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78.26% Merging Xianxia Universes / Chapter 52: Flaming Trials (2)

Chapter 52: Flaming Trials (2)


Instantaneously, the three flame demons cracked open their flaming mouths and blasted out three enormous raging fireballs!

Furthermore, as the fireballs roared to Luke and Cang Yue, the demons attacks formed into one, creating a gigantic fireball that was far too large to simply dodge.

A dangerous glint flashed in Luke and Cang Yue's eyes in the face of the upcoming colossal fireball.

Swiftly they pointed their weapons our causing their blue lightning aura to crackle with ferocious intensity.

And at the tip of Luke's axe along with Cang Yue's sword were a dazzling blue lightning star crackling with electricity!

Their attacks formed instantly, and instead of firing off their attacks demons, the duo rushed to the massive fireball with no hesitation!


Like shredded paper, the duo cut through the fireball!

The fireball imploded into thousands of tiny red fire particles, and every particle got absorb into the fiery hell.

Blue lightning flashed all in the demon eyes once the duo had immediately arrived in front of them after shredding the fireball.

The demons attempted to put up a defense, but Luke and Cang Yue were just slightly faster.

Luke willed his axe star to shoot out two streams of lightning bind that wrapped around two of the demons' mouth, slightly suppressing their bodies.

Cang Yue plunged her sword right into one the demons fiery mouth while none of the scorching fire got close to her body, thanks to the lightning aura.



In sync, the duo unleashed their star attacks, causing the demons to get blasted down the lava hall. Although to the demons credit, all three of them flipped themselves over in mid-air with surprising agility.

When their feet touch the ground,


The three demons immediately blitz to the duo with frantic speeds!

They left a trail of burning fire in their dash like a magma trail. Furthermore, it seems like the demon's fire was finally beginning to pick up in intensity.

Luke and Cang Yue, however, weren't to be outdone. Flexing their legs, they focused soul power there and blasted off in the same frantic rush!

'Bang! Bang! Bang!'

Using nothing but their weapons and swift speeds, the duo exchanged blow after blow with the demons mighty fists. Blue lightning mixed with fire like a vibrant dance as both forces were trying to overpower each other.

Luke was feeling the heat of the moment!

This was the second time in this world he felt truly pressured by his opponents. He took on two fire demons at the same time and was enjoying every second of it.

Because he couldn't use soul Spirit Power now, all he had to rely on was his ghostly senses and soul power. Although this was all Luke really need.

For every clash he would have with a demon, Luke would marginally raise the power in his axe to stun the demon and clash against the second one. With his senses, it was like he had an eye in the back of his head.

No matter which angle the demon tried to attack, Luke sensed it and counter-attack it.

A battle like this was what he needed as he felt his soul frantically stir. He was adapting to the high-intensity combat situations by the second.

All the while with Cang Yue, she was also honing and sharpening her combat awareness and instinct.

She already had plenty of experience training and fighting with a short sword leading her to become quite proficient with it. And with the demon, all of her sword strikes left deep, puncturing cuts on it.

Her senses was like giving her hindsight on where to attack and how to attack.

Although while battling, she did notice the deep slices on the demon were only getting reformed by more fire covering its body.

'We can't play the attrition game...'

Cang Yue thought and then she got a brilliant idea!

In the face of another oncoming fierce fire fist strike, Cang Yue focus soul power at the tip of her sword and,


She plunged the sword deep inside the demon's hand with little resistance.

But that wasn't her only attack,


From her sword, out came several blue lightning binds! Like slithering snakes, the binds wrapped the demon tightly, constraining it.

Like how Luke could create his own form of attack by Cang Yue skill, she could recall the sensation Luke used to make his lightning binds.

Leaving her sword in the demon hand, Cang Yue jumped far back. The fire demon was violently thrashing about, but she paid no attention to this and shouted to Luke with,

"Come to me!"

With this cue, Luke, when facing two huge fire fists, swiped his axe in a half-circle fashion. His attack caused the demon to get slightly stunned, making way for Luke's next attack.

Through his axe, outshot, multiple blue lightning binds that tightly constraint these demons as well.

In the same manner, Luke jumped to Cang Yue with some thoughts about what her plan could be.


Luke asked once he got next to her. In response all Cang Yue did was point out her hand that didn't have a lightning chain on it to the demons telling him,

"But you're hand over mines, you'll see." Cang Yue's smile was confident and beautiful all at once. It got Luke to nod, and doing as she asked, he put his hand that didn't have a lightning chain, over hers.

When doing so, because of their already established connection, Luke felt his hidden higher portion of soul power pull right into their hands!

Luke was worried initially but then realized this wouldn't damage Cang Yue's body since she was concentrating on a single powerful attack. Though he had to make sure they fired it quick.

Despite only a few seconds pass, the demons weren't idle.

Once realizing they would have trouble breaking free and attacking the duo before they finished their attacks. The three demons cracked open their mouths to spit out streams fire that hovers above them.

Their three trails of fire combined together, causing the whole hall to heat up more than the duo thought was possible.

Now they were starting to feel some heat, but they only concentrated on unleashing their combined attack.


Up above the three demons was a massive flaming red meteor!

To create something of this magnitude only took them merely seconds! The demons clenched their flaming mouths and swung their heads down to unleash their fire hell on the duo.

But just when the demons unleashed their attacks, Luke and Cang Yue were similarly prepared.

The heat raised to unbearable temperature, and on the duos' faces, they were continually sweating as their clothes stuck to their bodies.

"Seven Silver Lightning Star Moon!!"

However, the duo ignored all heat and out from the palm of Cang Yue palm, blasted out seven silver-blue lightning stars beams!

Blue lightning took up one half of the hall while the other half was an even brighter scorching red.

Their attacks roared to each other and in the next second,



For the duo, they both were blasted off by the fire lightning explosion. At speeds they were going, Luke didn't want Cang Yue to miserably crash into the wall.

Which is why he bit his tongue, jolting himself up and swiftly move his body in mid-air. Luke managed to get behind Cang Yue grabbing her into his warm embrace as,


With a sickening crunch, the duo crashed into the back wall, causing it to shake slightly.


While Cange Yue was still affected as she violently crashed against Luke's chest. Luke himself spit out some blood, feeling like the wind got sucked out of his entire body.

"Wha? Luke?! Are-"

"Relax Xureuo, I'm fine. Something like this isn't much. Besides, I have to look out for my partner, right?"

Cang Yue had immediately sprung up in Luke's embrace, not even caring about being so close once seeing him spit out blood. But despite Luke saying so, she was still worried a bit.

"Even so, my partner should worry about himself too. Uhm...and, thanks..." Cang Yue had a small blush as did realize Luke only did it to shield her body.

"I suppose I should, shouldn't I? Eh? Would you look at this?" Luke said, but he sneakily took advantage of the situation by wrapping his arm around Cang Yue's waist and pulling her up.

"Ahh...Ah?!" Cang Yue didn't even notice how close she was leaning into Luke's body and quickly stumble out his arm as he let go.

"Wha-wha? They're all gone..."

When her eyes accidentally turned around to hide her embarrassment, she finally came across what Luke was talking about. The three flame demons and even the first flame demon were all annihilated.

There wasn't a single trace of fire from them left, plus her short silver sword was still perfectly fine.

And then, out of nowhere, another majestic red portal appeared a few meters away from them.

"Well, that end this trial. It was pretty fun, actually. Ready for the next trial?"

Luke, despite undergoing that impact of the wall, was feeling all around energize and refresh. The adrenaline inside him was pumping, and he was itching for the next trial.

"You're already so fired up? Looks like I need to fire myself up too if I want to have you back this time." Cang Yue had a wonderfully pleasant smile though she was a bit shock on the engine of Luke.

"I'm looking forward to leaving my back with you then..."


While Luke and Cang Yue were facing the Phoenix trials, Qingyue and Lingxi were merrily talking, trying to distract themselves from worrying about the duo.

Andrea was standing close by them, but she was idly observing Feng Baichun. As time progresses, his face was slowly coming to a slow realization of something like he just figures out some mystery.

Although before she could go up and ask, Yurei suddenly called to her saying,

'That black group is approaching this village. From my senses if those people come here, they would be safe here though I don't have an opinion on this matter.;

With this information in my mind, Andrea didn't panic and instead ask Feng Baichun,

"Those two are going to be staying there for a while, right?" Her words caused Qingyue and Lingxi to perk up since they were planning to ask this themselves.

" first I believed our Phoenix God just wanted a meeting with them since this kind of marking never happen before. But it would seem they are engaging in the Phoenix God trials. This process usually lasts for... a month." Baichun explained to them, causing two of the girls to get shocked.

"Eh?! A month really?!" Lingxi exclaimed since this would mean they'll be stuck here doing nothing for that whole time. And she would miss having Luke by her side.

Qingyue was also of the same opinion as she wrinkled her eyebrows though she wasn't as vocal as Lingxi.

"Well...I say a month, but those two are unprecedented. Perhaps their time could be shorter."

"I see, well beside them. You know about the group that kidnapped your children, right? It seems like they're on a direct course to the village." Andrea casually dropped this bombshell of news, causing the others to intensely react.

"What?!? Are you serious?!?" Feng Baichun reacted the hardest since he was spending the whole day looking for his children to no avail.

And he clearly knows about that terrifying group that roams around this mountain range.

Andrea simply walked up to Baichun and put her hands on his shoulder.

Besides the slight intimidating feeling he got, Baichun Spirit Sense was able to expand far beyond what he could do originally. And like with how Yurei showed her, several powerful black armor men was coming straight towards their village.

Instantly Baichun cleared his head and sprang into action saying,

"You all save my children's lives, and now I have a way to repay you. In this ruin, no matter how strong that group is, we all can stay protected until the Phoenix God trials are done. These ruins have Spirit Seal formation that prevents even peak Sky Lord's from coming in here. And from the group pace, I must inform and get everyone here now!"

Swiftly Baichun took the same route they got here to go back and get his village here.

"They must have something to be able to find us so fast...I think we know what we need to do until they get back." Qingyue spoke up with a serious expression.

And towards her Andrea nodded saying,

"Yep, the two of your speed would allow for some good progress even without little Luke. As for me, I have a sure-fire way to snuff those guys out for good once those trials are done."

It was a bit odd, but despite all of them being in a dangerous situation now. None of the three girls back down and only held a determined mind to keep pushing forward.

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