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55% Primordial phoenix in Marvel / Chapter 8: 8 .Spider Woman Gwen

Chapter 8: 8 .Spider Woman Gwen

[Voting results - You Decided

1. She will be normal (Emi will help with her power)

2. Jean will Beat X men and MC will stop him]

[As for harem it was a disaster in voting . i am more confused now but i know you guys want Hela so she will be there so will Death but she will appear very late in novel .as for the 5th member we will have to do a voting later on i just realize not to give too many names because black widow ,Black cat, Susan got equal voting so we will have to redo when MCU starts ]

Time skip 1 yr (2007)

Total Cerejo Super soldier Forces (total 3000 Force)

Cerejo Security Force ( Company bodyguards)

• Total No - 1000 Soldiers

• Powers- Telekinesis

• Body- High endurance, power ,reflexes and speed

• Weapons - Laser Guns, Laser sword , Laser Shields

• Explosive - Plasma Bombs

Cerejo Assassin Force ( Stealth Soldiers)

• Total No - 1000 Soldiers

• Powers- High speed health generation , super Speed

• Body- High endurance, power ,reflexes

• Weapons - Laser Guns, Laser sword ,Laser Shields

• Explosive - Plasma Bombs

Cerejo Assault Force ( Front line Attack Soldiers)

• Total No - 1000 Soldiers

• Powers- Telekinesis ,High speed health generation , super Speed

• Body- High endurance, power ,reflexes and speed

• Weapons - Laser Guns, Laser sword , Laser Shields

• Explosive - Plasma Bombs

Laser and plasma weapon and shields were only for his soldiers. He was not going to sell them to Government. It would be one of CEREJO's cards.

Robots, (I Robot model)

• Number – 100,000

• Models – Scientist model – (10,000), Combat model (90,000)

• Body- Metal body, strong flexibility

• Weapons - Laser Guns, Laser sword ,Laser Shields

• Explosive - Plasma Bombs


• Number – 10,000

• Models –Medical sector– (2,000), Weapon Sector (2,000),Technology Sector – (6000)

• Body- NZT drug (temporary opens brain usage to 100%)

[Basically all are as smart if not more smarter than Tony stark when they use NZT)

[He brought Nzt drug from movie limitless which will enhance the brain to use the full capacity. The effect is temporary though]

This was all of his personal force. He also shook the entire world with ground breaking technology for business which would be released.

Medical Sector ($100 billion)

Mead pod

When Cerejo medical sector announced the ground breaking technology. Whole world shook. Because having it is having immortality. Many Government officials or rich man immediately contacted Cerejo to buy one immediately. But what shocked them was that this product was not for sale. But rather it will be included in all of Cerejo Hospital as a treatment machine. So if you want to use it you go and under the supervision of Cerejo Doctors you will be treated according to your needs.

This news instantly caused dissatisfaction among the upper sector. They wanted to have their own machine. So Government tried to force cerejo into selling them one name for betterment of country. They tried to influence the news saying that the soldiers require it during wars.

Cerejo answer was simple, "it's Your governments & Army's problem"

When this Statement got released .US government was very angry before they used to be tactful but now straight disregard. So they gave them a notice for negotiations which will be done in 1 month in a press conference.

Technological sector ($50 billion)

• Flying Technology- Used in cars, Planes, rockets etc. this Caused another detonation.

• Space stations /Spaceship - That's right they were already planning a mission on Mars

• I phone with AI - Well as soon as this mobile was released well lets just say . The stores were always out of stock because of the demand

Cerejo Car companies detonated as all rich kids wanted to have the flying cars. Even government placed orders for police cars.

But companies like Nasa wanted the technology of flying . They tried to use government as backing to force Cerejo to hand over the flying technology for betterment of all Mankind.

But Cerejo simply started their own Cerejo Space station and shocked the world.

As for the iPhone it became the new trend . It was more convenient and acted like a friend to its holder. People can set their own model for their AI avatar .

Entertainment industry - ($50 billion)

• Movies (Back to back blockbuster Harry Potter series, lord of ring series , fast and furious series, mission impossible series, hunger games etc)

• TV shows (Big bang , Friends etc)

• Cartoon- (Tom and jerry etc )

• Games – Call of duty , Warcraft etc

If Previously Emi was called "Trilogy king "Then now he is simply called Emperor of entertainment. With a single word he can make or break a carrier in Hollywood. Right now worth of Cerejo Entertainment is reaching a number of $50 billion. which is almost equal to combined worth of Stark and Osborn.

Cerejo also released the news that all the concept and Blue print of all technology was developed by Emi Cerejo the next Heir of Cerejo. And the fame of EMI reached a terrifying height .He was called the genus of century.

Overall Situation

With all back to back launches of 3 sectors .The worth estimation of Cerejo has left Stark and Osborn in Dust. with

1. Cerejo $200 Billion - the products are just launched so its increasing everyday

2. Stark $ 80 Billion - Tony had created new weapons which also brought huge money.

3. Osborn $30 billion - lets just says that its not doing well

Stark industries Meeting room

All stark industries shareholders are having a meeting except of course the playboy Tony . He disdain and think that the news are just exaggeration. So currently he is engineering Cerejo car but he has not succeeded. Obadiah Stane was watching news and frowning. He already had Tony stark sitting on his head but now being left in dust like this because in past year the meteoric rise of Cerejo. Till last yr. they were equals but now this change makes him uncomfortable. Most importantly the Med Bay. Who doesn't want immortal life.

Osborn Industries

All shareholders have voted against Norman Osborn being chairman . He goes into his lab. There he makes the craziest decision of becoming the Green goblin and Destroying the shareholders.

Shield (Council Meeting room)

1ST council Member- Director Fury what do you think about the rising of Cerejo.

Nick fury calmly- They have broken the balance of top 3 and now is known as no 1 company being cerejo and No 2 being Stark followed by Osborn.

2nd Council Member : What about the technology they have been introducing.

Nick fury: Those are estimated to be 50 yrs ahead of us . Especially Mead pod it is 100 yr ahead of us.

3rd Council member: That kind of technology cannot be kept in hands of normal citizens . It should be in our hands. Think about the harm that can be done.

4 th Council member : i agree our soldiers need this Mead pod .Nick fury we order you to get that technology from them at any mean necessary.

As soon as meeting was over . Nick fury had a headache .

Nick : this is not going to trouble.

Hydra hidden base (hologram meeting)

1st : Did you hear about the latest technology being released by Cerejo.

2nd: yes we must get our hand on it by any means

3rd : Dont worry in the Negotiation meeting ill be sure to make them hand over their Med pods.

Emi , Jean and Gwen relationship

All three clearly knew their feeling for each other and Gwen and Jean just accepted Emi in their heart. Although three did not propose each other. It was pretty clear.

Gwens parents and Emi paresnts were also aware of this. They just chose to let the kids decide. EMI parent had met Gwen but not jean yet.

Another major incident which was brewing was the fragile relationship between mutants and humans

6 months back

Middle school took entire class of Emi to a tour of Osborn industry. This was proposed by Norman Osborn to have a friendly relationship with Cerejo. Because he had been having trouble with shareholders of his company.

Emi and the girls went to Osborn. They also saw the spiders. Emi remembered the plot where peter becomes Spider man. But what shocked him was that the spider did not bite peter instead it bit Gwen. Emi of course could stop if he wants but he chose not to.

Norman Osborn personally came to greet students or should I say Emi. He was desperate at this moment. As the shareholders wanted to remove him as chairman. A company that he built.

But to his absolute nightmare Emi didn't even spare him an eye. Norman Osborn was feeling rage inside his heart. Rage for his company's shareholders , rage towards Emi

The tour was over and student left


When she reached home she realized her changes increase in speed, power, spider sense , wall climbing. She later on developed the spider silk all by herself .

( MC mixed NZT drugs in her drink because of which she got the inspiration. And she developed it. The effect is temporary though)

She then developed her costume and became Spider woman. Going on streets to fight crime. Slowly the news started detonations. Especially during Mutant and human conflict.

Government criticized her but the people of new York loved her.

She never faces someone she could not defeat until now.

Presently jean and Gwen have come to Osborn carnival. Slowly but steadily jean broke out of her shell and became cheerful. Gwen felt like she was the big sister now. Since she had power . So it's her duty to protect her fellow sister. They were standing outside the crowd.

Gwen," It so lively here isn't it jean"

Jean," yeah that would be more fun if Emi was here"

Gwen," Well he is a busy man, it's already great for the time he spend daily with us", She thought of something," jean do you love him"

Jean was shocked at first," Yes i do, Don't you love him to"

Gwen," I do, and that is why I am afraid to loose him"

Jean sadly," I don't think I would be able to live without him too"

Gwen Grins, "jean do you really think he will only choose one of us"

Jean confused then suddenly she realized something and her cheeks turned red," That bastard want to eat both of us"

Gwen," WOW never expected to hear that from you, maybe you don't want to be with him, I don't mind I'll take him for myself"

Jean." Nooo "

Gwen Grinning,

Jean realizes," you are bullying me, I won't talk to you humph"

Gwen smiles just then her spider sense tingles. An explosion happens near a building. Gwen looks at the culprit. A man with green metal suite riding a Flying skateboard. This is green goblin aka Norman Osborn

Gwen Knows that it's time for spider woman to make appearance," Jean go home, I'll meet you there"

Jean: what about you,

Gwen runs in a direction," I'll be fine"

Gwen disappears very quickly. Jean try's to search her but to no avail. There are panicked people running everywhere.

Just then she hears cheering. She looks up. A woman in costume is swinging near the green goblin.

Friendly neabour hood heroine Spider woman.

She began to fight with green goblin. Just then green goblin realized jean. He remembered Emis indifference, his contempt. He already killed the entire shareholder now it time to take revenge on Emi. And what better way than to start with his Girlfriend

Green goblin quickly avoids. Gwen and goes towards Jean.

Gwen realized it," Shit"

Jean try's to escape but Norman still catches her and flies away. Gwen fires her spider silk which attaches to his skateboard.

Norman takes both girls in an abandoned factory near the outskirts.

Before Gwen can do anything. Norman takes Jean hostage grabbing her by her throat.

Norman," hahahahaha the famous spider woman do you think you can stop me from getting my revenge"

Gwen," Let her go"

Norman," now now you don't want me to accidentally snap her pretty little neck.

Gwen grits her teeth," what do you want"

Norman," Revenge, but I can take that by myself. For now remove your mask let me see who the famous spider woman is"

Gwen grits her teeth but still removes her mask

Jean," Gwen you are spider woman"

Gwen," I am sorry i did not tell you this "

Norman," hahahaha looks like God is blessing me today; I can make that bastard suffer more"

Norman than throws the Flying blades Gwen doges it

Norman," Stop moving or else I will kill her, you decide you die or she dies"

Gwen calms down takes a deep breath.

Gwen Cries ," Take Care of him jean, now you have Emi all to yourself"

Jean ," No Gwen we both will be his wife"

Norman ," So touching hahahahaah"

Norman starts throwing flying blades . It started cutting her body. Gwen shouted in pain.

Jeans emotion was getting out of control. And something inside of her wanted to come out.

Jean." Stop it, please stop it kill me if you want"

Gwen already lost her strength and has fallen on ground.

Jean," please stop it I beg you, you can kill me if you want please let her go"

Norman," hahahahaah oh your time will come my dear but first I'll kill her "

Norman throws the flying blade. If this blade strikes Gwen will die.

Jean looks in despair and anger . She could not hold her emotions anymore her anger completely overwhelmed her and all the shackles which had bounded the power were shattered. A powerful energy erupted from her the entire factory was disintegrates in a moment's notice . Entire New York City started shaking has in an earthquake had come. Norman and Gwen were floating in front of jean.

Jean opened her eyes. Which were golden in color. And her body was surrounded by golden energy which looked like flames .Entire New York City felt the oppression they felt like ants in front of this force. Professor x , magneto , Shield etc all major player found out about it.

This is energy has the potential to destroy the entire earth. This power is of a cosmic entity which is on par with 5 main god .

And now someone has dared to provoke it

This entity is one of the most destructive force in Universe " Phoenix"

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