"Lucy is an obedient child. If she isn't, my wife has already told me what works," King Laurence offered the governess a smile and waved his hand for everyone to start eating.
With the King in the dining room, everyone behaved as if they got along well with each other, when in truth, everyone had issues with at least more than one person. Lucy, who was eating her supper, had barely touched her food, and she was idly swirling the soup with her spoon until she decided to ask,
"Father?" Lucy called the King to get his attention, "I was wondering if I could keep my maids with me, the old ones, as I am more accustomed to them than the new ones."
King Laurence didn't respond to her right away as he was chewing his food, but then he said, "Your mother informed me that you have been spending more time gossiping with them. She fears that you will turn out just like them."
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