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57.5% That time I got reincarnated as an abyssal Phoenix / Chapter 114: Chapter 55 Broken Seal

Chapter 114: Chapter 55 Broken Seal

(A/N. Two things. I'm fucking hot! What I mean by that is rather simple, I have bloody heat stroke right now and I hate it so much. I hate the heat. Second, my favourite character ever is finally in this chapter, yay. I personally think they are hilarious but that's my opinion and I'm curious to know what you think)

==========3rd person pov==========

In the air, floating above a burning fortress where vicious, desperate fighting could be heard echoing out from the streets and buildings below a figure hovered. This figure was obviously Suu, her Judgement form lit up the sky like a beacon of holy light as her six wing flapped behind her sending sparks of gold and white flames to the ground below.

"{At first I was planning on just destroying the fortress but there is no point in me doing that}" Suu hummed as rings of blinding gold and white light shot out from her body like the rippling of water.

Most who could actually see the massive rings new that they were rather special to say the least. Reality itself seemed to almost warp around them, it was as if reality didn't want to even touch them, this resulted in a rather beautiful and mysterious effect making the rings look as if they were surrounded by glistening starlight. And that was when the first ring slammed into the barrier, however, the surprised look on Suu's face when the barrier almost instantly shattered into thousand of glass like pieces made it clear that she definitely wasn't expecting it to be that powerful. In fact, the moment she realized just how powerful her attacks were she quickly pulled all of the rings back to her because she didn't want to accidentally destroy something important.

(That was...just how powerful are you?) Suu muttered internally while rubbing the back of her head

{Maybe one day you will find out} Suu simply shook her head in annoyance at that.


Unbeknownst to Suu however, in the split second that it had taken for her to retract all of the rings several people around the world had sensed them and that also meant that they had managed to sense her, thankfully it was only for the slightest moment but they still took notice. With the barrier now gone and out of the way it would be stupid to think that no one wouldn't be able to sense her considering the amount of power she had just released. Of course Suu didn't know that, fortunately for Suu though the few individuals that actually had managed to feel her were either far to busy to investigate or just didn't care to look into it, however, some did take note of this odd energy they felt all of a sudden.

"{Still though...that...that was...}"

"{God...I am tired}" Suu groaned to herself, it was then that she noticed the flames covering her body beginning to fade away.


{You should probably land befor-} Joy tried to say but was interrupted when Suu's wings suddenly vanished causing her to plummet downwards.

{Before that} Joy said in her usual monotone sounding voice but with a slight hint of amusement behind it this time.

(What's...happening?) I groggily asked while shaking my head in hopes of getting rid of the exhaustion I was feeling.

{To put it simply, your body is exhausted and you have nearly ran out of magicules}

(What abou-) I tried to respond but got cut off.

{We're out of time, we will have to finish our previous conversation at a later date so try and keep your cool until then, after all, I'd rather not do you go completely insane} Joy's voice faded from my mind as I crashed through the roof of the fortress.

=============Suu pov============

"If I could feel pain that would have hurt like hell" I hissed to myself as I stumbled to my feet.

(Still though, once this is all finally over I need a vacation to process all the shit I've had to deal with today) I sigh as I rubbed my forehead as I felt a headache coming on.

"I should probably get going bac-huh?" I stopped myself as I noticed the door to the room that I had fell into start to creak open.

"Oh shit..." I muttered as about thirty or so infected pulled there mangled and broken bodies into the room slowly making their way over to me.

The reason why I was panicking a little was simple, there was a reason why I had trapped these things in that box all those days ago. When I had created them I didn't have any fucking idea what I was doing at the time and ended up creating a mindless monstrosity that was very similar to Abomination, I still remember my first creation, even if I never met to create it I still felt bad about having to kill it at the time. Sadly just like Abomination I couldn't communicate with the infected at all let alone control them in any meaningful way.

Normally I would be able to deal with them rather easily. What it is that makes them dangerous is they're frankly overwhelming numbers as well as their ability to adapt and evolve to fight different threats, however, I could still stop them without much issue. The problem is that I'm currently almost completely out of magicules, I'm exhausted physically and mentally, and I'm just one hundreds percent done with all this bulshit. So when this small army of twisted amalgamations of flesh and bones finally decide to charge and are just about to jump at me I'm rather thankful when I hear this from above me.

"RRRRROOOOAAAAAARRRRRRR" Shinkusho roared in rage as he crashed down from the ceiling before wrapping his absurdly long body around me while incinerating everything in the room with the intense flames that poured out from his mouth like a hungry wave.

"Horrid creatures, know your place!" He growled in obvious disdain and disgust.

"Are you alright my Creator?" He asked when he noticed the rather weakened state I was currently in.

"Thanks for the help and yeah, I'm fine" I yawned as I stretched out my body.

"Why are you here?" I asked confused.

"Miss Fuyuko sent me and some others ahead, we had assumed that you had managed to kill the Sixth when all of the puppets abruptly began to attack the cultist around them" Shinkusho explained Calmly while glaring directly at the door where the infected had come from previously.

"They what?" Now that took me by surprise.

"From what I can guess, it would seem that the moment that you killed the Sixth all of the souls that are inside of the Puppets were freed from their shackles and are now attacking anything that even remotely looks like a cultist, they are incredibly angry which is understandable"

(I guess that makes sense, still though, there is one last thing I need to do before I can pass out from exhaustion) I thought to myself as I walked forward, Shinkusho let me pass without a word.

"Shinkusho" I paused and said without looking back at the massive black and white dragon.


"Kill every enemy in the fortress, infected and cultist alike, let's put an end to this stupid war already" I said coldly getting a simple response in return.


With that I left and so did Shinkusho. I made my way through the hallways back towards the area where the light spirits were being kept. I wasn't expecting to find Bels, Pinky and their little group on the way towards my destination though. Apparently, while I was talking to Shinkusho they were already freeing the Greater light spirits from their imprisonment. The dozen or so light spirits that were with them tried to thank me for saving them but I just told them to get out of the fortress and find somewhere safe. I couldn't go with them though, after all, from what they told me the seal was about to break at any minute, the amount of damage done to it has gotten to the point that whatever it is that was inside of it was starting to break free on it's own. It didn't take long for me to get there and as I move forward my strength started to return to me, however, once I actually manged to enter that damn place I was taken aback at what I found slowly leaking out of the seal that was in the centre of the rather large room.

"I don't know what I was expecting...I really don't...but this, this was definitely not what I was expecting at all" I muttered to myself as I looked at what seemed to be a mass of liquid silver metal in a large vaguely humanoid shape that was covered in black eyes, these eyes were completely jam packed with hundreds of glowing white irises of different shapes.

"Why hello there"

"Well aren't you just the cutest little thing"

"Hello deary, care for a cup of tea" as this thing spoke it's voice and personality seem to constantly change. One second it sounded like a male with a calm and calculating personality and the next second it was a nice old lady.

"Who... no, what are you?" I asked taking a step back as it towered over me.

"Hehehe, that's a silly question"

"Woof woof woof"

"We are just we, their is nothing else to it"

"I'm a duck with no eyes, a man with no leg, a tree that's secretly a rock, a gay angel with no lip, a demon with no friends and a fish with no fucks left to give!"

"Who are you?" One of the many voices asked while creepily tilting it's head to the side as all the irises looked at me at once.

".....Errrrm" I'm gonna be honest, I had no idea how to respond to this thing.

"Hey come on now, it would be very rude not to introduce yourself after we already have" that wasn't really true but I didn't comment.

"Hehehe, go on then, you don't have to be scared of us"

"Yeah, just tell us who you are..."


"What..... what the fuc-"

"""LANGUAGE!!!""" All the voices yelled at once.

"There are children here after all"

"Wait, but he just said fuck and as-"


"Make you a delicious pie, hehehe"

"I...I just...what?!"

(A/N. They are beautiful)

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