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100% Psionic Mage / Next Stop, Death?
Psionic Mage Psionic Mage original

Psionic Mage

Author: Eric_Kalberg

© WebNovel

Next Stop, Death?

I never believed in reincarnation or thought that transmigration was possible. I mean I read a lot of books on the subject as it was and is still my favorite genre of fantasy books, but still, just books. That was until one day I decided to take a walk. I am plagued by an unfortunate and very serious occasional bout of boredom-itis. Real medical self diagnosis I swear, I went to the University of YouTwitFace. Real impressive credentials I know. Anyways, as I was saying, I decided to go take a walk around. I live or should I say "lived" in the middle of decent sized city in Northwestern United States. Nothing fancy, just an affordable 1 bed 1 bath, perfect for a single guy like me. Shoot.... Always did wonder if I would die alone... Sigh. I like to go on these walks because it gives my body something to do and allows my mind to wander, and sometimes I will even come across something interesting. My mind mostly wanders into machine design and inventing. I LOVE science. Especially the sciences that govern machines and technology. I "was" a 27 year old student named Ben working towards a bachelors degree in mechanical engineering with a minor in computer science. Oh cool! I wont have to pay off all those student loans!

I have a very analytical, creative, and imaginative mind. This causes me to almost literally get lost in my own head. Bike coming towards me? Nope, sorry. I'm too busy running a simulation of an invention I've been diagnosing. What? A drunk driver is headed straight towards me? If I move now I'll be fine? Nope. Sorry. The clueless inventor you have dialled is currently out of service. Please check your directory and try again. That's, well, that's how I died. I know right? Pretty cleche. Hmmmm.... I wonder if I qualify for the Darwin award. Not sure it's stupid enough. I do think it would be pretty funny to have a trophy on my gravestone though. "Almost" Darwin award. Better luck next time!" After that, fade to black.That's pretty much it for my back story on who I am and how I died. Well, at least for the first part of my life.

Eric_Kalberg Eric_Kalberg

Please feel free to give thoughts on paragraph structure. Always loved this genre, thought I would try my hand at it. Hope you like!

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