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100% Masks of love 2 / Chapter 29: Missing

Chapter 29: Missing

Next morning...

Lance wanted to sleep some more, but seeing how is phone kept ringing left him with no other choice but to pick up the phone and checked who was calling before he could answer. He was angry with the person who called early in the morning interrupting Bree's and his sleeping. Turning around to make sure Bree won't wake up because of the phone's ringing Lance saw that the person who was supposed to sleep next to him was gone. Thinking that Bree might be somewhere in the house Lance finally answered his phone.

- Hello. James something urgent must have happened for you to call this early.

- Lance I need you to came at the office right now. Someone found Bree's phone on the beach. I'm afraid that something bad happened to her.

- I'll be there as fast as I can. Lance said as got dressed, grabbed his car keys went to his car and drove to the office. It didn't matter to him the strange looks he got from the people inside the building. It was a good thing that James's office wasn't on the top floor and it took him only five minutes to reach there.

- Lance you're finally here. Did you talked with Bree yesterday? Did you noticed something strange about her? said James as he grabbed Lance by his arms and started to shake him.

- James, calm down. You're making me dizzy with your shaking.

- Sorry, Lance. You have to understand that I'm scared that something happened to my sister.

- I know James. I'm afraid too. But that is not going to help us in finding Bree.

- Ahem. Excuse me guys. Can I go now? I don't want to be late for work.

- Who are you? asked Lance.

- Hi. I'm Justine, the one who found the phone.

- What about Bree? Did you saw her?

- No. I was walking my dog when I found it. I was planning to take it to the police, but it started ringing and I answered thinking it was the owner who was calling. The rest I presume you know. Oh. I also found this under the phone. Said Justine as she gave the paper to Lance.

- I'm sorry but I have to go to work. If you have anymore questions you can reach me at this number. She said as she gave her business card to Lance as well.

Since Lance didn't show any reaction from reading what was written on the paper it was James who took the business card from Justine.

- Thank you Justine. Sorry about him. I'll call you if there is anything.

- Okee. It was nice to meet you even if the circumstances are not for the best. Bye.

- Same here. Bye Justine, and thank you again.

After Justine left James went to Lance who was left in a angry state and sadness.

- Lance what happened? James asked him. Seeing that Lance didn't answered him, he took the paper from his hand and read it. What was written on it made James really angry and wanted at that moment to really hit someone. But Lance beat him to it while James was reading he went outside the office in search of Jack. He found it like usually in the pantry eating. Seeing that Lance went to him and punch him in the face.

- Man, why did you do that? Can't you see that I'm eating?

- Oh, yeah? You deserved to be hit. Lance was preparing to hit him again but James did it before he got the chance to do it again.

- Guys what's wrong with both of you? Why did you hit me?

- Because you deserved it since you hurt Bree.

- Whoa there. I hurt Bree? When did I do that?

- Really Jack? How can you be so dense? James said as he was about to punch him again but stopped when he heard Irene's angry voice saying:

- Guys I think it's better to talk in my office.

Seeing that none of them moved she said:

- Right now. Don't make me repeat myself. With that she turned around and walked towards her office with three guys following her lick three lost puppies.

But as soon as they got inside Jack was hit again in the face this time by Irene. Holding his hurt face Jack said:

- I don't understand why all of you hit me? I don't think I did something to deserve it.

- Read this and you'll know it. Irene said as she showed the note Bree wrote to him.

- I'm sorry everyone but I need to free myself from everything that hurts me. Love always. Bree.

- What is this got to do with me?

Hearing his words James wanted to beat him really badly but was stopped by Irene.

- Let me ask him some questions first then you can do whatever you want.

- Sis. I'm your brother. How can you say that?

- Shut up. You deserve it. Tell me did you knew that Bree was in love with you? I want the truth from you, not lies.

- I... I...

- Tell me.

- I... I... did.

- Then do you love her?

- I... don't. Why are you asking me this?

- Then why didn't you stayed away from her?

- Because I like her cooking. She is better than you and mom.

Hearing that Irene slapped him.

- Sis... you...

Seeing his sister angry face Jack kept his mouth shut.

- You don't realise how much you hurt her. Don't you know that you should stay away from someone if you don't love them? Do you know that because you got married on her birthday crushed her? Do you know that because of that she can't cook anymore?

- I'm sorry. I didn't know.

- You should ask for her forgiveness. That is if we could find her.

- Why are you saying that? Is Bree missing?

- Didn't you read the note? Bree is missing or might have took her own life because of you.

- What? That's not possible.

- Better pray that nothing happened to my sister or I'll make you pay for the rest of your life. Said James as he left Irene's office.

- For every pain that you put Bree through keep this in mind that every time you see your wife smile that Bree lost hers because of you. Everytime that you'll see someone cooking keep in mind that Bree stopped cooking because of you. You don't deserve her love at all. Lance said as he left the office.

- Jack you really messed up this time. He said to himself after Irene left the office as well.

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