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Hu Yifei didn't go to class for the third day in a row. When he got up in the morning, he started messing with the server. This is a hard job. Hu Yifei basically followed the steps written in the tarantula material step by step. He had read it several times before, but when he really used it, he found that he had forgotten all about it, and he still had to follow the instructions. It seems that it is impossible for a hacker to understand this thing in his head, and he has to see the real chapter under his hand.

After more than half an hour, Hu Yifei finally took care of the external network into the internal network. He was already able to see the machines inside the science and technology enterprises on the Avenue. Now he happened to be not at work. He searched out several computers in the internal network, all of which were very important machines. These machines usually run 24 hours a day and will not be turned off except for routine maintenance.

According to the tarantula's material, there are many ways to invade the intranet, among which eavesdropping on account passwords is the most reliable, stallion poisoning is the most effective, but remote login is not allowed, because the personal operating system generally does not allow multiple users to log in at the same time.

Hu Yifei does not know how to poison the stallion. Remote login only uses the artifact. The restriction mentioned by the tarantula does not apply to the artifact. Previously, they monitored Duan Yu Xiaoli's computer, and they also installed a personal operating system. In front of the artifact, there is no restriction on multi-user login at all.

After thinking about it, Hu Yifei withdrew from the server of Avenue Science and Technology and first found a file shredding tool on the Internet, which is exactly the same as the one Zhao Bing used last night. Zhao Bing is an expert. He uses this tool to smash files. It should be reliable.

Think again in mind that the process is ready to start as soon as it flies, first use the artifact to enter the gateway server of the avenue, then download the artifact, link to their intranet computer, and finally smash the artifact and clean up the log.


Hu Yifei is just about to link to remember a very important thing. Once the artifact enters the working mode, he will not quit. At that time, he will not be able to turn off the phone again. If there are hundreds of computers on the main road science and technology intranet, and you are unlucky, don't you want to turn off all the computers and find Zhao Bing's computer?

"Oh, my God!" Hu Yifei grabbed his head and planned the action all night, but he failed before he had time to act. Only then did he find that having an artifact is not even as good as those little hackers with solid basic skills. He has an artifact that can handle everything and can't handle the machine on the intranet alone, unless he is in the other party's intranet! In retrospect, the method provided by the tarantula was the most reliable, but I believed in the artifact so much that I wasted so much time.

Hu Yifei now does not want to continue to tear with Zhao Bing, even with the method of tarantula, it may not be successful for a while, his own use is not proficient, revealing the stuffing is even more troublesome.

I've been thinking about it for a long time. Hu Yifei came up with the idea of searching these intranet computers. He decided to be fooled once. Just turn it off once. See if you can get any information from the other person's computer. Last. He chose a computer named XX.

Use the artifact to connect to the intranet computer on the gateway server of the other party. It's also a bit of a second-tier springboard. Hu Yifei thought so. I saw the picture of that XXX computer.

Don't say a word and go into work mode. Hu Yifei flipped over on this computer. Hoping to find some clues. All over the place. In the end, I only found a list of employees, which was of some use to Hu Yifei. The rest are all kinds of information and statements of the Avenue Science and Technology Company. These do not have any land use value.

Hu Yifei rummaged through the employee list and found Zhao Bing's information. There are pictures. I have contact information. Even Zhao Bing's home address is available. Hu Yifei was overjoyed. I'm going to write it all down. On second thought. I'm not a door-to-door chopper. What's the use of remembering this?

I can't think of any good idea at the moment. Hu Yifei packed all these employee lists. Sent it back to my mailbox.

Turned it over again. No more gains. Hu Yifei secretly said bad luck. Just clean up the log. Turned off the XX computer. Then smash the artifact on the gateway server. After cleaning up the log. Evacuated Avenue Technology.

Hu Yifei flipped through the list of employees on his computer again, but still had no clue, so he had to give up temporarily and figure out how to break Zhao Bing's online photo album, in which there were photos of his own woman, all of which must be deleted.

It takes too much time to crack the password violently, and even if you get one, it won't be of much use, because Hu Yifei discovered last night that Zhao Bing was very treacherous. He used three passwords on domain name management websites, mailboxes, and online photo albums. He counted them carefully, and the lengths of the three passwords were all different.

"then use your old business!"

Hu Yifei connected to the server of the online photo album with an artifact. With the experience of playing with carrots, he was familiar with finding the address of the database in the code. He now thinks that the book "website Architecture" is too useful.

When he opened the database, Hu Yifei found Zhao Bing's account, but the password was encrypted.

In the database. According to the website architecture book, this method is relatively secure, because these encryption algorithms cannot be decrypted in reverse, that is to say, when you see these encrypted characters, there is no way to figure out what the original real password is, and no matter how long the password is, all the encrypted passwords are 18 digits, and you can't know how long the original password is, even if it is violently cracked. Nothing also increases the difficulty.

When the user logs in, as long as the normal password is entered, after the password is submitted to the website, it will be encrypted first, and then compared with the password saved in the database. If it matches, the login will be successful, and if it does not match, the login will fail.

Recalling the last Cobra report meeting, he changed the administrator's password saved in the database, but now if he directly changes Zhao Bing's password to 12345 in the data, it will certainly not work, because after 12345 encryption, it will not be 12345, and the comparison will definitely not be successful.

Hu Yifei knew nothing about password encryption, but he was smart enough to find out where he could use it from this process: the way of encryption must be one-way fixed, a fixed password, and the 18-bit characters formed after encryption must also be fixed, otherwise there would be no way to make a comparison.

In other words, if you can know in advance what the 12345 encrypted character is, and then replace the character that already exists in the database with this character, then enter your own password 12345, you will certainly be able to compare and log in successfully.

Hu Yifei rejoiced for his idea, and he turned it up again in the website code. Soon, he figured out what the encryption algorithm is. It is a more popular general algorithm, called the MD5 secret algorithm, which is clearly explained in the website code.

"MD5 encryption", Hu Yifei this keyword into the search engine, there are a lot of results, including MD5 encryption, you can enter a password, showing the encrypted characters.

Hu loaded one, typed 12345, and got an 18-bit character, which is similar to the dense characters in the database.

Hu Yifei re-entered the other party's database, and to be on the safe side, he first recorded Zhao Bing's current password characters before replacing his own characters.

After saving, Hu Yifei withdrew from the database and began to log in to the online photo album on his computer, entering Zhao Bing's account number and password 12345, which turned out to be a real success!

The moment he saw the album, his face was all over his face. It should be his first real hacking. Although I still used the artifact, I found all the ideas and flaws on my own. This is a big deal for him as a pseudo-connoisseur.

Hu Yifei moved and quickly flipped up these photos. in addition to the Liu Xiaofei and Liang Xiaole he saw yesterday, he found that there were many photo booklets, which were opened by other women, but the contents of the photos were all very bloodshot, and it was clear at a glance that these photos were also removed from the camera.

"Oh, my God, what a super pervert!" Hu Yifei recalled the image of Zhao Bing and felt that it was simply carved in accordance with the abnormal mold.

Hu Yifei scolded Zhao Bing as a pervert, but he never stopped, stuffing all these pornographic and violent photos in the photo album into his "linear algebra" folder.

When he turned to a photo album, Hu Yifei suddenly felt that the woman looked a little familiar, but when he thought about it, he seemed to have never seen her before. it was really strange, where did this feeling of familiarity come from?

"whatever, save it first!" Hu Yifei continued to save it, and when he saved a close-up of his face, he patted his forehead, damn it, he remembered that he had just seen her in the employee list of the Avenue Company.

Hu Yifei found out the employee list again, looked through more than a dozen inside, and found an appearance-like one. After a detailed comparison, Hu Yifei was absolutely sure that the woman in this photo album was a copywriter of Avenue Science and Technology.

"Damn it, you eat grass by the nest, too!"

Hu Yifei was so disdainful that he compared all the other women in the pamphlet and found that except for two that could not be found, all of them could be found in the employee list of the Avenue Company. They were all very beautiful women. It seems that Zhao Bing has a long history in doing this.

"it looks like I'm going to kill the people!"

Hu Yifei had a smirk on his face. after quickly stuffing those photos into his hard drive, he did not delete the things in the album as planned, and even changed the password back to Zhao Bing.

He came up with a good way to kill Zhao Bing at once, but now he still owes something bad, so he can't alarm him.

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