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60.86% Merging Xianxia Universes / Chapter 40: Interrupting

Chapter 40: Interrupting

Moving through the forest at a steady pace while the girls talked among themselves, Luke was left wondering just who this powerful soul could be.

To rival the likes of Qingyue and Lingxi's soul is no easy feat.

Considering the fact, at least from Luke's knowledge, both of their souls rivals existences at least on Creation God level or perhaps even above.

Although Luke wasn't sure what realm their souls would be in this universe, Spooky at least told him it rivals what 'mortals' consider godhood levels.

It was even a bit exciting to see who it was cause Luke knew it would have to be a significant character from those novels.

And inside Luke's fused soul Spooky gained a mysterious smile as her senses picked up on something intriguing.

'Hey, you shouldn't worry too much about who it is, but, instead, pick up the pace a bit. It seems like that girl is about to encounter some suspicious people.'

The way Spooky worded it was odd to him; nevertheless, he still heeded her words.

"Girls, let's pick up our pace a bit, I'm sensing something is about to go down where that soul is." Luke had suddenly spoken up interrupting Lingxi and Qingyue's conversation.

"Really? What do you think it could be?" Lingxi asked as there not even there yet, and it's already getting more interesting.

"A possible unfavorable run in, I can sense it too though it's nothing that major for us." Andrea had chimed in this time as Yurei also informed her of the same information.

With exchanged glances, they all nodded to each other and hurried their pace for a rather unusual encounter...


At a random section of the Azure forest where humans were pretty barren, a team of four were carefully treading their way through it. And these weren't just any team of four as they all were youths with a high amount of power for their generation.

"Honestly, how many more 'disturbance' missions our sect going to get? It's like they just started popping up out of nowhere this past month." One of the youths was a good looking boy, and he complained aloud to his other teammates.

This boy wore light magenta robes but carried himself with a certain amount of confidence.

"Taozi, even if it is work, you know how good the rewards for these missions. So straighten up and get serious!" Another one of the youths spoke, scolding Taozi like a strict parent.

This time it was an attractive looking cute girl.

She wore a more masculine robe, but her face still held a charming quality that gave her an excellent appeal.

"I just wish we had a better mission to go off on with Senior Sister Xueruo. It would give all a chance to show off our talents." This time it was a handsome boy in blue robes talking.

He carried the same confidence presence as Taozi, but when mentioning their Senior Sister, a bit reverence enter his eyes.

"Don't worry about that little detail. I'm sure by the time we can find what's causing the disturbance, all of us will be able to refine our prowess." The angelic harmony voice of the final youth spoke up now.

Compared to the other three, none could hold a candle to this girl.

Her beauty caused waves in men and women's hearts alike, with her most captivating feature being her gorgeous sparkling eyes that lit up any abyss. Her gaze was as serene as the calming ocean, incomparably elegant, containing only gentleness.

The graceful, vibrant presence she exuded seemed to make the plants come alive around her, and the small light smile on her face made the sky go even brighter.

She also had gorgeous long streaming black hair accompany by a sexy body that would enchant your eyes.

Furthermore, her body perfectly fit the classy white purple robes she was wearing, further adding to her divine presence.

Of course, this was the stunning Lan Xueruo!

And her uplifting words were like life to the other three youths as the other girl said,

"That's right! And from what the map told us, the disturbance should be around here?"

Currently, these four were on a common mission to scout out and kill a wild roaming beast that was causing harm to nearby towns of the Azure Dragon City.

Only they didn't notice it until now, but the place they were in was eerily devoid of any life—no sounds of any animals or even the rustling of leaves.

While the other three youths were looking on a bit puzzling on the area's strangeness, Lan Xueruo had instant feelings of something wrong.

"Junior brother Yunfeng, Taozi and Junior sister, Tingzi, stay close to each other. I sense something amiss here." Her words caused an instant reaction as all three of them flashed their Spatial Rings bringing out their armament swords.

Only in the seconds, Lan Xueruo felt her Spirit Power churned a bit as she felt another Spirit Power coming over them!

"Everyone, get ready!"

She as well took out her own armament short sword but,


The ground shook as speedily a gray Spirit Barrier had covered around them!

All of their eyes widen shock as a powerful World Spiritists is apparently after their group.

Instantly they all felt danger pricked their necks and Taozi suddenly screamed out,

"Azure Shield!"


The earsplitting sound of metal clashing ranged in the youths' eardrums.

Several small blades had clashed against Taozi azure color shield!

His shield had covered the four of them. And in just one move, he already felt a slight tremble in his arms as his shield was cracked.

Their eyes pulled up to see who dared to attack them, and then they all heard the rustling of leaves from the trees.


What landed in front of them were two hooded gray cloak people. And from the small portion of aura leaked out, the four youths could sense these two far surpassed them.

However, before any of them could make some sort of plan,


Suddenly the four of them felt their bodies sting with immense pain!

Taozi, Tingzi, and Yunfeng all dropped to their knees, barely able to move their bodies as their shield dropped.

On the ground where the short blades laid, they emitted sickly green looking gas that none of them notice at first.

But now they all was Spirit poison!

Lan Xueruo was able to stand on her feet to resist the poison better than the rest until...she felt it.

A warm, longing sensation that was coming close to her. Her bright, vibrant soul was quivering in anticipation, and her mind was becoming more serene.

"Hm? So she really can resist it, say for all the trouble we went through to get them alone, should we just kill one of them now?" One of the gray cloaked men whispers to the other.

Only Lan Xueruo was just barely managing to make out what they were saying though she heard the part of killing them clearly.

"It would be more troublesome for us if even of them died... let's just take them back now before any more interferences come." The second gray cloaked man whispered, and now, more than obvious, everything was planned out by them.

The three youths couldn't move their bodies at all much less move their mouths to speak, but Lan Xueruo could barely manage to say,


"There's no point in trying to talk unless you want more pain than what you already have." The first gray cloak man said, and, with a flash of his Spatial Ring, he brought out special color ropes.

"You can start preparing the Spirit Forma-"

Whatever the first Gray cloak man was about to say got promptly cut off. Two indescribable auras locked on to them, creating an immense pressure that weighed their entire bodies.

Taozi, Yunfeng, and Tingzi all felt a mix of warmth and fear for the sudden approaching auras.

All the while, Lan Xueruo felt her soul yearning become even stronger. The anticipation inside builds up to even higher heights.

Even now, because of this sensation, she didn't panic much. It was like a small feeling was telling her, everything was going to turn out alright.



Like shards of broken glass, their gray Spirit barrier shatters like paper!

And like they were ghosts, the gray cloak men saw four grand noble youths standing in front of Lan Xueruo's team. All of them had stunning appearances, and their presence was majestic as words got caught in throats.

The most affected was Lan Xueruo, as she was enraptured by the magnificent sight of the blue-haired boy. Her soul frantically stirs in longing while she felt her body bloom to life.

She didn't know how to describe what she felt, but just being in this boy's presence brought about new feelings she never had before.

"So, just a peak True Profound realm guy and a fifth level Spiritual Xiantian one? An interesting combination." The blue hair boy, Luke, spoke in a soothing tone that sent ripples down Lan Xueruo's group mind and even the cloaked people's minds.

It was like his voice was a peaceful violin that you would want to hear over and over again.

"They don't look so tough...I can take on the True Profound realm one Luke!" The beautiful Lingxi said, getting everyone to notice her and the others aura.

Just one, fifth level True Profound realm, two-second levels ones, and one, fifth level Spiritual Xiantian?!

Yet, the unfathomable pressure the lowest levels one was exuding wasn't a joke at all as the two gray cloak men was sweating.

"Then, I will go against the Xiantian one." The stunning Qingyue said without a shred of nervousness.

"Is you Earthen friend not going to join us?" The terrifying Andrea had a far more sinister ominous tone in her voice that instantly sent shivers down everyone's spines except for Lan Xueruo.

Not answering her question it was only then did the cloaked men notice,

" can you stand in our toxins?!?"


Once the second cloak man said that, Luke unleashed more of his soul power to the point where blue lightning crackled out of him!

He gained his blue lightning aura, and instantly Lan Xueruo group felt the pain alleviate. Luke's lightning wrapped around them bringing the group warmth and pleasure, and up in front Luke said,

"It's simply because your toxins don't affect us."

"Tch! These two are more clever than I thought, as soon as they got here they set up a Spirit Barrier so I wouldn't escape. You two, quickly deal with the girls, I'll hold of these kids until then."

A third gray cloaked man suddenly appeared from the bushes next to them, feeling immensely wary of these newcomers.

When Luke's team got here, he and Andrea, even without the ghosts could sense the Earthen Core lying in the bushes. And once Luke sensed the danger to what his soul was yearning for, he knew he had to jump in.

Luke, even in his past life, wasn't a busy body or like to stick his nose in strangers' business. But being so close with the one who made his soul stir brought about an ultimate compelling force that he couldn't ignore.

Even Lingxi and Qingyue would've felt a small regret if they didn't step in and help Lan Xueruo. All the while, Andrea already could tell how this scene would play out.

"So you think you have a chance, huh...shall we show them?" The other three nodded to Andrea rhetorical question and,



The ground trembles instantly, the air swirl in a frenzy, and leaves blurred all around the four!

Luke, Andrea, Lingxi, and Qingyue all fully unleashed their powers from the start!

"Wha-wha-what the hell is going?!?"

All three of the cloak men shouted in fearful bewilderment as the four youths' power dramatically increase!

At first, when Luke and Andrea came, they only unleashed an aura to make the men feel threatened but not overly scared. And when Luke showed off his lightning aura, it was only too ease up the pain for Lan Xueruo's group.

Plus, the Spirit barrier they made was gray in color, so the Earthen Core man would show himself.

And now it was showtime.

The three men weren't the only ones in shock as Lan Xueruo's group couldn't believe the reality in front of them. Some group of kids probably their age has this unimaginable prowess far surpassing them??

What kind of sick dream was this?!

"Feeling scared now? Well then, that's too bad..." Andrea cruelly said as she and others stared into the fearful eyes of the three cloak men.

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