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76.92% Rise Of The Wizarding World's Brotherhood / Chapter 10: Phase one Continued

Chapter 10: Phase one Continued

The next morning, Newt and Tina woke up early because they needed to head back home urgently due to the fact that they could not leave the beasts in Newt's care unattended for long. Most of them very temperamental and only Newt could deal with them especially the mischievous ones. After a quick breakfast at the insistence of Leta, they swiftly left for France via portkey. The ZouWu cub was also taken back with them because Dresden was still too young to take care of it and also to avoid unwanted scrutiny from MACUSA. However, it was still Dresden's pet; Newt was only babysitting it for him.

Galton woke up a bit late, he was still exhausted, you could see that the war effort was taking a toll on his health. Despite being in his late twenties; with a rough stubble, unkempt hair, and dark circled under his eyes he appeared to be a middle-aged man in his forties. Leta was very apprehensive for the sake of her little brother; alas, no amount of persuasion deterred Galton from his convictions.

After a late breakfast, Galton also left for Britain, he chose a muggle form of transportation to avoid any death eater confrontation at his arrival. Jon escorted him to the airport via apparition but Leta had to stay home accompanying Dresden.

Once all the commotion from the birthday party had settled down. A sense of peace and serenity overwhelmed Dresden; he had finally come to terms with the fact that this world was his reality now, not just some fictional metropolis of magic. This was a place where he had real relatives, a place where he could experience the unconditional love of his family, and a place where he felt a strong sense of belonging. Dresden accepted the fact that he was no longer an outsider in this world, but one of its residents. He realized that he could not treat this world and its inhabitants as fictional, it was now his reality and every action he took would have lasting consequences for him and his loved ones.

The mental block that he was facing during his occlumency training had finally begun to wisp away. His magic began to flow more fluidly and the mist in his core thickened increasing the overall density of his magic. He had built up magical reserves equivalent to a six-year-old wizard. This enlightenment added together with increased magical capacity, allowed Dresden to gain a breakthrough in his occlumency.

Despite the fact that he did not have any books pertaining to mind arts, Dresden planned to use his memories to set up a primitive mindscape which he would perfect as he gained more concrete knowledge in the future.

He knew that he needed complete mastery over his emotions to gain any sort of proficiency in mind arts. If he were to come in contact with emotions in his own memory or from a legilimencey attempt, without proper defenses and control he may lose his mind or become overwhelmed from overstimulation or amalgamation of multiple emotions.

Dresden also wanted to separate his combat, magical and muggle knowledge from his mundane memories so that he could have easier access to pure knowledge without any distractions. Therefore, he concentrated on the silvery swirls and started to practice controlling his emotions.

It was very difficult in the beginning; for the first two weeks he was unable to make any significant progress every time he accessed a memory, he would feel the emotions within. Dresden decided to take a new approach, he concentrated on the memories that only had knowledge and information. He could easily separate them into a corner of his mind. Slowly but surely, he was organizing his knowledge into distinct categories.

He separated all his knowledge pertaining to the wizarding world and his assassin training and started concentrating on the swirls, he intended to turn them into tomes so he could organize them into a library of knowledge. In the next couple of weeks, he isolated and systematized all his canon, fan fiction, and assassin knowledge in the form of tomes and placed them into bookshelves created by his intent. His mindscape was slowly taking shape.

Once all his knowledge was sorted out, he started adding protective measures. To enter the newly created library he created a magical symphony similar to the Harry Potter music used in the movies as a password. He then erected a wall made up of the inextinguishable Amaterasu fire that surrounded the library from all sides.

Then he buried everything deep underground and started creating a magical metropolis on top with a huge castle in the middle, the metropolis was located in a valley surrounded by beautiful mountains with lush green forests and rivers. His mindscape stretched even further forming all types of terrains and habitats suitable for the magical creatures, which he would improve upon as he gathered more knowledge because his ultimate goal was to have magical beasts in his mindscape for protection and to store and organize knowledge about them in their bodies.

He visualized rows of houses, magic shops, bars, restaurants, and everything a magical city would have. This mindscape was like a safe haven for all things magical he took inspiration from Diagon Ally, Hogwarts, MACUSA, The Ministry of magic, Gringotts, Hobbiton from Lord of the Rings, Newt's Trunk, Narnia, the brotherhood's headquarters and many more magical locations from his memories.

It became a thriving metropolis with a beautiful castle in the middle. From the outside, it looked like a cross between Hogwarts, Mordor, the Witches castle, and the castle of Narnia. It had huge towers made with stone, crystals, ice, and even a mote made of lava. The towers had huge lenses like the eye of Mordor to look over the mindscape but the overall vibe was not evil, instead, these lenses towered over the metropolis giving a sense of protection.

The city had market districts similar to Diagon Ally, the french and American magical markets, and modern marketplaces from his previous life. Then there was a commercial district where he created a bank like Gringotts with goblin forces protecting it, he also created a central headquarter similar to MACUSA headquarters, he integrated elements of both the ministry and the brotherhood's headquarters.

There was also an art district where he created buildings like the Museum of Natural history and a library and research center. The residential district was a combination of; Central New York, Hogsmeade, and on the outer edges, Hobbiton. This gradual progression was a vivid transition from a metropolis to nature because, after the Hobbiton like a residential area, forests and mountains took over.

The point of building an empty city right now was to fill it up later on. Dresden never understood the logic behind creating dilapidated and desolate mindscapes, or literal hells in one's mind. In the long run, not many people would attack your mind and even if they do it can't compare to the number of times a creator visits his mindscape; every time he enters his own mindscape the proprietor would feel all the wrath, destruction and full brunt of the defensive measures, which, in Dresden's opinion could never be good for one's mental health.

After creating the basic skeletal structure of his mindscape, he started to organize his memories in chronological order and created many household items from these memories and placed them in a random house. Then he added rudimentary protections on them, Dresden knew this was just a basic organization as he did not have complete information on mind arts, he would have to restructure his mindscape once he gains more knowledge.

He planned to create a living breathing mindscape, once he obtains knowledge pertaining to a multitude of subjects, he would create avatars or living embodiments of said knowledge. Then he would set up mental labyrinths and protections for these avatars individually. All knowledge pertaining to doctors would be one avatar, all knowledge about healers would be another, and by creating mundane and magical avatars based on the knowledge they contain he would create a thriving community in his mind.

This would be the ultimate protection because an invader will not know what to look for and every subsequent mental probe of any avatar will lead them into a rabbit hole of memories, just like the movie inception the perpetrator will be trapped and confused and would never be able to escape without Dresden's permission.

Though this was a very ambitious goal and may be very dangerous as Dresden my lose himself in the midst of all those avatars, he would set up his own persona in the library underground. There all his knowledge would be organized in tomes and placed in an orderly fashion. Most of the perpetrators/legilimens would not think for a second that a separate mindscape exists underground especially not after facing the one they encountered on the surface. And those who do suspect, the vast majority of them would not be able to find it and even if they do, they would be burned away with the unquenchable amaterasu fire and other protections that he would place.

However, all this was for the future, for now, his third level mindscape was very strong even for most legilimens. All he needed was more knowledge, once he accumulated enough of it, he would overhaul his mindscape to the one he desired.

Asad_Dogar Asad_Dogar

Hey guys, I felt bad for not posting anything these few days so here is a chapter that I put together after taking some time out of my schedule. I will try to upload chapters regularly as soon as I can. Thanks for the support.

I am changing this a bit for time skip kind of rout (a bit more progress in overall age etc.)

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