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Chapter 6: Chapter 2: The Goblin Village [Part 2]

As I laid there, my head lying comfortably on my paws while the sun began to sink beneath the horizon, I had once again begun to think about everything that's happened so far. Such as...coming into this world? It was honestly pretty rough, though I had managed to keep myself from bawling like an infant in front of everyone, it's not like I was cold enough to say that it didn't hurt at all. The pain of losing my old life, my home, family, and was slowly but surely eating away at me from the inside.

Not to mention basically becoming a pawn to a darn bird...the only reason why I didn't put my new body to use right then and there is because I knew she was stronger than me, bringing back someone from the dead as well as giving them a new body? It had to require some tremendous skill but...despite all of that, I didn't dislike this new life of mine. It allowed me to explore and take risks I've always dreamed about doing in a world like this and, with this new body of mine? Though I was a fan of staying grounded rather than flying here and yonder? I was confident that I would be able to hold my own, navigate this world and myself of this collar that marked me with the invisible words of 'Owned Pet'. But, until that day came, I would just have to simply keep my head up and smile just like I've always been known to do.

Once night had finally fallen over the village and I had gotten a feeling in my gut that it was now midnight, I had quickly gotten up from my spot, stretched a little before making my way over to the village's housing area.

'Young one, what in Balerion are you doing?' My collar suddenly vibrated, an annoyed sigh tempted to leave me.

"Helping out a village," I whispered.

"What else does it look like?"

'I know that this is too risky for you, you must forsake this deal you have made with the goblins. They are nothing but lowly monsters.' Ibis said before I narrowed my eyes.

"I'm not going to abandon them just because you think they're 'lowly'. That's not how I roll, besides, didn't you say that if I was ever in an extreme situation you would help me out?" I grumbled as I halted to a stop, taking a quick sniff at the air to make sure no one was spying on me especially the Elder.

'And didn't I say that if you ever objected to my wishes that there would be consequences?' She said with a screech as I one again halted in my steps, an annoyed sigh finally escaping me.

"If you're going to do something then do it, threats from a bird isn't going to stop me from doing the right thing," I said, the sight of the houses nearing making me pick up my pace.

' ...Expect something grave in the future young one, you will not have my help.' Ibis said finally before my collar stopped vibrating.

"L-Lady Eos!" Called out the goblin from earlier as he ran up towards me with a delighted expression plastered on his face, the doors to the ramshackle houses soon starting to open one by one as goblins started to pour out of them.

"Shh...remember the Elder don't like me too much." I whispered with a small smile, the goblin gasping a little before he whispered a small 'Sorry' to me.

"So, exactly who or what has been turning this village into a dump?" I asked.

"The Sabre-Wolves, every other night they mercilessly attack our village...leaving us with many wounded and even more dead. And the Elder does nothing about it!" Cried out a goblin woman as she wiped her tears with her dirty, faded apron.

"When was the last attack?"

"2 nights ago."

I narrowed my eyes and sighed.

'Then they're most likely going to attack tonight then.' I thought before a series of gasps erupted from the back of the crowd, the leader soon appearing at the front.

"Why are you here?" I huffed, the leader crossing his arms as he let out an annoyed sigh.

"I'm tired of listening to the old bastard, he's never cared about me nor anyone in this village...though I see you as nothing but a walking piece of nothing. I actually have some kind of faith in you." He said with a sigh, a grin crossing my features before I took a seat.

"Alright then everyone...exactly how do you expect me to take care of these Sabre-Wolves?"

The crowd began to murmur, did they seriously not think of an idea before I got here?!

"We-We don't know...their strength is not of this world! Please, Lady Eos...we'll follow with whatever plan you come up with, you're our last drop of hope!" The goblin said as he suddenly got onto his knees, all except the leader following suite.

'Not the kind to bow to anyone eh? I can agree with that.' I thought to myself, eyeing the leader for a moment before I turned my attention back to the crowd and let my tongue hang out of my mouth excitedly.

"Then I, Eos Theodoric, swear to rescue your village from these Sabre-Wolves and bring y'all back to a state of prosperity! No matter the cost!" I announced, my fear of being caught by the Elder flying out the window as my eagerness to help as well as my mind to rebel against Ibis starting to take over.

With the village having my sworn word that I would protect their village from the Sabre-Wolves and help their village go back to a prosperous state. I was lucky that the next day had come quicker than expected, leaving me to prepare the village for the attack that would happen tonight.

"Alright! Does the village have a main set of people who build houses and structures?" I asked, the goblin immediately shaking his head.

"N-No...we all simply help out where we are needed, my lady." He said before I let out a sigh, racking my brain for any idea on how I could prepare.

"Is there anyone around the village who knows how to build a decent wooden wall then?"

"Yes! Shall I go get them for you?" The goblin smiled, his words making me perk up a little before I quickly nodded.

"Yes! Tell em' that they need to fix up the wooden wall a bit!" I said before the goblin nodded his head and rushed off, leaving me to face the situation involving the fighting force.

"So, what's the plan dog?" The leader grumbled as he looked up towards me, my spit going cold as I looked over the village's so-called 'warriors'.

Absolutely useless...from pudgy bellies to clueless faces that looked like me when I wasn't prepared for something at school, to buckling knees that made them look as if they were going to pee themselves! Nothing about them remotely screamed fearsome warrior's not like I had any other choice, I had to work with what I had.

"Since y'all have suffered enough causalities, I want to make sure you guys are far away from the battle but still close enough to where you guys can fight." I barked, tapping my paw against the sandy ground before my ears suddenly perked at an idea.

"Can y'all shoot a bow?" I asked suddenly, the group of goblins nodding their heads slowly before I grinned.

"Alright then! Leader, you're going to train them up to where they are ready for the fight tonight. Even if their bones are aching, still train them." I ordered with a proud grin, the leader nodding his head before he rose a brow.

"Then what about you? Don't tell me you're going to watch from the sidelines merely licking yourself like a coward..." Grumbled the leader.

"I'm pretty capable when it comes to fire, trust me, I ain't missing anything!" I laughed before I walked away.

With my plans for the village's victory underway, I soon found myself standing in front of the unlit bonfire, the faint smell of the cooking wood from last night making me sigh and think of a possible victory feast.

Until...I suddenly caught a metallic scent wavering in the air from behind me.

"Huh- Oh! If it isn't the Elder? Finally came out to see what your village is capable of doing?" I snickered as I turned to face him, his grip tight on his cane while his eyes burned with all kinds of rage.

"How dare you give orders to my village you cursed creature?! You are not the Elder!" He roared suddenly, a few villagers halting in their places for a moment in fear.

"I don't need to be a darn Elder to help out people who obviously need help! If I don't help your village will go extinct!" I shrieked, the old man suddenly whacking me across the face with his cane, causing me to let out a yelp while he chuckled darkly but nonetheless madly.

"Didn't I tell you? You stupid beast...I warned you to be gone by now and yet you continued to stay!" The old laughed before he had looked around the village, continuing his cackling.

After letting the old geezer enjoy his few minutes of confidence, I had slowly turned my head to look back at him, a snarl starting to emit from me as I stalked over to him, my fangs slightly stuck out as I caught on fire.

"That should've been enough time for you to enjoy the taste of confidence for a little eh?" I said as I dared to take a few steps towards him, the scent of fear beginning to radiate off of him like a bad odor.

"Stay back!" He gulped as he attempted to swing his cane at me once more, the wooden thing simply burning at the very touch of my flames which finally caused him to fall onto his butt in fear.

"Y'know...I really do hate scumbags like you, thinking that just because they have an important title means that they can treat everyone else like crap. These people look up to you and have wished for you to do something about these attacks long before I got here!" I roared.

"But oh no, they had to come to a stupid dog like me, who doesn't have a single clue about how to lead to take of the job you constantly ignored. Look here old man...this village? You ain't its Elder anymore, the title of this village's leader goes to me now. Understood?" I said, ending my rant with a sickeningly sweet tone as the Elder gulped audibly but nonetheless nodded.

"Good, now announce it to your former village," I said, his hesitation making me sigh a little before I felt my paw start to heat up, causing me to let them hover over his eye.

"I suppose I could go for a nice barbeque-"

"Okay! Okay! Everyone this-this now your leader! Respect her! Now let me go you crazy dog!" The former Elder announced before he shouted at me, a smile crossing my features as I put my paw back down, allowing him to quickly get up and rush off into the forest.

"E-Eos...o-or should I call you Elder now?" I heard the darker green goblin say as he approached me nervously, my friendly smile returning to me as I wagged my tail and my flames died down.

"Ah...calling me Elder makes me sound like an old lady, just call me Eos and we'll be all good!" I laughed, the goblin giving me a slight smile before he had introduced me to the people who were supposed to be the builders.

As the sky slowly started to turn into a dark, moonless night, I had soon heard the distant sounds of howling causing me to narrow my eyes and immediately rush over to the village's entrance.

"Is everyone ready?" I asked the leader as he gave me a stiff nod, the sounds of the howling making the warriors immediately ready their bows as my body was immediately engulfed by flaming winds that reminded me of a scorching sandstorm.

"What sorcery-"

"It's complicated...just think of me as your average flaming dog." I sighed, looking down at the shocked leader for a moment before I turned my head back to the fields, the sight of dust rising in the distance along with dark silhouettes that smelled of metal beginning to appear making me hiss loudly.

And these Sabre-Wolves? They looked almost exactly how I imagined them to be, overgrown wolves with equally overgrown fangs and claws that looked as if they could slice me in two with ease! And though all of the wolves looked different from each other, some having brownish-red fur while others had fur that was like a ghost's, the only wolf that sent chills down my spine was the one that was bigger than all of them combined. From paws that could've been the size of boulders, sharp golden eyes that bore into my soul and threatened to rip it out, to fangs that were the color of tar. There was no doubt in my mind that he was the Alpha, the wolf I, a dog, was supposed to defeat.

"Ohohoho..." The Alpha chuckled darkly, the pack slowing to a walk before they stopped completely, drool dripping from the Alpha's jaws as he eyed me hungrily and bared his teeth.

"The goblins have finally decided to fight back! And...what's this? They've put their faith into a strange, dainty little pup." He snarled, his golden eyes only getting hungrier as I tried to swallow my fear.

I can't scare myself out of this by overthinking this.

"L-Listen here Sabre-Wolf! I'm giving you one chance and one chance only! You can either turn tail and run or you can die!" I barked, my flames getting even stronger before fire arrows soon appeared, some shooting at his paws threateningly. The Alpha snarled and took a step back, the long and silent look he gave his pack somehow making him chuckle.

"...You think me and my pack would dare run away from a pup?!" He snarled.

"You and your goblin friends will die tonight pup and with the power of your flesh...I shall become the god of this forest." The Alpha said before he threw his head back and let out a bone-chilling howl, his pack letting out howls of their own before they swiftly started to rush towards the village causing me to launch myself into the air and towards the Alpha.

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