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6.66% One Piece Bounty Wars / Chapter 5: Setting Sail

Chapter 5: Setting Sail

Waking up early in the morning, Jack made sure that there wasn't anything left on the island that wasn't worth more than a few berries. After storing his tent, he made his way to the ocean shore before removing his little boat from his inventory. He still wasn't too sure how to navigate properly, or where he was because the map didn't show his location, just the East blue. He figured he would pick a good direction to sail, hopefully a would run into another ship or better yet, a island with people.

He jumped on the boat before setting off. Looking at the compass, it was pointing West, so he would sail West. With the boat not needing Jack to do all that much, he took out "The Beginners Guide to Navigation" and tried to understand it a bit better. After a whole 20 minutes of reading the most boring book known to man, he tossed it back in his inventory. "How the fuck can people find this interesting?!!" He shouted, mainly in annoyance. The contents weren't difficult at all to grasp, and it would definately help him in his journey, but it was so boring.

Deciding it would be better to find something else to do to occupy his time, Jack pulled out some weights and started lifting. The boat was too small to be able to do any running, but just lifting heavy objects while he sat down worked too. Over the next few hours he did weight training, while sending out his Observation Haki in every direction, hoping to find something. After all the months of constant training with the training manuals, plus his superior learning speed, he could now send his Will out to a little over a kilometre in every direction. He would definately need more experience before he could glimpse into the future, but he wasn't too far off from it. His Armement Haki had improved greatly as well. He could now coat both arms, and all of his vital organs. When reading the manual it told him to coat the insides of his body as well, something about it strenghtening his body to great levels. It was new to him, because he had never heard about that in the anime. 'I definately think these manuals teach better than any master ever could.' Were Jacks thoughts when he read that. It wasn't just his Haki either. His Sword skills had improved to the point, where he figured there were maybe less than 100 people throughout the entire world that could beat him in sword skills alone. After fully looting the island of anything worth a damn, he had purchased the Conqueror's Haki manual, but it was much harder to deal with. He could release a wave of his Will like with Observation Haki, but instead of getting images back, his Will entered and pretty much skull fucked anything he wished it to. He wasn't too sure how effective his Conqueror's Haki was becuase there was never anything to test it on, but he couldn't wait to try it out.

For four days he sailed, with nothing of note occuring until he picked up movement beneath the water approaching his position. This being his first encounter with something potentually dangerous, he pulled out his pistol with his left hand, and his sword with his right and got into a battle stance. Jack kept focus on the creature as it got closer and closer, clear until a massive serpent burst out of the water. Never before having seen a creature like this before, he was too caught up up in taking in its huge frame when he noticed it was attacking. Reacting fast, he swung his sword in two quick motions, cutting the beast right down the centre, the second swing cutting it into four pieces. When he cut the giant creature, he failed to realize what would happen when the huge pieces dropped into the water right next to his boat. The big waves almost tipped him over, but he managed to keep it upright.

After the serpent incident nothing else really happened for the next two day, when finally a spotted a ship off in the distance. Getting excited, Jack pulled out some oars and rowed like a madman towards the ship, not wanting it to get away from him. After less than 3 minutes he reached the ship, considering the distance, he felt he would have given a speed boat a run for its title. Looking up at the ship, it was only now that he realized it was a pirate ship. 'Well shits about to get exciting!!' Jack internally shouted.

Without even waiting to ask for permission to come aboard, Jack jumped up to the deck of the much bigger ship. Looking around the ship, he saw a bunch of smelly men in worn out clothes. Most of them looked to be drunk or passed out, which explained why no one shot at him, or called to him as his boat approached theirs. "Hey!!! Which one of you is the Captain of this here vessal!!?" Jack called out. By now, everyone that wasn't passed out was now staring at him. Before any of the drunks could respond to him, a door leading down into the ship was kicked open. Walking out of the cabin was a tall man with light brown hair. There wasn't anything interesting about him, other than the fact that he had two large pistols and a one handed sword on his left hip. "I be Captain Duff of The Duff Pirates, (Not real, just cannon fodder) and this be my ship. Now who the hell are you, and what are you doing here? Have you come to collect the $5,000,000 berry bounty on my head?" The man, now known as Captain Duff, said with a smug look on his face, maybe thinking he was popular or something.

"First off, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Captain Jack D. Sparrow (First name is first becuase the other way sounds stupid) Secondly, I've never even heard of you before, so no I didn't come looking for you to collect your bounty. As for the reason I'm here... to get information on where I am." He said, while at the same time thinking, 'And to maybe get an easy $5,000,000 berries.' "HAHAHA!!! You got lost?!!! How stupid are you?!!!" Duff said then burst into laughter once more.

"Well you see..." Jack said through gritted teeth, while trying to keep a smile on his face, "I didn't know where I was to begin with, so I wouldn't exactly know where I am in the first place." He finshed, while also calming himself in the process. Duff didn't particularly care about some brat playing at being a pirate, so he just turned his nose into the air before saying, "Whatever kid. Just hand over anything you have a value, and I'll tell ya where we are." Duff wasn't actually gonna help Jack. He would get anything of value from him and then kill him. Jack's forced smile dropped after he heard Duff's words. 'LIKE HELL I'M GIVING THIS MORON MY STUFF!!!' Jack screamed inside his head, while another part of him was already deciding on how best to handle the situation. Coming up with a good idea, a smile appeared back on Jacks face, 'I am so gonna enjoy this' Jack thought wickedly to himself.

"Of course Duffy. I got everything you'll get right here." Jack said smoothly as he brought his pistol up with lightning speed and shot Duff right on his knee cap. Duff dropped to the ground screaming in agony, which alerted the most of the crew that they were under attack. Many of them pulled out pistols, while some pulled out swords. Jack thought now would be a good idea to test some of his abilities, especially his Conqueror's Haki. In an instant a wave a pure terror washed over everyone on board the ship, causing everyone to pass out from crushing invisible force. After watching everyone collapse, Jack focused all his Conqueror's spirit on one random crew member. Jack got close and watched as his Will overpowered the unconcious man. Not stopping there, Jack pushed his Will inside the other mans head, focusing it like a bullet. The man stopped breathing after that. 'So it really can kill people!!' Jack thought excitedly.

Jack walked around to each of the unconcious men, searched them of anything of value, then tied their hands behind there back, while lowering them over the side of the ship, keeping the tied off a few feet above the water. All it would take was a little cut and they would most likely drown within minutes. After everyone was tied down, the exeption being Duff, who had a turunicate tied around his wounded leg to prevent more blood loss, and had his hands bound behind his back, Jack looted the ship of anything worth a dam. He sold almost everything to the store, bringing his total balance up to $11,230,000 berries. 'Not bad for a few minutes of plundering' Jack thought.

Walking over to Duff, Jack slapped the man across the face. Duff didn't even twitch. It took six more slaps before the man started to regain conciousness, which soon was accompanied by the man screaming in agony from his leg. "How about you tell me where I am now Duff!" Jack said with a happy tune in his voice. Duff managed to bring his hate filled glare to the man that had caused him so much pain. "You go to HELL!!" Duff roared back at him. Jack somewhat expecting something like this, just muttered, "You first." After saying that, Jack grabbed Duff, dragged him over to the edged of the ship. Jack walked along the railing of the ship, shaking the ropes that were tied to the crew members of the Duff pirates, waking them all from their unconcious state. They were all screaming in terror and trying to figure out what was going on. Fortunately Jack called down to them to explain. Unfortunatley they did not like his words.

"Alright you sorry pieces of shit! I came here asking for directions, your captain in turn tried to rob me. I don't take kindly to that. Now before I ask any of you any questions let me show you all the consequences of crossing me." Jack spoke loudly for all to here. After his words he reached down and untied the turnicate around Duff's leg and held it over the side of the ship so that blood poured into the water. It didn't take long before sharks and other sea faring creatures came, drawn in by the blood. "Now watch" Jack shouted as he threw Duff into the water. After barley ten seconds Duff was gone. The crew were terrified. Some were crying, so pissed themselves, but they all had simillar thoughts. 'This guy is a fucking monster'

GrimsReaper GrimsReaper

Yes he is a bit cruel, but this isn't a world thats just filled with sunshine and rainbows. He knows that pirates don't just rob people. They ****, torture, and murder. Yes not all pirates arent the same, but shit got real fast.

Anyway I didn't get to go through and edit this chapter. Sorry

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