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68.96% A Lucky? Dude Journey / Chapter 99: Chapter 93 - Lunch Break.

Chapter 99: Chapter 93 - Lunch Break.

Chapter 93

"Yukinoshita, huh... Has Kensuke said it to you?" I asked.

"You know my father? Furthermore casual tone?" Yukino asked in a surprised expression.

"More importantly, it seems he hasn't informed you yet," I said while ignoring the question.

"...What is it?" Yukino curiously asked then she lifted her hand to take a sip of a cup of tea on her hand.

"You are my fiancee," I said with a serious expression.

*Cough* *Cough*

"What?!" Yukino coughed and frantically said with a shocked expression.

"Hahaha," I laughed after seeing her shocked expression. Although didn't say anything, Natsuki also found that amusing as she also smiled. Looking at our reactions, Yukino sighed. Looks like she understands I was just joking.

"My bad. Joke aside, I do know your father. And I promised something to him in exchange for his help." I smiled and said.

"I see..." Yukino nodded. By that reaction, I guess she isn't that close with her father. And most likely her family too. Kensuke most likely also hide the supernatural world from Yukino.

I don't know whether he told his other daughter about this but I can only assume he did not. It's just like how Chika and her sister didn't know about the supernatural world. Well, his distance with his daughters probably happens because of this reason too.

Kensuke has told me that he rarely met his daughters and leaves his daughter's education to his wife. The father does his best to let his daughters live normally and the daughters who think their father only cares about his job. What a dramatic family relationship.

I can't say what Kensuke did was the right thing because in the end family relationship is the most important. I can't blame his daughter for becoming distanced or maybe slightly hate him because of that.

It's just like Kaguya's problem. Different form Gan'an, Kensuke really cares about his daughters. While thinking about that, suddenly the door opened again.

This time the one who opened is a girl with fair skin, light orange hair with the loose side bun, and peach-reddish eyes.

"Are? There are guests?" The girl said.

"Yes, they're Hiratsuka-sensei's guests," Yukino said.

"We are waiting for her and one more to come. If we disturb you, we're sorry." I looked at her and said with a smile.

"....Kitahara Izumi! The real one?!" The widened her eyes after she looked clearly at my face and shouted. Fortunately, other presences were quite far from here so nobody heard her shout.

"Ahaha...Yes, I am the real one. And please don't shout. It will be troublesome later." I smiled wryly and said while placing my index finger in front of my lips. The girl covered her mouth and looked at me with an apologetic expression. Then, she excitedly runs to sit in front of us.

"My name is Yuigahama Yui, and I am your biggest fan, Kitahara-sama! Your latest photoshoot with Ayase-chan was amazing! I also started to look at your performance as a pianist. It was the most beautiful performance I have seen! And-" Yui excitedly said before Yukino stopped her.

"You will trouble them if you said that much, Yuigahama-san. And, is Kitahara-san that famous?" Yukino tilted her head and asked.

"...You don't know. Yukinon?!" Yui widened her eyes and said with a shocked expression. Yukino only shakes her head in response.

"Look like not everyone knows about you, Izumi." Natsuki jokingly said.

"That's fine. At least you know me." I whispered sweetly so only Natsuki can hear it. Fortunately, Yui is in the middle of lecturing Yukino about me. After hearing my whisper, Natsuki looked away with her cheek slightly reddened.

"Haha, it's fine. I know not everyone reads fashion magazines or classical music magazines after all." I said with an understanding smile.

"No, Kitahara-sama. I need to show Yukinon about your performance." Yui said then immediately took out her smartphone. She brought Yukino closer and give her a piece of earphone while she wears the other side.

Yukino, who seemingly used to Yui's behavior, could only sigh and put the earphone on her right ear. Yui smiled and immediately clicking her smartphone and positioned her smartphone in a safe distance for their eyes to watch the video.

While both of them are busy watching Yui's smartphone, two presences are coming toward this club room. They are most likely Hiratsuka and the girl we're searching for. Not long after Hiratsuka opened the door and entered.

"I'm sorry to make you wait, Kitahara-sama, Minamiya-sama. This is the girl you two are searching for." Hiratsuka said. Then the girl entered the room.

It was a beautiful girl who has shoulder-length white hair that is braided by a violet ribbon at the end of the left side with bangs hanging over her eyebrows and clear blue eyes.

The moment she entered the room, Natsuki and me intently looking at her. Besides her beautiful appearance, we realized she has a quite high mana density for an ordinary girl. I think she can be a brilliant magician if she wants to train to be one.

"Although they already know about you, please introduce yourself, Kanase," Hiratsuka said.

"Good afternoon, my name is Kanase Kanon, nice to meet you." The girl nodded and said with a radiant smile.

'...I think Codename: Angel was very suited for her.'

"Nice to meet you too, I am Kitahara Izumi and this girl is Minamiya Natsuki. Although we're searching for you for a reason, we're not in a hurry so please eat your lunch in this room with us." I said with a smile.

"Yes, my name is Minamiya Natsuki. We could share a cup of tea too." Natsuki added.

"Thank you very much. And I am very excited to see you, Kitahara-san. In fact, I am one of your fans as a pianist." Kanon gently said.

"Then, we can talk about classical music if you want while you eat your lunch." I smilingly said.

"Really? Please, let me talk with you, Kitahara-san." Kanon said then she went to take a chair and place it right beside me.

"Do you want to have lunch with us too, Hiratsuka-san?" I asked.

"Please if you don't mind." Hiratsuka nodded and went to take a chair for her and sit beside Yui and Yukino who focused on the video on Yui's smartphone.


When Hiratsuka, Natsuki-chan, Kanon and I talk about music and other casual things, Yui and Yukino focused on the smartphone in front of them. Yui watched the video with a bit of tears flowing from her eyes, but she is smiling which means it was tears of happiness.

Meanwhile, Yukino was looking at the video in a daze while seemingly thinking about something. Her eyes also watery and look about to cry. Both of them also haven't touched their lunch at all.

"Hey, you two should finish your lunch because the lunch break will end in five minutes," I said.

"Ah?! I forgot about it! I will eat some that I could!" Yui wiped the tears from her eyes and said in a panic. Then, she unplugs the earphone on her left ear.

"You should eat too, Yukinon!" Yui shakes Yukino's shoulder and said.

"..Eh? Ah... Okay..." Yukino answered absent-mindedly while her gaze still on the smartphone. Although she said that, Yukino didn't eat her lunch but take the other side of the earphone and put it on her other ear.

"Actually, the reason we want to meet you is to confirm and ask something. But, it's inappropriate to ask with this many people. So, can you meet us again after school ends?" Natsuki asked.

"Sure, I think I know what you two wanted to ask. Besides, I want to talk more with Kitahara-san." Kanon smiled gently and said.

"Hehe, then let's continue our talk later." I smilingly said.

"Good, we will pick you up after school." Natsuki nodded and said.

"Yes, I will be waiting. And please pardon me, I'm going back to my class since the lunch break was about to end." Kanon smilingly said.

"Ah yes, me too. I need to prepare for the next class. I already told the security about Kitahara-sama and Minamiya-sama. So there is no need to worry if Kitahara-sama and Minamiya-sama wanted to leave or enter the school." Hiratsuka said.

"Thank you, Hiratsuka-san." Natsuki said with a smile.

"Ou, thanks, Shizuka-chan." I jokingly said.

"P-please don't call me with –chan..." Shizuka said with a reddened cheek.

"Haha, you just need to accept it, Shizuka-chan. This guy even called me with that in our first conversation." Natsuki giggled and said.

"Hehehe..." Kanon just covered her mouth and laughed gently when she heard the nickname.

"Hehe, this is my first time seeing Hiratsuka-sensei this cute. Too bad Hikki can't see it." Yui stopped eating her lunch and laughingly said.

"...Fine... But please not in front of other students..." Shizuka hide her face and said. While we're talking, tears started flowing out from Yukino who watched my performance and I am the first person who sees it.

"Hey, are you okay?" I gently asked. The others also looked at Yukino when I asked.

"Yukinon?! Are you okay?!" Yui frantically asked. Hiratsuka and Kanon looked at her worriedly while waiting for her to answer.

"I'm fine, thank you. This is my first time hearing such an exquisite melody. Thank you, Kitahara-san. I am such a fool for not knowing about you until now. And I have a request. If you have time, could I ask about my father after school?" Yukino for the first time smiled at me and asked.

"Ah, sure thing. We will come here again to pick Kanon up anyway." I answered with a smile.

"Thank you," Yukino said with a gentle smile.

"Ah, that's unfair Yukinon! Please give me your autograph too after you talk with Yukinon, Kitahara-sama." Yui said with a hopeful expression.

"Sure thing, I can even give you a selfie," I answered.

"Really?! Yayy!! I will boast this to everyone!" Yui joyfully said.

"Then, please give me one too later, Kitahara-san," Kanon asked with an expectant expression.

"Yes, yes of course." I smilingly said.

*Ding* *Dong*

"Crap! I haven't prepared for the next class. Pardon me, but I am going first!" Shizuka said then promptly run after lowered her head to greet us.

"Then, I will be going too. See you later, Kitahara-san." Kanon gently said then she went out of the room.

"Let's go, Yukinon. We'll be late too! And, I am looking forward to the selfie, Kitahara-sama. See you later!" Yui said. Then run with the lunchbox on her hand.

"Please excuse me too, Kitahara-san. And thanks again for hearing my request." Yukino said with a smile then went out of the room.

"How about us go to Tada's coffee shop while waiting for the after school?" I suggested.

"Sure, let's go." Natsuki nodded with a smile.

KimYurin KimYurin

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