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28.57% Transmigrated as a side character in DxD / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

So some people have some questions about the fanfiction so here is my answer to them.

Motohama will not have a sacred gear but that doesn't mean he won't be strong. I made him a badass marine for a reason.

I will not ignore the supernatural, but Motohama would rather not be involved unless it affects him, or if something really bad is going to happen to someone.

I'm sorry for the bad grammar and spelling beforehand.

Damn, I forgot how much I hated school.

Sitting in class, the teacher was teaching the class about atoms and molecules.

My seat was in the middle of the classroom with Matsuda sitting right beside me, and of course, Issei being the anime protagonist he is, had the seat in the corner at the window.

I wonder when people are going to realize that they only place the protagonist at the back seat to cut costs from the animation production. Being at the window is just that the protagonist needs to look out the window so he can be a badass or just see some weird shit outside so that they can excuse themselves before running out before doing some protagonist shit.

Now that I think about it, why does the teacher always give the OK for the protagonist to leave, I mean aren't they gone for hours each time? Also, they always use the excuse to use the bathroom, but who the fuck shits for hours at school?

"Motohama-san are you paying attention to class?"

Looking up I saw my teacher Mr. Kobayashi staring at me with a stern expression.

"Of course I'm paying attention, Mr. Kobayashi."

Mr. Kobayashi raised an eyebrow before opening his mouth to ask.

"Could you please explain this to me then Motohama-san?"

Pointing to the blackboard, I saw a bunch of Japanese kanji and drawings of atoms and molecules. What surprised me was that I could read the text quite easily.

Shit, I've forgotten a lot about this subject. I had no use of it after all, and it's been years since the last time I studied this subject.

It seems like Mr. Kobayashi saw my confused expression

"Motohama-san please pay attention to class." He said with a sigh while shaking his head.

"Yes, Mr. kobaya-."

I stopped talking as soon as I saw the look he sent me.

"I wasn't finished Motohama-san," he said while giving me yet another stern look.

"You need to pay attention to do well on the tests Motohama-san, how else will you get good grades so that you can find a suitable job." He continued while giving me a softer expression.

"Yes, Mr. Kobayashi."

Grades, huh I didn't think about it when I entered the school. From what I've seen in mangas and animes, getting a job in Japan is very difficult and you would most likely become a company slave who has to work day in and out while the pay is as shitty as the workplace.

The school bell rang and I took my stuff and walked out of the classroom while thinking

Grades. I really need to get good grades if it's actually as hard as it is in the mangas or animes to get a job in Japan.

I could always be a marine again, but I want to try something new seeing that I have another shot at life again not to mention I still have all the knowledge from my previous world.

Hmm, let's see which grades I would be good at.

English is obviously going to be the easiest subject for me to get good grades on for obvious reasons (can speak and write english fluently due to past life).

Mathematics should be easy as well since I originally wanted to be a programmer in my past life before becoming a marine. And trust me, you have to study a lot, and I mean a LOT of math if you want to become a programmer.

PE should be easy as well. I just need to train my body not to mention becoming a marine makes you stronger psychologically making it easier for me to push through a tough training regime.

The rest of my grades should be about average seeing that I've already finished school but forgotten most about school anyways since I graduated years ago.


Matsuda once again hit me in the face, but this time with his fist instead of his palm.

"Fucki- stop hitting me already!" I yelled while throwing a left jab at his shoulder

"Ow, what the hell?! I've been trying to get your attention for 5 minutes now. Are you okay? You keep spacing out."

"Damn," he said while rubbing his shoulder, "I didn't know you could hit that hard, have you been training?"

Giving him a sigh I said,

"I told you that I have been thinking about something man."

"Yeah, you said that you were going to tell me about it."

Staring at him while he so rudely interrupted me I continued

"I'm going to change myself for the better."

He looked at me questioningly before nodded his head at me to continue.

"I'm gonna stop peeping at girls and take my school life more seriously."



not getting any response I repeated

"I'm gonna stop peeping at girls an-."

Before I could finish repeating my sentence Matsuda grabbed my collar and shook me as he screamed as loud as possible.


Hasn't he asked the exact same question before?

Before I could give him an answer he reeled his fist back aiming to smash my face in. But before he could, my hand to hand combat training at the marines kicked in.

As his fist came closer and closer to my face I tilted my head to the side at the last second making his fist barely miss my face.

As soon as his arm was extended I got out of his grip and took a hold of his extended arm. Now having a hold of his extended arm I performed a simple but effective Judo throw to get him over my shoulder.

He landed on his back and I could see how he lost all of his air in his lungs.

He quickly jumped up at his feet again before pointing at me while screaming



Before he could finish I slapped his cheek

"Ha, now you know how it feels!" I yelled in triumph.

Matsuda looked at me while rubbing his cheek.

"Anyway, now that I have your attention have you ever played those stupid anime girl dating games?

Matsuda's face morphed into anger and yelled,

"Stupid? How dare you call them stu-"


Now Matsuda was holding his other cheek as well.

"Is that a yes or no?"


I breathed out a sigh of relief.

Good, now I don't have to explain to him about those games. Not that I'm surprised that he plays such games, he is a member of the perverted trio after all.

"What are the requirements for the protagonist of the game to get the good ending?"


Getting annoyed at him I repeated my question but rephrased it

"What does the protagonist of the game need to get the true ending or the harem ending?"

"Well, he usually needs to save everybody"

"And to save everybody he needs to have?"

"Really good or maxed out stats? And usually really good gear as well."

"That's right! Ignoring the gear part you are right about the stats."

"Think about it Matsuda, to get girls the protagonist have really good stats. "Strength and power" to save and protect women, "Wealth" to be able to have a good life with them, or to ensure safety and stability in their life if they would get a family. "Charisma" to make him likable to everybody. "Knowledge" is pretty good as well, being able to come out of tricky situations or get a good-paying job to sustain their family."

"Are you telling me to stop being a pervert?"

Matsuda sounded confused, he liked the way Motohama was thinking but he really didn't want to stop appreciating the female form.

Letting out a laugh I said.

"Of course not, you are a hormonal teenage male after all. You will always be perverted, but you can hide it better."

Matdsua looked at me his face growing confused.

"Time is changing my friend, we have to adapt to it. I have some really great ideas Matsuda, and you of course is going to help me with them. We will no longer be at the bottom of this world, no longer the perverted trio, now due since Issei left, but new persons Matsuda. We will take this world by storm and create a better one."

Matsuda was now looking at me with stars in his eyes, literally, it was weird to see, but I guess that's anime logic for you.

"I'm not forcing you to help me but if you were to join me, I can promise you that we will no longer be looked at with disgust but with admiration. Our parents will no longer see us as failures but as misguided saints. THOSE WHO LAUGHED AT US AND MADE FUN OF US WILL REGRET BEING ASSHOLES TO US!"

Matsuda now had tears in his eyes.

Going down to both of his knees, he yelled with admiration and passion,

"Please teach me Motohama-sama!"

I couldn't help but smirk

Damn, I'm good at bullshitting.

Ookamisama Ookamisama

I'm planning to release a new chapter at least one week from another and not earlier because I have no story or ending in sight in this fanfic and I don't wanna run out of ideas to quickly.

Btw do the teacher call their students with "san"

So, what do you think of my story? Please write down what you think and don't hold back on criticism if you have it.

If u have any questions or suggestions please do dm me in Instagram . My profile name is Im_ookami_sama

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