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Counting sheep

Zhao Bing did not know at this time that he had been targeted. He looked at it for a while and caught fire. Another software was downloaded from the mailbox.

When you open it. But it's a software used to camouflage the phone number. Zhao Bing randomly enters a number. It doesn't look like a cell phone number, but it looks like a QQ number. And then wrote a text message. The text message seems to be a passage copied from book H. Mm-hmm. Oh, a lot.

Hu Yifei continued to look down patiently. I didn't expect Zhao Bing to be a big hacker. I can't believe I still have the talent to write H-book. This style of writing. This talent. This move. Tut-tut. No wonder Liu Xiaofei refused to tell others that there was a perverted stalker.She is willing to secretly enjoy the book.

Zhao Binglian sent several paragraphs. I can't enjoy it. I went to QQ. Not the QQ he used to use. I sent several more messages to Liu Xiaofei. Later, he said, "Liu Xiaofei. I love you! "

"you will love me soon!" Hu Yifei grinds his teeth. A posture that can bite at any time.

Zhao Bing finished harassing it. Open the link that the wolf travels thousands of miles. Start smashing the software. Clean up all logs and traces. Looks like he's ready to retreat.

After Zhao Bing withdrew from the machine. Hu Yifei also unplugged his own network cable. Here comes an unsolicited exit. He opened the picture he had just captured. It turned over one by one. All the operations in the second half of Zhao Bing were intercepted by Hu Yifei. You can clearly see his every step. And the software he used. The postal account that he logged in, the photo album account, and all the domain names he registered.

I'm flipping through it. Zhao Bing on QQ is online. Look at IP. Just the IP segment of his usual Internet surfing. Hu Yifei will understand. No wonder I monitored it before, so I didn't find anything. Turns out this kid shuts down QQ and uses another machine when he's on the move. But. Hu Yifei now also knows the way to track Zhao Bing. In the future, just take a look at which IP his domain names point to. We'll know where this kid is.

"Laozi plays dry ball."

Hu Yifei patted his forehead. If you don't be a psychopath, you have to track it. And I don't track perverts. What I have to do now. Is to take good care of this kid. He found out if there were any copies of the photos he had peeped at. It's time to give him a pot. In Hu Yi's heart, it was called regret. I should have known this kid was peeking at Xiao Le. Last time on the playground. You should break his dog's eyes.

Hu Yifei used God to link Zhao Bing's brain to see that he was making an animated draft of PPT. The name is "Avenue Science and Technology Enterprise Network Transformation Plan". Hu Yifei doesn't understand this. I stared at it for a while and then switched to working mode. Turn it up on Zhao Bing's computer. See if you can find anything else. As a result, except for a few porn films and some pictures. He didn't find anything he needed.

"!" Hu Yifei scolded. This little boy is too cunning. Everything about hackers. He does not store the purity of the hard drive on his brain to compete with Duan Yu.

Later. Hu Yifei realized that it was time to clean up his computer. There are all kinds of information on the hard disk, all kinds of hacker tools. In case someone invades like himself one day. Isn't it miserable! At least like Zhao Bing. Back up things separately. Download whichever you use. Crush it directly after use. "it seems that there is still a big gap between myself and the master." Hu Yifei felt a sentence. Unplug the network cable again and withdraw from Zhao Bing's computer and sit there thinking about how to bully Zhao Bing. In order to get out of this evil breath in my heart.

In the end. He unexpectedly forgot his main topic of surfing the Internet. The number of the tarantula was not added.

Turn off the lights and go to bed at night. Hu Yifei's dream is full of white thighs. It will be Liang Xiaole's later. It will be Liu Xiaofei's. The two women were tossing and turning until they were halfway there. I saw Hu Yifei talking in his dream. Then get up and change your underwear.

"second in charge!" Duan Yu is awake, too. Look at the time. Fuck. Even earlier today. It's not even three o'clock. "what are you doing up so early?"

Hu Yifei was very embarrassed. Fortunately, the dark Duan Yu in the room could not see his appearance. Sidewalk: "insomnia." Get up and read! "

"it's just 10 million game coins!" Duan Yu is going crazy. "I'll ask Xiao Li to give you one later. She has several! Hurry up! "

"it's not about that." Hu Yifei had a headache. Way: "all right, you go to sleep first!"

"Why don't you just lie down and count the sheep and fall asleep for a while!" Duan Yu gave the secret recipe.

Hu Yifei said it was okay not to count sheep. As soon as I count Aries, I think of white legs. It's even worse. Can't you just come up with a creative idea. Like counting shit beetles. Count Xiaoqiang. Count your hair or something. As long as it's not white.

Now I can't sleep at all. As soon as he flew, he picked up the horse and put it on the balcony. Point root really began to read the book. I turned back to hear the voice of Duan Yu. Hu Yifei was thinking. Duan Yu must have seen Xiao Li's thighs. Otherwise, I wouldn't be in such a hurry to get a room.

There is still one person at this time. That's the hapless country potato. In the evening, I was inexplicably invited by the Internet supervisor to have tea. Ask him if he has surfed the Internet recently.

The net. What have you done. He also asked him if he had any friends playing on the computer and took out a log cleaning tool he made six years ago. Ask him what's going on with this thing. "what an injustice!" . Country potatoes are full of grievances. Six years ago, hackers were at their best. A brick fell down the street. Nine are dead. All hackers. There's one left. That is also prepared to join the hacker.

I didn't know what was wrong with me at that time. Run to learn from people like hackers. Unfortunately, the level is too poor. No talent. I won't go on after two days of study. As for the tool. Don't post a few lines of code online. Just save it as a batch file. I'm curious. So I copied the code and made one. And take it up to show off. As a result, he was scolded. It broke my heart ever since. He completely dropped out of the hacker circle. It's that simple!

Country potatoes can't sleep all night. I don't understand. I have been busy all day with my heels close to my buttocks. It's hard to get to the last one in a month. It has nothing to do with hackers.

At dawn. When the dark sky walked into the office. The results of the investigation are already on his desk. He picked it up and finished reading it. I wonder. According to Feng Yueying. After that sugar fried chestnut invaded the machine. Will leave this log cleanup tool. According to common sense. This tool is the exclusive logo of sugar fried chestnuts. Something so important. It's supposed to be his own tool. Or maybe he has a soft spot for this tool.

But country potatoes don't even have a computer. I still go to Internet cafes. Among his friends. There is one person with the highest computer level. But it can only install the system. Change the memory and hard drive or something. If this kid pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger. But this pig is so much alike. If it wasn't for this kid. Then how could fried chestnuts with sugar take a fancy to such an amateur tool? What's the connection between them.

"Damn it! Are you going in the wrong direction? "

The dark sky doesn't understand. I cursed the Maple Moon Shadow. The boy recognizes money rather than people. What did you say. He'll follow you down. What do you want. He'll give you what he wants. Don't say a word. He must have kept what he had for himself.

Can make those hunters chase and intercept so crazily. Even with the shelter of ZM. They also played the trick of repairing the darkness of the plank road. There must be something more important seducing them. But what is it? Damn radish. This time, Chinese hunters are excluded!

"Brother Feng! Are you here? " Turn on the computer. Contact Feng Ying again.

"Boss Black. Please stop calling me Feng! " Fengyue Shadow seems to be very depressed. "of course I am. As long as there is money. I'm right here! "

"I want all the inside information on the carrot incident. Don't keep it for me! " The dark sky warns.

"it was you who said you wanted the line. What I'm giving you is a real and exclusive clue! " Feng Yueying is not afraid of the warning of the dark sky at all. "so. You've already investigated the maker of that tool.What's going on? " . The maple moon shadow is on the contrary spying on the news of the dark sky.

"Don't make up your mind with me!"

"Hey, hey. I know if you don't tell me. Look how angry you are. There must be nothing to gain! "

The dark sky is helpless. "Don't think I can't do anything about you, boy." What you did in Qingchun last year. I still have the evidence. Do you want me to transfer it to the relevant department for investigation? "

"Yes. I'm afraid you can't? " Maple Moon Shadow is not afraid of the dark sky. But I'm afraid of this department. He said, "what do you want to know?"

"Why are hunters so crazy? It's going to be at the Wolf Summit. "

"Sugar fried chestnuts from the formatted carrot trading platform. To clear the data. Finally, shut down the IAEA website server. It took less than three minutes in between. That's what I'm saying. Do you understand? " Feng Yue asked a question. "as for the Wolf Summit," he added. Because the carrots were told before the sugar fried chestnuts. He said he was going to attend the Wolf Summit! "

The dark sky will understand now. What Shifeng Moon Shadow said behind. The cold bird has said it before. But the cold bird did not mention this time. Less than three minutes. Take care of three servers. Before that, it took another hour to get rid of 10 servers in ZM. Can you tell me. Does this sugar fried chestnut have some kind of general loophole in its hand? So the actions of these hunters. There is probably a shadow of their employer behind it.

"except for the log cleanup tool. Just Spark himself. And I didn't find anything on that server. So everyone waited until the Wolf Summit to work hard! " Feng Yueying finished talking. "that's all I know. Okay. I have to sell them the results of this log tool as soon as possible. If it's too late, it won't sell for the price. See you later! "

The dark sky sat there thinking for a while. I have an idea. Dial on the phone. "is it the wolf tooth? I am the dark sky! Yes. Your web conference room server has been changed. I'll arrange it. Is there a problem? "

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