/ Magical Realism / OBSOLETE (please read notice thanks)

OBSOLETE (please read notice thanks) Original

OBSOLETE (please read notice thanks)

Magical Realism 16 Chapters 39.6K Views
Author: SauceMaster64

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OBSOLETE (please read notice thanks)

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  • Writing Quality
  • Stability of Updates
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • World Background

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At first I had my doubts after reading the synopsis. And also the title of course, since there have been so many wuxia/system novels out there with similar premise. And then I read the first chapter. Writing Quality? Covers the basics perfectly, sentence structure, grammar, vocabulary choices, humour, well done. Stability of Updates? Not sure yet, we'll see how often it updates from here. Story Development, it feels slightly rushed. But who cares, if this delivers a good to read story, I don't mind the rushed factor. Character Design... doesn't fell very original or unique, but I'm a sucker for system-novels, so I really don't care, didn't have any expectations going in, so 5/5 automatically xD. World Background. For now, I don't know what it'll be like, but i will give 5/5 for it.

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Author SauceMaster64