Another round of apologies to my roommate did nothing to thaw the tension between us. Out of energy and really not caring anymore, I left Sashenka shivering and saying she was sorry-for what I had no idea-to once again curl up with my back to her.
This time when I tried to call up sleep it ignored me completely. Partly because my demon was still riled and even Shaylee upset by what happened with Alison. I did my best to reassure them, but neither was really talking to me, so I just let them stew and settled into my own version.
My thoughts went instead to Alison, to the vampire virus trapped in the jewel I wore around my neck. I glanced down at it, the softest of glows escaping the piles of shields I'd placed around it. I felt it at times, stirring, though there was no way it could break free. Or so I told myself.