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3⚫Meeting Again

*two weeks later

Morning came, warm sunlight were piercing softly through the window's interstice, birds were chirping melodious songs, it was a fresh and peaceful morning.

Yamato's long lashes were fluttering when the warm sunlight hits his pale cheeks. Searching for a more comfortable position, he lay his body down unconsciously, the moment his back met the bed' surface, he jolted and immediately sat awake. His back throbbed and he had to open his eyes in a frown. It was not as painful as it was two weeks ago, nonetheless it still stung from time to time.

Glancing outside the window, Yamato guessed it was about seven or eight. He stood and gone to wash his face. He donned a simple maroon dress. Due to an exaggerated embroidery on every single piece of Ren Xiu's wardrobe, Yamato had ordered the maids to buy several simpler dresses and even a man's attire.

Yamato liked to do things by himself, however he has a lot of difficulty to do Ren Xiu's long hair, thus he always made the maids help although he only needs to tie the hair.

These two weeks, Yamato had learnt that wife and concubine leads a very boring life with no activity whatsoever, especially in this household. Usually concubines only activity was to fulfill their husband sexual needs, however as Qing Rui was very loyal and infatuated towards An Xiao, these concubines merely exist with no purpose. Yamato could only sigh helplessly at their fate.

Having breakfast in his room, Yamato usually chatter with Ren Xiu's two personal maids.

"Ah yes, two days ago one of the guards were caught making love with a maidservant in the forest near the lake!" Xiao Meng who loved to gossip looked eager.

"Really?! Which maidservant??" Xiao Ming were as excited.

Yamato cuts, "Wait wait.. there's a lake near here? where?" 

The maids smiled, "It's behind our courtyard, outside the walls Princess."

Yamato pleasantly surprised, he had always liked lakes and rivers, never did he expect that there's one so close in the vicinity. He knew wife and concubine are prohibited to exit their courtyard like a caged bird, and for this exact reason did he bought male attire. He felt so stuffy inside this cage, thus the plan to go to the lake today was set on stone in his mind. Qing Rui had never visited him, hence he was sure it would go smooth and unnoticed. Worst case, if Qing Rui realized and decided to flog him, this time he would build an ultimate revenge plan capable of making the prince regret he had lived.

Anyway, whatever the risk is, he would go to the lake today regardless of the maid's anxious warning. The maids could only obey their master's wish to prepare a basket of packed meals. 

About one in the afternoon, Yamato changed into a male's outfit. It was a simple black clothes, however upon Ren Xiu's graceful model-like body the clothes looked very expensive and elegant resembled those of a noble. Yamato looked bewitchingly good, he had a noble yet carefree and mischievous aura surrounding him, especially when he smirked teasingly with that enchanting beautiful face. If he asked any person to elope with him, no one would possibly refuse.

Xiao Meng and Xiao Ming was strong and agile despite having a petite body due to their laborious work since childhood, thus they could climb the tall wall behind their courtyard without much effort. The original Ren Xiu was unable to do such exercise, however Yamato could. In fact he had spent these two weeks by recuperating and doing light exercises diligently, he couldn't afford to have such a delicate and frail body.

The three successfully got to the other side of the wall with their picnic set. Yamato looked enthralled because the lake was really in front of his eyes. The beautiful person ran towards the lake like an excited child in front of disneyland.

"Princess, slow down!" Xiao Ming and Xiao Meng followed Ren Xiu with quick step, they had never seen their miss like this.

Ignoring the warning, he reached a big tree. The tree was about 25 meter apart from the lake, it was a big impressive oak tree with a cool and calming lingering shadow.

Yamato waved to Xiao Ming and Xiao Meng which was still quite far, "Hey, set the picnic set here!" he shouted cheerfully. Yamato were not this energetic usually, however he couldn't help but being so jumpy after being locked up for two weeks. He needed fresh air so desperately.

The moment the maids reached his place, he snatched the picnic set basket and layed a thick cloth upon the grass under the tree. He was excited but not impatient nor clumsy as he set the whole plate and foods with deft movements.

Xiao Ming and Xiao Meng were already used with their miss's change of personality. Previously, Ren Xiu needed their assist at every single thing and almost couldn't live without being served. However the current Ren Xiu is so independent she barely need any assistance. She sometimes even served them instead, like this moment. Actually they had complained nervously before, explaining that a noble person like Ren Xiu shouldn't do such hassle in case she forgot how to behave like an aristocrat. However she only replied with mischievous flirty teasing, leaving the maid shut their mouth with red embarassed faces each time. At this point the maids already gave up and silently accepting her assistance.

"Let's eat the lunch you two. Look, the lake are sparkling, it's warm and the shadow is cool, it feels great right?" Yamato revealed his most comfortable and gentle smile.

The maids were dazed at that bewitching smile and subconciously nodded.

They brought some cold vegetable dish and pork dumplings, still warm. Betraying the previous childlike excitement, Yamato ate neatly with utmost elegance befitting his noble status.

As usual the maids would gossip while eating and Yamato will listen and laugh from time to time. It was so peaceful that Yamato relaxed. Finished eating his fill while being shaded by cold shadows in a warm sunlight, inhaling rich oxygen inside a peaceful scenery and atmosphere, Yamato couldn't help but become sleepy.

Peering the oak's mighty branches above his head, he stood and intended to sleep on the big sturdy branch. "I'm going to take a nap above, you two do whatever you want but dont go too far. You could sleep as well, the weather's so nice." And thus he climbed swiftly and immediately settled himself to sat and leaned upon the most comfortable trunk he could find. Yamato closes his eyes right away, leaving no room for his maids to refute.

Xiao Ming and Xiao Meng could only sigh in defeat and continued to gossip, til they eventually become sleepy and slept leaning on each other's shoulders.

On the other side of the lake, An Xiao were collecting herbs accompanied by the crown prince who just got off from the court's meeting.

"When are you going to finish? Your hands are dirty" Qing Rui reached out to An Xiao's dirt filled petite hands.

"Your highness is so impatient! Wait a bit, i'll finish it" An Xiao beamed her innocent and cheerful sunny smile.

Qing Rui could only sigh helplessly, used to his beloved's stubborn temper. He hates it when she had to work such labor, however looking at her determinated and focused eyes, Qing Rui was always astonished each time as he fell in love once more. He could only protect her while she do what she wants.

Looking at her stuffy basket, An Xiao felt satisfied while puffing her chest proudly. It was so cute that Qing Rui couldn't help but giggles. An Xiao pouted her soft lips, "What did your highness find funny? Anyway, i'm done. Let's search for a place to rest!"

An Xiao walked up to the lake and washed her hands, Qing Rui followed and wiped her hands gently with his handkerchief.

An Xiao retracted her hands bashfully, "N-no! I couldn't bear the crime to dirty your highness belongings" her face was as red as a tomato.

Laughing heartily, Qing Rui took her hand and wiped it once again, "Silly girl."

They both looked like nothing but a happy couple, even though not a couple made by heavens, it still brimmed with utter warm happiness. The two decided to rest under the oak tree on the other side of the lake. Qing Rui matched An Xiao's small steps while giggling and smiling to her stories and jokes. The attitude, demeanor, and gesture were pole opposite of what he had shown in front of Ren Xiu.

Drowning in happiness, the couple reached the oak. However they didn't expect the tree to be occupied.

Qing rui's eyes becomes cold, the smile was wiped clean from his face, he recognized the two maid sleeping under the tree. Even An Xiao was startled at the sudden change.

Feeling the freezing eyes peering at them, the maids realized the danger someone emitted. They were immediately awake and panicked right away as they kowtowed to Qing Rui. "These humble servants greets his highness!" they were shouting intentionally in hope that their miss would also wake up and adapted to the sudden danger.

Xiao Ming and Xiao Meng were so frightened that they trembled with cold sweat drenching their backs and forehead, still kowtowing.

"Where's your master?" Qing Rui asked coldly as though it was a block of ice in form of a voice.

"S-she, she is-"

"Mmn.. What happened?"

Qing Rui was surprised at the raspy wet sexy voice coming from above. As a crown prince, no one was permitted to stand higher than him except for his imperial father. However this time he inadvertently look up and unexpectedly found a bewitching sleepy Ren Xiu in a man's clothing.

She was handsome, yet beautiful, she was bewitching, not like a fairy, more like a demon who seduce people to the depths of hell. Her back was slightly arched leaning comfortably on the trunk, one feet was bent, one was dangling below, one hand was supporting her head, while the other one clung to the trunk, her pose was very manly, not at all resembling a woman. If one didn't scrutinized, they wouldn't realize that Ren Xiu was a woman. She was shaded in backlight, her silky long hair draped softly and appeared as though it was floating when the wind blows it. The scene was simply ethereal.

Yamato were always clear headed even though he was woken up abruptly. However this time he decided to appear sleepy while leaping down the branch, he even had the nerve to yawn in front of Qing Rui in order to disrespect him. "Ooh, this humble servant greets your highness" in addition, he didn't even bow and dared wave his hand like greeting a schoolmate.

Qing Rui's face become so flat and dark, it exudes a dangerous aura that even insects could sense.

However Yamato could only restrain himself from giggling at the sight. He was not afraid, far from it, he was belittling the man, and he revealed it blatantly with his eyes and slight sneer. The man who had flogged his own wife, still dating happily with his lover, and dared not felt guilt, even still determined to treat her so coldly, this man amounts to nothing in Yamato's eyes.

"Hm? What's up?" Yamato asked casually towards the silent yet intimidating crown prince.

Ever since his birth, no one had dared to disrespect him, no one had dared to oppose him, no one had dared to provoke him, he was used to get everything he wanted, he was used to being above everyone. Whenever his mood was bad, people will involuntarily apologize and kowtow to him in fright. It had never crossed his mind, not even in his dream, did he expect anyone would disrespect him so blatantly and intentionally. He was angered.

Qing Rui, "You- you-"

Yamato sneered in a playful disdain, "I what? Speak clearly your highness."

That words spewed solely to insult him, was something he didn't expect to get his whole life, hence Qing Rui didn't have any words to retaliate. Qing Rui was visibly raged, everyone except Yamato was frightened at the sight.

Yamato tilted his head, "Hmm? Ah! Your highness, did you become mute? My! We must call the imperial physician immediately!" he displayed a worried and slight panicked look, however the sarcasm and disdain was crystal clear.

Qing Rui's dark face goes even darker, "I will-"

Yamato dared to cut, "Eh? Flog again? The annihilation of my whole clan? Because i slept under the tree? No! No please don't your highness! We are of close relation, i would die as nothing without you! Spare my nap with your benevolence and mercy!" he furrowed his brows and revealed a sad look while clutching his chest, looking very convincingly wronged. However the true mocking words beneath were clear in Qing Rui's ears.

"You dare flog me again? Dare to lay a hand on my clan? Try it! I dare you! You possess such small narrow heart you couldn't even pardon any little things you dislike, such a petty lowly person. I'm your wife and you would be nothing without my family's support, learn to know your place! I also have power! Kill me if you dare! I won't be so obedient this time."

It wasn't the first sarcasm and wasn't the first threat he had ever heard. However it was the firts disdaining words and attitude he had ever received. He felt humiliated, raged, yet couldn't retaliate after considering so many things. In the end, he tried his best to suppress his anger, "Go back to your courtyard, did you forgot the rules along with your memory?"

Yamato wanted to answer yes while mocking some more, but he knew the maids would bear the brunt that way thus he shrugged, "No, i just want to take a nap beside the lake." It was a candid truth, and Yamato didn't care whether Qing Rui believed it or not. "Goodbye your highness! Goodbye his highness beloved lover!" Yamato didn't reveal any intimidating or dangerous sneer, instead he acted as though they didn't even enter his peripheral sight.

He left with the two maids. Looking as carefree as a person could possibly be. He felt happy because today he rendered Qing Rui speechless, he even made him surrender to his anger. Yamato felt proud and satisfied.

Ren Xiu, did you see that? Haha!

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