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Libraries and Secret Rooms

I woke up two weeks after the event that I couldn't apprehend. I mean, what happened? I didn't understand how I got this red streak on my hair that my parents declared it was the mark of Ezollus. I also didn't understand what the masked man meant that I have to pay the price for being reborn? There are tons of things that I couldn't process on my own just by thinking. Now, that was why I decided to read historical books.

I remembered my past life as Ainsley. Sigh. If my world was as interesting as this world, I could have gotten straight A+ grades on my history tests. Sadly, reality isn't fantasy. Therefore I do not find gun, tank, and bomb wars intriguing as much as magic. I like watching action movies, but I am a girl who isn't into those kind of stuff and am more into romance and fantasy. Duh, girl right?

The largest library in the world isn't in this castle. It isn't in this kingdom too. No. The largest library in the world is located at the kingdom of Reverta; the kingdom where my future fiance lives and the man who will one day backstab me, that is if I don't do anything to change my fate. Grand Obscure, the name of the Reverta library. From the rumors I heard from the maids: only people with Reverta blood, invited by people with Reverta blood, or connected by marriage with people with Reverta blood are the ones who have access to the library. Meaning, the Reverta royalty is the key to the grand and largest library in the world.

Hmm... It made me wonder if the original Alique had heard about that same rumor that made her decide to marry the prince. Hmm... Oooh la la! A conspiracy theory!

I headed for the castle's library after I worked hard to regain balance walking once again. I sneaked out my room during the night to avoid any people from seeing a ten month old baby reading a book. And it took me back to the thought wherein—what if this world's language isn't the same as from my past life? Then should I maybe get back to basics and learn the Atherian letters?

Okay. I gotta start off by opening the huge door in front of me. It was like eleven feet tall and how could a mere baby open them. I pouted and sat down the hallway, staring at the silver oak door with golden cresent moons etched on the wood. So how do I open this?

Before I knew it, the hallway windows boomed open and the familiar breeze rushed inside, swirling around me. The red streak on my dark hair flared and glowed like fire. It gave me a burning sensation in the heart as if I was carrying thousand pounds of metal. What is going on? Is the masked man here again?

I was wrong. The burning cooled down as the breeze opened the huge wide doors for me and exited the castle through the library windows. What if it wasn't the masked man? What if it was me?

I can only find out if I read books about this world's history and books about Ezollus. To be honest, being in this world gave me a hard time. Especially if this world doesn't even use the Dewey Decimal System or any other system to classify books in order at all. There were large shelves around the room. In those shelves, different books with different topics each were resting. Hundreds of books and I needed the history plus Ezollus books.

I took a black covered book from the lower shelf and sat down near where I got it. I flipped to the first page to see if the letters were different and I found it as a yes. It shocked me when I realized that I could read it even if the letter characters were completely unusual.

I slowly read the black inked words on the front page, "Atheria. Records. By. King. Aldous. Nineteen. Seventy. Nine."

I recalled what year it's today. Year 2020, as what Arlene told me. The year wasn't any different from my past life, but this whole world was incredibly medieval, as the novel said, and hasn't progressed into a world like mine. Well, at least it got an advantage—magic. Why do all magical worlds are commonly medieval kingdoms?

As a matter of fact, I never got to leave the castle once in ten months. I wanted to see the village wherein my half-sister was born and how wonderful the other kingdoms are. Unfortunately, daddy won't let me leave until I become three years old. Old enough to talk and old enough to understand. I believe that he wanted to let people know that his daughter's a genius. I eavesdropped on my parents once, pretending to be asleep, they planned to make me study everything I could and be betrothed to the Reverta Prince. Be the Queen that the royal family desires, and an alliance between two kingdoms. How wonderful. Heard my sarcasm there? It goes the way the novel goes. Yet I still didn't know why Alique from the novel had agreed to marry when she could just cancel it at any time she wanted, or delay it. And there goes my conspiracy theory again. Ha!

I followed my little finger, pointing at faded words below the title of the book. It was lead as if someone just added information. Also, the letter characters were not the same as the inked title. No. I could clearly read it fluently. 'And then she went into the dark room to hide.' It was English, my language. However, I noticed that a different handwriting was used for the sentence below the one I could read. 'Open sesame.' I stopped then a question appeared: Why those wor— The wooden floor below me began to shake and it moved downwards. I gasped for breath and my heart raced.

Oh my gosh! Where does this lead to? What if I never reach the surface again?

I would. I was reassured when the floor stopped the drop and magical lights flashed on, revealing a dusty room filled with cobwebs and a sign that said 'clap to go back'. I observed a dirty medium sized treasure chest at the center. Spiders don't freak me out much, but I would like to avoid them as much as possible. I stepped on floors without the cobwebs and resumed towards the chest. I opened it and saw a book. It had no tore in the pages or even folds. It dazzled as I lifted up into my arms. The book was as black as the book I saw earlier and when I turned it to page one. I knew—this secret room held all the answers to my questions.

The book was entitled Ezollus, and inside the chest were precious magical items that I have seen from my world like the tarot cards and crystal ball.

I would like to see more of the room and the items inside the chest but I heard loud footsteps from the hallway even though I am underground.

I clapped my hands quietly and the floor rose, piecing itself back to the library floors. I hurriedly ran to the open door, but a figure stood just as I was about to head back to my room.

"Princess Alique?"

Shining brown eyes, marvelous wavy blond hair, and a very pleasant boyish voice that no one would be able to forget. It was a child, older than me, probably three years? I recognize him from the character description the novel told.

Marcus? The son of my father's sister, my cousin, and the reason why Alique wanted to teleport and accidentally met her half-sister.

DiaCie_ DiaCie_

You read the fourth chapter!

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And I might update on September again. I am focusing on another book and it's on Wattpad. Find me there as @DiaCie_

xoxo DiaCie

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