Music Recommendation: Silent Turmoil by Myuu
"It isn't going to be easy to pull it off," said Theodore, looking at Calhoun, who sat on the opposite side of the carriage. After meeting the ministers of the town, they were on their way back to the castle. "You think King Laurence won't find out about it?"
Calhoun had placed his elbow on the hand rest that was next to the window while supporting the side of his head.
"It's a long shot but if everything goes right, then it will be done quickly," replied Calhoun, watching the things that moved past the carriage. "If it is done without any mistakes, we'll be resolving the matter sooner than the expected time."
Theodore nodded his head, "She won't rest until you are out. I heard her speaking to her loyal minister who had gone to speak to the woman who is forming the establishment of vampires and humans for higher justice. Morganna plans to infiltrate and control the establishment if it is to form."
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