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42.85% Transmigrated as a side character in DxD / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Nothing of note happened after my inspirational "speech" that was full of bullshit. The only difference was that Matsuda and I didn't peek at the kendo club girls and took the classes more seriously. Well, I did at least Matsuda just paid a little more attention to class than what he usually does.

Talking of classes, I realized that I was ambidextrous now when I started to write with my left hand and then unconsciously switched it to my right hand. It's probably because I was left-handed and that Motohama was right-handed. I was kinda lucky in that department, I mean I could have ended being non-dominant in both of my hands.

Of course, the kendo club got a bit suspicious of us, but they were mostly glad that we didn't peek at them this time.

The teachers got surprised when I asked for help and took their advice, but the female teachers were unwilling to help me, which is understandable.

During the breaks, I went to the school library to get information about this world and to catch up on my studies since I have to take them seriously now.

And I have to say.

This world was interesting, VERY interesting.

A lot of my world's pop culture doesn't exist in this world, I even went through a few things with Matsuda, asking him if he knows what Marvel or DC is, he didn't. Which pretty much confirmed it, seeing how he was interested in superheroes and comics. This world still had the same technology as my world but old. It was still understandable, this world is set in 2008 while I come from 2020, which makes a 12-year difference in technology development between my world and this one.

There was another thing that was both unlucky and lucky at the same time. Touchscreen phones have already been invented, the unlucky part? I won't be the first one creating a touchscreen phone so it won't be anything revolutionary. The lucky part? I don't know how the touchscreen works so I won't have to discover something new. Also, touchscreen phones are extremely expensive and bad so nobody seems to be investing money in them, so I won't be having any competitors.

Finishing these thoughts, I began to write as many pop song texts that I remember. Luckily I was a huge fan of pop which is arguably the biggest genre of music.

After some time I looked at the clock and saw that class was going to start soon. Looking at my schedule I saw that I had music as my last subject, which surprised me actually. I completely forgot that I have music as a subject in school.

Standing up and taking my papers with me, I made my way to the music room.

Arriving there, I noticed how I was there early seeing that I'm the only one here. Looking around a bit I saw how the door to the classroom was a bit open.

Deciding to enter, I opened the door and stepped inside. Looking around, I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Guitars were hanging from the walls, and some pianos were in the corner of the classroom.

Hmm, I haven't played piano in a while. I wonder if I've gotten rusty?

Stepping forward to one of the pianos I began to play some simple notes, which evolved into more advanced ones, as I slowly began to get my skills back.

Man, it's been a while since I played piano. I'm surprised that I'm still this skilled at the piano after such a long time.

Should I try singing? I wasn't a singer in my past life due to how deep my voice was, but Motohama's voice seems to better suited for singing than my old one.

Playing some notes on the piano I began to sing.

"I was a normal guy called Mike

There was nothing unordinary with my life

I always wished of this to be real

but now that it is, it seems like a steal

(cuz this shit ain't worth it)

I remember laying down on my bead

then waking up with a new body and head

I really liked my old life

so why the hell was I isekai'd?

I'm running out of things to rhyme, what the fuck is my life?

cuz I'm improvising this text, as I'm singing it."

I stopped singing after this because I didn't want to ruin the rhyming streak I was on.

"M-Motohama-Kun, I wasn't a-aware that you knew how to play and s-sing"

Whipping my head around I saw my music teacher Ms. Agosaki, or is it sensei?.

Agosaki-sensei was Kuoh Academy's music teacher. She is a very young and beautiful woman, having soft and pale skin, and a cutesy face. Standing around 165 cm she was very well developed with beautiful brown hair that reached the end of her shoulders. She looked like the standard "mommy" type in ecchi animes.

According to Motohama's memories, Agosaki-sensei is a very shy and sensitive teacher. Her good looks made her the victim of multiple sexual harassments which is one of the reasons why she's so shy. She was like many other females, a victim of the perverted trio but luckily, they never went further than to throw her some horny looks.

"A-anyways, the class is starting soon p-please sit down on your seat."

I better just do it now when I have the chance I guess

Standing up from the piano I quickly bowed down in front of her,

"I'm sorry for giving you lewd looks, Agosaki-sensei!"


standing up, I repeated,

"I'm sorry for giving you lewd looks, Agosaki-sensei, can you please forgive me?"

"Oh, uh, I-I forgive you Motohama-san."

Giving her a genuine smile I saw her blush up a storm.

This really is an anime world. In the "real" world I would have been in jail a long time ago if I were to peek at women like Motohama. She forgave me way too easy, or she's just too shy too tell me that she isn't. Not that blame her of course, forgiving someone because they said "sorry" after two years of peeking dosen't really make sense.

After the small talk, I went to sit on my seat as students slowly walked in the classroom signaling that the class has started.

School has ended and, I was at home now thinking about a plan in the future for me. As of now, it looked like this:

Matsuda's totally kickass plan (not in order except for 5 and 6)

1. Physical training/Martial arts

2. Learn magic

3. Get revenge on Issei, for betraying Matsuda and me (bang his dad)

4. Write (plagiarise) a world-famous book from my world

5. ?

6. Profit

Was it a good plan?


But it's something.

Why tough?

Here are the reasons.

One, physical training is a good thing not to mention, I am definitely going to get attacked by a stray or I'm gonna get involved in the canon somehow, I am a self-insert after all. So, training to survive, that is an idea I can get behind.

Two, Learn magic. It's the same reason as number one, I want to survive in this world, and being a self-insert I am going to end up with the supernatural up my ass somehow. I'm a human and which means that I'm naturally weaker than the supernatural physically, so too keep up with them, I will have to learn magic.

Three, getting revenge on Issei. I already didn't like what Issei did to Motohama and Matsuda since he practically abandoned them, and now that I have Motohama's body and memories, his anger got transported over to me somehow. Banging his dad would be the ultimate big dick move, but that is more like a last resort kind of thing.

Four, Pretty self-explanatory. I write cough* copy cough* a really good book from my old world and get profit from it. Not really much to say about it. The reason I had for writing a book instead of making an iPhone is that it's much easier to remember that iPhone is a thing, rather than remembering a whole book.

Also, my training schedule looked like this:





Written in bold and capital letters for dramatic effects. Also, I wrote everything in Swedish because I don't want anyone to snoop in my room and find out about me. And since you learn English in Japan I wrote in Swedish since nobody in Japan knows Swedish, except for the supernatural I guess.

And yeah, I copied it from One punch man, sue me, I was gonna plagiarise Harry Potter and shit anyways.

Standing up from my desk, I said,

"Well then, no time to waste, let's start training."

Ookamisama Ookamisama

So this is the third chapter in my story. Now that I have 5k words in this fanfiction can you guys please comment on my grammar and spelling? I really want to improve.

Btw Motohama isn't gay, he was joking about banging Issei's dad.

So, what do you think of my story? Please write down what you think and don't hold back on criticism if you have it.

If u have any questions or suggestions please do dm me in Instagram . My profile name is Im_ookami_sama

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