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79.16% POKEMON: Guardian Heart / Chapter 17: Gift?

Chapter 17: Gift?


Drip Drop

the Rain continued to pour drenching the surrounding area.

The sky started to clear and the storm started to pass. Clouds started to fade and sweet scent could be smelled in the area.

Meanwhile, Lan was laying at the top of the cliff in a pool of his own blood with lightning still materializing off of his body. The lightning did not seem like two different colors like it had previously because this time as it seemed to fuse and create sparks of lightning that had a blue silver hue.

High Up in the sky, a large rainbow-colored bird flew above the now receding clouds. It peered down to the ground and its gaze made all the Pokemon cower in fear from the pressure it exerted. Its eye caught sight of the mountain top and the young boy who's breathing was faintly threatening to stop at any moment. It then felt an intense fluctuation of this body's aura, in addition, there was a pure emotional aura coming from a trainer and its Pikachu down in the forest. Closing its eyes it flew above the two humans.


is screamed as it flew away into the setting sun.

When it had left two glittering feathers floated down towards the two trainers. One landed on a boy with black hair and a red cap and the other floated to Lan's body.

When the feather made contact with Lan it seemed to become ethereal and sink into Lan's chest.


2 Days quickly passed and Lan's eyes shot open.

He quickly patted himself all over and screamed



He kept on laughing which eventually turned into violent choking and coughing fit from the pungent smell around him. When he finally composed himself and sat up, he looked at his surroundings. He currently was in a crater on the cliff and it was filled with dried blood and black sludge that seemed to be attached to his skin.



He reached out his hand to see what it was and realized his body was covered with it.


Lan smelled it and faintly recalled the cultivation manual saying at the higher stages of cultivation when he becomes an Aura Master, various impurities where expelled from the body.

Lan didn't think too much about that at this point and ran to his bag as he was starving. When he got there he took out his Pokeball and released Cyndaquill who immediately cried for not being let out for a long time. Lan sighed and reassured it that everything is fine. He then put him on his shoulder and grabbed his bag and headed down to the lake.

He immedietly jumped into the water and scrubbed himself free of all of the gunk.

Lan smiled at his reflection in the water. He seemed to become more handsome his hair was much silkier and his body became more defined. His scars faded a bit but not much. But what intrigued him the most was that his eyes became sharper and clearer. If one would look closely one could see silverish flashes in the back of his eyes.

"Haha, Ladies Watch Out!"

Cyndaquill and Magicarp sweatdropped at their master's narcissism.

Lan "JK, but we never know now that Alice isn't around. Sigh the life of a Loner"

Once he made his way out of the lake and dried off he got almost all of his food out of his bag and gave both of his Pokemon portions of their Pokefood. All of Lan's personal food was easily finished off in a matter of minutes.

Lan sighed as he would have to restock at a city soon. He still wanted to test some things out. He looked inside himself and felt the power of his Aura. He recognized that he had broken through 100 Cycles into the second rank of Aura users. But what was weird was that his Aura only increased by about 3 times in quantity compared to before but he felt his Aura was approximately 5 times denser than it should be.

He continued to internally examine himself [ Cultivator Self Sight to see insider their body and the pathways to rotate their energy]. In his heart where he had previously noted where his aura originated was a translucent feather surrounded by a blue flame sparking silver-blue lightning. He was stunned and felt the pressure from the flame.

Lan sighed and tried to remember if this was part of his cultivation manual. Eventually, he found that it was not mentioned in his manual and gave up. "


Damn this might be a blessing or a curse. Now I am going to have to be more careful because nothing is going to be the same as the manual from here on out.

I need to get a real plan together. Most importantly I need to train my team, then I need to get food, make it to Pewter and Find information on that stuff.

I have too much to do but right now I will focus on training Cyndaquill and Magicarp"

Lan then went over to his Pokemon that had just finished their meal. Lan gently smiled at them and his Pokemon felt a cold shiver because they knew what was coming.

"Okay, guys our task for today is pretty simple. To get you stronger physically and have more control in your movements.

Magicarp... you will swim at your fastest speed for as long as you can. After you feel you can not swim anymore you need to stop and start tackling the boulders next to the lake. This is to strengthen your body. I will heal you after each round but make sure to expend all of your energy. When your body is out of energy it is the best time to practice control as this is the time where moves become the sloppiest. Magicarp needs to increase the toughness and durability of its body. I want both of you to be the strongest Magicarp and Cyndaquill out there.

Cyndaquill and Magaicarp nodded in understanding.

Now Cyndaquill I want you to continuously use Quick Attack to run around the lake. When your stamina runs out practice scratch on the nearby trees to strengthen your claws. You can alternated it with smokescreen in order to get your lungs stronger. I know you are on the cusp of learning ember but we will train in that a little later."

The two pokemon nodded and immediately started to train how Lan told them. After every session, Lan healed them and made his Pokemon rest.


The day quickly passed by and Lan could see that they both were making great progress. Magicarp endurance was increasing and its scales were becoming harder. " I think he just needs some more nutrition to help him grow." Lan gathered some herbs and started to mix it in his food.

Cyndaquill showed the biggest improvement due to his unwavering determination. His endurance rapidly grew and he could use quick attack longer periods of time. His claws were getting sharper and his moves more fluid in chaining together. He learned ember while increasing the amount of smoke produced when using Smoke Screen. He seemed to move a lot faster than other pokemon as his normal running pace seemed to be about half as fast as his quick attack which had also gotten faster. Cyndaquill also stumbled on learning the move Double team when using his speed to his advantage.

Lan was excited to see them grow. He knew that for this time he could not use Noibat or Z in his team. It might even be for the whole time in Kanto so he needed to think about possible Pokemon that might fit well as a team.

He kind of knew what he wanted but making it happen was easier said than done.

He made up his mind that he needed a Pokemon that could use some powder moves which could help him and his team tremendously in group fights.

"This leaves me with three options Oddish which involves into a Vilaplume, Caterpie which evolves into the Bug and Flying Butterfree and Lastly a Bulbasaur or Chikorita.

The most reasonable option would be an Oddish or a strong Caterpie but both of them come with their own drawbacks. "I would need to find a leaf stone for Oddish once it evolves and quality ones cost a lot of money. Butterfree grows quickly but it is very hard to find a Caterpie with good potential.


If Royal Starters of the regions were not regulated by the Leauge it might be easier but in the wild, the two are just too rare and would be hard to track down. I could see if they had any on the Blackmarket but that also might bring me more problems."

Oh well, we will see but I might as well slowly explore the Forrest to search for items I could sell and gain some money."

Lan slowly muttered to himself as his Pokemon were now resting from their work out "I also have some ideas for the other members of my team but I don't need to think about them right now. I should focus on the Pokemon I have. Quality over Quantity."

Did Oak actually signed me up for the League? or not? I guess I should figure that out here pretty soon because I could use the discounts when I shop but I don't know how I feel about making my whole journey just about the badges. But it could also give my Pokemon some much-needed battles."

Lan sighed and look up into the sky.

"Well, I can't dwell on it time for the team to get some good battle experience. Next stop Viridian Forrest then Pewter."



Name: Cyndaquill

Sex: Male

Age: 1 Year

Type: Fire

Status: Healthy


Moves: Tackle, Leer, Smokescreen, Ember, Double Team and Quick Attack



Name: Magicarp (VARIANT)

Sex: Male

Age: 6 Months

Type: Water

Status: Healthy

Evolution: 94%

Moves: Splash, Tackle, Flail



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