering a girl.

The group of men had the same clothes on, they are probably in a gang. Bah, why do I need to explain what they look like? They are probably just some mob characters like me.

Welp, let's get this over with.

Taking off to a sprint, I ran to the nearest guy and crashed into him, sending him face-first into the wall, knocking him out.

Using the shock of others as a weapon, I push kicked one of the gang members in the chest, sending him flying back.

"Hey, leave the lady alone!" I screamed, standing in front of the girl.

"And who are you? Her guardian angel?" One of the gang members responded. He was probably the leader of the group as well, he was bigger and more muscular than the rest of them.

Really? Another cliche? Of course, the leader is going to be bigger and more muscular than the rest of the group. It's always like that in animes.

Looking over his shoulder, I saw that the guy I push kicked began to get back up to his feet.

Dammit! I wasted too much time! He's back u-.



Before I knew it, I had my face smashed into the wall.

"Get off me!" I yelled and kicked backward, hitting someone in the stomach, making them let go of my head.

Looking back, I saw one of the gang members clutching his stomach in pain.

"Grr, little shit, I'm gonna kill you!"

Bringing his hands to his pocket, he pulled out a small pocket knife, before he could do anything, I threw a devastating uppercut at his chin.

Not wasting any time, I got into a fisticuff with the other members, while the leader stood back and watched.

Fist and kicks were thrown, some were blocked, some hit, some got dodged. Blood and snot started to paint the floor and walls.

How the hell am I keeping up with them? This is a four v one situation, yet I'm holding them off, I've already knocked three of them down. Not to mention, I'm dead tired from the training. I was the best at CQC in the marines, but I was never this good.

Sidestepping a jab, I returned a left hook at the last thug.

Looking at their stances, all of them know how to fight. They can block, jab, and dodge pretty well. Is it because I'm in an anime world? Did my skills from my past life get refined when I got sent to this world? Of course, it is. In the "real" world fights as these would never look this good. If I were to fight four people at once in the "real" world, I would have lost a long time ago. Fights never look this good anyways, In the "real" world, everybody would be clumsy and grabbing peoples' clothes, but this one looks like it's from an action movie.


A punch was thrown at my face, it hit me really hard, and I could taste the blood on my lips.

Shit, I need to focus! I can't think in the middle of a fight.

Since my head was already leaning back, I threw it forward with all the strength I had, smashing my head into my assailant's nose, knocking him out.

And that's the last guy down. Now there's only the leader left.

The leader stepped forwards and said.

"You're pretty good. How about this? You can join our gang, and we'll let you have all the women you want."

"What? I'm fighting you to protect a woman, so why would I accept your deal about getting women?"

The leader didn't say anything, he only got closer and.


I barely managed to dodge a left jab at my face.


Once again, I dodged another punch.

Left, left, stomach, right, left.

I had a little hard time dodging his punches, but compared to when I had to fight four guys at once? This was relatively easy.

"Stand still, you little shit!"

Good, he's angry. He's bound to make a stupid move now.

He swung a wild haymaker at my face just to hit nothing since I ducked at the last second. Getting down on my knees, I bent a little bit too low so that I could send an uppercut at him, but I wasn't aiming at his face.


His face went pale as his hand automatically went between his legs. His eyes rolled back, and he fell forward, face first in the ground.

What? Don't judge me. I only did what I was trained to do, fight to survive.

In the marines, you don't fight with sportsmanship, you don't fight clean with honor or morals. You use everything necessary, like throwing dirt at someone's eyes, biting, and even hitting guys in the balls. You fight to kill, even if I didn't kill anyone. Honor and pride mean nothing if you are dead.

"Hey, are you oka-."

Before the person could finish, I took ahold of them by the shirt and slammed them in the wall, fist reeled back, ready to beat the shit out of the person.

I lowered my fist, however, when I saw who was standing in front of me.

Ah, it was the girl I was protecting. I forgot all about her.

I let go of her.

"Sorry about that, you startled me. Anyways, are you okay...?"

The girl seemed to lash out at this.

"You seriously forgot my name?!"

"But, I've never met you befo..." I shut up before I could finish my sentence.


The girl was around my age, standing a little shorter than me. She had a pretty face with the ordinary brown eyes, and hair that she has tied into a ponytail with a red ribbon, letting some of her hair fall to the sides as well. She had a pretty curvy body, her measurements being; B84-W70-H81 cm. (Thanks, Motohama's ability. I really don't feel like a pedophile knowing a sixteen year old's body measurements). She wore a simple red hoodie and blue jeans.

This is one of the kendo club girls that I peeked on.



"Murayama, right."

"So you really forg-."

"Don't, just don't. It's really late, and I'm tired as fuck, so do you want me to walk you home or if you don't, can you show me to the nearest train station?"

"I can get home myself, but I should probably help you get to the station."


Walking to the train station with Murayama, we had a small conversation.

"I didn't know that you could fight, Pervert."

"I have a name, you know?" I said, and then continued, "Anyways, is there anything that you know about me?" I said while raising my eyebrows.

This girl had the audacity to look away while muttering, "not really."

We fell to an uncomfortable silence, but I broke it.

"Hey, Murayama-san?"

She turned her head and looked at me.

"I'm sorry for peeking at you, I'm not asking for forgiveness, but I just want you to know. I promise to stop peeping at the kendo club from now on."

"Are you gonna stop being a pervert? Who are you and, what have you done to Motohama?"

"Ha, ha, very funny. But no, I'm not gonna stop being a pervert. I'm just gonna stop peeping at the kendo club."

"Yeah, about that, you haven't peeped at us for a week now, what happened? Matsuda still peeks at us sometimes but not nearly as often as before. Issei stopped since he began to hang out with the Occult research club, but you, you had no reason to stop, yet you stopped anyways. What gives?"

"Well, I just wanted to start over. Turn over a new leaf. It feels like I've gotten a second chance at life, and I won't waste that chance."

Murayama raised an eyebrow at this.

"That's kinda specific, anyways we're here now."

"Hmm? Oh, goodbye, Murayama-san."

She gave me a small nod before walking away. I looked at her until I lost sight of her.

"I wonder when the train is gonna arrive."

And that's it for chapter 4.

This was the first time I've written a fight scene, so please give me criticism if you have it.

This chapter took way longer to write than the other ones, but I think the grammar would be a lot better compared to the others.

About Motohama feeling like a pedophile, he was an adult in his past life, and Murayama is 16 years old. Don't worry, there's still gonna be a harem.

Speaking of harems here is the list:

Akeno? (Depending on what you guys want.)

Koneko? (Depending on what you guys want.)

Asia? (Depending on what you guys want.)



Aika Kiryuu


Issei's dad (lol jk)

Also, I need help to think about some characters' personalities.

Murayama: I need help with her the most since I know nothing about her. How should her personality be?

Katase: I think she is a bit harsher and tomboyish than Murayama but, I still need some help with her.

Matsuda: I need some help with him as well since I'm gonna have Aika Kiryuu a lot in this story, and her personality is perverted and mocking which is, kinda like what I had in mind with Matsuda. I don't want to have Matsuda like a male version of Aika.

Please give me criticism if you have it and don't hold back.


So here are the ideas that I currently have (not in order):

Motohama winning against Sona in chess (so that he has a marriage contract with her.)

Motohama making fun of Issei by becoming a trap

Motohama meeting Sona's parents

Motohama getting involved in the church with Raynare and the others

Ookamisama Ookamisama

I'm sorry to say this but, I'm already losing ideas.

I have some ideas but, they wouldn't fit the story close to one another, so I have to come up with ideas that I can write about so that it ties my other ideas together, but I have a hard time doing it.

This is why I'm going to ask you guys for ideas. Please DM me your ideas and I'll look through them.

im_ookami_sama is my usey in ig.

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