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29.5% That time I got reincarnated as an abyssal Phoenix / Chapter 58: Chapter 14 The War Begins Part 3

Chapter 58: Chapter 14 The War Begins Part 3

"Now then let me introduce myself properly.... or should I be saying ourselves, hahahaha"

I couldn't help but let out a low growl of annoyance as I looked at the strange mannequin like Puppet that stood directly in front of me. I wouldn't admit it but the dark blue aura that they were letting out that seemed to freeze everything that it touched was a little impressive, not that it was anywhere as strong as my own. I was thankful that I could actually see him now thanks to the fact that the chaos of the room had died down quite a lot, this was obviously because we had both now stopped fuelling our respected elements.

"I sadly cannot give you our true name because we have long forgotten it but you may call us-" the happy half tried to say something but got cut off.

"Why are you even bothering with this? Just hurry up and fight her already" the sad half said.

"Would you please be quiet already, just sit there like a good little depressed asshole and let me have my fu-"

"Yeah.... you know what, I actually agree with Mr depressing over there, even though I do hate to admit it. Oh and like I've already said before, I don't give a single shit what your name is as it doesn't matter at all to me" I said cutting him off again.

"Come don't be like that you little bird bitch, I'm just here to have a little fun, is that so wrong"

"First off, I don't know what your trying to hint at by calling me 'little bird' but I don't care what so ever. After all, if you really know what I am and yet you barely did anything to prepare for my arrival then well... that just proves how much of an idiot you truly are" I could tell he was about to say something back but I continued.

"And secondly, I'm not here to help you get your bloody rocks off, I'm here to wage a war. This is not a fucking game that we're playing together, no this is a battle field so stop acting like a damn child and fight me already. Oh, and if you don't even have the balls to do that then get the hell out of my way. Also I already know everything I need to know about you and anything more is just useless information that has no value to me" I hissed at him while letting my aura pour out of my body in it's full entirety.

"And what exactly do you know about me?" He asked with far more hostility in his voice then before.

(Guess I hit a nerve huh) I thought.

"From what I can tell your probably an over confident asshole who is also completely drunk on his own power. If I'm right about that then your not like the other souls the cultist have captured, no, if I'm right then that would mean that you probably went out of your way to helped them with killing your own people in exchange for power"

"The only reason why you would do something like this that I can think of right now is actually pretty simple, you were probably too much of a spineless coward to do anything else"

"Oh and I almost forgot about the last and most important part. That other side of you, you know your other more depressing half. It's definitely not a living being as there is only one soul inside your body, I also doubt that it's even a split personality. No, no it's a leash or something a long those lines"

"It's probably something that the Cultists put inside you to make sure that you're doing what they tell you to do. You know, like a leash that helps them control there obedient little doggy" I said that last part with a large smirk knowing that I was probably right.

"I do what I wan-" the happy half tried to interrupt me but I ignored him.

"Even if it gives you a lot of free rain to do what you want it is still a leash, no matter how much you try and deny it. So it's very easy for me to see what you truly are, your just an obedient pet that does what his masters order him to do" I said as I analysed him and from the pissed off look in his eye I was dead right. I was always some what good at reading people like this, I guess that's a perk of being raised by a sadistic fuck.

"You know what.... I'm really going to enjoy slowly skinning you alive, so please scream for me you smart ass little bitch" his voice had now become very low and dark while also being filled with killing Intent. Of course my Emotional state sub skill was helping to piss him off even more as well.

(It would seem that he finally decided to drop his nice guy act)

I also noticed that the ice had quickly started to cover the room once again at an accelerated rate. The room was also becoming even colder then it had been before but I simply ignored it.

"Awww, is the little pet angry, don't worry I'm sure master will give you a tasty treat later" I said while smiling smugly which only angered him more.

In a split second his eyes flashed with a cold rage as he shot towards me at surprising speeds. As he got closer he began to sink in to the ground or more specifically the ice that covered it. He then quickly reappeared from with in the ceiling above me, I instantly sensed his location because he wasn't even trying to hide his aura any longer.

Looking up I saw that he was falling head first towards me, his long sickle like claws covered in ice that only seemed to make them sharper. After a moment he slashed his claws in front of him sending out several ice blades towards me. I also noticed that both his and the sad half's eyes flash dark blue for a moment as more ice spikes shot out from all over the room towards me.

I think he was expecting me to dodge out of the way but I didn't. Instead black flames shot out from all over my body again blocking all the spikes, I then raise my left hand and fired out a stream of Corrosive poison destroying all the ice blades that he had sent my way. I then to his surprise stopped making flames from my body before jumping straight up towards him, I actually ended up breaking a large section of the ground with that single jump.

In a split second I pulled out Blue ash and transformed it in to a Katana that had a blue blade and silver dragon skull as a guard. I then attacked him with it, do note that this all happened in about a single second so he didn't really have any time to react when I cut a large diagonal hole in his torso. He was however, able to block my second attack and use me as a literal jumping pad to re-enter the ceiling.

I then fell to the ground landing perfectly on my feet, however, feeling the ground below me start to shift and change slightly I quickly moved out of the way. I was just in time as well because not even a second later did several hundred long arms made of ice shoot out of the ground and try to grab me. Thankfully I still had Blue ash in hand so I was able to dodge most of them while cutting apart the ones that got too close to me.

Unfortunately for me it was at this exact moment that ice boy decided to fuck with me some more. Suddenly several ice spikes came out from the wall behind me and ripped in to my back.

"Hahahaha, take that you fucking slu-"

However, before he could even finish his sentence my body rippled and vanished in to nothingness. Not even a moment later did several arrows made of magic slam in to the pillar that he was inside of before instantly exploding. The arrows just so happened to destroy the part were his right arm was seemingly destroying it completely along with the ice around it.

"Damn it, how the fuck did she know where I was?"

"It doesn't matter just kill her alrea-"

"Would you just shut the hell up already and let me do my damn job" he yelled as his body exited out from within side the pillar of ice.

Of course as soon as he left the pillar that he had been inside of I was there to greet him, well sort of. Activating my Mind illusion sub skill again I created several clones of myself that I sent running at him. They were all met with a wall of ice spikes as soon as he touched the ground but that was all the time I needed.

"Ooooh great, of course she can actually make fucking illusions" he said with frustration.


"Huh? Oh you have got to be kidding me!" He yelled as a massive white beam of pure magic was fired right towards him.

The beam continued forward vaporizing everything in front of it, even the walls of the castle were vaporized with out any effort. Eventually after a second I heard a massive explosion some were out side of the castle. I had used both my MCC skill alongside my Damage absorption skill to create that beam.

"Did I get him?"


"Damn it!" I hissed as I sensed him reappear behind me.

"Got you this time" both of them said in a sinister voice.

I watched as his ice coated claws that were also being enhanced by magic, I knew this because they were glowing a dark ominous blue. Anyway, those claws were currently heading right for my head. I knew very well I wouldn't be able to dodge it in time so I braced myself for the attack... but surprisingly it never came.


To our surprise the claws were suddenly blocked by a mass of black smoke that was in the shape of a large sword. Before the happy half or the sad half could even think of dodging out of the way they were sent flying into the wall with a loud boom completely destroying most of the ice in that area.

After a second of confusion they finally got up to their feet only to be met with a pair of pissed off looking ethereal dark blue eyes. Before they could do anything the figure that those eyes belong to threw their sword at them, the sword ended up piercing their abdomen pinning them to the wall. It was then when I finally recognised the person in front of me, it was the dragon headed Abyssal living armour.

Before I could say anything the Living armour created another sword while quickly moving closer. I noticed that several ice spikes shot out of the ground and walls towards him but I stopped them with a wall of Abyssal flames. However, some did get through so I quickly destroyed them with lightning and even melted them with several of my basilisk venom grenades or Corrosive poison grenades as I had swapped Zeref's poison with mine.

As soon as he got close enough he quickly cut the bastards legs off. I also use my flames to cover the wall stopping the twat from escaping through the ice again, surprisingly ice boy wasn't harmed at all by the flames that were surrounding him. Seconds later the Living armour cut off their last arm with out very much effort as they had seemingly stop trying to fight back at this point.

"Creator, are you well?" The Living armour asked as he took a step away from the now limbless enemy.

"What are you doing here?" I asked while looking at him in confusion.

"The battle out side is almost won, as such I decided that it would be best to come inside so I may be of help to you.... but I was not expecting to find someone with the balls to try and kill our creator" he said the last part with surprising hatred in his voice while the smoke coming out of his body began to move more violently.

"Thanks but I think it's over now" I said as I looked at my enemy who was currently glaring at me still pinned to the wall.

"Allow me to finish him off for you creator"

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, don't you understand yet, I am immortal, I'll come back in a new body no matter how many times you kill me" the psycho said as he laughed like a madman.

(My dad may have actually let him live..... but I'm not my dad) I thought coldly.

"No, no you won't" I said as I activated Bottomless void and devoured him whole along with the sword that was pinning him. I then quickly stole some of his skills before turning his body and his soul in to magicules.

[Congratulations, you have gained the skill Ice manipulation]

[Congratulations, you have gained the skill Ice phasing]

[Ice phasing. (This skill allows the user to enter and move through ice, the user can even teleport from a section of ice to another as long as it as with in the users field of vision)]

[Congratulations, you have gained the skill Frost]

[Frost. (This skill allows the user to freeze the surrounding area while also drastically dropping the temperature)]

[Congratulations, your skill Pain resistance has been swapped with the skill Pain nullification]

[Congratulations, your skill Cold resistance has been swapped with the skill Cold nullification]

[Congratulations, your skill Heat immunity has been swapped with the skill Heat nullification]

[Congratulations, your skills Heat nullification and Cold nullification have fused into Thermal fluctuation nullification]

"Sigh, thanks for the help" I said after a second.

"It was no problem my creator" he said with a small bow.

(I feel kind of bad taking all the skills when he did help me out, hmmmm) I thought to myself as I pulled his sword out of the Bottomless void skill and handed it back to him.

(Oh, I know)

"Well I was going to do this after the mission was over but I might as well do it now" I said with a smile as he looked at me with a slightly confused expression.

"From this day onward, you shall be known as...."


(A/N. I know right, not the most creative name but it's the best I could think of right now)

At that very moment a violent red and black energy surrounded his whole body. The energy seem to crackle and ripple chaotically almost like lightning.

"Now then, arise and awaken..... my crimson knight"

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