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Special - Prince Horus and Sir Windsor - Childhood

This is a story that takes place once upon a time, when Sir Windsor was still just Windsor, and Prince Horus was still Prince Horus, just in a smaller version.

It was a rainy day as the two boys decided to play outside. Prince Horus normally didn't partake in such things, but Windsor had somehow managed to convince him. They played in the garden, not to be confused with the royal garden. Windsor found a frog that he had greatly taken a liking to.

"EW GET IT AWAY!" Prince Horus screamed when Windsor tried to show him his new friend.

"But my prince, it is so cute" Windsor tried, reaching it out towards Prince Horus again, who now was on the verge of tears. Something that had never happened before.

"GET IT AWAY, THAT IS AN ORDER AS YOUR PRINCE!" Prince Horus didn't mess around. He was scared shitless and used the only trump card he had, status.

"Awe… I just thought it would be nice to have a new friend! He could be our child! But as My Prince commands me" Windsor said, not really thinking about it too much, and not putting a lot of weight behind his words.

However, Prince Horus started internally blushing, feeling his insides getting redder than a tomato. 'Did he just say 'our' child?' Prince Horus thought, having the sentence run on repeat his little child mind.

"Ah wa-" But it was too late, Windsor had already let go of the frog, and Prince Horus regretted his fear of such a small thing. He decided he wouldn't be afraid of anything. Not even broccoli!

"Don't worry, My Prince" Windsor said, giving a deep bow, in the most formal way possible.

"If you are ever afraid of something" He took Prince Horus' hand, and kissed it,

"I will become the best knight, so I can protect you" He continued, totally oblivious to the fact that such a sudden pledge of allegiance was too much for little Horus and his heart. As such, his head burned out and he fell murmuring about them being together forever.

Getting himself together, Prince Horus got up rather quickly, considering the damage he had taken, and finished the pledge in a proper way.

"I, Your Prince, accept your oath. May your loyalty be your strength and may The Sun shine on you" Because of course Prince Horus had learned that pledge as soon as he could.

The two boys smiled, as they both looked forward to fulfilling the oath, and the sun did indeed shine on the both of them.

This story takes place when the two of them are still kids, but after a certain incident.

"We should have a secret code!" Prince Horus exclaims as he and Windsor is cleaning the ballroom. Something only maids should do, normally. But as a punishment for a note the two of them wrote, which was discovered, they had to clean. 'It builds up character' had the head maid said, as she was the one that discovered them.

As she had been a faithful servant for years, even the emperor had given his go-ahead for such an untraditional punishment.

"A code, My Prince?" Windsor asked as he dusted off some of the ornaments that stood around.

"Yes, a code! Then they cannot understand our notes, no matter what we write!" Prince Horus says excited, something that rarely comes to expression.

"Also, how many times have I told you to stop with the formality?" He continues, with a bit of a lid on the excitement that was so apparent before.

"I will refer to you in a different manner, as soon as I become a knight, as I have told you before, My Prince" Windsor responds back, repeating something he has said multiple times ever since he made the oath of becoming one.

"That might take years…" Prince Horus mumbles as he continues to wash the floor.

"Did you say anything, My Prince?" Windsor asks, not quite sure if he heard anything, or if it was his imagination.

"Yes, I asked if we should make the code" Prince Horus quickly told him, a bit annoyed at the distance the unnecessary formality put between them.

"Your wish is my command, My Prince" Windsor said, putting a stop to his cleaning and making a bow in a way only a knight would do to his master.

This made Prince Horus think it might not be so bad after all to have to wait a bit.

The two of them finished cleaning, which took the entire day. After this they ran outside. On their way they met Prince Chaker, who still was kind of cute at this point.

"Greetings, Horus, sunshine of the empire" Prince Chaker said, messing up the greeting a bit.

"I heard you got in trouble for writing a story about two flowers dancing" He continued.

"You should know better. A flower isn't supposed to dance with other flowers, they are supposed to stand alone, not do or say anything, and make The Sun shine even brighter" Prince Chaker smirked. Maybe he wasn't cute even then, after all.

"Greetings, MY PRINCE, sunshine of the empire" Prince Horus greeted back, emphasizing the correct and proper way to which the prince's should greet.

This shut up Princer Chaker who just moved along.

When Prince Horus and Windsor once again was alone, the two of them looked at each other, deep in thought.

"I wonder why a Flower has to just stand there… Wouldn't it be even more beautiful if it moved around?" Prince Horus asked, mostly to himself. Windsor, who agreed, nodded along.

"It is because The Flower should not move away any attention from The Sun, My Prince" A voice behind them shocked the two. The head maid was there once again.

The two boys sighed at the prospect of another cleaning of the ballroom, and lowered their heads.

"But it pleases me to know that you think for yourself, My Prince. If the two of you run along now, I will pretend like I did not hear anything" She said. The two boys didn't waste an opportunity and started running.

Outside, the two of them came up with a code, just as they had planned, and enjoyed not having to clean the ballroom a second time.

This story finds place after Prince Horus and Windsor's first ball.

"It did not seem like you had fun tonight, My Prince" Windsor said as the two young men were walking in the royal garden, after getting permission from the emperor.

"The objective was not to have fun, but to establish connections and win favor" Prince Horus said back, being much more proper than he had been in the younger days, as he had withstood grueling lessons and much training.

"Did you see any 'connections' to your liking, My Prince?" Windsor said in a very boyish manner, feeling like he was very amusing indeed.

"Yes, Duchess Burtwell made an excellent impression" Prince Horus said, not catching Windsor's joke.

"No, I meant… What is your type, My Prince?" Windsor, having trained to be a knight for a few years now, had gotten used to the guy-talk that took place under training. It was not something he liked doing, but something he felt was the right thing to partake in. This was not something Prince Horus was used to, though.

Prince Horus just looked a bit confused at Windsor, and tried to think of a proper answer.

"I like brown hair… I think…" Prince Horus said, looking straight at Windsor and his brown hair. He just wanted to give some sort of answer, or so he told himself.

However, Windsor just nodded along, not noticing anything.

Which is why, a few years later, when the, now, Sir Windsor, saw Prince Horus talk to a certain brown-haired Lady Amy in the royal garden, he could not help but misunderstand the situation completely.

FictiveRealism FictiveRealism

Oooh, two flowers, huh?

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