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8.04% SUPER NET DISK / Chapter 7: Trade

Chapter 7: Trade

Hu Yifei, of course, will not know his novice behavior, will make me a scholar almost scared to death.

When he went out for a walk, he remembered something that he regretted very much. "his grandfather's Japanese server, how did he forget to look for porn on it?"

Realizing this, Hu Yifei turned blue with regret. He stood there criticizing himself profoundly. "you don't know Japanese characters, you should recognize porn!" You are always restless when you encounter something, and you are not calm at all.

What a good opportunity it is for you to waste it! " Hu Yifei hesitated whether he would go back to the dormitory and do it on the Japanese server. After thinking about it, he decided that it was important to get down to business first. Anyway, he had an artifact in hand, and when he wanted to go to that server again, it was as convenient as a string of his own family.

"forget it this time. It won't happen again!" Hu Yifei innocently criticized himself and wobbled toward the cafeteria with a small eight-character step. His goal was the poster bar at the door of the canteen, where all the posters of the report meeting were posted.

The poster column at the entrance of the canteen is one of the most popular places in the University of Science and Technology. This small poster board integrates many functions such as "publicity", "flea market", "grapevine distribution center" and so on, and has a variety of uses.

in the minds of science and technology college students, the status of this board is only higher than that of the headmaster, and any changes in the school will be reflected here.

When Hu Yifei came over, he saw a lot of people around the poster bar from a distance. When he was getting closer, he heard them talking:

"they are arrogant, but their chivalrous bones are soft; they keep a low profile, but they are admired by thousands of people; they are small, but they are fearless; they walk freely through the network as if they were in no man's land; are they the incarnations of immortals or the messengers of hell? Cobra, a well-known hacker, visited Polytechnic University to unveil the mystery of hackers for everyone. At 15:00 this Wednesday afternoon, I will give you a chance to get in touch with hackers at zero distance! " A nerd-looking guy with an old-fashioned thick bottle bottom read the poster as a sudden setback of yin and yang, melodious and melodious.

"dude, have you ever heard of this test?" The person who asked the question obviously did not understand the pronunciation of the word.

A man shook his head. "I haven't heard of it. I've seen koalas!"

"Damn it, my Beast was picked up a few days ago, and I just want to know if this koala did it!" A brother clenched his teeth, and it is estimated that he is at odds with hackers all his life.

Hu Yifei was happy. He really wanted to do whatever he wanted. He happened to have heard of this Cobra. This word translates to mean cobra, which looks very aggressive, but in fact, this Cobra is a notoriously honest person in the hacker circle.

According to the gossip of the so-called senior people at the Langwo base camp, Cobra is the first generation of hackers in China, but he has always followed the rules and has not published any hacking tools or brilliant achievements, so he is not very well-known. He went ashore many years ago and has been working as a technical director in a domestic security company.

"the first generation of hackers have been practicing for at least ten years now." Hu Yifei was even happier as soon as he pulled there. If so, even if the Cobra is not very strong, at least it will not be so bad. It should not be a problem to answer two or three questions of his own.

Hu Yifei immediately decided to listen to the lecture tomorrow afternoon. I'm afraid his study plan will fall on Cobra.

The small staircase classroom is not large and can only hold more than 100 people at the same time. Thinking that the name of the hacker should attract many people to attend the lecture, Hu Yifei wondered how to ensure that he would be able to enter the scene of the lecture.

He squeezed to the poster, looked under the poster, and found that the organizer of the report was the computer Association of the University of Science and Technology, and he was relieved at that time. Although Hu Yifei is not a member of the computer Association, he is still familiar with several directors inside, so it won't be too much of a problem to blend in.

Quitting the crowd, Hu Yifei pulled out his cell phone and dialed, "Hello, pig?" I'm Hu Yifei. I heard that your association held a lecture on network security. Oh, yes, I want to hear it! I've learned a lot. After living so much, hackers often hear about it, but this is the first time I've ever seen a hacker. "

"what? Have all the tickets been handed out? No way! " Hu Yifei said with a bitter face, "you are not good enough, old pig. Why don't you inform your brother in advance? I have been worried about you all the time." Yesterday, Xiao Le also said that she would introduce you to the little girl in their dormitory. Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything about it.

" Hu Yifei sacrificed the ultimate nuclear weapon. He tried everything and never missed. Everyone knows that Liang Xiaole's dormitory beauty is like Lin. There are dozens of people looking for Hu Yifei to pull strings. Hu Yifei usually makes a little profit out of it.

Sure enough, Hu Yifei soon showed a smile of success, "well, the staff are the staff, as long as they can get in, thank you Brother Pig!" What? Little girl. No problem, no problem, don't worry. After listening to the report meeting, I'll introduce you! "

Seeing that it was time for dinner, Hu Yifei called Lao Si again. "it's dinnertime. You owe me three days for dinner. Come and pay the bill!"

After hanging up the phone, Hu Yifei slowly strolled into the canteen and was very worried. Although he got 1200 yuan yesterday, he bought Chinese cigarettes and invited the eldest four to have a meal. The rest of the money, in addition to paying off the debt owed by Duan Yu, was just enough to buy Liang Xiaole a Swarovski crystal necklace.

That was three months ago. Hu Yifei accompanied Liang Xiaole to go shopping. Liang Xiaole's eyes stayed on the chain for a long time and tried to try, but the price was too high, more than 800. Hu Yifei's monthly living expenses were only 500. How could he afford it? When he was selling the QQ yesterday, he thought of buying the necklace and went to the store for a round.

who knew that the chain had been sold and would not arrive until next week, but the money could not be moved any more, and he had to save it for next week to pay for the goods.

"A failed life!" Hu Yifei sat there sighing, unexpectedly want to mix the fourth meal to eat, this is not to eat soft rice! Do you also want to find a part-time job to do, so as to subsidize the deficit? Liang Xiaole often goes out to do some part-time jobs, such as etiquette, shopping guides, image messengers and so on. This is probably the so-called beauty economy.

Anyway, Liang Xiaole is very popular to do these jobs, and there is too much work to be done. Hu Yifei kind of hated why he didn't look handsome. When he grew up like Takeshi Kaneshiro, how could he still have so much sorrow, or just look a little uglier, just like King Kong the gorilla, just charge the visit fee directly at that stop.

After a while, the fourth and the boss walked into the canteen together, and the two men have been in and out together recently, living and dying in the Internet cafe. When you were a freshman, people were a little afraid of the counselor's roll call, but now you have experience, you should call the roll and return your name.

As soon as you buy some small gifts and send them to your home at the end of the semester, everything will be done. This is called "spending a small amount of money to buy big comfort."

Compared with these two people, Hu Yifei is an aspiring young man in the eyes of the counselor. although he is also absent from school from time to time, and even if he is in class, he may be reading novels and magazines, but the most worthless spare time in college. Hu Yifei did not waste all of them, and he also had a hacker heart, which stimulated him to learn something indiscriminately.

The boss grumbled as soon as he sat down: "Damn it, my hands are really black today. When I made a copy, I was surprised that I didn't touch a piece of my equipment!"

Old four is also a look of regret: "I ordered the video request all afternoon, but not a little MM passed, and my hands are a little sore. These days, little MM has too strong a sense of wolf prevention!"

Hu Yifei shook hands with the two brothers one by one and said sadly, "I'm sorry for your loss." On behalf of the 20,000 teachers and students of the Polytechnic University, I would like to express my extreme sympathy for your unfair experience. "

The two raised their middle finger together. "Don't you cry and pee there, put away your crocodile tears!" The two men said with a pair of eyes, "Let's eat first, and let's go on after eating!"

Hu Yifei admired the perseverance of the pair of living treasures, hugged his fist and said, "for the great cause of the revolution, please order quickly. I am starving to death!"

If there are three people together, it is the old rule of four dishes and one soup, but unfortunately there is no beer in the canteen, otherwise we will have some wine. The eldest and the fourth estimated that for the sake of their great cause of Internet cafes, they were too busy to eat lunch.

as soon as the food was served, the chopsticks rotated quickly, and the plate was immediately covered with a shadow of chopsticks, showing a bit of water and impenetrable needles. Hu Yifei finally inserted his chopsticks into it, only to find that the plate had seen the bottom, leaving only oil soup and a few shallots.

Twice like this, Hu Yifei learned to be smart. before the third dish was on the table, he picked it up directly and first picked half a plate into his rice bowl.

"you're not afraid of choking to death!" The eldest brother and the elder four stared at each other and expressed their dissatisfaction, completely forgetting their previous appearance of the wind and the residual clouds.

"it's better to choke to death than to stare and starve to death!" Hu Yifei protected his job and began to pick rice.

Seaweed and Egg Soup in the big basin was the last to come up, and the three of them drank it and sat there burping one after another. The amount of stir-fried food in the canteen is a little less, but the soup is absolutely sufficient. The soup basin is as big as a washbasin, and the basin is full of water. Even a cow can definitely be full of water. The canteen relies on this trick to drag repeat customers. Its name is "signature soup".

Having had enough to eat and drink, the boss sat there wrestling his fingers, calculated that he had not been to class for half a month, and asked, "second in charge, has there been any movement in the class recently?"

Hu Yifei picked his teeth, "the chicken does not bark and the dog does not bite, and there is no movement, but the counselor called the roll twice." I wanted to get it for you, but he didn't give me a chance. when it was your turn to count your name, he just crossed out an X, and then he went next! "

The fourth laughed and patted the eldest on the shoulder. "the counselor knows you so well that he saves saliva."

Hu Yifei glanced at the fourth. "your name counselor did read it, but after the X, he was heartbroken on the podium at that time: 'the changes of Sun Yaqing this semester are really heartbreaking and surprising. How can a good student degenerate so quickly? it's worth thinking about and being vigilant about!' "

"the counselor is wise!" The boss gave a thumbs up and looked at the fourth. "he has long seen that you are not a good bird either!"

"however, don't wait too long in the Internet bar tonight. Come back to bed early. Tomorrow morning is the extinction master's class!" Hu Yifei suddenly remembered this important thing and hastened to remind him.

As soon as they heard this, they nodded again and again, "got it!"

The exterminator is an old lady who teaches Ma Zhe. As long as she takes her class, it must be full of high seats. Even the eldest such an outsider like the eldest brother will show up collectively and obediently poke at the lecture there. It seems that the old lady's popularity index is very high, but in fact, this is not the case at all, all because of the old lady's ruthlessness and iron-handed means.

All her life, the old lady hated that someone dared to skip her class. as long as you were caught once, you would not pass this course. even if you could get a full score, she would give you a failure, and it would be useless to find anyone to cry at that time. The old lady is the examiner of this course, and I don't know how many brothers and sisters have died in her hands in the past few years.

The eldest four blew water for a while, got up and went to the Big Red Eagle again. Hu Yifei's special hobby for these two people has never been figured out. These two people have to go to Internet cafes to surf the Internet. If they are allowed to surf the Internet in the dormitory, they won't be able to sit still for half an hour at most.

Back to the dormitory, Hu Yifei first looked at the wolf nest stronghold and found that his post was heavy again, and there was still no expert to give advice. Hu Yifei pushed up the post again, and then went to study the specific uses of the gadgets found today, while monitoring the online list of forums, and as soon as he found out that I was a scholar online, he was ready to do it again.

After lunch the next day, Hu Yifei went to the next dormitory to borrow a black suit from Wang Tiger, who is the official of the student union, and the black suit is their overalls.

As a result, as soon as they walked out the door, many people came and asked curiously, "Hu Yifei, have you joined the underworld?"

The underworld is a nickname given to the student union by the majority of school-loving students, which is both appropriate and vivid, and points out the strong combat effectiveness of this group. Hu Yifei is now going to attend the lecture by pretending to be someone from the computer Association, and he must also wear a black suit. As Lao Zhu specifically explained, "how am I qualified to join the underworld? they need a few extras to stand on their feet and cheer today. I used to support the scene!"

Hu Yifei laughed all the way, and by the time he reached the outside of the small ladder classroom, the old pig was already waiting there. the situation at the scene was exactly the same as Hu Yifei had expected. the name of the hacker really attracted a lot of people, and there were no people who could not get in without tickets. just around the door of the ladder classroom, and then ready to see the opportunity to rub in.

The old pig handed the badge of a computer association to Hu Yifei. "dude, I'm good enough. Look, so many people can't get in!"

"Don't worry, after listening to the lecture, I'll take you to see the little girl!" Hu Yifei patted the old pig on the shoulder. "if you don't rest assured, I'll call the beautiful woman to confirm it now."

"Don't worry. I can't rest assured that you can do things!" The old pig smiled. "however, if I can make a phone call to confirm it, I will feel more at ease!"

"look how successful you are!" Hu Yifei put up his middle finger and took out his cell phone to dial Liang Xiaole. "Xiao Le, call the girl in your dorm at night, someone is buying dinner!"

The old pig poked Hu Yifei and laughed in a low voice: "well, you'd better call out Liu Xiaofei!"

Hu Yifei stared at the old pig with great dissatisfaction and said to the phone, "OK, it's a deal!" Then he closed the line and looked at the old pig. "Don't worry!"

"needless to say, you are such a buddy!" The old pig gave a thumbs up and said, "hurry in. The report meeting is about to begin. Just stand at the front and maintain order in the venue. Don't let people talk loudly!"

Hu Yifei inserted his name tag, "it's not easy for you to have an interesting lecture. Why don't you go to the big staircase classroom? it's so petty here."

"you think I don't want to!" The old pig shook his head and sighed, "it's really too expensive to rent a big ladder classroom. They just give us a little money to sponsor our association, and it's good to get it here!"

Hu Yifei shook his head and squeezed in through the crowd. He had been in a club before and was well aware of the tricks in it. Generally speaking, school venues are not rented to outside training institutions. If these institutions want to come in for a report meeting, they usually pay a sponsorship fee to the association, and then the association rents the venue, sends out posters, and organizers come to listen to the report meeting.

The rent of the school is not expensive, and if you have a good relationship with the teacher, you don't even have to pay for it, and most of those sponsorship fees go into the pockets of the club, or are spent on food and drink.

The staircase classroom was already full of people at this time, and there were still many related households like Hu Yifei standing in the aisle. Hu Yifei squeezed to the front and looked at the equipment at the scene. Three laptops have been placed on the front long podium, one of which may be used to play presentations, the other two are not open, I do not know what to do, a young man is debugging the projector and the screen.

"could it be used to demonstrate hacker attack and defense?" Hu Yifei thought so, and there he was viciously speculating about who attacked and who suffered from those two computers.

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