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79.5% That time I got reincarnated as an abyssal Phoenix / Chapter 158: Chapter 35 Many, Many Interruptions Part 1

Chapter 158: Chapter 35 Many, Many Interruptions Part 1

(Here we go again I guess...) I sighed as I sat in the very familiar and overly crowded meaning room, in fact it was so crowded that some people had to stand outside and look in through the window.

"Now then, I'm sure you're already familiar but let me introduce him anyway" Rimuru smiled as he gestured towards the literal demon in the room

"This is Diablo, the one who saved me from certain death"

(When did that happen?) I asked myself but shrugged it off and continued listening.

"-pendable, I plan to put him to work as a new secretary and I'd like for you guys to treat him well" 

"Hey, it's the guy that failed to get in my way and stop me" I couldn't help but smirk somewhat in amusement when I noticed the black haired demon flinch at that.

"I can't apologize enough for that my dear lady, even though I was following orders at the time I am deeply ashamed that our first meeting ended so poorly" Diablo bowed slightly while trying his best to show his sincerity.

"Whatever, it's fine" I waved it off, mostly because I didn't care but also because he may have actually cried for my forgiveness if I didn't.

"An-anyway, teach him the ropes of the job for me Shion" Rimuru muttered while ignoring the somewhat strange interaction we had.

"Yes sir, as you wish"

"Oh and Gabiru"

"Sir!" The annoying lizard man in question quickly yelled as he abruptly stood up straight from his seat.

"As of today you are in charge of development, it's a temporary position but you'll be at the top of the ranks. I'm counting on you, so work hard" I have to admit, I've never actually seen Gabiru this excited before.

"I happily accept! I shall devote myself to this great and honorable task!" Gabiru's three cheerleader friends were yelling their praises and encouragement from behind the window.

"Before you continue dad" I said, stopping Rimuru from continuing.

"What's up?"

"Since Gabiru is now temporarily head of development and the people who are helping with my enhancement stuff are here as well, I might as well show this off now" I hummed, drawing the attention of everyone present.

With the whole room now looking at me with curiosity I opened up a small rift and reached inside. I ended up pulling out a cube of Purified Void Creep, purified because it had been altered like the stuff I used to create my magic absorbing drones, as well as several sheets of paper.

"Everything I know about it so far is written on the sheets of paper, so have fun reading that at your own convenience" I explained as I handed the pieces of paper out to Rimuru as well as a few others, as for the cube of Purified Void Creep I tossed it to Kaijin who caught it with ease.

"Is...where did you get this?" Rimuru asked as he read what was written on the piece of paper in his hand.

"From the abyss, pretty neat huh"

"If it works exactly how you have written here then it will be extraordinarily useful" Vesta muttered as he adjusted his glasses.

"You can ask Haruko about it later, he's a guy that I have in the abyss looking for new interesting things that could be useful down the road" mentioning that name caused all of the beastketeers to visibly cringe. They seemed to know exactly who I was talking about, which made sense considering it was Carrion that originally told me about him.

"There are new people inside of the abyss?" Zeref asked with some interest but didn't seem too surprised at all.

"New friends?!" Yin asked in an excited manner, causing me to smile.

"I'll fill you in later"

"For now though, back to the topic at hand" Rimuru nodded at that as everyone refocused on the meeting.

"Now then, I'd like to discuss our plans for the future. Youm and The Three Beastketeers, this involves you guys so please stick around and listen" Rimuru said and everyone nodded in understanding.

"I'm guessing you've got an idea?" Hero boy asked and Albis continued after him.

"And hopefully it have something to do with the rescue of lord Carrion" 

(Let see what you thought of this time...) was what I originally thought at the time, however what Rimuru said next made me want to facepalm.

"And so I chose to become a demon lord" I bet he thought that saying this would make himself sound cool or something but it just made him look more like an idiot in my opinion.

"We know" Shuna smiled, causing a confused look to appear on Rimuru's face.

"I think dad is suffering from short term memory loss, can we get a doctor in here?" I asked in a mocking tone.

"Shut up Suu! You know that's not what I meant at all!" Rimuru yelled while trying to hide his embarrassment.

"It's okay it's okay, I know you're freaking out but don't panic, after all this is perfectly normal for someone of your...experience" I grinned and he glared back at me in return.

"I'm not that old damn it!"

(Oh god...) I paused as a realization hit me.

(I really am like C-1 after all...I'm an annoying asshole!) Now that was a terrifying thought.

"What I meant was that I plan to tell the world that I'm a demon lord" Rimuru clarified, he was ignorant to the mind shattering revelation I was currently having.

"I understand, by announcing this to the world you plan to pick a fight with the other known demon Lords" Hakurou hummed while nodding slowly in understanding.

"Yes! That's exactly right"

(Wasn't that what we were planning to do anyway? I mean it's not like people wouldn't be able to figure it out given the massive amount of magicules that we had released when we both evolved into demon lords) I thought before shrugging it off without a care.

"But to be even more specific, we're picking a fight with Clayman" Rimuru said as if we didn't already know that we were planning on fighting that bastard.

(I've been thinking of all kinds of things that I would do if I got my hands on that fucking asshole and I'm going to enjoy using every single one of those ideas  to vent my frustrations upon him) I thought coldly.

"I get it now, you want to steal his demon lord seat for yourself" Benimaru spoke for the first time since the meeting had started.

"I don't really care about all of that if I'm being honest, however that motherfucker was the one that started all of this and I'm not merciful enough to let something like that go" my eyes were filled with a barely contained rage that threatened to leak out at any moment, a look that was mirrored in the eyes of Rimuru and everyone else here.


After that we spent some time going over our plans for the future. It took some time as we talked about how we would not only be dealing with Clayman and the rescue of demon lord Carrion but also how we would deal with the other kingdoms as well, the ones we assumed to be hostile to us anyway. Following this Rimuru began handing out orders to everyone systematically.

"Rigurd, handle the talks with the western nations" 

"Very well, I'm at your service lord Rimuru"

"Benimaru, gather the results of everyone's evolutions. If we want to make use of our forces against Clayman then it's vital that we know what our strengths are"

"Understood, leave it to me"

(I should do something like that at some point as well, it couldn't hurt to know what my subordinates are capable of in more detail) I mused in thought.

"Shion, interrogate the prisoners of war. Go and find out anything possible, every detail helps"

"Of course, it will be my pleasure"

"Why does Shion get the best job?" I said half jokingly and Rimuru just rolled his eyes at me in response.

"And try not to take it too far, okay?"

"I'll show some restraint" Shion smirked with an evil look on her face.

"Zeref, feel free to go and help her if you want to." I added and Zeref simply nodded in response.

(I could just mind control them but where exactly is the fun in that) I thought with a slight chuckle.

"I sure hope so...Youm and Mjurran" the moment he finished speaking to Shion he continued.


"Go with her too, see what information you can find on the status of Falmuth, as much as you can" 

"You can count on me master, it's gonna be my kingdom after all" Youm was finally acting like someone that had the real intention of taking over a kingdom.

"Suu" I wasn't expecting Rimuru to turn to me next so I was a little taken off guard but it didn't show on my face.


"You said you had a plan for those prisoners you mind controlled right?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yeah, I was planning to find out what they knew before attempting to send them back to whoever it was that sent them here to act as spies for us" I explained my plan once more.

"Okay then, once Shion has gotten all the information that we can from them, see if you can get that ball rolling"

"Got it" I muttered before remembering something.

"Hey hero boy, take this with you" I said as I tossed Youm a strange glowing bracelet.

"What is it?" He asked as he examined the thing.

"It's something that I created for situations just like this, it's basically a lie detector"

"Thank you miss"

"I also have a task for the three beastketeers, if you guys don-" Rimuru was about to continue but I suddenly interrupted him.

"We have a visitor..."

"Huh?" This was all he got out before the door of the meeting room burst open revealing a somewhat familiar figure.

"Rimuru! I got here as quickly as I could" 

"Fuze?" Rimuru was a little startled by the sudden interruption but quickly recovered.

"There were so many dead in the city, how could those Falmuth bastards be so cruel?!" Fuze yelled with both disgust and rage clear on his face.

(You know I'm actually starting to like this guy) I thought with a smile.

"It's not much but I managed to bring fifty fully armed soldiers with me" before Fuze could ramble on any further I decided to just tell him.

"Their all dead"

"Falmuth's main army doesn't seem to have arrived yet so...wait, what did you just say?" He abruptly stopped and looked at me confused.

"The Falmuth army that you're so worried about, they're all dead. Me and dad wiped them all out in the span of an hour or two" I explained, causing his jaw to hit the floor.


"Dad slaughtered one half and I did the same to the other, it was very satisfying if I'm being honest" I explained and Rimuru shook his head with a sigh.

"You didn't have to tell him so bluntly like that Suu"

"What? He would have found out eventually anyway" I shrugged, getting an annoyed glare in return.

"Wh-what do you...what?" 

"Yeah, I get how you feel" Youm said as he got up and put a hand on Fuze's shoulder.

"Why don't you go and relax in the hot springs for a bit, okay?"

" the soldiers to the inn and tell them to rest up, they came all this way to help us after all" Rimuru muttered awkwardly.

"Alright, come on let's go" Youm said but Fuze refused.

"Wait, I have more questions for Rimuru" Fuze tried to protest but quickly stopped after hearing what came next.

"There are more visitors..."  both me and Rimuru said at the same time.

"Besides us?" The surprised human asked looking at Rimuru for confirmation.

"That's right"

(Why do I have the feeling this is going to happen a lot today? Oh whatever...)

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