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A Job and a Boyfriend!

Wednesday morning, Elise decided to wear her hair down. The days were starting to get cooler, so she wore a soft tunic sweater that hung down past her hips. It was a maroon cotton knit fabric that, when stretched, showed gaps between the knitting. Underneath it, Elise wore a brown spaghetti strap tank and a pair of tight skinny jeans.

Finnegan met her at her locker again, and she was glad that this had become a regular occurrence with him. No matter how much time she got to spend with him. close like this, she never got tired of seeing his figure ahead in the crowd, waiting by her locker, waiting for her.

"Good morning!" Elise said cheerily, smiling up at him while holding the straps of her backpack at her shoulders.

"Good morning!" He smiled back brightly. "I stayed up late last night after I got your text..." he paused trying to find the right words, "I...wrote you something. A note, but...more like a letter."

Elise inhaled and held her breath in anticipation, taking in what he was telling her. Finnegan was holding a book and two notebooks in his arms. He took the notebook wedged in the middle out and handed it to her. "Don't let anyone else read it. I meant it only for you." She took the notebook from him, looking wide-eyed first at the sacred tome he placed in her hand, then at the pleading look on his face.

The hallway started looking emptier, so he just said, "I'll see you at lunch. I gotta go." With that, he turned and hurried away. Clutching the note book to her chest, Elise hurried away, in the opposite direction to her class as well.

There wasn't an opportunity to even open the notebook during First period. Elise was in shock that Finnegan personally wrote her a note that was 'only meant for her.' Besides that, the teacher lectured all through class, and the person behind her was frantically trying to copy Elise's notes. She was dying to read it. Her hand would rest on the edge of the notebook that peeked out from under her English book, tempted to read it under her desk, but never finding the courage.

Second period dragged on too, but fortunately there was extra time before the bell for students to read silently to themselves. Elise opened the notebook while her blood beat in her ears. As she read his words, she smiled sitting upright rigidly, shaking with the excitement of everything.

He does like me! Not being able to think about anything else, she began composing her reply letter.


You have no idea how happy I am to know that you feel that way. I have a confession..."

Elise debated on if she should tell him she had admired him from a distance for a year already, but she didn't really think she should focus on that. He wanted to spend time with her. That was all that mattered. She erased the last sentence and tried again.

"I have to confess that I enjoy your company just as much. I would love to watch a movie with you and your family, or sit by the fire in the backyard sometime. My mom actually told me last night that if I planned to see you after the science project is over that she wants to meet your parents. I've never felt so hopeful."

The bell rang, and she wasn't finished. She had so much more to say, and now it was lunch time. He might not want to talk about it with Kimber and Ashley and Weston around, but maybe she could finish it by the end of the day. Plus, after lunch, they had class together, and he was going to drive her home again.

Elise took her time walking to her locker. Finnegan was there. She could tell he wanted to know if she had read it and what she thought, but he didn't ask her about it.

"I," she started to say. He stopped walking and looked at her, holding his breath. "I am working on writing a reply, but it's not done yet." She timidly hugged herself as she stood in front of him trying to communicate with her eyes.

His eyes widened in revelation of the fact that she was writing back, then he smiled an open-mouth smile of relief. "Oh, that's great! Uh, take your time. That's the great thing about it. We don't need to rush to say it all on the spot. Can I drive you home again?" We resumed our walk toward the cafeteria, with other students loudly clamoring around us to greet their friends and get to the cafeteria.

I nodded. He made a fist and punched his elbow downward, "Yes!" We stood in the lunch line together and arrived to the table together. Kimber and Ashley waved Elise over to their side of the table again. and Weston gave Finn a smirking look.

Ashley talked the whole time about all the things they would do during the sleepover. Finnegan and Elise tried to act naturally, but they kept sneaking glances in the other's direction. Everyone at the table noticed. Weston silently congratulated him. Kimber and Ashley shared a look, but never said anything. They just continued to rattle on about their weekend plans.

After lunch, Finnegan and Elise walked together, first stopping by Finnegan's locker briefly, then Elise's, since their next period was Science.

Once the bell rang to start class and the class settled in to discuss with their partners on their projects, Finnegan and Elise sat nervously across from each other not knowing what to say. Finnegan had already written out his thoughts and hopes. Elise was working on a reply. Finally, thinking it best to just jump in and say something, Elise opened up her folder and said, "So, we already have one project complete, and the other one we will finish tomorrow. I have one page left in the packet and then I have to write my essay. What about you?" She looked up at Finnegan.

Feeling relieved that she broke the silence, he pulled out his folder too and said, "Um, I think I have one or two pages left and my essay topic, but I haven't started writing it yet."

"Ok, what's your topic?"

"I'm gonna write about water molecules. I'm gonna talk about why water is so unique and important for all life. I figured it would be easier if I wrote about one project and you could write about the other. That way we already have the research done. We only have to write 500 words. That's like one page."

"Ok," Elise said, nodding her head, "that sounds good. We could work on the essay now, and after we finish the other project tomorrow we can proof each other's essay and finish the packet, if you want."

"Ok, good plan." They both took out their notebooks and pencils and moved everything else off the desk. "Hey," Finnegan whispered, leaning in closer to Elise.

She leaned in instinctively following his lead, looking at him questioningly.

"Do you think Kimber and Ashley noticed anything at lunch?" he whispered.

Elise thought back and didn't remember. She was only halfway listening to Ashley because she couldn't stop thinking about all the things she wanted to say in her note.

"I don't know, they didn't say anything about it," she whispered back. She wondered if Finnegan wanted to keep what was happening between them a secret forever. "Did Weston say anything?" she asked.

"Oh, yeah, he picked up on it. I didn't deny it, but I wanted to give you the notebook first."

"Oh. I'm gonna finish my note next period in the library." She leaned back and in a normal tone she said, "So," she smiled and let out a quick sigh, "I guess we should try to get our essays done." She sat back in her desk and poised her pencil above her notebook.

Finnegan sat back and they both worked until the bell, smiling to themselves and glancing across the desk at each other now and then. Neither of them could really concentrate on the words they wrote because they could only think of what they really wanted to say to each other.

Finnegan walked her to the library and went to his last period in a very good mood. Elise set up a workspace at the library front desk. She pulled the notebook out and read over his note again. Then she read what she had written so far. She skipped a line and continued where she left off.

"I hope my mom likes your parents. She is pretty strict, but I'm an only child. My mom works really hard, and I don't want her to worry, but I really like you. If the meeting between our parents goes well, I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you pick me up in the mornings.

I think it's really cool that you're Pagan. As for reading my tarot, that would be ok. Would you teach me more about it? I thought about what we were talking about the other day, about religion. I think I want to know more about your beliefs. And not just because I like you (that's a bonus) but I like the way you explain things.

I am thinking of trying out a new style. My mom is taking me shopping for my birthday, and I was going to ask Kimber and Ashley about it this weekend. Anyway, I'm glad we're doing this. Writing notes to each other. I can't wait to read more notes from you.


Elise signed her name with a flourish. She almost dotted the 'i' in her name with a heart, but she didn't dare start being too cutesy with him until he officially asked her to be his girlfriend. She wanted to call him something sweet, like 'Darling' or 'Baby,' but she would wait. She sat back and looked over the note again before adding,

"P.S. Should I just call you Finn instead of Finnegan? I noticed you signed your note that way, and I was just wondering."

She closed the notebook and looked at the clock. Twenty minutes before she would see Finnegan again. She took out the novel she always carried with her and leaned back in her seat to read until the bell. After about five minutes, she heard the door chime as someone came into the library, setting her book aside and scooting forward to greet the patron, thinking it was just someone who came to return a book. She looked up and there was Finnegan.

"Hey," he said casually. Elise's mouth dropped open in surprise. "I got permission to come to the library for the rest of class since I finished my homework in class. Mr. Thomas is grading assignments, so we were just working quietly anyway."

"Hey," she finally said. "I just finished my note. I'm glad to see you." They smiled stupidly at each other and looked away shyly, still grinning from ear to ear. She slid the notebook off the edge of the desk and handed it to him.

"I'm going to close down the computer lab in," looking up at the clock on the wall, then back at Finnegan, "five minutes. Then I can come sit with you on the couch until the bell."

"Ok," holding the notebook at his side and turning, "I'll just sit over here and wait." He settled on the couch and, still smiling but trying to keep his body language casual, he opened the notebook to read her response.

Elise opened her book again, but she didn't read it. She held it open in front of her and watched Finnegan peripherally until she had to get up to close up the lab. She leaned into the Librarian's office and told her she had finished. Then she packed up her stuff and walked over to the couch. There was only a couple minutes left before the bell rang. He had finished reading her note and was already writing a response to her. When she walked up, he closed the notebook and put it in his bag.

"The bell is about to ring," she told him.

"Ok." She sat on the edge of the couch next to him, leaving about five inches between them. She had her backpack on, so she couldn't scoot back all the way, but she was ready to be alone with him in his car. "Do you need to go to your locker?" They held each other's gaze and didn't even flinch when the bell rang.

Standing and grinning, Elise said, "Nope, all set. Let's go." He stood and they walked so closely together their shoulders bumped with every other step all the way to his car.

When they were out of earshot of other students, Finnegan said, "I haven't ever told you, but you look cute everyday. Today is no different." They reached his car, and feeling chivalrous, Finnegan opened the car door for Elise. She chuckled shyly, taking off her backpack.

"Thank you," she said before getting in. She could hardly breathe. He ran around the car and threw his bag in the backseat before getting in himself.

They pulled out of the parking lot and headed toward her house.

"You know, I think you're cute too. I have for a while." Elise sat with her knees together while, arms straight, her hands fidgeted nervously at the edge of her lap.

"I didn't want to say anything until, I knew for sure, but do you..." he paused. Elise didn't breathe. "I mean, can I call you my girlfriend?"

He was expecting to be held in anticipation once the words left his mouth, but Elise answered right away. "Yes! I mean, I would really like that."

He let his hand drop to the center console, loosely holding it open, palm up. Taking his cue, Elise splayed her hands hoping her pants would dry the sweat on them. She reached over with her left hand, touching his fingertips to hers before sliding her fingers between his. He closed his fingers over her hand, and she reflexively curled her fingertips under his hand.

Her body trembled. She was Finnegan's girlfriend! Her love lifted to a new level. She never wanted to let go of his hand, and she wouldn't have if her phone hadn't rang. She reluctantly took back her hand and dug her phone out of her backpack. Finnegan rested his hand back on the steering wheel, letting it slide down until the back of his hand touched the top of his thigh.

She didn't recognize the number, but she answered it before the call dropped.


It was the manager of Subway. He wanted her to come in for an interview! She told him she would meet him as soon as her mom got home from work and could drive her. When she hung up the phone she sat back, unbelieving wonder written all over her face.

"You got a job?" Finnegan asked holding his hand out for her again. "That's great!"

She held her phone with her right hand in her lap, and took his hand again with her left. "Yeah, thanks, well it's just an interview. But I didn't expect it so fast. I just applied yesterday."

"Do you want me to drive you? We can turn around." They were already almost to her house. Elise wanted to stay here in his car forever, holding his hand, but she knew there would be more chances to hold his hand, especially after her mom met his parents.

"I would say yes, but I know my mom would want to take me. Thank you though." They pulled down the driveway. "I'll see you tomorrow though, and I'm coming over after to finish our project."

Finnegan pulled into the spot he parked in before, and let her hand go to shift gears. He laced his hand with hers again, but more securely this time. Giving her hand a squeeze, he said, "Alright. I'm going to write you a note tonight, but text me after the interview. I can't wait to see you again."

"Me too. I will." Finnegan unlaced his fingers from her hand and repositioned his so he could pull her hand to his face, and making eye contact with her, he pressed a kiss to the back of her fingertips. He let her hand go and was about to offer to get her door, but her mom drove down the driveway past his parked car.

"Ok, well I better go. Bye, Finn." Elise scrambled out of the car, partly because she was trembling from the soft kiss he planted on the back of her hand and partly because she didn't know if her mom had seen. She put on her backpack, and just before she closed the door, Finn yelled, "Good luck on the interview!"

Elise waved thanks at him before trotting off to greet her mom and ask her for a ride to Subway.

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